• TROUBLE FOR KAMALA: Tim Walz now under investigation for ties to CCP
    The Committee on Oversight and Accountability sent a letter to FBI head Christopher Wray calling on him to take seriously the claim that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Kamala Harris' pick for vice president, has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
    The letter, dated Sept. 12, 2024, lets Wray know that the committee in question has not yet received a response to questions from the political warfare operations of the CCP as they relate to controlling members of the U.S. Congress.
    TROUBLE FOR KAMALA: Tim Walz now under investigation for ties to CCP The Committee on Oversight and Accountability sent a letter to FBI head Christopher Wray calling on him to take seriously the claim that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Kamala Harris' pick for vice president, has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The letter, dated Sept. 12, 2024, lets Wray know that the committee in question has not yet received a response to questions from the political warfare operations of the CCP as they relate to controlling members of the U.S. Congress.
    TROUBLE FOR KAMALA: Tim Walz now under investigation for ties to CCP – NaturalNews.com
    The Committee on Oversight and Accountability sent a letter to FBI head Christopher Wray calling on him to take seriously the claim that Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Kamala Harris’ pick for vice president, has ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The letter, dated Sept. 12, 2024, lets Wray know that the committee in question […]
    0 Commentaires 1 Parts 263 Vue
  • https://thewashingtonstandard.com/rutherford-institute-calls-on-scotus-to-discourage-unconstitutional-mischief-attempts-by-the-government-to-sidestep-accountability/
    Rutherford Institute Calls on SCOTUS to Discourage Unconstitutional Mischief, Attempts by the Government to Sidestep Accountability - The Washington Standard
    WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case on whether the government should be able to sidestep accountability and avoid paying plaintiffs’ attorneys’ fees when it has violated the Constitution. In Lackey v. Stinnie, The Rutherford Institute has joined a coalition of legal organizations in calling on the ...
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 158 Vue

    keep sitting on your couch,
    and they WILL succeed in murdering you!

    You MAY want to seek some ACCOUNTABILITY for ACTUAL HARM DONE under COMMON LAW

    Or wait to be murdered...
    It's your call

    RICK MIRACLE VIDEO LIBRARY #1006, 2024, THIS IS GETTING CRAZY!! HAVE YOU SEEN THE DEADLY MOSQUITOS keep sitting on your couch, and they WILL succeed in murdering you! You MAY want to seek some ACCOUNTABILITY for ACTUAL HARM DONE under COMMON LAW Or wait to be murdered... It's your call https://old.bitchute.com/video/QyjLj1htNO6Y/
    RICK MIRACLE VIDEO LIBRARY #1006, 2024, This is getting crazy!! Have you seen the DEADLY MOSQUITOS
    Video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f77i7vRpYXM Deadly Mosquitos, what could go wrong with that? Would they weaponize deadly bugs? https://gogetfunding.com/2024-fund-to-manufacture-books/ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1000083…
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 213 Vue

    A couple of things have pricked my ears.....
    Accountability for All does good work, there's no doubt!
    But in the past couple of weeks I've heard....

    1.) he has been invited onto "Dr. Phil's show"
    2.) Now Warren Sapp says that he watches his show!

    These are good things
    providing that we are not seeing some kind of infiltration taking place!

    I gave up on the "Bread and Circuses" long ago!
    I could care less about Football, or any other child's game!

    What I DO WATCH & RESPECT are those people who are fighting to

    These people make up the #Parasite Class!
    NONE of them make anything, produce anything, or serve anyone
    (except themselves)

    These are the people who live parasitically off of the backs of hard working Americans, who just want to be left alone! They bother nobody, they harm nobody, but still.... The PARASITES come for them.... to rob them, cage them, maybe even murder them in cold blood!

    And it's time that BS is STOPPED DEAD in it's tracks!

    It's time for actyual ACCOUNTABILITY!
    Accountability as a MAN, for REAL HARM done to other MEN, in a COMMON LAW "Court" consisting of ONLY hard working American MEN & WOMEN!

    NO PARASITE CLASS "referees" to ensure that justice does NOT prevail.....
    (As we have with the "Maritime Admiralty Law" crime syndicate "courts")

    Because those "courts" serve the CRIMINALS!
    I'm skeptical.... but impressed that Warren Sapp is stepping up for accountablity!


    It truly is "us vs THEM"
    THEY have always considered YOU an "enemy"

    I think it's about time that we do the same!
    Because they ARE your enemy, and enemies of freedom itself!

    SUPER BOWL CHAMP BEATS ILLEGAL ARREST! A couple of things have pricked my ears..... Accountability for All does good work, there's no doubt! But in the past couple of weeks I've heard.... 1.) he has been invited onto "Dr. Phil's show" 2.) Now Warren Sapp says that he watches his show! These are good things providing that we are not seeing some kind of infiltration taking place! I gave up on the "Bread and Circuses" long ago! I could care less about Football, or any other child's game! What I DO WATCH & RESPECT are those people who are fighting to STOP THE #TYRANNY IN AMERICA, BY THE #POLICE, THE #COURTS, & POLITICIANS These people make up the #Parasite Class! NONE of them make anything, produce anything, or serve anyone (except themselves) These are the people who live parasitically off of the backs of hard working Americans, who just want to be left alone! They bother nobody, they harm nobody, but still.... The PARASITES come for them.... to rob them, cage them, maybe even murder them in cold blood! And it's time that BS is STOPPED DEAD in it's tracks! It's time for actyual ACCOUNTABILITY! Accountability as a MAN, for REAL HARM done to other MEN, in a COMMON LAW "Court" consisting of ONLY hard working American MEN & WOMEN! NO PARASITE CLASS "referees" to ensure that justice does NOT prevail..... (As we have with the "Maritime Admiralty Law" crime syndicate "courts") Because those "courts" serve the CRIMINALS! I'm skeptical.... but impressed that Warren Sapp is stepping up for accountablity! EVERY MAN & WOMAN MUST DO THE SAME EVERY TIME THE BADGE WEARING CRIMINALS VIOLATE THEIR RIGHTS, OR SOMEONE ELSE'S! It truly is "us vs THEM" THEY have always considered YOU an "enemy" I think it's about time that we do the same! Because they ARE your enemy, and enemies of freedom itself! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIyNUCbqZ9s
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 584 Vue
    Erasing history or telling lies
    can lead to misinformation
    and a lack of accountability
    "UNBURDENED BY WHAT HAS BEEN" Erasing history or telling lies can lead to misinformation and a lack of accountability
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 259 Vue
  • It’s been 26 days since our President was shot in the face and we still have no accountability.

    Inside job.
    It’s been 26 days since our President was shot in the face and we still have no accountability. Inside job.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 240 Vue
  • Operation “Trust:” The 100-Year-Old Psy-op Repackaged As Qanon

    While I have no issue with people encouraging you to do your own research....
    I do take issue with ANYTHING that keeps YOU from taking action or puts you into a "holding pattern" waiting for someone to "save you"

    I also take issue with supposed "White Hats" who stand idly by as BILLIONS of people are injected with a weapon of #Genocide!

    As #Police are unlawfully arresting Americans EVERY SINGLE DAY
    (When not murdering them or stealing their stuff via civil asset forfeiture)
    Donald Trump is on television telling us he wants to prevent ANY ACCOUNTABILITY of police officers (As if they have ever been held accountable)

    ANY "Plan" which is asking me to put faith in our corrupt, illegitimate "government" which is nothing more than a corporation, ruling you under maritime admiralty law, Well let's just say that plan sucks!

    The ONLY "White Hats" (Good Guys) I have ever seen in government are IMMEDIATELY FIRED and oftentimes prosecuted under some bogus BS charge!

    There are a couple of things that EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW!

    Number 1, THE EARTH IS FLAT and everything you think you know is WRONG!
    Every corporation on earth calling itself a "government" has been deceiving and brainwashing their own people (Technically their VICTIMS)

    Number 2, Every "Police Officer," Judge, Court, Senator, Congressman etc.....
    Is operating under the #Fraud based "Maritime Admiralty Law" system of control, and they control EVERYTHING because the people have allowed them to continue to claim #Jurisdiction over them!

    Number 3, Those people are ALL controlled by Satan and his secret societies, the Vatican, Jews, Jesuits, Knights of Malta etc..... all of which are Luciferian. As is every massive"Corporation" and BANK!

    It's a big club and YOU ain't in it!

    Operation “Trust:” The 100-Year-Old Psy-op Repackaged As Qanon While I have no issue with people encouraging you to do your own research.... I do take issue with ANYTHING that keeps YOU from taking action or puts you into a "holding pattern" waiting for someone to "save you" I also take issue with supposed "White Hats" who stand idly by as BILLIONS of people are injected with a weapon of #Genocide! As #Police are unlawfully arresting Americans EVERY SINGLE DAY (When not murdering them or stealing their stuff via civil asset forfeiture) Donald Trump is on television telling us he wants to prevent ANY ACCOUNTABILITY of police officers (As if they have ever been held accountable) ANY "Plan" which is asking me to put faith in our corrupt, illegitimate "government" which is nothing more than a corporation, ruling you under maritime admiralty law, Well let's just say that plan sucks! The ONLY "White Hats" (Good Guys) I have ever seen in government are IMMEDIATELY FIRED and oftentimes prosecuted under some bogus BS charge! There are a couple of things that EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW! Number 1, THE EARTH IS FLAT and everything you think you know is WRONG! Every corporation on earth calling itself a "government" has been deceiving and brainwashing their own people (Technically their VICTIMS) Number 2, Every "Police Officer," Judge, Court, Senator, Congressman etc..... Is operating under the #Fraud based "Maritime Admiralty Law" system of control, and they control EVERYTHING because the people have allowed them to continue to claim #Jurisdiction over them! Number 3, Those people are ALL controlled by Satan and his secret societies, the Vatican, Jews, Jesuits, Knights of Malta etc..... all of which are Luciferian. As is every massive"Corporation" and BANK! It's a big club and YOU ain't in it! https://winepressnews.com/2021/02/17/operation-trust-the-100-year-old-psy-op-repackaged-as-qanon/
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1346 Vue

    "Police" are POLICY ENFORCERS of a corporation!
    They do NOT "enforce law" they enforce "Statutes and Codes" (Corporate POLICY)

    The #Truth of the matter is that #Police are #Criminals who work for a #Corporation with no more "Authority" than an employee of McDonald's!

    When they ride around breaking down people's doors it's a "Home Invasion" and is a lot more dangerous than if street criminals did a "home invasion" because Police just look for someone to harm....

    And that is due to complete and total lack of accountability!

    Operating under "Maritime Admiralty Law" Police actually have NO #Jurisdiction over MEN & WOMEN... They have jurisdiction over LEGAL FICTIONS!

    Pieces of paper!
    MEN and WOMEN have been the victims of this FRAUD for decades!

    The "Government" is claiming that YOU "CONSENT" to giving up your Inalienable human rights for the politically promised "protection" of the corporation!

    NOBODY with a brain inside of their head would do this!
    But they CLAIM that you did it!

    And if that's not what they are claiming then they are claiming that your
    "Lack of objection to their claims" gives them "Implied Consent"

    Also... If you check the box saying "I am a US Citizen" what you have done in reality is agreed to become the #Slave of this corporation and have agreed to put yourself into their "Jurisdiction" AND agreed to give up your inalienable human rights!

    This may sound pretty crazy, but it is EXACTLY what this CORPORATION uses to claim that they have authority over you, when in fact... THEY DON'T!

    It's a criminal operation from the word go!
    And many of these police KNOW IT TOO!

    Many are just as brainwashed as you are.....
    But many also know they are operating criminally and totally without Jurisdiction over you! YOU NEED TO LEARN THE LAW! And stop "consenting" to be a slave!

    ENDING NO KNOCK RAIDS IN AMERICA "Police" are POLICY ENFORCERS of a corporation! They do NOT "enforce law" they enforce "Statutes and Codes" (Corporate POLICY) The #Truth of the matter is that #Police are #Criminals who work for a #Corporation with no more "Authority" than an employee of McDonald's! When they ride around breaking down people's doors it's a "Home Invasion" and is a lot more dangerous than if street criminals did a "home invasion" because Police just look for someone to harm.... And that is due to complete and total lack of accountability! Operating under "Maritime Admiralty Law" Police actually have NO #Jurisdiction over MEN & WOMEN... They have jurisdiction over LEGAL FICTIONS! Pieces of paper! MEN and WOMEN have been the victims of this FRAUD for decades! The "Government" is claiming that YOU "CONSENT" to giving up your Inalienable human rights for the politically promised "protection" of the corporation! NOBODY with a brain inside of their head would do this! But they CLAIM that you did it! And if that's not what they are claiming then they are claiming that your "Lack of objection to their claims" gives them "Implied Consent" Also... If you check the box saying "I am a US Citizen" what you have done in reality is agreed to become the #Slave of this corporation and have agreed to put yourself into their "Jurisdiction" AND agreed to give up your inalienable human rights! This may sound pretty crazy, but it is EXACTLY what this CORPORATION uses to claim that they have authority over you, when in fact... THEY DON'T! It's a criminal operation from the word go! And many of these police KNOW IT TOO! Many are just as brainwashed as you are..... But many also know they are operating criminally and totally without Jurisdiction over you! YOU NEED TO LEARN THE LAW! And stop "consenting" to be a slave! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYCeq_X22gI
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1128 Vue
  • As war becomes increasingly computerised, human decision making is increasingly removed from it, and so moral accountability is also removed
    As war becomes increasingly computerised, human decision making is increasingly removed from it, and so moral accountability is also removed
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 320 Vue 1
  • In democratic societies, freedom of information allows for diverse perspectives and the exchange of ideas, which are essential for informed decision-making and accountability. When information is controlled or censored, it undermines these democratic processes, leading to a less informed public and potentially fostering mistrust and misinformation.
    In democratic societies, freedom of information allows for diverse perspectives and the exchange of ideas, which are essential for informed decision-making and accountability. When information is controlled or censored, it undermines these democratic processes, leading to a less informed public and potentially fostering mistrust and misinformation.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 690 Vue
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