• Just when you thought the Democrats couldn't come up with anything else to destroy this country...

    Michigan Incentivizes Landlords to Rent to Illegal Aliens Instead of Americans
    Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) is incentivizing landlords to rent properties to illegal aliens over low-income Americans. Just when you thought the Democrat Party’s insults against heritage Americans couldn’t get any worse. Whitmer is paying landlords a monthly stipend in taxpayer funds for every illegal alien they rent to, in hopes of luring even more invaders to her purple state. The strategy seems to be working. At least one American woman has already been murdered by an illegal alien receiving Whitmer’s rent subsidy.

    Whitmer has even given the program an Orwellian name—the Newcomer Rental Subsidy. She calls the illegal invaders “newcomers” because it just sounds so welcoming. You have to wonder what the voters are going to think about this program come November. A lot of people don’t realize it, but Michigan is now the state being flooded with the fourth-highest number of illegal aliens, trailing California, Texas, and New York. Maybe it’s because welfare-for-invaders programs like this one are incentivizing more of them to come.

    Under the Newcomer Rental Subsidy, landlords can now get $500 per month in guaranteed taxpayer funds for each illegal alien they rent to. If you rent a three-bedroom apartment to a fake “family” of five, you get $2,500 a month. The cash is guaranteed and backed by the Michigan taxpayers.

    How does this incentivize landlords to rent to illegals? If you rent to an American family and they can’t come up with the rent, that creates a problem for you. If you rent to the illegals, you’re guaranteed cash that the taxpayers have to pony up. This is just one more example of illegal aliens being treated better by the Democrats than American citizens.

    To qualify for the program, the illegals must be designated as refugees, special immigration visa holders, victims of human trafficking, Cubans, Haitians, Afghan nationals, and Ukrainian humanitarian parolees. The Biden regime helps out with this by designating every illegal alien who breaches our southern border as a “refugee,” even though none of them fit the legal definition of that term under US or UN designation rules.

    Amy Hovey, Whitmer’s director of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, says, “This program is truly a win-win, as it addresses the most pressing barrier to refugee resettlement by meeting housing needs while setting up families for success with increased employment and opportunity.”

    A win-win for who? Not for the American taxpayers certainly, or the low-income Americans struggling to keep up with paying their rent under Joe Biden’s hyperinflation.

    One of the illegal aliens who was receiving Whitmer’s rental assistance was Brandon Ortiz-Vite, from Mexico. President Trump’s administration deported Ortiz-Vite back in 2020. He’s back in the US now he enrolled in Whitmer’s Newcomer Rental Subsidy. The rent welfare program was probably part of the reason why he traveled from Mexico back to Michigan.

    That’s too bad for a 25-year-old American woman named Ruby Garcia. Ortiz-Vite allegedly car-jacked her, shot her, and left her dead body on US 131 in Grand Rapids. He’s been charged with felony murder, open murder, carjacking, carrying a concealed weapon, and felony use of a firearm.

    He’s not getting that $500-a-month in rental assistance as one of Gretchen Whitmer’s “Newcomers” now. He’s sitting in jail, and fortunately, prosecutors in Grand Rapids are holding him without bail.

    Ortiz-Vite snuck back into the country at some point in the last three years and did not have any of the special designations that are required for “immigrants” to sign up for Whitmer’s rent welfare subsidy. The Michigan state government signed him up for it anyway.
    Just when you thought the Democrats couldn't come up with anything else to destroy this country... Michigan Incentivizes Landlords to Rent to Illegal Aliens Instead of Americans Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D) is incentivizing landlords to rent properties to illegal aliens over low-income Americans. Just when you thought the Democrat Party’s insults against heritage Americans couldn’t get any worse. Whitmer is paying landlords a monthly stipend in taxpayer funds for every illegal alien they rent to, in hopes of luring even more invaders to her purple state. The strategy seems to be working. At least one American woman has already been murdered by an illegal alien receiving Whitmer’s rent subsidy. Whitmer has even given the program an Orwellian name—the Newcomer Rental Subsidy. She calls the illegal invaders “newcomers” because it just sounds so welcoming. You have to wonder what the voters are going to think about this program come November. A lot of people don’t realize it, but Michigan is now the state being flooded with the fourth-highest number of illegal aliens, trailing California, Texas, and New York. Maybe it’s because welfare-for-invaders programs like this one are incentivizing more of them to come. Under the Newcomer Rental Subsidy, landlords can now get $500 per month in guaranteed taxpayer funds for each illegal alien they rent to. If you rent a three-bedroom apartment to a fake “family” of five, you get $2,500 a month. The cash is guaranteed and backed by the Michigan taxpayers. How does this incentivize landlords to rent to illegals? If you rent to an American family and they can’t come up with the rent, that creates a problem for you. If you rent to the illegals, you’re guaranteed cash that the taxpayers have to pony up. This is just one more example of illegal aliens being treated better by the Democrats than American citizens. To qualify for the program, the illegals must be designated as refugees, special immigration visa holders, victims of human trafficking, Cubans, Haitians, Afghan nationals, and Ukrainian humanitarian parolees. The Biden regime helps out with this by designating every illegal alien who breaches our southern border as a “refugee,” even though none of them fit the legal definition of that term under US or UN designation rules. Amy Hovey, Whitmer’s director of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, says, “This program is truly a win-win, as it addresses the most pressing barrier to refugee resettlement by meeting housing needs while setting up families for success with increased employment and opportunity.” A win-win for who? Not for the American taxpayers certainly, or the low-income Americans struggling to keep up with paying their rent under Joe Biden’s hyperinflation. One of the illegal aliens who was receiving Whitmer’s rental assistance was Brandon Ortiz-Vite, from Mexico. President Trump’s administration deported Ortiz-Vite back in 2020. He’s back in the US now he enrolled in Whitmer’s Newcomer Rental Subsidy. The rent welfare program was probably part of the reason why he traveled from Mexico back to Michigan. That’s too bad for a 25-year-old American woman named Ruby Garcia. Ortiz-Vite allegedly car-jacked her, shot her, and left her dead body on US 131 in Grand Rapids. He’s been charged with felony murder, open murder, carjacking, carrying a concealed weapon, and felony use of a firearm. He’s not getting that $500-a-month in rental assistance as one of Gretchen Whitmer’s “Newcomers” now. He’s sitting in jail, and fortunately, prosecutors in Grand Rapids are holding him without bail. Ortiz-Vite snuck back into the country at some point in the last three years and did not have any of the special designations that are required for “immigrants” to sign up for Whitmer’s rent welfare subsidy. The Michigan state government signed him up for it anyway.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 1114 مشاهدة
  • BREAKING: Learn The Secrets Of George Orwell And His Prophetic Warnings https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=6622e9b918a218a7439dc3ea
    BREAKING: Learn The Secrets Of George Orwell And His Prophetic Warnings https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=6622e9b918a218a7439dc3ea
    BREAKING: Learn The Secrets Of George Orwell And His Prophetic Warnings
    BREAKING: Learn The Secrets Of George Orwell And His Prophetic Warnings
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 232 مشاهدة
  • https://michaelhoffman.substack.com/p/an-orwellian-felony-in-scotland-seven?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 286 مشاهدة
  • https://medforth.biz/orwell-comes-to-france-left-wing-ngo-reporters-without-borders-rsf-seeks-to-censor-conservative-journalists-in-its-home-country/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 461 مشاهدة
  • Orwell-Neusprech in der Bunten Republik Deutschland (BRD).

    #AfD #ARD #BRD #CDU #CSU #FDP #JWO #NPD #NWO #SPD #ZOG #JAfD #Ampel #GroKo #Juden #JUSOS #Linke #Union #Europa #Grünen #IIIWeg #Rechte #Bündnis90 #NizerPlan #Rassismus #Zionismus #Agenda2030 #HootonPlan #Deutschland #Europhobie #Grundgesetz #KalergiPlan #KaufmanPlan #Teutophobie #Bündnisgrüne #DeutscheVolk #Deutschenhass #Germanophobie #AmpelKoalition #AmpelRegierung #AntiDeutschtum #DeutschenVolke #MorgenthauPlan #WirSindDasVolk #AntiGermanismus #GroßerAustausch #DerGroßeNeustart #HitlerHatteRecht #WhiteLivesMatter #DerGroßeAustausch #MitJudenVerlierenWir #HitlerHatNichtsFalschGemacht
    Orwell-Neusprech in der Bunten Republik Deutschland (BRD). 😉 #AfD #ARD #BRD #CDU #CSU #FDP #JWO #NPD #NWO #SPD #ZOG #JAfD #Ampel #GroKo #Juden #JUSOS #Linke #Union #Europa #Grünen #IIIWeg #Rechte #Bündnis90 #NizerPlan #Rassismus #Zionismus #Agenda2030 #HootonPlan #Deutschland #Europhobie #Grundgesetz #KalergiPlan #KaufmanPlan #Teutophobie #Bündnisgrüne #DeutscheVolk #Deutschenhass #Germanophobie #AmpelKoalition #AmpelRegierung #AntiDeutschtum #DeutschenVolke #MorgenthauPlan #WirSindDasVolk #AntiGermanismus #GroßerAustausch #DerGroßeNeustart #HitlerHatteRecht #WhiteLivesMatter #DerGroßeAustausch #MitJudenVerlierenWir #HitlerHatNichtsFalschGemacht
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 2241 مشاهدة
  • Global Elite Call For The Banning Of The Bible, Tolkien, And Orwell https://banned.video/watch?id=65d91c49e2affd7a732621ef
    Global Elite Call For The Banning Of The Bible, Tolkien, And Orwell https://banned.video/watch?id=65d91c49e2affd7a732621ef
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 301 مشاهدة
  • Imagine if Australia, New Zealand, Canada & the UK spied on & interfered with an American election, then they opened themselves up to be an enemy & to attack from the US.

    All Trump had to do was contact each Head of State & give them a choice:
    Surrender or be taken over militarily.

    Considering that 4 of the 5 nations most probably did commit these crimes, I’d guess they are all vassal states of the US until they are officially given Statehood.

    Coincidentally, they all are a part of the same Super State of Oceania in Orwell’s 1984 novel. I have told Australians for years now that we have been under Military control. However, I believe it goes much further than that.

    For 4 years these four countries' laws & constitutions have been thrown out the window. There is no way known they could have stood up to US military might. individually or combined.

    A bloodless liberation from the Crown/Cabal/Debt Slavery system for 4 major countries.

    The Ultimate 1984 Oceania Map (Big Brother is watching)
    Imagine if Australia, New Zealand, Canada & the UK spied on & interfered with an American election, then they opened themselves up to be an enemy & to attack from the US. All Trump had to do was contact each Head of State & give them a choice: Surrender or be taken over militarily. Considering that 4 of the 5 nations most probably did commit these crimes, I’d guess they are all vassal states of the US until they are officially given Statehood. Coincidentally, they all are a part of the same Super State of Oceania in Orwell’s 1984 novel. I have told Australians for years now that we have been under Military control. However, I believe it goes much further than that. For 4 years these four countries' laws & constitutions have been thrown out the window. There is no way known they could have stood up to US military might. individually or combined. A bloodless liberation from the Crown/Cabal/Debt Slavery system for 4 major countries. The Ultimate 1984 Oceania Map (Big Brother is watching) https://imgflip.com/i/8gbtts
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 2139 مشاهدة
  • UK Gov. Labels George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, And Shakespeare As Terrorist Supporting Material https://banned.video/watch?id=65cbbd5c0d63da299ec9db0d
    UK Gov. Labels George Orwell, Aldous Huxley, And Shakespeare As Terrorist Supporting Material https://banned.video/watch?id=65cbbd5c0d63da299ec9db0d
    0 التعليقات 1 المشاركات 490 مشاهدة
  • socialists will lie to violate your content if they even think that you agree with a conservative. and they make up the most horrific lies to do it. FB once deleted a post about Charlemagne's descendants saying it was pornographic.
    I have absolutely no control over what pop ups are popping up on some Nazis PC while he is scrolling the feed.
    maybe they should not look at porn on their work computers.
    I liked a few videos on TikTok that were made by conservatives and suddenly TT is violating my videos and calling them pornographic or some other BS.
    I just changed my pic on TT and they made a video about it. the next day, they violated their video. obviously just to have some violation on me.
    these Nazis think they are creating a better world but they are just creating an Orwellian one and bringing to life the dreams of Nazi Soros. once a Nazi always a Nazi.
    the sad part is once they succeed in taking over the world they are not going to like the prison state they will be trapped in but by then it will be too late.
    socialists will lie to violate your content if they even think that you agree with a conservative. and they make up the most horrific lies to do it. FB once deleted a post about Charlemagne's descendants saying it was pornographic. I have absolutely no control over what pop ups are popping up on some Nazis PC while he is scrolling the feed. maybe they should not look at porn on their work computers. I liked a few videos on TikTok that were made by conservatives and suddenly TT is violating my videos and calling them pornographic or some other BS. I just changed my pic on TT and they made a video about it. the next day, they violated their video. obviously just to have some violation on me. these Nazis think they are creating a better world but they are just creating an Orwellian one and bringing to life the dreams of Nazi Soros. once a Nazi always a Nazi. the sad part is once they succeed in taking over the world they are not going to like the prison state they will be trapped in but by then it will be too late.
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 2297 مشاهدة
    (GEORGE ORWELL, 1984)

    WEF CONTROL OF MONEY — "THE PARTY SEEKS POWER PURELY FOR ITS OWN SAKE" (GEORGE ORWELL, 1984) https://www.bitchute.com/video/j41DFff8KPfc/
    0 التعليقات 0 المشاركات 349 مشاهدة
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