• "I argue that this is because today’s America is no longer shaped by an older traditional European Christianity either Protestant, Lutheran, or Roman Catholic. It is now an alcohol and drug besotted post-Christian culture that has presently drifted into Neo-Paganism. All the signs are there, including rampant involvement in every form of sexual perversion imaginable, and an increasing disregard for the sanctity of innocent human life, including the heinous practice of partial birth abortion and increasing disrespect of the elderly."

    "I argue that this is because today’s America is no longer shaped by an older traditional European Christianity either Protestant, Lutheran, or Roman Catholic. It is now an alcohol and drug besotted post-Christian culture that has presently drifted into Neo-Paganism. All the signs are there, including rampant involvement in every form of sexual perversion imaginable, and an increasing disregard for the sanctity of innocent human life, including the heinous practice of partial birth abortion and increasing disrespect of the elderly." https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/09/mark-dankof-to-professor-rogers-m-smith-the-fatal-and-tragi-comedic-state-of-american-democracy-2021
    Mark Dankof to Professor Rogers M. Smith: The Fatal and Tragi-Comedic State of American “Democracy” (2021)
    Mark Dankof to Professor Rogers M. Smith: The Fatal and Tragi-Comedic State of American “Democracy” Professor Rogers M. Smith of the political science department of the University of Pennsylvania recently interacted with Iran’s Tehran Times on the present state of American Democracy. Mark Dankof respectfully interacts with these observations with different data and totally
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 305 Visualizações
  • Satan Uses Paganism in Roman Catholicism
    357,255 views Dec 7, 2018
    Satan Uses Paganism in Roman Catholicism 357,255 views Dec 7, 2018
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 283 Visualizações
  • Paganism Defined: Part 5
    Based from the story of Nimrod, the mystery religion was created. This religion spread among the different ancient empires of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Greece, & Rome. This is what paganism is. The purest definition of it. Paganism is the collection of all polytheistic beliefs centered around a central belief. The stories may change, but there are always 4 central figures. They are:

    • Father god
    • The Sun god
    • The Moon goddess (a.k.a Mother god)
    • The son of god

    Now we do not pretend to be luciferin experts. Nor do we contest to being scholars of greek/roman mythology and other religions, but in today’s Information Age, there is enough information available for anyone to gain a broader understanding.

    The chart below illustrates the god & goddess worship of the pagans of different cultures, empires, and religions. It’s impossible not to see the connection from all the stories of these gods & goddesses. The easiest distinction you will find when identifying pagan worshippers is if they worship both Father & Mother god. If there is a both masculine & feminine god in their belief system, then they are a pagan.

    Pagan god List
    Pagan god List

    Now with all of these sun god’s and moon goddesses, another similarity is that they are all birthed from the same father. This father is the ultimate god. He is the creator and bearer of light, of knowledge. He is Father god like referenced earlier. The main connection that most people do not make is that all of these names refer to actually one god. That is lucifer. It’s the same story just different names. Same purposes just different names.

    Names of Lucifer

    Satan is the master deceiver. This is how he will unite the world to worship him. They already are. They’ve been doing it in his name through silence and secrecy for thousands of years. He has created many gods & beliefs centered around him that people all around the world accept & worship. It doesn’t matter which god it is they choose because if it is not true belief in Jesus Christ, it will lead everyone to satan. This is part of the great deception.

    A lot of the prophecy matches God’s true prophecy of the messiah through Jesus Christ. Satan the deceiver has used God’s plan to deceive man. This is what an Anti-Christ is.

    The basis and understanding of this information will allow for greater understanding of the traditions the world keep. It will make you think about what god you actually might be serving without actualization.

    The key points to know are:

    Lucifer is the sun-god
    The birthday of the sun-god is December 25th, the Winter Solstice, the time when the sun is closest to the earth.
    Pagans worship the moon, the moon goddess, Goddess Diana, Ishtar, and her many other names. She is the female, fertility deity. The virgin mother of god.
    She is worshipped on Easter, to celebrate her return each year
    The son of god is always prophesied to return to be a savior of earth
    This is just a summary of the overall connection. It should provoke thought in the reader to make connections with traditions, beliefs, and customs in their own life and review them.

    Paganism Defined: Part 5 03 NOV Based from the story of Nimrod, the mystery religion was created. This religion spread among the different ancient empires of Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Greece, & Rome. This is what paganism is. The purest definition of it. Paganism is the collection of all polytheistic beliefs centered around a central belief. The stories may change, but there are always 4 central figures. They are: • Father god • The Sun god • The Moon goddess (a.k.a Mother god) • The son of god Now we do not pretend to be luciferin experts. Nor do we contest to being scholars of greek/roman mythology and other religions, but in today’s Information Age, there is enough information available for anyone to gain a broader understanding. The chart below illustrates the god & goddess worship of the pagans of different cultures, empires, and religions. It’s impossible not to see the connection from all the stories of these gods & goddesses. The easiest distinction you will find when identifying pagan worshippers is if they worship both Father & Mother god. If there is a both masculine & feminine god in their belief system, then they are a pagan. Pagan god List Pagan god List Now with all of these sun god’s and moon goddesses, another similarity is that they are all birthed from the same father. This father is the ultimate god. He is the creator and bearer of light, of knowledge. He is Father god like referenced earlier. The main connection that most people do not make is that all of these names refer to actually one god. That is lucifer. It’s the same story just different names. Same purposes just different names. Names of Lucifer Satan is the master deceiver. This is how he will unite the world to worship him. They already are. They’ve been doing it in his name through silence and secrecy for thousands of years. He has created many gods & beliefs centered around him that people all around the world accept & worship. It doesn’t matter which god it is they choose because if it is not true belief in Jesus Christ, it will lead everyone to satan. This is part of the great deception. A lot of the prophecy matches God’s true prophecy of the messiah through Jesus Christ. Satan the deceiver has used God’s plan to deceive man. This is what an Anti-Christ is. The basis and understanding of this information will allow for greater understanding of the traditions the world keep. It will make you think about what god you actually might be serving without actualization. The key points to know are: Lucifer is the sun-god The birthday of the sun-god is December 25th, the Winter Solstice, the time when the sun is closest to the earth. Pagans worship the moon, the moon goddess, Goddess Diana, Ishtar, and her many other names. She is the female, fertility deity. The virgin mother of god. She is worshipped on Easter, to celebrate her return each year The son of god is always prophesied to return to be a savior of earth This is just a summary of the overall connection. It should provoke thought in the reader to make connections with traditions, beliefs, and customs in their own life and review them. https://truthunedited.com/study/paganism-defined/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1676 Visualizações
  • Smart Christian Confronts Crowd of Angry Muslims About Paganism in Islam!
    Smart Christian Confronts Crowd of Angry Muslims About Paganism in Islam! https://youtu.be/3fbHK3E5IbE?si=alDmKAeIHy9DXZh5
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 301 Visualizações

    This is an excellent video series on the history of religion.
    This is a great series for the whole family!

    If I were going to sit my children in front of a television, THIS is what would be playing on it! TruthUnedited does an excellent breakdown on the history of religion and how it has been mixed with #Paganism & #Satanism to deceive us all!

    ALL of @Truthunedited's videos are well researched and scripturally sound!

    What many call "religion" has nothing to do with
    the Most High and His Word.

    "Religions" tend to be false doctrines of MEN!
    So we do not seek to be "religious"

    We want to live our lives in accordance with The Father's Laws.
    We want to to be and do that which is pleasing in His sight.

    What "religion" has to say is not that important!
    Your bible is best READ AND INTERPRETED BY YOU!

    Sometimes we need some guidance from others, but we must read our bibles OURSELVES! Otherwise we are just listening to other people's interpretations, which are often wrong or even lies!

    EVERYONE should read the book of Enoch!
    And check out Rob Skiba's playlist on YouTube!

    Brother Rob left this world recently, but his ministry lives on!
    STILL saving souls TODAY! If you have never seen his channel check him out!

    HISTORY OF RELIGION (Part 1): PAGANS, NIMROD, & BABYLON This is an excellent video series on the history of religion. This is a great series for the whole family! If I were going to sit my children in front of a television, THIS is what would be playing on it! TruthUnedited does an excellent breakdown on the history of religion and how it has been mixed with #Paganism & #Satanism to deceive us all! ALL of @Truthunedited's videos are well researched and scripturally sound! What many call "religion" has nothing to do with the Most High and His Word. "Religions" tend to be false doctrines of MEN! So we do not seek to be "religious" We want to live our lives in accordance with The Father's Laws. We want to to be and do that which is pleasing in His sight. What "religion" has to say is not that important! Your bible is best READ AND INTERPRETED BY YOU! Sometimes we need some guidance from others, but we must read our bibles OURSELVES! Otherwise we are just listening to other people's interpretations, which are often wrong or even lies! EVERYONE should read the book of Enoch! And check out Rob Skiba's playlist on YouTube! Brother Rob left this world recently, but his ministry lives on! STILL saving souls TODAY! If you have never seen his channel check him out! https://youtu.be/PdsJs0UIm7s?list=PL5Ea1RHP4Jqqpe7U6PKJAZYXfuF1f5H9Q
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3287 Visualizações
  • Paganism - The return of the gods. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/latest-disney-production-is-cartoon-is-about-girl/
    Paganism - The return of the gods. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/07/latest-disney-production-is-cartoon-is-about-girl/
    1 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 837 Visualizações
  • Daily Surge
    Steve Pauwels/Managing Editor

    -- False ‘Rainbow’ Religion Must Be Opposed by Real Thing

    "Created in 1978 by artist and drag queen Gilbert Baker, the rainbow flag is billed as a harmless symbol of love, tolerance and diversity. It is not. It heralds the rise of an atheistic paganism in which adherents reject God and make up reality to satiate their desires. At its most extreme, it leads to persecution of non-celebrants."

    -- Memorial Day Reflections: When Nation and Military Go ‘Woke’, Security Is Imperiled

    -- One Man’s Strategy to Counteract Poisonous Alinsky Agenda of Fear, Division

    -- Overcoming the Smug ‘Pride’ Agenda — It Can Be Done! It’s Beginning!

    -- Summer Starts … So What About Importance of Modesty in ‘Let-It-All-Hang-Out’, Modern World?

    -- Target, LA Dodgers, LGBTQ+ … They Put Budweiser to Shame

    -- Connecticut Lawmakers Hoping Nobody Notices: They’re Sneaking Pedophilia Protections into Law

    -- Trans-Snowflakes … Suggesting Only Women Compete in Women’s Sports Called ‘Traumatizing’

    -- In the Crunch: Righteous, Sensible Must Stand, Push Back Against Depravity of Modern Age

    -- What Biden & Co. Do to Children … Versus What They Say About Them

    Click on over and check us out!
    Daily Surge Steve Pauwels/Managing Editor 5-30-23 dailysurge.com -- False ‘Rainbow’ Religion Must Be Opposed by Real Thing https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/false-rainbow-religion-must-be-opposed-by-real-thing/ "Created in 1978 by artist and drag queen Gilbert Baker, the rainbow flag is billed as a harmless symbol of love, tolerance and diversity. It is not. It heralds the rise of an atheistic paganism in which adherents reject God and make up reality to satiate their desires. At its most extreme, it leads to persecution of non-celebrants." -- Memorial Day Reflections: When Nation and Military Go ‘Woke’, Security Is Imperiled https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/memorial-day-reflections-when-nation-and-military-are-woke-security-is-imperiled/ -- One Man’s Strategy to Counteract Poisonous Alinsky Agenda of Fear, Division https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/one-mans-strategy-to-counteract-poisonous-alinsky-agenda-of-fear-division/ -- Overcoming the Smug ‘Pride’ Agenda — It Can Be Done! It’s Beginning! https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/overcoming-the-smug-pride-agenda-it-can-be-done-its-beginning/ -- Summer Starts … So What About Importance of Modesty in ‘Let-It-All-Hang-Out’, Modern World? https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/summer-starts-so-questions-arise-about-importance-of-modesty-in-let-it-all-hang-out-modern-world/ -- Target, LA Dodgers, LGBTQ+ … They Put Budweiser to Shame https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/target-la-dodgers-lgbtq-they-put-budweiser-to-shame/ -- Connecticut Lawmakers Hoping Nobody Notices: They’re Sneaking Pedophilia Protections into Law https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/connecticut-lawmakers-hoping-nobody-notices-theyre-sneaking-pedophilia-protections-into-law/ -- Trans-Snowflakes … Suggesting Only Women Compete in Women’s Sports Called ‘Traumatizing’ https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/trans-snowflakes-suggesting-only-women-be-in-womens-sports-called-traumatizing/ -- In the Crunch: Righteous, Sensible Must Stand, Push Back Against Depravity of Modern Age https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/in-the-crunch-righteous-wise-must-stand-and-push-back-against-depravity-of-modern-age/ -- What Biden & Co. Do to Children … Versus What They Say About Them https://dailysurge.com/2023/05/what-biden-co-do-to-children-versus-what-they-say-about-children/ Click on over and check us out! dailysurge.com
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 2067 Visualizações

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