• By making this statement, she is sending a message to illegals in Central and South America to get their asses up to America quickly.

    This is the reason for her making this statement.

    Watch ‘um start boating in faster than ever, running in faster than ever before the election now! Open invite just like Biden gave them!!!

    By making this statement, she is sending a message to illegals in Central and South America to get their asses up to America quickly. This is the reason for her making this statement. Watch ‘um start boating in faster than ever, running in faster than ever before the election now! Open invite just like Biden gave them!!! https://redstatenation.com/video-she-said-the-quiet-part-out-loud-pelosi-wants-to-grant-amnesty-to-20-million-illegal-aliens-watch-how-the-audience-reacts/
    Video: She Said the Quiet Part Out Loud... Pelosi Wants to Grant Amnesty to 20 Million Illegal Aliens - Watch How the Audience Reacts - Red State Nation
    In a recent interview with Bill Maher, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a startling revelation that has sparked outrage across the country. Pelosi boldly stated her plans to grant citizenship to every illegal immigrant in the United States and provide them with free housing—all funded by hardworking American taxpayers. The announcement, which came during […]
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 264 Views

    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 189 Views
  • I believed the LIE for 52 years! I KNOW the delusion is very strong
    This is why I'm trying to WAKE YOU UP to the Truth folks

    According to settled mathematical formulas we have accurately used for centuries. For the Earth to be a "Sphere" as claimed by the HelioSorcerers of this world, it a MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY that we MUST see
    "8 inches per mile squared" of "curvature" for this THEORY to hold true

    This is an undisputed FACT for a "Sphere of 24,901.461 in Circumference"
    ( The official supposed circumference of this imaginary ball )


    That means in ALL 4 CARDINAL DIRECTIONS!
    So it should literally be IMPOSSIBLE to look out across the ocean and see a

    When I stand on a beach and gaze at the ocean I KNOW that I'm seeing at least 100 miles of distant horizon. Much more than that I'm certain!

    So I MUST SEE AT LEAST 1.26 miles = 6668.41 feet of "Curvature"
    In other words I SHOULD SEE AN ELEVATION OF 1.25 MILES IN THE CENTER And both ends should be falling away

    But is that what I see?
    NO, It's not! So take that BS to the fertilizer factory where it belongs! (With it's Freemason creators)

    NO MATTER WHAT it's a mathematical certainty that from
    ANY POINT ON EARTH you should be able to go 10 miles in ANY DIRECTION and SHOW ME the 66.69 FEET OF DROP REQUIRED FOR THIS TO BE A SPHERE

    So no matter where on Earth you are standing, including the OCEANS

    Ten miles in ANY DIRECTION should be 66.69 FEET lower than where you stand!

    Do you like that NASA math? The Devil's signature is all over it you know

    I'm certain it's just a "coincidence" that the Earth's supposed speeding around the sun at 66,600 mph at a supposed 66.6 degree tilt and the BS "curvature" is .666 feet in a mile 66.69 in 10 miles, and 6668.41 feet at 100 miles!

    I'm sure EVERY NASA MISSION IN HISTORY was named after a Pagan FALSE god just out of coincidence too

    Are you REALLY that naive?
    I mean SERIOUSLY?

    EVERY DAY people are taking photos which SHOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE because of the supposed "curvature of the Earth" but EVERY DAY those photos are taken

    The Guinness Book of World Records has one listed at 275 MILES of a mountain which should be WELL HIDDEN behind the "curvature" if there was any
    Yet, the photo remains, the "curvature" THEORY only remains in your mind

    Now PAID #CIA SHILLS will tell you "refraction" allows us to see right through the SOLID EARTH to see these images we should NOT be able to see

    And I suppose, a weak mind may be convinced by their BS if that mind is thoroughly brainwashed AND that's what they WANT TO BE TRUE

    But any rational, thinking individual will KNOW this is about as true as the "Vaccines are safe and effective"

    "Selective Refraction" they claim, how kindergarten of them
    You cannot help anyone dumb enough to believe such BS

    That's like believing a burglar telling you "I was just cleaning up for you"

    And BTW "Gravity" is holding the Australians to the bottom of this ball, Where they are walking, boating, and flying UPSIDE DOWN right now

    If you believe that
    I have some ocean front property in Kansas which is perfect for you!

    BTW... Kansas has been proven by scientists to be

    How is that possible when it's 410 miles by 213 miles?
    There MUST BE 21.21 miles of "curvature" across 410 miles for this to be a ball folks! So how can it be Flatter than a pancake?

    It's prolly REFRACTION! ROFL:MAO
    If you are that gullible, nobody can help you

    As long as you are convinced you cannot trust any of your senses and that you are spinning at 1038 mph at the equator, whizzing around the sun at 66,600 mph as the sun travels hundreds of times faster than a bullet from a gun around the galaxy ( 240 km/s (149 mi/s), or 864,000 km/h (536,865 mph)

    Why do you think Schools now teach boys can be girls?
    Ask an Australian who is walking around UPSIDE DOWN, maybe he'll know

    Satan OWNS your mind if you believe this BS

    2 Thessalonians 2

    8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

    9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

    10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

    11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

    12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    It required some really humble and sincere prayer for my blindness to be cured, no man could ever get past my Pride, I THOUGHT I already knew the TRUTH

    Can Jesus cure the blind?
    He certainly cured mine!

    John 14:14 "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it"

    Black Swan: Beyond The Horizon FLAT EARTH
    I believed the LIE for 52 years! I KNOW the delusion is very strong This is why I'm trying to WAKE YOU UP to the Truth folks According to settled mathematical formulas we have accurately used for centuries. For the Earth to be a "Sphere" as claimed by the HelioSorcerers of this world, it a MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY that we MUST see "8 inches per mile squared" of "curvature" for this THEORY to hold true This is an undisputed FACT for a "Sphere of 24,901.461 in Circumference" ( The official supposed circumference of this imaginary ball ) So for EVERY TEN MILES OF HORIZON YOU CAN SEE THERE MUST BE 66.69 FEET OF "CURVATURE" FOR THIS THEORY TO HOLD TRUE! That means in ALL 4 CARDINAL DIRECTIONS! So it should literally be IMPOSSIBLE to look out across the ocean and see a FLAT HORIZON When I stand on a beach and gaze at the ocean I KNOW that I'm seeing at least 100 miles of distant horizon. Much more than that I'm certain! So I MUST SEE AT LEAST 1.26 miles = 6668.41 feet of "Curvature" In other words I SHOULD SEE AN ELEVATION OF 1.25 MILES IN THE CENTER And both ends should be falling away But is that what I see? NO, It's not! So take that BS to the fertilizer factory where it belongs! (With it's Freemason creators) NO MATTER WHAT it's a mathematical certainty that from ANY POINT ON EARTH you should be able to go 10 miles in ANY DIRECTION and SHOW ME the 66.69 FEET OF DROP REQUIRED FOR THIS TO BE A SPHERE So no matter where on Earth you are standing, including the OCEANS Ten miles in ANY DIRECTION should be 66.69 FEET lower than where you stand! Do you like that NASA math? The Devil's signature is all over it you know I'm certain it's just a "coincidence" that the Earth's supposed speeding around the sun at 66,600 mph at a supposed 66.6 degree tilt and the BS "curvature" is .666 feet in a mile 66.69 in 10 miles, and 6668.41 feet at 100 miles! I'm sure EVERY NASA MISSION IN HISTORY was named after a Pagan FALSE god just out of coincidence too Are you REALLY that naive? I mean SERIOUSLY? EVERY DAY people are taking photos which SHOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE because of the supposed "curvature of the Earth" but EVERY DAY those photos are taken The Guinness Book of World Records has one listed at 275 MILES of a mountain which should be WELL HIDDEN behind the "curvature" if there was any Yet, the photo remains, the "curvature" THEORY only remains in your mind Now PAID #CIA SHILLS will tell you "refraction" allows us to see right through the SOLID EARTH to see these images we should NOT be able to see And I suppose, a weak mind may be convinced by their BS if that mind is thoroughly brainwashed AND that's what they WANT TO BE TRUE But any rational, thinking individual will KNOW this is about as true as the "Vaccines are safe and effective" "Selective Refraction" they claim, how kindergarten of them You cannot help anyone dumb enough to believe such BS That's like believing a burglar telling you "I was just cleaning up for you" And BTW "Gravity" is holding the Australians to the bottom of this ball, Where they are walking, boating, and flying UPSIDE DOWN right now If you believe that I have some ocean front property in Kansas which is perfect for you! BTW... Kansas has been proven by scientists to be FLATTER THAN A PANCAKE How is that possible when it's 410 miles by 213 miles? There MUST BE 21.21 miles of "curvature" across 410 miles for this to be a ball folks! So how can it be Flatter than a pancake? It's prolly REFRACTION! ROFL:MAO If you are that gullible, nobody can help you As long as you are convinced you cannot trust any of your senses and that you are spinning at 1038 mph at the equator, whizzing around the sun at 66,600 mph as the sun travels hundreds of times faster than a bullet from a gun around the galaxy ( 240 km/s (149 mi/s), or 864,000 km/h (536,865 mph) Why do you think Schools now teach boys can be girls? Ask an Australian who is walking around UPSIDE DOWN, maybe he'll know Satan OWNS your mind if you believe this BS 2 Thessalonians 2 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. It required some really humble and sincere prayer for my blindness to be cured, no man could ever get past my Pride, I THOUGHT I already knew the TRUTH Can Jesus cure the blind? He certainly cured mine! John 14:14 "If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it" Black Swan: Beyond The Horizon FLAT EARTH https://odysee.com/@EddieAlencar:a/black-swan-beyond-the-horizon-flat-earth:f
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1573 Views
  • Enjoy the, you’ve been had again, “Doomsday Movie” ! ! ! (This is a possibility, with some truths, most of the possibilities, I hope are not correct !)

    The Newest Exposed Scandal (which I am exposing here or at least noticing) in the; Cabal of “Bad guy” untouchables, and the easy mark white hat “Good guys” Movie, OR, Co-Plot ! While ‘we the people’ have been riding the horrid, reeling effect Waves of Hope/ Despair, Hope/ Despair, Hope/ Despair, somethings about to to happen/nothing happens; And suffering higher gas, food, housing, bills, taxes, shortages, living expenses, prices, Masks, sacrifice, orders, illnesses, vaccines, mandates, poverty. Some people on both these Real or Imaginary/Created sides of waves of poverty/ plenty, have-nots/ have plenty, obscure sufferings/ fame and riches, mightily disturbed lives/ smooth sailing ‘want-not’ lives - and others have been riding the relatively low or non-existent ripples - for THEM - and speed boating through them to the high life of easy money and comforts of the Rich and Famous. Something is Sick here. While we wait for justice and return to Freedoms, through years of suffering and hardship, THEY, haven’t suffered or wanted notably at all - Quite the Opposite. They set up their shops and sails to ride through the accusations and heresay, or ‘Storm’ (and pre-storms) very pleasantly. On one hand the crooks and criminals continued almost uneffected their unabashed robberies, lucratetively beneficial lies ,raking in the money, and plotting. The Otherside characters; Trump, theepochtimes, alex J., mel k, Q, preacherX, x22report, , S. Pieznick, david icke, Juan and gf Jennifer M., some anons, gunners wife, and various doomsday church type groups , now delivering news on their new-age,big NEWS sites, i.e. : TruthSocial, FrankSocial, amg-news, welovetrump, beforeitsnews, reliablenewsnow.n, offthewirealerts.c, realrawnews, roserumbles, themelkshow, flyoverconservatives, prayingmedic, fightwithkash.c (and all his , kash p., spin-offs; co-movies, kid books, adult books, other sites), charlieW., trusttheq, juan o 107=17, stewpeters, thepricklypear.o, monkeywerx, , making and being ‘supported” nicely . Feeding the HOPE flares, are rfightwithkash.com/iding out the STORM very Well-off indeed. A whole industry of hundreds of sites and podcasts growing in popularity and wealth each week with the eb and flow of the waves of Hope. This has been going on suspiciously long. Milking out , month after month, the hype of hope resurfacing the yearn of some Justice anChange. When will the expected Action Day of Change and Saving Finally Get Here, after years of promising, supposedly informed predictions (floundering as the Day passes by again),prepping and enticing/ = It’s coming soon, maybe on july 4th, maybe at Christmas, before biden is inaugurated, on the celebration of such and such, I think on 9 11, I’m certain by the end of next month (3 years ago, 2 years ago, one year ago, last month). When will we give up and admit we have been had by smooth talking change obama and justice/hope/freedom talking Trump and white hats, etc. These people on alternative news/info sites and podasts,may only be making thousands, ten thousands and maybe some millions; But the Crooks that are still riding high and “Above the Law” made millions and ten millions and hundreds of million and some maybe BILLIONS on their Treason and Crime ! The movie may really end up being a horror Movie at the realization of yet another fraud, planned, paid for with OUR money, produced Fandango Movement, with it’s certain payback and continued culling to increase horrifically now that the jig is just about up. Enjoy the Horror Movie ! ! ! --- By MickyRay, one of the Real originators of the Movement to TAKE BACK AMERICA by an orchestrated Information War done by We the People and entities supporting the Constitution through educating the masses to Truth - starting about 1991 - but trying my whole life to watch and listen and analyze and seek out the Truths - and wise up people from about 1965 on; coiner of terms, concepts, slogans, etc. , i.e.; The Controllers, Installee, 2 party “Joke on You”, holders of offices being Installed and not elected, Say No to New World Orders and Yes to New World Freedom, Wrathchilds, the Rothchild Banking Empire and relatives and Ass O CIA tes, Juan O. Savin =107=17,The BildeBerg’s WrathChild, Take Back America Now!, Take Back OUR Country Now ! , etc.
    Enjoy the, you’ve been had again, “Doomsday Movie” ! ! ! (This is a possibility, with some truths, most of the possibilities, I hope are not correct !) The Newest Exposed Scandal (which I am exposing here or at least noticing) in the; Cabal of “Bad guy” untouchables, and the easy mark white hat “Good guys” Movie, OR, Co-Plot ! While ‘we the people’ have been riding the horrid, reeling effect Waves of Hope/ Despair, Hope/ Despair, Hope/ Despair, somethings about to to happen/nothing happens; And suffering higher gas, food, housing, bills, taxes, shortages, living expenses, prices, Masks, sacrifice, orders, illnesses, vaccines, mandates, poverty. Some people on both these Real or Imaginary/Created sides of waves of poverty/ plenty, have-nots/ have plenty, obscure sufferings/ fame and riches, mightily disturbed lives/ smooth sailing ‘want-not’ lives - and others have been riding the relatively low or non-existent ripples - for THEM - and speed boating through them to the high life of easy money and comforts of the Rich and Famous. Something is Sick here. While we wait for justice and return to Freedoms, through years of suffering and hardship, THEY, haven’t suffered or wanted notably at all - Quite the Opposite. They set up their shops and sails to ride through the accusations and heresay, or ‘Storm’ (and pre-storms) very pleasantly. On one hand the crooks and criminals continued almost uneffected their unabashed robberies, lucratetively beneficial lies ,raking in the money, and plotting. The Otherside characters; Trump, theepochtimes, alex J., mel k, Q, preacherX, x22report, , S. Pieznick, david icke, Juan and gf Jennifer M., some anons, gunners wife, and various doomsday church type groups , now delivering news on their new-age,big NEWS sites, i.e. : TruthSocial, FrankSocial, amg-news, welovetrump, beforeitsnews, reliablenewsnow.n, offthewirealerts.c, realrawnews, roserumbles, themelkshow, flyoverconservatives, prayingmedic, fightwithkash.c (and all his , kash p., spin-offs; co-movies, kid books, adult books, other sites), charlieW., trusttheq, juan o 107=17, stewpeters, thepricklypear.o, monkeywerx, , making and being ‘supported” nicely . Feeding the HOPE flares, are rfightwithkash.com/iding out the STORM very Well-off indeed. A whole industry of hundreds of sites and podcasts growing in popularity and wealth each week with the eb and flow of the waves of Hope. This has been going on suspiciously long. Milking out , month after month, the hype of hope resurfacing the yearn of some Justice anChange. When will the expected Action Day of Change and Saving Finally Get Here, after years of promising, supposedly informed predictions (floundering as the Day passes by again),prepping and enticing/ = It’s coming soon, maybe on july 4th, maybe at Christmas, before biden is inaugurated, on the celebration of such and such, I think on 9 11, I’m certain by the end of next month (3 years ago, 2 years ago, one year ago, last month). When will we give up and admit we have been had by smooth talking change obama and justice/hope/freedom talking Trump and white hats, etc. These people on alternative news/info sites and podasts,may only be making thousands, ten thousands and maybe some millions; But the Crooks that are still riding high and “Above the Law” made millions and ten millions and hundreds of million and some maybe BILLIONS on their Treason and Crime ! The movie may really end up being a horror Movie at the realization of yet another fraud, planned, paid for with OUR money, produced Fandango Movement, with it’s certain payback and continued culling to increase horrifically now that the jig is just about up. Enjoy the Horror Movie ! ! ! --- By MickyRay, one of the Real originators of the Movement to TAKE BACK AMERICA by an orchestrated Information War done by We the People and entities supporting the Constitution through educating the masses to Truth - starting about 1991 - but trying my whole life to watch and listen and analyze and seek out the Truths - and wise up people from about 1965 on; coiner of terms, concepts, slogans, etc. , i.e.; The Controllers, Installee, 2 party “Joke on You”, holders of offices being Installed and not elected, Say No to New World Orders and Yes to New World Freedom, Wrathchilds, the Rothchild Banking Empire and relatives and Ass O CIA tes, Juan O. Savin =107=17,The BildeBerg’s WrathChild, Take Back America Now!, Take Back OUR Country Now ! , etc.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 2259 Views
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep3-V2ufx3k

    Fuckin trudope. Shame about that boating accident everyone in this town is about to have tho lol
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep3-V2ufx3k Fuckin trudope. Shame about that boating accident everyone in this town is about to have tho lol
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 208 Views

    A family sermon

    ‘And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark … And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.’ Genesis 7:1, 7
    SUGGESTED FURTHER READING: Colossians 3:11–17

    From the time of Noah’s entrance he is to find all his pleasure in the ark. There are no outdoor amusements for him or his family; he cannot even find pleasure in the scenery, for that is blotted out by the deluges of rain; the valleys have vanished and even the hills have disappeared as the deluge has increased. If he is to find any pleasure, he must find it inside the ark. It was a melancholy prospect indeed, if he could look out from the window, but his joy and delight lay within the chambers of the ark, for there was he saved and there he dwelt with God. All his food also to supply his necessities he must find inside the ark. He had no barn nor warehouse to look to, and there was no port at which he could take in cargo.
    Whatever need might arise must be met by the stores within the ark, for there was nothing outside but death. All his work was inside the ark too.

    He had nothing to do now except within that vessel, no fields to plough, no shops to keep, nothing to do but what was inside the ark. Now, when a soul comes to Christ, it commits itself to him for everything: Christ must feed it; you must no longer eat for your soul anything but the bread of heaven; Jesus must become meat and drink to you for his ‘flesh is meat indeed’ and his ‘blood is drink indeed’. Now you are to find your pleasure in him, your choicest delights, your sweetest joys, all in Christ Jesus, who is our hope, crown, delight and heaven. Henceforth your service must be to him only. ‘Ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price’, and all that you have to do in this world now lies within the circumference of Christ’s will. The commonest duties of life are now to be brought within the sacred circle. You have nothing to do outside in the waters of sin, self and Satan. You need neither fish in the waters of sin, nor go boating upon the waves of worldliness; you are in danger if you do.

    FOR MEDITATION: (Our Own Hymn Book no.489 v.1—Isaac Watts, 1709)
    ‘In vain we lavish out our lives to gather empty wind,
    The choicest blessings earth can yield will starve a hungry mind.’

    C. H. Spurgeon and Terence Peter Crosby, 365 Days with Spurgeon (Volume 4), (Leominster, UK: Day One Publications, 2007), 310.
    26 OCTOBER (UNDATED—PROBABLY 26 OCTOBER 1876) A family sermon ‘And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark … And Noah went in, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons’ wives with him, into the ark, because of the waters of the flood.’ Genesis 7:1, 7 SUGGESTED FURTHER READING: Colossians 3:11–17 From the time of Noah’s entrance he is to find all his pleasure in the ark. There are no outdoor amusements for him or his family; he cannot even find pleasure in the scenery, for that is blotted out by the deluges of rain; the valleys have vanished and even the hills have disappeared as the deluge has increased. If he is to find any pleasure, he must find it inside the ark. It was a melancholy prospect indeed, if he could look out from the window, but his joy and delight lay within the chambers of the ark, for there was he saved and there he dwelt with God. All his food also to supply his necessities he must find inside the ark. He had no barn nor warehouse to look to, and there was no port at which he could take in cargo. Whatever need might arise must be met by the stores within the ark, for there was nothing outside but death. All his work was inside the ark too. He had nothing to do now except within that vessel, no fields to plough, no shops to keep, nothing to do but what was inside the ark. Now, when a soul comes to Christ, it commits itself to him for everything: Christ must feed it; you must no longer eat for your soul anything but the bread of heaven; Jesus must become meat and drink to you for his ‘flesh is meat indeed’ and his ‘blood is drink indeed’. Now you are to find your pleasure in him, your choicest delights, your sweetest joys, all in Christ Jesus, who is our hope, crown, delight and heaven. Henceforth your service must be to him only. ‘Ye are not your own. For ye are bought with a price’, and all that you have to do in this world now lies within the circumference of Christ’s will. The commonest duties of life are now to be brought within the sacred circle. You have nothing to do outside in the waters of sin, self and Satan. You need neither fish in the waters of sin, nor go boating upon the waves of worldliness; you are in danger if you do. FOR MEDITATION: (Our Own Hymn Book no.489 v.1—Isaac Watts, 1709) ‘In vain we lavish out our lives to gather empty wind, The choicest blessings earth can yield will starve a hungry mind.’ C. H. Spurgeon and Terence Peter Crosby, 365 Days with Spurgeon (Volume 4), (Leominster, UK: Day One Publications, 2007), 310.
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 341 Views

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