• Why Objects Disappear Bottom Up

    Class in in session boys and girls!

    So just give it a rest with your "earth curvature" nonsense.....
    If you cannot PROVE IT using a theodolite or a transit........
    You can keep your photographs of objects supposedly "disappearing bottom up"

    This has been REFUTED over and over and over again!
    So how about now you SHUT UP AND LISTEN for a minute?

    Why Objects Disappear Bottom Up PEOPLE STILL DON'T KNOW HOW THEIR EYES WORK!!! Class in in session boys and girls! So just give it a rest with your "earth curvature" nonsense..... If you cannot PROVE IT using a theodolite or a transit........ You can keep your photographs of objects supposedly "disappearing bottom up" This has been REFUTED over and over and over again! So how about now you SHUT UP AND LISTEN for a minute? https://odysee.com/@Godsflatearth:a/FLAT-EARTH-SCHOOL---Why-Objects-Disappear-Bottom-Up:9
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 990 Views
  • I want you to really STOP....
    and think about that for a minute!

    Having NEVER felt movement of any kind.... As you supposedly travel in 4 different directions, faster than a bullet from a gun multiplied by 100 or more...

    Having NEVER seen water or land that has "#Curvature"
    Having NEVER done ANY independent experimentation....

    You buy into all that nonsense because you saw it on TV....

    And in the beginning of every movie, on all newscasts, and in every movie made since 1950....

    You have totally abandoned what you SEE, FEEL, and OBSERVE
    For a fairytale that you've never questioned or verified!

    ANYONE could PROVE the earth curved at 8 inches per mile SQUARED (.666 inches) or 8 inches at one mile, 32 inches at 2 miles, 6 FEET at 3 miles, 66.69 FEET at ten miles,
    6668.41 FEET at 100 miles....

    Just by getting (Renting) a TRANSIT or THEODOLITE and performing some measurements! Actually PROVING that the Earth has the required "curvature" to be a sphere of 24,901.461 miles in circumference. Roughly 25,000

    It's REQUIRED that "curvature be observable on every surface on Earth! There are no "flat" parts on a sphere!

    There are people taking photos across hundreds of miles, seeing things that should be hidden behind MILES OF "Earth Curvature" but they aren't! You can see them, photograph them!

    So PROVE IT!
    You would be the very FIRST human being to do so!
    NOBODY has ever proven the earth to be a sphere, just like nobody has ever PROVED #Gravity!

    ALL of that stuff is THEORETICAL
    made up.... guys getting high and making sh*t up, putting it on Television, in school books etc....

    But having never PROVED any of it!
    So here's your chance! PROVE their theoretical model!

    Go read your bible, it'll tell you all you need to know
    The stars are LIGHTS in the sky!

    Genesis Chapter 1

    1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

    4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

    6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

    7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

    8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

    Here's an excellent book for you to read, and it's short!
    READ this book, perform the experiments listed within the book...
    And then YOU DECIDE, having actually verified the facts for yourself

    This book, in plain English, will give you a list of things which MUST be true for this to be a spherical Earth! Then you OBSERVE the Earth around you and see if they be true!

    That's #Science! Not just believing stories you heard as a child!

    I want you to really STOP.... and think about that for a minute! Having NEVER felt movement of any kind.... As you supposedly travel in 4 different directions, faster than a bullet from a gun multiplied by 100 or more... Having NEVER seen water or land that has "#Curvature" Having NEVER done ANY independent experimentation.... You buy into all that nonsense because you saw it on TV.... And in the beginning of every movie, on all newscasts, and in every movie made since 1950.... You have totally abandoned what you SEE, FEEL, and OBSERVE For a fairytale that you've never questioned or verified! ANYONE could PROVE the earth curved at 8 inches per mile SQUARED (.666 inches) or 8 inches at one mile, 32 inches at 2 miles, 6 FEET at 3 miles, 66.69 FEET at ten miles, 6668.41 FEET at 100 miles.... Just by getting (Renting) a TRANSIT or THEODOLITE and performing some measurements! Actually PROVING that the Earth has the required "curvature" to be a sphere of 24,901.461 miles in circumference. Roughly 25,000 It's REQUIRED that "curvature be observable on every surface on Earth! There are no "flat" parts on a sphere! There are people taking photos across hundreds of miles, seeing things that should be hidden behind MILES OF "Earth Curvature" but they aren't! You can see them, photograph them! So PROVE IT! You would be the very FIRST human being to do so! NOBODY has ever proven the earth to be a sphere, just like nobody has ever PROVED #Gravity! ALL of that stuff is THEORETICAL made up.... guys getting high and making sh*t up, putting it on Television, in school books etc.... But having never PROVED any of it! So here's your chance! PROVE their theoretical model! Go read your bible, it'll tell you all you need to know The stars are LIGHTS in the sky! Genesis Chapter 1 1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. 5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. 7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. Here's an excellent book for you to read, and it's short! READ this book, perform the experiments listed within the book... And then YOU DECIDE, having actually verified the facts for yourself This book, in plain English, will give you a list of things which MUST be true for this to be a spherical Earth! Then you OBSERVE the Earth around you and see if they be true! That's #Science! Not just believing stories you heard as a child! https://archive.org/details/zeteticastronom00rowbgoog
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 3578 Views
  • You know the difference between the "curvature" of the Earth
    and Waldo???

    You can actually find Waldo!

    Nobody in history has ever located the "earth's curvature"
    Since EVERYONE has the ability to rent a theodolite or transit....
    And it would be VERY SIMPLE to show the "Earth's Curvature"
    (If it existed) That's saying a lot!

    EVERYONE wants to talk smack, and pretend to be smarter than you..... But NOBODY ever brings any documented PROOF demonstrating that this elusive "curvature" actually exist!
    You know the difference between the "curvature" of the Earth and Waldo??? You can actually find Waldo! Nobody in history has ever located the "earth's curvature" Since EVERYONE has the ability to rent a theodolite or transit.... And it would be VERY SIMPLE to show the "Earth's Curvature" (If it existed) That's saying a lot! EVERYONE wants to talk smack, and pretend to be smarter than you..... But NOBODY ever brings any documented PROOF demonstrating that this elusive "curvature" actually exist!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 636 Views
  • 20 EXPERIMENTS that anyone can do, that PROVE there is no "curvature" to the earth's surface!

    You CANNOT live on a ball 25,000 miles in circumference unless you can DEMONSTRATE the .666 feet of curvature SQUARED required by spherical trigonometry, for a sphere of 25,000 miles in circumference!

    There's nothing left to talk about!
    That's the end of it!

    You can either DEMONSTRATE this non-existent "curvature" and prove your THEORY. Or you cannot, which DISPROVES the THEORY!

    Every 10 linear miles of the earth's surface (including the water) MUST have a demonstrable "curvature" of 66.69 FEET!

    So when you are looking out across the earth there MUST BE 66.69 FEET of "rise" between you and the 10 mile marker of your vision, in ALL directions!

    That is what .666 feet or 8 inches per mile SQUARED equals at 10 miles... 66.69 FEET!

    So get a transit, theodolite, or a laser and DEMONSTRATE the required 66.69 FEET of "curvature" across a 10 linear mile stretch of earth for us... Or stop blabbering about your disproven THEORY!

    The Earth CANNOT BE A SPHERE 25,000 miles in circumference unless someone can DEMONSTRATE THIS CURVATURE!

    And I have yet to see ANYONE in history that can show it!

    But I'm willing to admit that I'm wrong... As soon as you can DEMONSTRATE that this "curvature" actually exists!

    NOT using theory or photos, but by taking measurements using transits, theodolites, or using a laser!

    20 EXPERIMENTS that anyone can do, that PROVE there is no "curvature" to the earth's surface! You CANNOT live on a ball 25,000 miles in circumference unless you can DEMONSTRATE the .666 feet of curvature SQUARED required by spherical trigonometry, for a sphere of 25,000 miles in circumference! There's nothing left to talk about! That's the end of it! You can either DEMONSTRATE this non-existent "curvature" and prove your THEORY. Or you cannot, which DISPROVES the THEORY! Every 10 linear miles of the earth's surface (including the water) MUST have a demonstrable "curvature" of 66.69 FEET! So when you are looking out across the earth there MUST BE 66.69 FEET of "rise" between you and the 10 mile marker of your vision, in ALL directions! That is what .666 feet or 8 inches per mile SQUARED equals at 10 miles... 66.69 FEET! So get a transit, theodolite, or a laser and DEMONSTRATE the required 66.69 FEET of "curvature" across a 10 linear mile stretch of earth for us... Or stop blabbering about your disproven THEORY! The Earth CANNOT BE A SPHERE 25,000 miles in circumference unless someone can DEMONSTRATE THIS CURVATURE! And I have yet to see ANYONE in history that can show it! But I'm willing to admit that I'm wrong... As soon as you can DEMONSTRATE that this "curvature" actually exists! NOT using theory or photos, but by taking measurements using transits, theodolites, or using a laser! https://sacred-texts.com/earth/za/za06.htm
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1174 Views
  • There's some really good information on how to use angles to the sun to prove the earth is flat here! This guy can refute the mathematical lies like nobody's business!

    You cannot deny actual military #Science!

    HOWEVER..... It's much easier to PROVE and DEMONSTRATE that there is no "Curvature" of 8 inches per mile squared as REQUIRED by spherical trigonometry, of an earth 25,000 miles in circumference (As we have been told)

    It's easy to PROVE there is no curvature by using a transit, theodolite, or even a laser!

    Not to mention long distance photos that show objects which should be hidden by MILES of "Earth Curvature" but they are NOT!

    The Earth is FLAT folks!
    We have ALL been scammed and lied to!

    The very same people who rigged the 2020 election have been lying to you about the shape of the earth for DECADES! Brainwashing you and your children to keep you a slave

    Because these people are #Criminals, who belong in jail,
    NOT in control over nations!

    For EVERY 10 LINEAR MILES ON EARTH there MUST BE 66.69 FEET of demonstrable "curvature" or the claim is debunked!

    This goes for Land and Sea!
    Every 10 linear miles spherical trigonometry tells us there MUST BE 66.69 FEET of "curvature" if we live on a spinning ball 25,000 miles in circumference!

    There is no way around it!
    Where you are standing RIGHT NOW there should be a demonstrable "curvature" if you go in ANY DIRECTION 10 linear miles, it MUST BE THERE to the North, South, East, and West!

    So get a transit and SHOW ME 66.69 FEET of "curvature" in 10 miles! You cannot.... because it does not exist!

    And calling me names won't change that FACT!
    Claiming that I'm "uneducated" won't change that FACT!

    And repeating the lies you learned in Rockefeller funded #School won't change that FACT!

    We have ALL been brainwashed by public schools, the #Media, and #Hollywood, into believing the biggest LIE in the history of the world!

    One could even argue that it was the "Great Deception" spoken of in the bible! I don't know about you, but I'd call fake rocket ships, supposedly going to "outer space" a LYING WONDER!

    2 Thessalonians 2
    9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

    10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

    11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
    There's some really good information on how to use angles to the sun to prove the earth is flat here! This guy can refute the mathematical lies like nobody's business! You cannot deny actual military #Science! HOWEVER..... It's much easier to PROVE and DEMONSTRATE that there is no "Curvature" of 8 inches per mile squared as REQUIRED by spherical trigonometry, of an earth 25,000 miles in circumference (As we have been told) It's easy to PROVE there is no curvature by using a transit, theodolite, or even a laser! Not to mention long distance photos that show objects which should be hidden by MILES of "Earth Curvature" but they are NOT! The Earth is FLAT folks! We have ALL been scammed and lied to! The very same people who rigged the 2020 election have been lying to you about the shape of the earth for DECADES! Brainwashing you and your children to keep you a slave Because these people are #Criminals, who belong in jail, NOT in control over nations! For EVERY 10 LINEAR MILES ON EARTH there MUST BE 66.69 FEET of demonstrable "curvature" or the claim is debunked! This goes for Land and Sea! Every 10 linear miles spherical trigonometry tells us there MUST BE 66.69 FEET of "curvature" if we live on a spinning ball 25,000 miles in circumference! There is no way around it! Where you are standing RIGHT NOW there should be a demonstrable "curvature" if you go in ANY DIRECTION 10 linear miles, it MUST BE THERE to the North, South, East, and West! So get a transit and SHOW ME 66.69 FEET of "curvature" in 10 miles! You cannot.... because it does not exist! And calling me names won't change that FACT! Claiming that I'm "uneducated" won't change that FACT! And repeating the lies you learned in Rockefeller funded #School won't change that FACT! We have ALL been brainwashed by public schools, the #Media, and #Hollywood, into believing the biggest LIE in the history of the world! One could even argue that it was the "Great Deception" spoken of in the bible! I don't know about you, but I'd call fake rocket ships, supposedly going to "outer space" a LYING WONDER! 2 Thessalonians 2 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 3925 Views
  • When the moon or sun is BELOW the #Horizon it's pretty f*cking tough to claim it's 237,000 miles away!

    For one thing... you cannot SEE that far!
    It's a proven fact, and has to do with the
    angular resolution of your eyes

    But the "Horizon" is where the sky and the earth MEET from your perspective. If you look out across the earth you'll clearly see that AT EYE LEVEL YOU'LL HAVE A HORIZON....

    That horizon is where the limit of your vision is.
    You'll see that the earth APPEARS to rise to eyes level...
    And the sky APPEARS to lower to eye level

    It's just how your eyes work folks!

    So for this moon to be BELOW the horizon means that it's

    The way they know if a plane is above or below them is by
    looking to see if they are above or below the horizon!

    Above the horizon means that they are ABOVE YOU!
    Below the horizon means they are BELOW YOU!

    Now I cannot say with certainty this video has not been doctored...
    But what I can say is that the "Horizon" is ALWAYS at eye level!
    And the earth and sky MEET at the horizon!

    Go outside and look if you doubt me!

    And BTW... The Earth REALLY IS FLAT!

    I accused people of being insane too!
    I also said that people had "Lost their minds"
    I said "They just don't understand how
    (Insert whatever BS you learned in #School) "

    Then one day I tried to PROVE that these flat earthers were wrong!
    Whatever you do.... DON'T TRY TO PROVE WE LIVE ON A GLOBE!
    Because you can't!

    It's ALL theoretical!
    Every time I thought that I had them, I found another
    "unproven THEORY"

    And after 8 months of solid research.... I can PROVE the globe model is BS! There is no "Curvature" and that is a FACT!

    "Curvature" is REQUIRED for us to live on a spinning ball
    25,000 miles in circumference! It's a mathematical CERTAINTY!

    But there is none!
    Which ANYONE can prove using a transit, theodolite, or a laser!

    So I wonder WHY #NASA has not shut the Flat Earth guys up by showing curvature? IT'S BECAUSE IT DON'T EXIST! So they can't!

    The Earth is Flat and Level with hills and valleys. PERIOD!
    Debate has been over for some time now!
    When the moon or sun is BELOW the #Horizon it's pretty f*cking tough to claim it's 237,000 miles away! For one thing... you cannot SEE that far! It's a proven fact, and has to do with the angular resolution of your eyes But the "Horizon" is where the sky and the earth MEET from your perspective. If you look out across the earth you'll clearly see that AT EYE LEVEL YOU'LL HAVE A HORIZON.... That horizon is where the limit of your vision is. You'll see that the earth APPEARS to rise to eyes level... And the sky APPEARS to lower to eye level It's just how your eyes work folks! So for this moon to be BELOW the horizon means that it's BELOW YOU! Ask ANY FIGHTER PILOT! The way they know if a plane is above or below them is by looking to see if they are above or below the horizon! Above the horizon means that they are ABOVE YOU! Below the horizon means they are BELOW YOU! Now I cannot say with certainty this video has not been doctored... But what I can say is that the "Horizon" is ALWAYS at eye level! And the earth and sky MEET at the horizon! Go outside and look if you doubt me! And BTW... The Earth REALLY IS FLAT! I accused people of being insane too! I also said that people had "Lost their minds" I said "They just don't understand how (Insert whatever BS you learned in #School) " Then one day I tried to PROVE that these flat earthers were wrong! Whatever you do.... DON'T TRY TO PROVE WE LIVE ON A GLOBE! Because you can't! It's ALL theoretical! Every time I thought that I had them, I found another "unproven THEORY" And after 8 months of solid research.... I can PROVE the globe model is BS! There is no "Curvature" and that is a FACT! "Curvature" is REQUIRED for us to live on a spinning ball 25,000 miles in circumference! It's a mathematical CERTAINTY! But there is none! Which ANYONE can prove using a transit, theodolite, or a laser! So I wonder WHY #NASA has not shut the Flat Earth guys up by showing curvature? IT'S BECAUSE IT DON'T EXIST! So they can't! The Earth is Flat and Level with hills and valleys. PERIOD! Debate has been over for some time now!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 1292 Views 0
  • Heliocentrism is a religion .

    It is a religion for atheism.

    The Heliocentric theory is the foundation for the Big Bang theory , and the Theory of Evolution .

    All three of these theory’s deny the existence of God and his word about how Earth was made ,

    If people knew the true shape of this realm , there would be no debating if there was a creator or not , you couldn’t deny it .

    People continually say "Why does it even matter?"

    If you don't even know where you live,
    what could you possibly know?

    And if your immortal soul don't matter to you...
    I guess that is your decision to make ultimately!

    People say "What if you are wrong?""
    Well.... If I'M WRONG I live my life as a decent human being who treats others the way I want to be treated!

    If YOU ARE WRONG however,
    I think the result may be a little different!

    There is NO CURVATURE!
    You cannot "SHOW ME THE CURVATURE" because there is NONE!

    You have every modern, precise tool at your disposal....
    But you CANNOT demonstrate the REQUIRED "Curvature" of the Earth to support the #Heliocentric THEORY....

    WHY do you think that is?
    I can PROVE there's no curvature!

    Just like thousands of other FE's, I can take a laser or theodolite or a transit and DEMONSTRATE NO "CURVATURE" EXISTS!

    Can YOU demonstrate a "Curvature?"
    You know.... like I can demonstrate there is none?

    Without "curvature" every other argument you make is void!
    Because your premise is disproven!
    Heliocentrism is a religion . It is a religion for atheism. The Heliocentric theory is the foundation for the Big Bang theory , and the Theory of Evolution . All three of these theory’s deny the existence of God and his word about how Earth was made , If people knew the true shape of this realm , there would be no debating if there was a creator or not , you couldn’t deny it . People continually say "Why does it even matter?" If you don't even know where you live, what could you possibly know? And if your immortal soul don't matter to you... I guess that is your decision to make ultimately! People say "What if you are wrong?"" Well.... If I'M WRONG I live my life as a decent human being who treats others the way I want to be treated! If YOU ARE WRONG however, I think the result may be a little different! There is NO CURVATURE! You cannot "SHOW ME THE CURVATURE" because there is NONE! You have every modern, precise tool at your disposal.... But you CANNOT demonstrate the REQUIRED "Curvature" of the Earth to support the #Heliocentric THEORY.... WHY do you think that is? I can PROVE there's no curvature! Just like thousands of other FE's, I can take a laser or theodolite or a transit and DEMONSTRATE NO "CURVATURE" EXISTS! Can YOU demonstrate a "Curvature?" You know.... like I can demonstrate there is none? END OF DEBATE! Without "curvature" every other argument you make is void! Because your premise is disproven!
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 2471 Views
  • Nobody wants to know the #Truth!
    Everyone wants to continue believing the fairytales they were taught as a child, and are incapable of questioning their legitimacy

    The very FIRST thing you saw when you walked into the school was a Globe sitting on your teacher's desk!

    The very FIRST "assignment" your teacher gave you was learning the "planets" and their order in the "Solar System"

    You even likely had a spinning solar system mobile over your baby crib before you could even crawl!

    Every day we are barraged with #Globe #Propaganda!
    Corporate logos of a globe or globe like image, like AT&T!

    Then we have the opening of EVERY Hollywood movie, where we are shown an image of a spinning globe, as the movie starts

    In the background of news broadcasts and podcasts there is almost always an image of a globe earth, some spinning, some not!

    Disney was programming children's minds with "Space" and space travel cartoons long before #NASA claimed to go to space!

    On the BBC News they even do a countdown to the news, with a spinning globe-like image in the background, almost like a hypnotist!

    It would seem to me that if the earth were a spinning sphere 25,000 miles in circumference that it would be quite easy to

    It is a FACT shown in Spherical trigonometry that a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference is REQUIRED to have a demonstrable "Curvature" of 8 inches per mile SQUARED!

    Now 8 inches don't sound like much....
    At one mile that is 8 inches (or .666 FEET) of "curvature"
    At 3 miles that is 6 FEET of "curvature" required
    At 10 miles spherical trigonometry dictates 66.69 FEET of curve
    At 100 miles 6668.41 FEET ( about 1 1/4 MILES) is REQUIRED!

    Have you noticed a pattern with these numbers?
    And this curvature MUST BE everywhere on the surface of the earth! ALL WATER and ALL LAND must have this curvature!

    It is a REQUIRED FACT!
    And for some reason.... NOBODY has ever seen this "curvature" much less proven that it exist!

    We have transits, theodolites, and lasers... ALL highly accurate instruments which can be used to demonstrate "curvature"

    But for some reason NOBODY has ever been able to demonstrate that this "curvature" exist! WHY BOTHER arguing about what is in the heavens?

    We cannot even demonstrate the FIRST CLAIM of heliocentrism, which is the earth is a sphere! Because NOBODY has ever demonstrated any curvature to the earth!

    EVERYONE is too mired in technical details, mind bending equations, and fables created by Freemason liars, to ever ask the simplest of questions! Which is "WHERE IS THE CURVATURE?"

    Science REQUIRES "Observable, Testable, and Repeatable" to be called "Science." The heliocentric model fails this test!

    NONE of the heliocentric model can be PROVEN!
    It's ALL "Theory"

    "Space" does not exist!
    "Planets" are wondering stars!
    "Stars" are lights in the sky put there by the Creator!

    People claim that "For 2,000 years we've known the earth is a sphere" but that's NOT TRUE!

    They were teaching the earth was FLAT around 1900!
    Right up until Rockefeller started funding Education, and started brainwashing every American with Satanic nonsense!

    You believe the earth is a sphere? FINE!

    Then SHOW ME which parts of the Amazon River is running UPHILL and which part is running downhill! DO THAT and I'll hear the rest of your argument!

    OR demonstrate the 66.69 FEET of curvature REQUIRED for every 10 linear miles of the Earth's surface! (Including the water)

    DO THAT and I'll be impressed!
    Because YOU will be the very FIRST PERSON in history to do so!

    Psalms 19:1
    The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”
    Nobody wants to know the #Truth! Everyone wants to continue believing the fairytales they were taught as a child, and are incapable of questioning their legitimacy The very FIRST thing you saw when you walked into the school was a Globe sitting on your teacher's desk! The very FIRST "assignment" your teacher gave you was learning the "planets" and their order in the "Solar System" You even likely had a spinning solar system mobile over your baby crib before you could even crawl! Every day we are barraged with #Globe #Propaganda! Corporate logos of a globe or globe like image, like AT&T! Then we have the opening of EVERY Hollywood movie, where we are shown an image of a spinning globe, as the movie starts In the background of news broadcasts and podcasts there is almost always an image of a globe earth, some spinning, some not! Disney was programming children's minds with "Space" and space travel cartoons long before #NASA claimed to go to space! On the BBC News they even do a countdown to the news, with a spinning globe-like image in the background, almost like a hypnotist! It would seem to me that if the earth were a spinning sphere 25,000 miles in circumference that it would be quite easy to SHOW ME THE "CURVATURE" REQUIRED BY THIS CLAIM! It is a FACT shown in Spherical trigonometry that a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference is REQUIRED to have a demonstrable "Curvature" of 8 inches per mile SQUARED! Now 8 inches don't sound like much.... At one mile that is 8 inches (or .666 FEET) of "curvature" At 3 miles that is 6 FEET of "curvature" required At 10 miles spherical trigonometry dictates 66.69 FEET of curve At 100 miles 6668.41 FEET ( about 1 1/4 MILES) is REQUIRED! Have you noticed a pattern with these numbers? And this curvature MUST BE everywhere on the surface of the earth! ALL WATER and ALL LAND must have this curvature! It is a REQUIRED FACT! And for some reason.... NOBODY has ever seen this "curvature" much less proven that it exist! We have transits, theodolites, and lasers... ALL highly accurate instruments which can be used to demonstrate "curvature" But for some reason NOBODY has ever been able to demonstrate that this "curvature" exist! WHY BOTHER arguing about what is in the heavens? We cannot even demonstrate the FIRST CLAIM of heliocentrism, which is the earth is a sphere! Because NOBODY has ever demonstrated any curvature to the earth! EVERYONE is too mired in technical details, mind bending equations, and fables created by Freemason liars, to ever ask the simplest of questions! Which is "WHERE IS THE CURVATURE?" Science REQUIRES "Observable, Testable, and Repeatable" to be called "Science." The heliocentric model fails this test! NONE of the heliocentric model can be PROVEN! It's ALL "Theory" "Space" does not exist! "Planets" are wondering stars! "Stars" are lights in the sky put there by the Creator! People claim that "For 2,000 years we've known the earth is a sphere" but that's NOT TRUE! They were teaching the earth was FLAT around 1900! Right up until Rockefeller started funding Education, and started brainwashing every American with Satanic nonsense! You believe the earth is a sphere? FINE! SHOW ME THE 1854.65 MILES (9792563.30 feet) OF CURVATURE REQUIRED FROM ONE END TO THE OTHER OF THE 4,000 MILE LONG AMAZON RIVER! Then SHOW ME which parts of the Amazon River is running UPHILL and which part is running downhill! DO THAT and I'll hear the rest of your argument! OR demonstrate the 66.69 FEET of curvature REQUIRED for every 10 linear miles of the Earth's surface! (Including the water) DO THAT and I'll be impressed! Because YOU will be the very FIRST PERSON in history to do so! Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.”
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  • Have We EVER Been to the Moon? - Conspiracy Conversations (EP 18) with David Whited + Flat Earth Dave Weiss

    LIARS just love accusing YOU of what they are doing!
    I keep hearing "Flat Earth is a psy-op"

    Let's take a look at that claim!
    WHAT is this psy-op accomplishing exactly?

    Well..... Thus far it has brought many of an atheist
    to the TRUTH there is a Creator!

    Dave Weiss AND Eric Dubay were admitted Atheists....
    Now, BOTH of them will tell you they KNOW there is a creator and we are created beings, living in a place Created just for us!

    Boy.... That's a detrimental effect isn't it?

    Secondly.... as people call flat earth guys "stupid" and "crazy" and "uneducated"
    Flat Earthers get an opportunity to DEMONSTRATE that not only do they know all about FE, but they also know the #Heliocentric THEORY better than the people who believe in it!

    Flat Earthers were ALL once believers in the Heliocentric THEORY!
    So it's not like they don't understand the concept!

    It's just that they have actually RESEARCHED all the claims made by the Heliocentric THEORY, and they have found them to be ridiculous and unproven!

    So... Unlike those who support the Heliocentric THEORY, Flat Earthers have actually EXAMINED BOTH MODELS!

    The ONLY REASON that believers in the heliocentric THEORY still believe in the heliocentric theory is BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED BY BOTH MODELS! They dismiss FE without looking into it!

    HOW can you make a judgement about something when you don't know what it is? They are like bratty little children with their fingers in their ears, going LA LA LA LA LA so they cannot hear what you are saying.... Then they call YOU stupid!

    They REFUSE to examine the evidence, watch the videos, or question the globe because, I believe, they KNOW they are wrong and refuse to accept it!

    A psy-op that educates people AND brings them back to YHWH.....
    WOW that's a dangerous and terrible psy-op isn't it?

    And the funniest thing of all.... If they REALLY BELIEVE that the Earth is a sphere why don't they just go and get a theodolite, a transit, or even a laser, and PROVE that there is a "curvature" to ALL LAND & WATER on Earth?

    With today's high tech technology, this should be quite simple to do!

    Have We EVER Been to the Moon? - Conspiracy Conversations (EP 18) with David Whited + Flat Earth Dave Weiss LIARS just love accusing YOU of what they are doing! I keep hearing "Flat Earth is a psy-op" Let's take a look at that claim! WHAT is this psy-op accomplishing exactly? Well..... Thus far it has brought many of an atheist to the TRUTH there is a Creator! Dave Weiss AND Eric Dubay were admitted Atheists.... Now, BOTH of them will tell you they KNOW there is a creator and we are created beings, living in a place Created just for us! Boy.... That's a detrimental effect isn't it? Secondly.... as people call flat earth guys "stupid" and "crazy" and "uneducated" Flat Earthers get an opportunity to DEMONSTRATE that not only do they know all about FE, but they also know the #Heliocentric THEORY better than the people who believe in it! Flat Earthers were ALL once believers in the Heliocentric THEORY! So it's not like they don't understand the concept! It's just that they have actually RESEARCHED all the claims made by the Heliocentric THEORY, and they have found them to be ridiculous and unproven! So... Unlike those who support the Heliocentric THEORY, Flat Earthers have actually EXAMINED BOTH MODELS! The ONLY REASON that believers in the heliocentric THEORY still believe in the heliocentric theory is BECAUSE THEY REFUSE TO LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED BY BOTH MODELS! They dismiss FE without looking into it! HOW can you make a judgement about something when you don't know what it is? They are like bratty little children with their fingers in their ears, going LA LA LA LA LA so they cannot hear what you are saying.... Then they call YOU stupid! They REFUSE to examine the evidence, watch the videos, or question the globe because, I believe, they KNOW they are wrong and refuse to accept it! A psy-op that educates people AND brings them back to YHWH..... WOW that's a dangerous and terrible psy-op isn't it? And the funniest thing of all.... If they REALLY BELIEVE that the Earth is a sphere why don't they just go and get a theodolite, a transit, or even a laser, and PROVE that there is a "curvature" to ALL LAND & WATER on Earth? With today's high tech technology, this should be quite simple to do! UNLESS, of course, IT DOES NOT EXIST LIKE I'VE BEEN TELLING YOU! https://rumble.com/v39bsm8-have-we-ever-been-to-the-moon-conspiracy-conversations-ep-18-with-david-whi.html
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 2821 Views

    I love the high altitude footage....
    But your #Globe brainwashed and your #CIA shills will cry #CGI
    (You know, claim YOU are doing what THEY ARE DOING)

    So I encourage everyone to perform an experiment!
    Get a laser, a theodolite or a transit or even a mirror
    and perform a "curvature test" for yourself!

    Take nobody's word for it, except your own!
    Set up near a body of water or clear patch of land
    At 10 miles the Globe model REQUIRES 66.6 FEET of curvature!

    And that's for every 10 linear miles on Earth, whether it be land or sea!
    PROVE that this "curvature" exists or that it don't exist, to YOURSELF!

    You don't need to show me, I know the truth!
    Show YOURSELF the #Truth!

    MORE HIGH ALTITUDE FOOTAGE PROVES EARTH IS FLAT! I love the high altitude footage.... But your #Globe brainwashed and your #CIA shills will cry #CGI (You know, claim YOU are doing what THEY ARE DOING) So I encourage everyone to perform an experiment! Get a laser, a theodolite or a transit or even a mirror and perform a "curvature test" for yourself! Take nobody's word for it, except your own! Set up near a body of water or clear patch of land At 10 miles the Globe model REQUIRES 66.6 FEET of curvature! And that's for every 10 linear miles on Earth, whether it be land or sea! PROVE that this "curvature" exists or that it don't exist, to YOURSELF! You don't need to show me, I know the truth! Show YOURSELF the #Truth! https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q8aPQb0dVZrc/
    0 Commentarios 0 Acciones 439 Views
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