• ‘1 in a Billion’ Chance #COVID Emerged From #Nature, Scientist Tells Lawmakers - The #COVID19 lab-leak theory — far from being a myth or #conspiracytheory — is supported by a “preponderance of evidence” U.S. senators today acknowledged in a bipartisan hearing. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-origins-congress-hearing-wuhan-lab-leak/
    ‘1 in a Billion’ Chance #COVID Emerged From #Nature, Scientist Tells Lawmakers - The #COVID19 lab-leak theory — far from being a myth or #conspiracytheory — is supported by a “preponderance of evidence” U.S. senators today acknowledged in a bipartisan hearing. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-origins-congress-hearing-wuhan-lab-leak/
    ‘1 in a Billion’ Chance COVID Emerged From Nature, Scientist Tells Lawmakers
    The COVID-19 lab-leak theory — far from being a myth or conspiracy theory — is supported by a “preponderance of evidence” U.S. senators today acknowledged in a bipartisan hearing.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 607 Views
  • It’s Not A #ConspiracyTheory, Never Has Been - For years, those who have researched #Agenda21 and #Agenda2030 have tried to warn everyone about the dangers it poses. At least now it is being fully exposed as the truth. - https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/its-not-a-conspiracy-never-has-been/
    It’s Not A #ConspiracyTheory, Never Has Been - For years, those who have researched #Agenda21 and #Agenda2030 have tried to warn everyone about the dangers it poses. At least now it is being fully exposed as the truth. - https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/its-not-a-conspiracy-never-has-been/
    It's Not A Conspiracy Theory, Never Has Been » Sons of Liberty Media
    For years, those who have researched Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 have tried to warn everyone about the dangers it poses. At least now it is being fully exposed as the truth. America has been financially drained for decades to implement these agendas, and will continue to be raped for attaining the goals listed in …
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 519 Views
  • https://world-signals.com/news/2022/10/01/conspiracy-theory-will-be-taught-in-uk-schools/
    #news #politics #unitedkingdom #school #education #conspiracy #conspiracytheory
    https://world-signals.com/news/2022/10/01/conspiracy-theory-will-be-taught-in-uk-schools/ #news #politics #unitedkingdom #school #education #conspiracy #conspiracytheory
    Conspiracy theory will be taught in UK schools
    The UK government's counter-terrorism program Prevent has handed out an educational leaflet about conspiracy theories to school principals. Training provided
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 852 Views
  • Don't Know About You, But I Sure Am Relieved After Finding This Out - The UN is Assuring Us That Our Planet is Not Being Secretly Manipulated by the Global Elite

    The UN has declared war on conspiracy theories. They also warn us that George Soros, the Rothschilds and the State of Israel must not be linked to any "alleged conspiracies". https://bit.ly/3SF4POJ

    Plus, they want you to report these foolish people and post a link to a "fact checking" website.

    And, for pity's sake, do not get into an argument with these conspiracy theorists!

    Report them to social media companies
    Contact your local/national press council or press ombudsman.

    Real conspiracies do exist the UN admits, but only if it's "unearthed by the media".

    Whew, glad the UN cleared that bit of worry up!

    Now, I can rest assured that our governments, media and political elite only have our best interests in mind - totally!

    Thanks UN!

    BTW, can you provide a list of the approved Satanic Ritual Temples in my area?

    Just in case I want to adopt the same religion as you to be fully on your side and all.

    #un #conspiracy #conspiracytheory #soros
    Don't Know About You, But I Sure Am Relieved After Finding This Out - The UN is Assuring Us That Our Planet is Not Being Secretly Manipulated by the Global Elite The UN has declared war on conspiracy theories. They also warn us that George Soros, the Rothschilds and the State of Israel must not be linked to any "alleged conspiracies". https://bit.ly/3SF4POJ Plus, they want you to report these foolish people and post a link to a "fact checking" website. And, for pity's sake, do not get into an argument with these conspiracy theorists! Instead: Report them to social media companies Contact your local/national press council or press ombudsman. Real conspiracies do exist the UN admits, but only if it's "unearthed by the media". Whew, glad the UN cleared that bit of worry up! Now, I can rest assured that our governments, media and political elite only have our best interests in mind - totally! Thanks UN! BTW, can you provide a list of the approved Satanic Ritual Temples in my area? Just in case I want to adopt the same religion as you to be fully on your side and all. #un #conspiracy #conspiracytheory #soros
    UN Declares War on 'Dangerous' Conspiracy Theories: 'The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite' - News Punch
    UNESCO has published guidance for people who encounter conspiracy theories online or in daily life, called #ThinkBeforeSharing.
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 858 Views
  • Wait! I Thought Spraying Metal Particles in the Atmosphere (Chem Trails) Was a Conspiracy Theory - Now, However, It is Science! Wha Hoppened?

    Yeah, a documentary made over a decade ago on the atmospheric spraying was deemed a conspiracy theory. Now, however, U.S. states are embracing "cloud seeding" to help end drought. https://bit.ly/3LCbt3z

    40% of the U.S. West of the continental divide is classified as being in "exceptional drought".

    Now, 8 states are seeding their clouds with silver oxide particles in an attempt to create rain. https://bit.ly/3PDOiZP

    Of course, there is no mention of the fact that the metal particles are heavier than the air and tend to fall back on to the earth as noted in the documentary- What in the World Are They Spraying? on chem trails aka geoengineering https://youtu.be/rEUg8uLoZNY

    Also, as noted in the documentary, these particles are also not just silver oxide particles but more likely aluminum coated plastic which is far cheaper but more environmentally toxic.

    An issue that 11 years ago was just a conspiracy theory is now suddenly useful "science". Check out the documentary and you may question that conclusion from the facts presented.

    BTW, there is a company called SOAR that is based upon this seeding activity.

    Geoengineering is no longer a theory folks. Been going on for over a decade. https://bit.ly/3x46XWz Is it good for us? Still a question not adequately answered.

    #chemtrails #geoengineering #conspiracy #conspiracytheory #cloudseeding
    Wait! I Thought Spraying Metal Particles in the Atmosphere (Chem Trails) Was a Conspiracy Theory - Now, However, It is Science! Wha Hoppened? Yeah, a documentary made over a decade ago on the atmospheric spraying was deemed a conspiracy theory. Now, however, U.S. states are embracing "cloud seeding" to help end drought. https://bit.ly/3LCbt3z 40% of the U.S. West of the continental divide is classified as being in "exceptional drought". Now, 8 states are seeding their clouds with silver oxide particles in an attempt to create rain. https://bit.ly/3PDOiZP Of course, there is no mention of the fact that the metal particles are heavier than the air and tend to fall back on to the earth as noted in the documentary- What in the World Are They Spraying? on chem trails aka geoengineering https://youtu.be/rEUg8uLoZNY Also, as noted in the documentary, these particles are also not just silver oxide particles but more likely aluminum coated plastic which is far cheaper but more environmentally toxic. An issue that 11 years ago was just a conspiracy theory is now suddenly useful "science". Check out the documentary and you may question that conclusion from the facts presented. BTW, there is a company called SOAR that is based upon this seeding activity. Geoengineering is no longer a theory folks. Been going on for over a decade. https://bit.ly/3x46XWz Is it good for us? Still a question not adequately answered. #chemtrails #geoengineering #conspiracy #conspiracytheory #cloudseeding
    Make it rain: US states embrace 'cloud seeding' to conquer drought
    Cloud seeding involves adding small particles of silver iodide to clouds to spur rainfall – but will it work?
    0 Yorumlar 1 hisse senetleri 1509 Views
  • Are you paying attention to the things #Government is actually doing????

    Mostly what they are doing is trying to DIVIDE PEOPLE so they'll be easier to conquer.... But they are also DESTROYING the financial system AND have been steadily swapping out STREET LIGHTS!

    This is not a #ConspiracyTheory.....
    This is just a plain old #Conspiracy!

    These are #Criminals who do nothing more than protect the most criminal people in the world!!!

    WHERE ARE THE ARRESTS FOR #CrimesAgainstHumanity???
    Have you seen any??? I haven't!!!

    That tells me that #LawEnforcement is #Corrupt and USELESS if not COMPLICIT and guilty of their own crimes!!!

    Are you paying attention to the things #Government is actually doing???? Mostly what they are doing is trying to DIVIDE PEOPLE so they'll be easier to conquer.... But they are also DESTROYING the financial system AND have been steadily swapping out STREET LIGHTS! This is not a #ConspiracyTheory..... This is just a plain old #Conspiracy! EVERY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE SHOULD BE IN JAIL! These are #Criminals who do nothing more than protect the most criminal people in the world!!! WHERE ARE THE ARRESTS FOR #CrimesAgainstHumanity??? Have you seen any??? I haven't!!! That tells me that #LawEnforcement is #Corrupt and USELESS if not COMPLICIT and guilty of their own crimes!!! https://youtu.be/6Rar9l1NhIk
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 843 Views
  • Mark Dice - What They Don't Want You To Know:


    #Censorship #Censorship2021 #CensorshipIsReal #MediaManipulation #Propaganda #PropagandaMedia #BigTech #Lies #ConspiracyTheory #Orwell #MinistryOfTruth #MemoryHole
    Mark Dice - What They Don't Want You To Know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ18XbKLnSw #Censorship #Censorship2021 #CensorshipIsReal #MediaManipulation #Propaganda #PropagandaMedia #BigTech #Lies #ConspiracyTheory #Orwell #MinistryOfTruth #MemoryHole
    0 Yorumlar 0 hisse senetleri 2943 Views

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