Leftist Power More Valuable than Public Good
SUMMARY: Independence Day approaches celebrating the Founding of a nation that has enjoyed individual Liberty and Religious Freedom more than any nation in history to date. AND YET the flagrant election crimes perpetrated in America has emboldened despotism from those in power via stolen elections to render America’s Founding Principles irrelevant by twisting the rule of law as well as enabling laws by bureaucratic fiat.
American law enforcement more and more are beginning to resemble Gestapo/KGB/ChiCom enforcement of government whims benefitting the designs of ruling elites more than WE THE PEOPLE. I am cross posting two articles illustrating flagrant despotism: https://bit.ly/3yk57j1
#PatriotismVilified #LibertyThreatened #ThoughtPolice
SUMMARY: Independence Day approaches celebrating the Founding of a nation that has enjoyed individual Liberty and Religious Freedom more than any nation in history to date. AND YET the flagrant election crimes perpetrated in America has emboldened despotism from those in power via stolen elections to render America’s Founding Principles irrelevant by twisting the rule of law as well as enabling laws by bureaucratic fiat.
American law enforcement more and more are beginning to resemble Gestapo/KGB/ChiCom enforcement of government whims benefitting the designs of ruling elites more than WE THE PEOPLE. I am cross posting two articles illustrating flagrant despotism: https://bit.ly/3yk57j1
#PatriotismVilified #LibertyThreatened #ThoughtPolice
Leftist Power More Valuable than Public Good
SUMMARY: Independence Day approaches celebrating the Founding of a nation that has enjoyed individual Liberty and Religious Freedom more than any nation in history to date. AND YET the flagrant election crimes perpetrated in America has emboldened despotism from those in power via stolen elections to render America’s Founding Principles irrelevant by twisting the rule of law as well as enabling laws by bureaucratic fiat.
American law enforcement more and more are beginning to resemble Gestapo/KGB/ChiCom enforcement of government whims benefitting the designs of ruling elites more than WE THE PEOPLE. I am cross posting two articles illustrating flagrant despotism: https://bit.ly/3yk57j1
#PatriotismVilified #LibertyThreatened #ThoughtPolice