• Pfizer’s Covid Gene Therapy Shots Have Over 500 Times Allowable Levels of DNA Contamination — Study

    Pfizer’s Covid Gene Therapy Shots Have Over 500 Times Allowable Levels of DNA Contamination — Study https://www.infowars.com/posts/pfizers-covid-gene-therapy-shots-have-over-500-times-allowable-levels-of-dna-contamination-study/
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 336 Visualizações
  • https://www.sgtreport.com/2024/03/mhra-pfizer-and-uk-officials-accused-of-misconduct-fraud-and-gross-negligent-manslaughter-in-new-criminal-investigation/
    This is in the UK (for now). We need similar proceedings to happen here in the United States. On March 8, 2024, a new criminal investigation was launched against Pfizer, MHRA and UK officials. The investigating officer, Mark Sexton of the Acton Police Station in London, has charged UK officials with misconduct in public office, misfeasance in public office, fraud by false representation, corporate manslaughter and gross negligent manslaughter. Officer Sexton is backed by a team of lawyers, including Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss and Dr. Sam White.
    Under crime number 6029679/21, the investigation specifically seeks to hold accountable a member of the British Parliament, Sir Graham Stuart Brady, and a British doctor, Dame June Munro Raine, who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the UK’s Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). This investigation is part of a much larger investigation that Officer Sexton submitted back in 2021. Three years ago, Officer Sexton submitted 1100 pages of evidence to Hammersmith Criminal Investigation Department, which was signed off by two detectives.
    Mark Sexton writes that the investigation is twenty-seven months in progress since the original crime report was released. He says, “They can’t whitewash this one because too many people know what’s going on and the excess deaths cannot be hidden or ignored any longer.” Excess deaths in the UK are driven by cardiovascular events that are tied to the covid-19 vaccine. The Metropolitan Police of Greater London, which is tasked with protecting members of the royal family, members of the government, and other public health officials, is trying to shut the case down. However, over 400 expert witnesses, whistleblowers and victims stand to testify against the criminal actions taken by pharmaceutical companies and government officials over the past four years. At least 40 world experts are prepared to give evidence of criminality. One of the expert witnesses is former biotech research executive, Dr. Michael Yeadon. Yeadon’s letter to Ben Bates of the UK metropolitan police is being shared widely. Yeadon is a former Vice President for Pfizer. For several years, Yeadon led Pfizer’s global research in the field of Allergic & Respiratory Disease Therapeutics, and knows how these interventions are made and what they are for.
    Yeadon lays out verifiable evidence that the covid-19 “vaccines” weren’t vaccines at all, but were intentionally formulated to cause mass harm and then unlawfully mandated on populations. He refutes the existence of an alleged “global pandemic” and documents the harms caused by government lockdowns and other restrictions that coerced populations to take part in a deadly experiment. The illusion of a pandemic was created by the misuse and abuse of a clinical diagnostic test called PCR. Governments funded PCR fraud and erected a web of deceitful financial incentives, encouraging hospital systems and laboratories to use high cycle thresholds on new PCR tests. This created a wave of artificial positives for an alleged disease that there was no symptom-specific diagnostics for. The illnesses that were presented in 2020 were not treated properly; therefore, the lack of early antiviral treatment, misdiagnoses, prescription error, ventilator-associated pneumonia and various forms of medical malfeasance and malpractice was behind the deaths observed in hospitals in 2020 and beyond.
    Yeadon writes, “The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person ‘had covid.’ There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease.”
    https://www.sgtreport.com/2024/03/mhra-pfizer-and-uk-officials-accused-of-misconduct-fraud-and-gross-negligent-manslaughter-in-new-criminal-investigation/ This is in the UK (for now). We need similar proceedings to happen here in the United States. On March 8, 2024, a new criminal investigation was launched against Pfizer, MHRA and UK officials. The investigating officer, Mark Sexton of the Acton Police Station in London, has charged UK officials with misconduct in public office, misfeasance in public office, fraud by false representation, corporate manslaughter and gross negligent manslaughter. Officer Sexton is backed by a team of lawyers, including Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss and Dr. Sam White. Under crime number 6029679/21, the investigation specifically seeks to hold accountable a member of the British Parliament, Sir Graham Stuart Brady, and a British doctor, Dame June Munro Raine, who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the UK’s Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). This investigation is part of a much larger investigation that Officer Sexton submitted back in 2021. Three years ago, Officer Sexton submitted 1100 pages of evidence to Hammersmith Criminal Investigation Department, which was signed off by two detectives. Mark Sexton writes that the investigation is twenty-seven months in progress since the original crime report was released. He says, “They can’t whitewash this one because too many people know what’s going on and the excess deaths cannot be hidden or ignored any longer.” Excess deaths in the UK are driven by cardiovascular events that are tied to the covid-19 vaccine. The Metropolitan Police of Greater London, which is tasked with protecting members of the royal family, members of the government, and other public health officials, is trying to shut the case down. However, over 400 expert witnesses, whistleblowers and victims stand to testify against the criminal actions taken by pharmaceutical companies and government officials over the past four years. At least 40 world experts are prepared to give evidence of criminality. One of the expert witnesses is former biotech research executive, Dr. Michael Yeadon. Yeadon’s letter to Ben Bates of the UK metropolitan police is being shared widely. Yeadon is a former Vice President for Pfizer. For several years, Yeadon led Pfizer’s global research in the field of Allergic & Respiratory Disease Therapeutics, and knows how these interventions are made and what they are for. Yeadon lays out verifiable evidence that the covid-19 “vaccines” weren’t vaccines at all, but were intentionally formulated to cause mass harm and then unlawfully mandated on populations. He refutes the existence of an alleged “global pandemic” and documents the harms caused by government lockdowns and other restrictions that coerced populations to take part in a deadly experiment. The illusion of a pandemic was created by the misuse and abuse of a clinical diagnostic test called PCR. Governments funded PCR fraud and erected a web of deceitful financial incentives, encouraging hospital systems and laboratories to use high cycle thresholds on new PCR tests. This created a wave of artificial positives for an alleged disease that there was no symptom-specific diagnostics for. The illnesses that were presented in 2020 were not treated properly; therefore, the lack of early antiviral treatment, misdiagnoses, prescription error, ventilator-associated pneumonia and various forms of medical malfeasance and malpractice was behind the deaths observed in hospitals in 2020 and beyond. Yeadon writes, “The heart of this entire deception is the incorrect belief that PCR is nearly flawless and so a positive result means that a person ‘had covid.’ There is no such disease. Not one symptom is unique to the claimed new disease.”
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  • Stop All Nanoparticle CV19 Vax Injections Now – Karen Kingston

    Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle vax. Kingston proved the CV19 vax was a bioweapon from the very beginning and is now on a team pushing to stop using it in Florida. Kingston says, “We know the mRNA injections never provided any benefit, and because of that, they actually meet the definition of a biological weapon under 18 U.S. Code 175. It’s also a weapon of mass destruction under Florida law 790.166. The statement of facts that was submitted (to the Florida Supreme Court) goes through all the evidence. . . . There was 1.5 million adverse events. The definition of a weapon is any biological agent or device that doesn’t prevent against infection, doesn’t prevent any kind of disease . . . and was not done under bona fide research. We know that research that was done with the Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials, the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) that was given to Americans and the FDA approved product, none of that was legitimate. There was no informed consent. That is criminal biological human experimentation. That, by definition, is biowarfare. There is no benefit . . . . It actually harms people. If you look at Pfizer’s documents, Moderna’s documents and the government’s documents, they knew all along that harms outweighed the benefits of this product in any population.”

    Dr. Joe Sansone in Florida has been the driving force to get these CV19 mRNA nanoparticle shots banned in that state. A recent post on Kingston’s Substack says, “Dr. Sansone is seeking for the Florida Supreme Court to issue an order to Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Moody to uphold their duties of enforcing federal and Florida laws by prohibiting the unlawful and criminal distribution, promotion and administration of the engineered mRNA nanoparticle injections on Floridians and to protect Floridians by seizing the injections.”

    (Read the entire “Order to Prohibit the Use Of and Seize the mRNA Injections” here.)

    Dr. Sansone is not the only one who thinks these CV19 injections should be “banned.” Kingston says, “The Florida Surgeon General and the Florida Department of Health have said these mRNA (CV19) injections should be used in NO human beings. They said these are gene editing technologies that can disrupt the human genome and make permanent changes. . . . According to the DOD, our own government and national security agencies say if you change the genome of any species, including human beings, that is the extermination of that species. This makes it a weapon of mass destruction. . . . The evidence is put together in such a damning way you cannot argue to keep the (CV19 mRNA nanoparticle) shots.”

    In closing, Kingston reminds us, “States have the right to block any drug or medical device even if the FDA approves it.” In the not-so-distant future, let’s hope many states follow Florida’s lead and ban the CV19 bioweapon shots.
    Stop All Nanoparticle CV19 Vax Injections Now – Karen Kingston https://rumble.com/v4jit9h-stop-all-nanoparticle-cv19-vax-injections-now-karen-kingston.html Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle vax. Kingston proved the CV19 vax was a bioweapon from the very beginning and is now on a team pushing to stop using it in Florida. Kingston says, “We know the mRNA injections never provided any benefit, and because of that, they actually meet the definition of a biological weapon under 18 U.S. Code 175. It’s also a weapon of mass destruction under Florida law 790.166. The statement of facts that was submitted (to the Florida Supreme Court) goes through all the evidence. . . . There was 1.5 million adverse events. The definition of a weapon is any biological agent or device that doesn’t prevent against infection, doesn’t prevent any kind of disease . . . and was not done under bona fide research. We know that research that was done with the Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials, the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) that was given to Americans and the FDA approved product, none of that was legitimate. There was no informed consent. That is criminal biological human experimentation. That, by definition, is biowarfare. There is no benefit . . . . It actually harms people. If you look at Pfizer’s documents, Moderna’s documents and the government’s documents, they knew all along that harms outweighed the benefits of this product in any population.” Dr. Joe Sansone in Florida has been the driving force to get these CV19 mRNA nanoparticle shots banned in that state. A recent post on Kingston’s Substack says, “Dr. Sansone is seeking for the Florida Supreme Court to issue an order to Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Moody to uphold their duties of enforcing federal and Florida laws by prohibiting the unlawful and criminal distribution, promotion and administration of the engineered mRNA nanoparticle injections on Floridians and to protect Floridians by seizing the injections.” (Read the entire “Order to Prohibit the Use Of and Seize the mRNA Injections” here.) Dr. Sansone is not the only one who thinks these CV19 injections should be “banned.” Kingston says, “The Florida Surgeon General and the Florida Department of Health have said these mRNA (CV19) injections should be used in NO human beings. They said these are gene editing technologies that can disrupt the human genome and make permanent changes. . . . According to the DOD, our own government and national security agencies say if you change the genome of any species, including human beings, that is the extermination of that species. This makes it a weapon of mass destruction. . . . The evidence is put together in such a damning way you cannot argue to keep the (CV19 mRNA nanoparticle) shots.” In closing, Kingston reminds us, “States have the right to block any drug or medical device even if the FDA approves it.” In the not-so-distant future, let’s hope many states follow Florida’s lead and ban the CV19 bioweapon shots.
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3244 Visualizações
  • https://rumble.com/v4bqai9-daily-dose-covid-shots-linked-to-autism-with-dr.-peterson-pierre.html
    A study from Turkey discovered that female rats injected with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines gave birth to offspring exhibiting symptoms of autism and lower neuronal counts in the brain. The peer-reviewed study analyzed the offspring of pregnant rats injected with Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 shots during gestation.
    This study evoked intense reactions from the scientific community. Radiologist and cancer researcher William Makis said, “It’s time to immediately halt COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and begin assessing the incalculable damage done to the next generation.”
    If your obstetrician recommends that you get the COVID “vaccine” to protect you and your baby, ask yourself two questions:
    Protect from what? You have a 99.997% chance of complete recovery from COVID.
    Do you really want to take the chance of putting your baby’s health at risk?
    https://rumble.com/v4bqai9-daily-dose-covid-shots-linked-to-autism-with-dr.-peterson-pierre.html A study from Turkey discovered that female rats injected with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines gave birth to offspring exhibiting symptoms of autism and lower neuronal counts in the brain. The peer-reviewed study analyzed the offspring of pregnant rats injected with Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 shots during gestation. This study evoked intense reactions from the scientific community. Radiologist and cancer researcher William Makis said, “It’s time to immediately halt COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and begin assessing the incalculable damage done to the next generation.” If your obstetrician recommends that you get the COVID “vaccine” to protect you and your baby, ask yourself two questions: Protect from what? You have a 99.997% chance of complete recovery from COVID. Do you really want to take the chance of putting your baby’s health at risk?
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1882 Visualizações
  • You've Been Genetically Hijacked to Produce Pfizer's Pfrankenstein Proteins
    Story at-a-glance

    Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 shots instruct cells to produce additional “off-target” proteins that could pose significant health risks
    The finding was revealed by a team of U.K. researchers, who found a “glitch” occurred due to the way the COVID-19 shots were genetically modified
    According to the study, off-target cellular immune responses occur in 25% to 33% of those who have received Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot
    The “Pfrankenstein” proteins could potentially lead to health problems, including autoimmune conditions or endocrine disruption
    Pfizer’s Pfrankenstein proteins should have been detected and reduced or eliminated long before mRNA COVID-19 shots were given to millions of people

    You've Been Genetically Hijacked to Produce Pfizer's Pfrankenstein Proteins https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/02/06/pfizer-pfrankenstein-proteins.aspx?ui=551eda515442ee5cc8f0c77cc67b3f3febd63142ec0dc6cef1d4521e5ea666eb&sd=20200307&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1HL&cid=20240206&foDate=false&mid=DM1527598&rid=2038290874 Story at-a-glance Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 shots instruct cells to produce additional “off-target” proteins that could pose significant health risks The finding was revealed by a team of U.K. researchers, who found a “glitch” occurred due to the way the COVID-19 shots were genetically modified According to the study, off-target cellular immune responses occur in 25% to 33% of those who have received Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot The “Pfrankenstein” proteins could potentially lead to health problems, including autoimmune conditions or endocrine disruption Pfizer’s Pfrankenstein proteins should have been detected and reduced or eliminated long before mRNA COVID-19 shots were given to millions of people
    Is Your Body Producing Pfizer's Pfrankenstein Proteins?
    Recently, a group of UK researchers found a 'glitch' that occurred due to the way Pfizer's product was genetically modified.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2395 Visualizações
  • Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Caused Autism-Like Behaviors in Offspring of Rats Vaccinated During Pregnancy
    Pfizer’s BNT162b COVID-19 vaccine administered to pregnant rats was associated with significant structural and biochemical changes in the brains of offspring and noticeable deficits in several behavioral domains. These effects may not directly relate to humans, and the study period did not allow for the possibility that these effects are reversible.
    Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Caused Autism-Like Behaviors in Offspring of Rats Vaccinated During Pregnancy Pfizer’s BNT162b COVID-19 vaccine administered to pregnant rats was associated with significant structural and biochemical changes in the brains of offspring and noticeable deficits in several behavioral domains. These effects may not directly relate to humans, and the study period did not allow for the possibility that these effects are reversible.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1285 Visualizações
  • MMA Fighter: Pfizer’s Covid Booster Shot Killed My Mom https://www.infowars.com/posts/mma-fighter-pfizers-covid-booster-shot-killed-my-mom/
    MMA Fighter: Pfizer’s Covid Booster Shot Killed My Mom https://www.infowars.com/posts/mma-fighter-pfizers-covid-booster-shot-killed-my-mom/
    MMA Fighter: Pfizer’s Covid Booster Shot Killed My Mom
    UFC light heavyweight fighter Anthony Smith recounted how mother suffered stroke in days following Covid-19 booster vaccination that proved to be fatal.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 575 Visualizações

    AG Ken Paxton finds Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was less than 1% effective, and the government continued to push it on us.
    AG KEN PAXTON IS SUING PFIZER. I THINK HE WILL WIN. AG Ken Paxton finds Pfizer’s COVID vaccine was less than 1% effective, and the government continued to push it on us.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 362 Visualizações
  • Educate Yourself on Globalist/Medical Tyranny

    SUMMARY: I’m embarking on posting some videos I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel and an All News Pipeline post, a Greg Reese video on Kill Shot Nobel Prize winners, A Vigilant News post on Pfizer’s ‘Bait and Switch’, A People’s Voice video on John Kerry’s daughter advocating the depopulation of billions and ending with an Activist Post primer on Fascism. –WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/45f9fkp
    #GlobalistTyranny #MedicalTyranny
    Educate Yourself on Globalist/Medical Tyranny SUMMARY: I’m embarking on posting some videos I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel and an All News Pipeline post, a Greg Reese video on Kill Shot Nobel Prize winners, A Vigilant News post on Pfizer’s ‘Bait and Switch’, A People’s Voice video on John Kerry’s daughter advocating the depopulation of billions and ending with an Activist Post primer on Fascism. –WATCH & READ: https://bit.ly/45f9fkp #GlobalistTyranny #MedicalTyranny
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2944 Visualizações

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