• https://medforth.org/schleswig-lebenslang-fur-syrer-nach-ehrenmord-auf-autobahn/
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  • https://medforth.org/ampel-minister-bekommen-nun-nach-zwei-jahren-lebenslang-4-660-euro-ruhegehalt/
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  • https://medforth.org/raser-totet-familienvater-in-wiesbaden-lebenslange-haft-fur-syrer/
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  • Nobody codes movies like Kubrick… ADRENO…

    They're all named after different drugs. Vellocet = Speed in Latin, amphetamine. Synthemesc = synthetic mescaline. Drencrom = Andrenochrome, a derivative of adrenaline. Moloko is milk which you put the drugs in. Just for your information: this film, A clockwork Orange, was based on a book. And the said book was filled with a slang thought up just for the book. The slang's words were creations of the author, Anthony Burgess, but a lot of the words were also based on Russian words too. Many publications of the book included an Appendix so the reader could translate the slang. Here is an online guide….

    (Follow the link and click the URL at the bottom)

    And remember... "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he did not exist!"

    Nobody codes movies like Kubrick… ADRENO… They're all named after different drugs. Vellocet = Speed in Latin, amphetamine. Synthemesc = synthetic mescaline. Drencrom = Andrenochrome, a derivative of adrenaline. Moloko is milk which you put the drugs in. Just for your information: this film, A clockwork Orange, was based on a book. And the said book was filled with a slang thought up just for the book. The slang's words were creations of the author, Anthony Burgess, but a lot of the words were also based on Russian words too. Many publications of the book included an Appendix so the reader could translate the slang. Here is an online guide…. (Follow the link and click the URL at the bottom) And remember... "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he did not exist!" https://bastyon.com/index?s=462a9219aa8bf33edeee0800feebfd88780a682f03edafc95e807d76cdec9028&ref=PR73uNkFMJzvL9NtkL66NAZ2ci1GVQuW8E
    Bastyon: First Fully Decentralized Social Network on Blockchain
    Nobody codes movies like Kubrick… ADRENO… They're all named after different drugs. Vellocet = Speed in Latin, amphetamine. S...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 752 Views
  • https://medforth.org/lebensgefahrtin-und-deren-tochter-erwurgt-lebenslange-haft-fur-tunesier/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 311 Views
  • https://medforth.org/grossbritannien-pakistanischer-staatsburger-abdul-wahab-zu-lebenslanger-haft-verurteilt-nachdem-er-gestanden-hat-seine-5-jahrige-stieftochter-gefoltert-und-getotet-zu-haben/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 289 Views
  • Southern Slang Deemed ‘Triggering Hate Speech’ By Libs, No Joke…
    Southern Slang Deemed ‘Triggering Hate Speech’ By Libs, No Joke… https://potuspaper.com/southern-slang-deemed-triggering-hate-speech-by-libs-no-joke/
    Southern Slang Deemed ‘Triggering Hate Speech’ By Libs, No Joke…
    I stumbled upon a weird thread where the topic was triggering words that should be deemed 'hate speech. While the
    0 Comments 1 Shares 317 Views
  • Alright... Everyone's commenting on it so I gotta weigh in my 2 cents: Calling out the new little mermaid movie for race-swapping the main character in what is obviously a hollow and obnoxious virtue signal is wack.

    If you wanna recreate a popular character from an old movie, respect the source content.

    If you want diversity for the sake of diversity, make a new character. Make a new story. Make your own shit. Don't take SOMEONE ELSE'S work and use it to make some kind of statement or virtue signal.

    Don't take a Danish fairytale from the 1700's and start swapping out everyone's physical appearance 'just because we don't like white people anymore' or something,

    Is Disney really so creatively bankrupt that they can't make a new story to fit their sudden change of world view? I guarantee that if they did, no one would be bothered. They'd probably embrace it. But no, they wanna be sure and make it a point to show the world that they are actively removing white characters from stories written by white people in white cultures, and in white regions of the world retrospectively because white people suck, and anything good they may have achieved must be taken from them and appropriated for the 'oppressed' because we *aren't* racist! oh no, everyone else is! It's not racist to discriminate against someone for being a particular race as long as that race is white. right?

    Like, they are the ones hyperfocused on race to the point that they have to deliberately change the race of old ass characters from storybooks in this contrived manner, but YOU are the racist for thinking it's wack.

    Are they so adamant about diversity that they will just start race swapping characters in stories that take place in settings where it doesn't even make sense?!

    How would these SJW's feel if if FOX made a recreation of Pokehantus where Pokehantus was played by Angelina Jolie?

    How would they feel if they remade Mulan starring Sandra Bullok?

    You'd never hear the friggin end of it!

    I'd argue that its racist that Disney has to race swap a white princess instead of just making a badass black princess in a new movie with her own story!

    I'd argue that its racist that Disney decided to make 'black Ariel' for the little mermaid, but still felt the need to change her hair color to be closer to the original character, even though the original character's natural hair color was red, but a black woman must change her hair color to be red!

    If you wanna make black Ariel, why not just let her be black Ariel?! lol Why you gotta be like, 'we wanna make black Ariel, but she still has to have red hair because deep down we know that we're just race swapping an established red-headed character over our state of being creatively bankrupt pieces of shit who have nothing to offer something that was already great and care more about our woke ideology and identity politics than we do about the classic story we are recreating!'

    and then accuse anyone who calls it out as being a "racist?!"

    Yeah, sure, its the audiences fault that your movie sucks and no one wants to sit there and be brow-beaten with woke nonsense.

    They just did exactly the same thing with the Tolkein remake of Rings of Power, or the Marvel franchises, and then hide behind accusing their audience of being 'racist' to divert blame away from the fact that they failed to honor a timeless masterpiece by injecting their own ideals along with acting, writing and storytelling that is mediocre at best!

    Time and time again, they take classic old stories and characters, decide they want to remake it for 2022, and their big creative contribution to the project is 'we're gonna make it more diverse and probly feminist or something!'

    Dude, no one cares about that! We are bludgeoned over the head with identity politics in everything we see these days! We revisit nostalgic old stories of fantasy to take us away from these troubled modern times. The LAST thing anyone wants is more modern times in their medieval fantasies!!

    We would even put up with it to some degree if the source material were at least respected, or done some kind of justice, but its not! Yall just hired some armchair Marxist writer fresh out of college to recreate Tolkein -- TOLKEIN! Or you brought back an iconic movie from the 90's and your only visible contribution thus far is to completely change the cultural representation of the main character!

    Like, enough already! We get it! You all hate white people! You wanna cancel white people from every field of society, economics, media, art and literature in which they were once prominent, and then call anyone who questions it the racists!

    Fine, if thats what you wanna do, but don't be surprised when the fans of the original work that you are using for your propagandist money grab, (who also happen to be the majority of people that would even be interested in such a remake in the first place,) happen to reject your bullshitty poor retelling of a story that they memorized every word of its original!

    If you don't like Tolkein, you think his work is 'problematic' or whatever, then don't make a Tolkein show! Make something else! Make your own shit!

    The original little mermaid is PLENTY problematic in a lot of ways by today's standards. If that bothers you, fine! Then don't make a little mermaid remake! No one even asked for this!

    BUT, if you ARE gonna remake something, make a REMAKE, not a completely different thing, then act surprised when fans of the original are not on board with it, and then try to mask your own failures and bad decisions by accusing them all of being racists!

    Don't just decide that 'Superman is now gay, Spiderman is now black, and Wonderwoman is a trans woman,' then expect everyone to applaud your '*creative genius!*'

    It's bullshit!

    They did some race swapping on the new Game of Thrones, and notice that no one is upset about it because (firstly,) the new GOT is actually GOOD, and 2, They did it in such a way that it makes sense and works with the story, and then, they don't mention it in any kind of modern context AT ALL. The new GOT isn't focused on modern identity politics or racial profiling, it's focused on a live-action adaptation of the works of revered writer, James RR Martin, with respect to the SOURCE MATERIAL, and everyone loves it! Go figure!

    If you wanna take something that people already know and love and do a modern remake that's well received and successful, it's quite simple. It's not rocket science. All you need to do is take all of the advances in film, media, special effects, visuals etc that we have in 2022, and use it to tell the SAME STORY. Done! You'll be slanging burger king cups and action figures for the next 20 years!

    But no. You can't let it be. You have to impose your own ideas on people through the use of other people's ideas and demand that everyone loves it.

    Well we don't. Sorry.

    There. That's my rant on the topic. Probably not a popular or PC opinion, but I hope you all enjoyed it any way.

    Stay tuned for my next project. Its a TV series about the life and career of Mohammed Ali, starring Shy Lebuff as Mohammed Ali. If you don' tlike it your just whitephobic. (see? I can make up words too!)

    Unbelievable! lol.
    Alright... Everyone's commenting on it so I gotta weigh in my 2 cents: Calling out the new little mermaid movie for race-swapping the main character in what is obviously a hollow and obnoxious virtue signal is wack. If you wanna recreate a popular character from an old movie, respect the source content. If you want diversity for the sake of diversity, make a new character. Make a new story. Make your own shit. Don't take SOMEONE ELSE'S work and use it to make some kind of statement or virtue signal. Don't take a Danish fairytale from the 1700's and start swapping out everyone's physical appearance 'just because we don't like white people anymore' or something, Is Disney really so creatively bankrupt that they can't make a new story to fit their sudden change of world view? I guarantee that if they did, no one would be bothered. They'd probably embrace it. But no, they wanna be sure and make it a point to show the world that they are actively removing white characters from stories written by white people in white cultures, and in white regions of the world retrospectively because white people suck, and anything good they may have achieved must be taken from them and appropriated for the 'oppressed' because we *aren't* racist! oh no, everyone else is! It's not racist to discriminate against someone for being a particular race as long as that race is white. right? Like, they are the ones hyperfocused on race to the point that they have to deliberately change the race of old ass characters from storybooks in this contrived manner, but YOU are the racist for thinking it's wack. Are they so adamant about diversity that they will just start race swapping characters in stories that take place in settings where it doesn't even make sense?! How would these SJW's feel if if FOX made a recreation of Pokehantus where Pokehantus was played by Angelina Jolie? How would they feel if they remade Mulan starring Sandra Bullok? You'd never hear the friggin end of it! I'd argue that its racist that Disney has to race swap a white princess instead of just making a badass black princess in a new movie with her own story! I'd argue that its racist that Disney decided to make 'black Ariel' for the little mermaid, but still felt the need to change her hair color to be closer to the original character, even though the original character's natural hair color was red, but a black woman must change her hair color to be red! If you wanna make black Ariel, why not just let her be black Ariel?! lol Why you gotta be like, 'we wanna make black Ariel, but she still has to have red hair because deep down we know that we're just race swapping an established red-headed character over our state of being creatively bankrupt pieces of shit who have nothing to offer something that was already great and care more about our woke ideology and identity politics than we do about the classic story we are recreating!' and then accuse anyone who calls it out as being a "racist?!" Yeah, sure, its the audiences fault that your movie sucks and no one wants to sit there and be brow-beaten with woke nonsense. They just did exactly the same thing with the Tolkein remake of Rings of Power, or the Marvel franchises, and then hide behind accusing their audience of being 'racist' to divert blame away from the fact that they failed to honor a timeless masterpiece by injecting their own ideals along with acting, writing and storytelling that is mediocre at best! Time and time again, they take classic old stories and characters, decide they want to remake it for 2022, and their big creative contribution to the project is 'we're gonna make it more diverse and probly feminist or something!' Dude, no one cares about that! We are bludgeoned over the head with identity politics in everything we see these days! We revisit nostalgic old stories of fantasy to take us away from these troubled modern times. The LAST thing anyone wants is more modern times in their medieval fantasies!! We would even put up with it to some degree if the source material were at least respected, or done some kind of justice, but its not! Yall just hired some armchair Marxist writer fresh out of college to recreate Tolkein -- TOLKEIN! Or you brought back an iconic movie from the 90's and your only visible contribution thus far is to completely change the cultural representation of the main character! Like, enough already! We get it! You all hate white people! You wanna cancel white people from every field of society, economics, media, art and literature in which they were once prominent, and then call anyone who questions it the racists! Fine, if thats what you wanna do, but don't be surprised when the fans of the original work that you are using for your propagandist money grab, (who also happen to be the majority of people that would even be interested in such a remake in the first place,) happen to reject your bullshitty poor retelling of a story that they memorized every word of its original! If you don't like Tolkein, you think his work is 'problematic' or whatever, then don't make a Tolkein show! Make something else! Make your own shit! The original little mermaid is PLENTY problematic in a lot of ways by today's standards. If that bothers you, fine! Then don't make a little mermaid remake! No one even asked for this! BUT, if you ARE gonna remake something, make a REMAKE, not a completely different thing, then act surprised when fans of the original are not on board with it, and then try to mask your own failures and bad decisions by accusing them all of being racists! Don't just decide that 'Superman is now gay, Spiderman is now black, and Wonderwoman is a trans woman,' then expect everyone to applaud your '*creative genius!*' It's bullshit! They did some race swapping on the new Game of Thrones, and notice that no one is upset about it because (firstly,) the new GOT is actually GOOD, and 2, They did it in such a way that it makes sense and works with the story, and then, they don't mention it in any kind of modern context AT ALL. The new GOT isn't focused on modern identity politics or racial profiling, it's focused on a live-action adaptation of the works of revered writer, James RR Martin, with respect to the SOURCE MATERIAL, and everyone loves it! Go figure! If you wanna take something that people already know and love and do a modern remake that's well received and successful, it's quite simple. It's not rocket science. All you need to do is take all of the advances in film, media, special effects, visuals etc that we have in 2022, and use it to tell the SAME STORY. Done! You'll be slanging burger king cups and action figures for the next 20 years! But no. You can't let it be. You have to impose your own ideas on people through the use of other people's ideas and demand that everyone loves it. Well we don't. Sorry. There. That's my rant on the topic. Probably not a popular or PC opinion, but I hope you all enjoyed it any way. Stay tuned for my next project. Its a TV series about the life and career of Mohammed Ali, starring Shy Lebuff as Mohammed Ali. If you don' tlike it your just whitephobic. (see? I can make up words too!) Unbelievable! lol.
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