Bill Kristol Political party: Democratic is an American neoconservative writer. A frequent commentator on several networks including CNN...
    FAKE NEWS MEDIA TRIED TO TAKE A SURVEY AND LOST... Bill Kristol Political party: Democratic is an American neoconservative writer. A frequent commentator on several networks including CNN...
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  • Enjoy your life. Quit worrying about the future. The neoconservatives have assured that you don’t have one.
    Enjoy your life. Quit worrying about the future. The neoconservatives have assured that you don’t have one. https://www.unz.com/proberts/does-america-have-a-future-3/
    Does America Have a Future?
    In this article I  explain  why I think nuclear war is in the cards.  I know that most do not want to hear this.  But if no one knows, there is even less chance of preventing  it. The headline yesterday (March 29) is “US To Withhold Nuclear Weapons Data From Russia As Last Treaty Collapses.”   https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-withhold-nuclear-weapons-data-russia-last-treaty-collapses   Washington’s […]
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 174 Views
  • Needed Explanation: NeoConservativism No More

    Political Islam & ensuing Islamic Terrorism drove me toward Neoconservative thinking. 20-Years of Muslims refusing to embrace Liberty thinking proved Neoconservative policy failures. In short, now embracing Christian-Conservative-Patriotism. READ ON FOR MORE DETAILS: https://bit.ly/3eOLhsc
    Needed Explanation: NeoConservativism No More Political Islam & ensuing Islamic Terrorism drove me toward Neoconservative thinking. 20-Years of Muslims refusing to embrace Liberty thinking proved Neoconservative policy failures. In short, now embracing Christian-Conservative-Patriotism. READ ON FOR MORE DETAILS: https://bit.ly/3eOLhsc #NeoConservatismNoMore
    Needed Explanation: NeoConservativism No More
    John R. Houk © October 20, 2022   Well, I have returned from visiting relatives still residing in the Dem-Marxist dominated Washington...
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 127 Views
  • Are the Neocons Setting Up the World for Nuclear War?
    Are the Neocons Setting Up the World for Nuclear War? https://www.globalresearch.ca/neoconservatives-setting-up-world-nuclear-war/5779442
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 111 Views
  • He attacked moral cowardice and the selfishness and complacency he sees in the West. Materialism, sharp legal maneuvering, a press that invades privacy, “TV stupor” and “intolerable music,” all contribute to making the western way of life less and less a model for the world, he said.
    He attacked moral cowardice and the selfishness and complacency he sees in the West. Materialism, sharp legal maneuvering, a press that invades privacy, “TV stupor” and “intolerable music,” all contribute to making the western way of life less and less a model for the world, he said. https://www.unz.com/article/aleksandr-solzhenitsyn-ukraine-and-the-neoconservatives/
    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Ukraine and the Neoconservatives
    In all the hysteria over the latest strain of the Coronavirus virus, the frenzied ideological (and essentially authoritarian and anti-constitutional) activities of the House January 6 “Investigatory” Committee, and the frenetic lead up to this recent Christmas, one significant anniversary was missed, or rather ignored, by our media, including the so-called “conservative” media: the birth […]
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 243 Views
  • Major coup in the US

    Bradley Johnson retired as a senior operations officer and station chief for the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, and in an interview stated that the servers seized in Frankfurt, Germany, depended on the embassy in Rome, according to a Dec. 29 report by Italian journalist Cesare Sacchetti.

    Because of the unexpectedly massive votes for Donald Trump, a new elaboration of algorithms was necessary to change the outcome in favor of Biden.

    Therefore, the operation to recalibrate the hacking attack would have taken place at the U.S. Embassy in via Veneto. If this were confirmed, the American embassy in Rome would be directly involved in an attempt to overthrow its President.

    “In this scenario, the subversive powers infiltrated the U.S. government, and the deep state had planned a coup d’état against their commander in chief,” considers Sacchetti.

    The U.S. Ambassador in Italy is Lewis Eisenberg, formerly a member of Goldman Sachs, one of the world’s largest investment banking and securities groups, and a contributor to Trump’s first campaign.

    He is also close to the neoconservative Zionists, enemies of Trump for his plan to withdraw the U.S. military from the Middle East.

    According to Johnson, on the night of Nov. 3, the video shows a man from the U.S. State Department who was in charge of changing the votes at the embassy.
    Major coup in the US Bradley Johnson retired as a senior operations officer and station chief for the CIA’s Directorate of Operations, and in an interview stated that the servers seized in Frankfurt, Germany, depended on the embassy in Rome, according to a Dec. 29 report by Italian journalist Cesare Sacchetti. Because of the unexpectedly massive votes for Donald Trump, a new elaboration of algorithms was necessary to change the outcome in favor of Biden. Therefore, the operation to recalibrate the hacking attack would have taken place at the U.S. Embassy in via Veneto. If this were confirmed, the American embassy in Rome would be directly involved in an attempt to overthrow its President. “In this scenario, the subversive powers infiltrated the U.S. government, and the deep state had planned a coup d’état against their commander in chief,” considers Sacchetti. The U.S. Ambassador in Italy is Lewis Eisenberg, formerly a member of Goldman Sachs, one of the world’s largest investment banking and securities groups, and a contributor to Trump’s first campaign. He is also close to the neoconservative Zionists, enemies of Trump for his plan to withdraw the U.S. military from the Middle East. According to Johnson, on the night of Nov. 3, the video shows a man from the U.S. State Department who was in charge of changing the votes at the embassy.
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 89 Views
  • Tom Woods, Ep. 1913 - Who Were the Best Presidents, and Other Fun Questions, by Brion McClanahan:


    #Federalism #JeffersonianTradition #NeoConservative #Veto #Unconstitutional #CONgress #ExecutiveAction #BadPresidents #BestPresidents #TrumpWon #HePersisted
    Tom Woods, Ep. 1913 - Who Were the Best Presidents, and Other Fun Questions, by Brion McClanahan: https://tomwoods.com/ep-1913-who-were-the-best-presidents-and-other-fun-questions/ #Federalism #JeffersonianTradition #NeoConservative #Veto #Unconstitutional #CONgress #ExecutiveAction #BadPresidents #BestPresidents #TrumpWon #HePersisted
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 298 Views
  • "Racist" - A Word Invented by USSR’s Leon Trotsky

    The word "racist" has for a long time been the single most effective fear-word in the leftist and neoconservative arsenal. For decades, they have successfully used it in the political arena to slander traditionalists, shut down debate, and leave opponents running for cover. In the social arena, they have caused even more damage by using it to brainwash impressionable children and young college students, and to teach people to hate their nation, their cultural traditions, and worst of all, themselves.

    "Racist" - A Word Invented by USSR’s Leon Trotsky The word "racist" has for a long time been the single most effective fear-word in the leftist and neoconservative arsenal. For decades, they have successfully used it in the political arena to slander traditionalists, shut down debate, and leave opponents running for cover. In the social arena, they have caused even more damage by using it to brainwash impressionable children and young college students, and to teach people to hate their nation, their cultural traditions, and worst of all, themselves. https://redice.tv/news/racist-a-word-invented-by-ussr-s-leon-trotsky
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 109 Views
  • "Presumably many current senior employees in the intelligence community (IC) will be given non-jobs away from the White House and replaced by new appointees who are distinguished by their loyalty to the president, not by their accomplishments or skills. That means that competence will be secondary, if not irrelevant. It should be assumed that many of the new hires will be drawn from the pool of neoconservatives that proliferated in the George W. Bush administration."
    "Presumably many current senior employees in the intelligence community (IC) will be given non-jobs away from the White House and replaced by new appointees who are distinguished by their loyalty to the president, not by their accomplishments or skills. That means that competence will be secondary, if not irrelevant. It should be assumed that many of the new hires will be drawn from the pool of neoconservatives that proliferated in the George W. Bush administration." https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/draining-the-intelligence-community-seamp/
    Draining the Intelligence Community Swamp
    New hires will all be Israel's poodles
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 58 Views
  • Bolton is known as a rabid neoconservative interventionist. President Donald Trump fired Bolton and cited his opposition to Bolton’s establishment of foreign policy views, accusing Bolton of undermining his negotiations with the North Korean regime.
    The neocon wing strongly supports the U.S. funding and arming of Ukraine to challenge Russian leader Vladimir Putin, an oil exporter who is hated by the Washington foreign policy establishment. A financial disclosure shows that Bolton accepted $115,000 from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. At a speech in Keiv, Bolton sat on a panel and basically expressed that the national security establishment would not allow Trump to become unconventional on policy, stating, “The notion that [Trump’s presidency] is going to represent a dramatic break in foreign policy is just wrong. Calm down, for God’s sake.” Pinchuk has exceeded $10 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans are not taking the alleged accusation in Bolton’s unpublished manuscript too seriously. North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows cut right through the machinations of the bipartisan Swamp Class Monday, throwing shade on Bolton’s unverified claim that President Trump wanted to withhold Ukraine’s military aid. Republicans continue to rally behind the president, except for Utah senator Mitt Romney, who is crafting mainstream media headlines with his pro-Bolton advocacy.
    “I have evidence that they leaked when it was over in the House. My hypothesis is that this is part of a coordinated leak in order to change the narrative,” Meadows stated in a hallway press conference, referring to Democrats. Meadows’ adult comprehension of political gamesmanship is a stark contrast to many clueless Republicans and explains why Meadows is a routine White House visitor to talk strategy with President Trump. “This leak was designed for one purpose and one purpose only, and that was to try to manipulate the thinking of my Republican colleagues in the Senate to encourage them to open it up and provide for more witnesses.”
    Bolton is known as a rabid neoconservative interventionist. President Donald Trump fired Bolton and cited his opposition to Bolton’s establishment of foreign policy views, accusing Bolton of undermining his negotiations with the North Korean regime. The neocon wing strongly supports the U.S. funding and arming of Ukraine to challenge Russian leader Vladimir Putin, an oil exporter who is hated by the Washington foreign policy establishment. A financial disclosure shows that Bolton accepted $115,000 from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. At a speech in Keiv, Bolton sat on a panel and basically expressed that the national security establishment would not allow Trump to become unconventional on policy, stating, “The notion that [Trump’s presidency] is going to represent a dramatic break in foreign policy is just wrong. Calm down, for God’s sake.” Pinchuk has exceeded $10 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Republicans are not taking the alleged accusation in Bolton’s unpublished manuscript too seriously. North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows cut right through the machinations of the bipartisan Swamp Class Monday, throwing shade on Bolton’s unverified claim that President Trump wanted to withhold Ukraine’s military aid. Republicans continue to rally behind the president, except for Utah senator Mitt Romney, who is crafting mainstream media headlines with his pro-Bolton advocacy. “I have evidence that they leaked when it was over in the House. My hypothesis is that this is part of a coordinated leak in order to change the narrative,” Meadows stated in a hallway press conference, referring to Democrats. Meadows’ adult comprehension of political gamesmanship is a stark contrast to many clueless Republicans and explains why Meadows is a routine White House visitor to talk strategy with President Trump. “This leak was designed for one purpose and one purpose only, and that was to try to manipulate the thinking of my Republican colleagues in the Senate to encourage them to open it up and provide for more witnesses.” https://nationalfile.com/john-bolton-took-six-figures-from-ukrainian-oligarch-clinton-foundation-donor/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 398 Views
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