• One has to wonder: what on earth possessed the Democrats to maneuver Kamala Harris into this race? Everyone in the party and the blob must know she doesn’t have an agile mind — beyond some ability for reciting parboiled slogans — nor much acquaintance with the workings of the world besides her dwindled wiles in political amour, and that she may actually have a drinking problem. She is left, finally, with no one to cheerlead for her but the harpies on The View and the degenerates on CNN and The New York Times who all know the score but are too invested in years of their own mendacity to even attempt to come clean.
    Chatter arises that the awaited “October surprise” will involve “Joe Biden” resigning from office to make way for Kamala to become the First Woman President just before election day, affording her, supposedly, a magisterial prestige in the final leg of the race. Don’t bet on that. When he resigns, “JB” loses his power of the pardon. If he exercises it on the eve of resignation and lets son Hunter, brothers James, Frank, and other family members (including himself) off the hook for their global money-grubbing exploits, it will only besmirch Ms. Harris by association. He has to hang in office until after Nov 6, no matter how the election turns, and then he can pardon what’s left of his brains out.
    Before we even get to that point, all you have to worry about are unaccountable government factotums doing something over in Russia that will make Mr. Putin want to turn the USA into an ashtray.
    Trump has become a national father figure, a titanic offense to a party run by women with daddy issues and to their Marxist allies dogmatically bent on destroying the family (along with every other institution). As it happens, countries need fathers, both actual and symbolic. What a surprise!
    One has to wonder: what on earth possessed the Democrats to maneuver Kamala Harris into this race? Everyone in the party and the blob must know she doesn’t have an agile mind — beyond some ability for reciting parboiled slogans — nor much acquaintance with the workings of the world besides her dwindled wiles in political amour, and that she may actually have a drinking problem. She is left, finally, with no one to cheerlead for her but the harpies on The View and the degenerates on CNN and The New York Times who all know the score but are too invested in years of their own mendacity to even attempt to come clean. Chatter arises that the awaited “October surprise” will involve “Joe Biden” resigning from office to make way for Kamala to become the First Woman President just before election day, affording her, supposedly, a magisterial prestige in the final leg of the race. Don’t bet on that. When he resigns, “JB” loses his power of the pardon. If he exercises it on the eve of resignation and lets son Hunter, brothers James, Frank, and other family members (including himself) off the hook for their global money-grubbing exploits, it will only besmirch Ms. Harris by association. He has to hang in office until after Nov 6, no matter how the election turns, and then he can pardon what’s left of his brains out. Before we even get to that point, all you have to worry about are unaccountable government factotums doing something over in Russia that will make Mr. Putin want to turn the USA into an ashtray. Trump has become a national father figure, a titanic offense to a party run by women with daddy issues and to their Marxist allies dogmatically bent on destroying the family (along with every other institution). As it happens, countries need fathers, both actual and symbolic. What a surprise!
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  • TURKEY Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online IRELAND CITIZENS - Ionad inimirce iarratais ar víosa na Tuirce

    Víosa leictreonach Is doiciméad taistil oifigiúil é an Tuirc (e Visa), cosúil le víosa, arna eisiúint ag rialtas na Tuirce chun dul isteach sa Tuirc agus chun taisteal laistigh di. Sheol Aireacht Gnóthaí Eachtracha na Tuirce an córas iarratais ar r-Víosa in 2013 chun an sean-ghreamán agus víosa stampa a athsholáthar. Is féidir le taistealaithe a chomhlíonann na ceanglais iarratas a dhéanamh ar líne ar a eVisa. Tá sealbhóir e-Víosa ón Tuirc i dteideal fanacht suas le 30 lá i 90 lá san iomlán ag brath ar náisiúntacht an tsealbhóra. Leis an gcóras nua seo tá próiseáil víosaí do thurasóireacht agus taisteal gnó go dtí an Tuirc gan stró agus éifeachtach ó thaobh costais chomh fada agus atá d'iarratas críochnaithe. Is féidir leat an e-Víosa a fháil áit ar bith le nasc idirlín i níos lú ná 1 uair an chloig (Próiseáil Rush), ba cheart go mbeadh do Tuirc e Visa réidh. Seolann na hoifigigh an Tuirc e Visa go díreach chuig ríomhphost an iarratasóra, agus is é sin a chuireann tú i láthair na n-oifigeach ag an gcalafort iontrála mar chóip bhog nó mar chóip chrua lena fhíorú. Éilíonn rialtas na Tuirce go mbeadh víosa bailí ag gach taistealaí, leanaí faoi aois san áireamh. Idir Aibreán 2013 agus Eanáir 2017, d’eisigh rialtas na Tuirce breis is 16 milliún e-Víosaí do thaistealaithe chun críocha gnó agus turasóireachta. Tá an próiseas iarratais éasca ach tuairiscítear go ndéanann go leor daoine earráidí coitianta ina n-iarratas nó go bhfuil faisnéis neamhiomlán acu.Tá foirm iarratais ar líne víosa na Tuirce ar fáil do gach saoránach de chuid SAM, an Eoraip, an Ríocht Aontaithe, an Astráil, an Nua-Shéalainn agus áitritheoirí Cheanada. Iarratas ar líne ar víosa na Tuirce. , Iarratas ar líne ar víosa na Tuirce, iarratas ar víosa na Tuirce ar líne, iarratas ar víosa na Tuirce ar líne, evisa Tuirc, evisa an Tuirc, víosa gnó an Tuirc, víosa leighis na Tuirce, víosa turasóireachta na Tuirce, víosa an Tuirc, víosa an Tuirc, víosa na Tuirce ar líne, víosa an Tuirc ar líne, víosa chuig An Tuirc, víosa don Tuirc, an Tuirc evisa, evisa an Tuirc, víosa gnó na Tuirce, víosa turasóireachta na Tuirce, víosa leighis na Tuirce, ionad iarratais víosa na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Cóiré, víosa na Tuirce ón gCóiré. víosa práinneach Tuirc, éigeandála víosa Tuirc. Víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Gearmáine, víosa na Tuirce dúinn saoránaigh, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na hAstráile. tá tú incháilithe freisin le haghaidh víosa Tuirce ar líne ó Antigua agus Barbúda, an Airméin, an Astráil, na Bahámaí, Bairéin, Barbadós, Beirmiúda, Ceanada, an tSín, Doiminice, an Phoblacht Dhoiminiceach, Tíomór Thoir, Fidsí, Grenada, Háití, Iamáice, Cuáit, Oileáin Mhaildíve, Oileán Mhuirís , Meicsiceo, Oman, an Chipir, Saint Lucia, San Uinseann, an Araib Shádach, an Afraic Theas, Suranam, Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha, Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, agus go leor tíortha eile.

    Electronic visa Turkey (e Visa) is an official travel document, similar tovisa, issued by Turkish government for entering into and traveling within Turkey. The e Visaapplication system was launched in 2013 by the Turkish Foreign Affairs Ministry to replace the oldsticker and stamp visa. Travelers who meet the requirements can proceed to apply online for theireVisa. A Turkey e Visa holder is eligible for stay of up to 30 days in a total of 90 days dependingon holders nationality.This new system has made visa processing for tourism and business travel to Turkey effortless andcost effective as long as your application is complete. You can obtain the e Visa anywhere with aninternet connection in less than 1 hours (Rush Processing), your Turkey e Visa should be ready. Theofficials send Turkey e Visa directly to applicants email, which is what you present to officers atthe port of entry as a softcopy or hardcopy for verification. The Turkish government require thatall travelers, including underage children, hold a valid visa.Between April 2013 and January 2017, Turkish government has issued over 16million e Visas totravelers for business and tourist purpose. The application process is easy but many people arereported to make common errors in their application or have incomplete information.Turkey visaonline application form is available for all usa citizens,european, uk, australia, new zealand and canadian residents.Turkey visa online application, Turkeyvisa online application, Turkey visa application online, Turkey visa application online, evisaTurkey, Turkey evisa, Turkey business visa, Turkey medical visa, Turkey tourist visa, Turkey visa,Turkey visa, Turkey visa online, Turkey visa online, visa to Turkey, visa for Turkey, Turkey evisa,evisa Turkey, Turkey business visa, Turkey tourist visa, Turkey medical visa, Turkey visaapplication centre, Turkey visa for korean citizens, Turkey visa from korea. urgent Turkey visa,Turkey visa emergency. Turkey visa for german citizens, Turkey visa for us citizens, Turkey visa forTurkey citizens, Turkey visa for new zealand citizens, Turkey visa for australian citizens. you arealso eligible for Turkey visa online from Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain,Barbados, Bermuda, Canada, China, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor,Fiji, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Kuwait, Maldives,Mauritius, Mexico, Oman, Cyprus, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent,Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Suriname, United Arab Emirates, United States,and many more countries.

    Visit : https://www.turkeyonline-visa.com/ga/visa/

    Víosa Tuirc ar líne, Víosa ar líne don Tuirc, Líne evisa Tuirc, Tuirc evisa, Tuirc víosa ar líne, iarratas ar víosa Tuirc, iarratas ar líne ar víosa Tuirc, iarratas ar líne ar víosa Tuirc, iarratas ar víosa Tuirc ar líne, iarratas ar víosa Tuirc ar líne, evisa Tuirc, Tuirc evisa, Víosa gnó na Tuirce, víosa leighis na Tuirce, víosa turasóireachta na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce ar líne, víosa na Tuirce ar líne, víosa go dtí an Tuirc, víosa don Tuirc, evisa an Tuirc, evisa Tuirc, víosa gnó na Tuirce, víosa turasóireachta na Tuirce, an Tuirc leighis víosa, an Tuirc ionad iarratais ar víosa, an Tuirc víosa dúinn saoránaigh, Tuirc víosa ó Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, Tuirc víosa do Meiriceánaigh. víosa práinneach Tuirc, éigeandála víosa Tuirc. Víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh SAM, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Séalainn nua, víosa na Tuirce don Afganastáin, an Ailgéir, an Bhanglaidéis, an Chambóid, Rinn Verde, an Éigipt, an Ghuine Mheánchriosach, an India, an Iaráic, an Libia, Neipeal, an Phacastáin, an Phalaistín, Na hOileáin Fhilipíneacha, an tSeineagáil, Oileáin Sholamón, Srí Lanca, Taiwan, Vanuatú, Vítneam, saoránaigh Éimin. Online Turkey visa, Online visa for Turkey, Online evisa Turkey, Turkey evisa,Turkey visa online,Turkey visa application, Turkey visa online application, Turkey visa online application, Turkey visaapplication online, Turkey visa application online, evisa Turkey, Turkey evisa, Turkey businessvisa, Turkey medical visa, Turkey tourist visa, Turkey visa, Turkey visa, Turkey visa online, Turkeyvisa online, visa to Turkey, visa for Turkey, Turkey evisa, evisa Turkey, Turkey business visa,Turkey tourist visa, Turkey medical visa, Turkey visa application centre, Turkey visa for uscitizens, Turkey visa from usa, Turkey visa for americans. urgent Turkey visa, Turkey visaemergency. Turkey visa for USA citizens, Turkey visa for Turkey citizens, Turkey visa for newzealandcitizens, Turkey visa for Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Egypt , Equatorial Guinea, India ,Iraq,Libya, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Philippines, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen citizens.

    TURKEY Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online IRELAND CITIZENS - Ionad inimirce iarratais ar víosa na Tuirce Víosa leictreonach Is doiciméad taistil oifigiúil é an Tuirc (e Visa), cosúil le víosa, arna eisiúint ag rialtas na Tuirce chun dul isteach sa Tuirc agus chun taisteal laistigh di. Sheol Aireacht Gnóthaí Eachtracha na Tuirce an córas iarratais ar r-Víosa in 2013 chun an sean-ghreamán agus víosa stampa a athsholáthar. Is féidir le taistealaithe a chomhlíonann na ceanglais iarratas a dhéanamh ar líne ar a eVisa. Tá sealbhóir e-Víosa ón Tuirc i dteideal fanacht suas le 30 lá i 90 lá san iomlán ag brath ar náisiúntacht an tsealbhóra. Leis an gcóras nua seo tá próiseáil víosaí do thurasóireacht agus taisteal gnó go dtí an Tuirc gan stró agus éifeachtach ó thaobh costais chomh fada agus atá d'iarratas críochnaithe. Is féidir leat an e-Víosa a fháil áit ar bith le nasc idirlín i níos lú ná 1 uair an chloig (Próiseáil Rush), ba cheart go mbeadh do Tuirc e Visa réidh. Seolann na hoifigigh an Tuirc e Visa go díreach chuig ríomhphost an iarratasóra, agus is é sin a chuireann tú i láthair na n-oifigeach ag an gcalafort iontrála mar chóip bhog nó mar chóip chrua lena fhíorú. Éilíonn rialtas na Tuirce go mbeadh víosa bailí ag gach taistealaí, leanaí faoi aois san áireamh. Idir Aibreán 2013 agus Eanáir 2017, d’eisigh rialtas na Tuirce breis is 16 milliún e-Víosaí do thaistealaithe chun críocha gnó agus turasóireachta. Tá an próiseas iarratais éasca ach tuairiscítear go ndéanann go leor daoine earráidí coitianta ina n-iarratas nó go bhfuil faisnéis neamhiomlán acu.Tá foirm iarratais ar líne víosa na Tuirce ar fáil do gach saoránach de chuid SAM, an Eoraip, an Ríocht Aontaithe, an Astráil, an Nua-Shéalainn agus áitritheoirí Cheanada. Iarratas ar líne ar víosa na Tuirce. , Iarratas ar líne ar víosa na Tuirce, iarratas ar víosa na Tuirce ar líne, iarratas ar víosa na Tuirce ar líne, evisa Tuirc, evisa an Tuirc, víosa gnó an Tuirc, víosa leighis na Tuirce, víosa turasóireachta na Tuirce, víosa an Tuirc, víosa an Tuirc, víosa na Tuirce ar líne, víosa an Tuirc ar líne, víosa chuig An Tuirc, víosa don Tuirc, an Tuirc evisa, evisa an Tuirc, víosa gnó na Tuirce, víosa turasóireachta na Tuirce, víosa leighis na Tuirce, ionad iarratais víosa na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Cóiré, víosa na Tuirce ón gCóiré. víosa práinneach Tuirc, éigeandála víosa Tuirc. Víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Gearmáine, víosa na Tuirce dúinn saoránaigh, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Nua-Shéalainne, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na hAstráile. tá tú incháilithe freisin le haghaidh víosa Tuirce ar líne ó Antigua agus Barbúda, an Airméin, an Astráil, na Bahámaí, Bairéin, Barbadós, Beirmiúda, Ceanada, an tSín, Doiminice, an Phoblacht Dhoiminiceach, Tíomór Thoir, Fidsí, Grenada, Háití, Iamáice, Cuáit, Oileáin Mhaildíve, Oileán Mhuirís , Meicsiceo, Oman, an Chipir, Saint Lucia, San Uinseann, an Araib Shádach, an Afraic Theas, Suranam, Aontas na nÉimíríochtaí Arabacha, Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, agus go leor tíortha eile. Electronic visa Turkey (e Visa) is an official travel document, similar tovisa, issued by Turkish government for entering into and traveling within Turkey. The e Visaapplication system was launched in 2013 by the Turkish Foreign Affairs Ministry to replace the oldsticker and stamp visa. Travelers who meet the requirements can proceed to apply online for theireVisa. A Turkey e Visa holder is eligible for stay of up to 30 days in a total of 90 days dependingon holders nationality.This new system has made visa processing for tourism and business travel to Turkey effortless andcost effective as long as your application is complete. You can obtain the e Visa anywhere with aninternet connection in less than 1 hours (Rush Processing), your Turkey e Visa should be ready. Theofficials send Turkey e Visa directly to applicants email, which is what you present to officers atthe port of entry as a softcopy or hardcopy for verification. The Turkish government require thatall travelers, including underage children, hold a valid visa.Between April 2013 and January 2017, Turkish government has issued over 16million e Visas totravelers for business and tourist purpose. The application process is easy but many people arereported to make common errors in their application or have incomplete information.Turkey visaonline application form is available for all usa citizens,european, uk, australia, new zealand and canadian residents.Turkey visa online application, Turkeyvisa online application, Turkey visa application online, Turkey visa application online, evisaTurkey, Turkey evisa, Turkey business visa, Turkey medical visa, Turkey tourist visa, Turkey visa,Turkey visa, Turkey visa online, Turkey visa online, visa to Turkey, visa for Turkey, Turkey evisa,evisa Turkey, Turkey business visa, Turkey tourist visa, Turkey medical visa, Turkey visaapplication centre, Turkey visa for korean citizens, Turkey visa from korea. urgent Turkey visa,Turkey visa emergency. Turkey visa for german citizens, Turkey visa for us citizens, Turkey visa forTurkey citizens, Turkey visa for new zealand citizens, Turkey visa for australian citizens. you arealso eligible for Turkey visa online from Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain,Barbados, Bermuda, Canada, China, Dominica, Dominican Republic, East Timor,Fiji, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Kuwait, Maldives,Mauritius, Mexico, Oman, Cyprus, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent,Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Suriname, United Arab Emirates, United States,and many more countries. Visit : https://www.turkeyonline-visa.com/ga/visa/ Víosa Tuirc ar líne, Víosa ar líne don Tuirc, Líne evisa Tuirc, Tuirc evisa, Tuirc víosa ar líne, iarratas ar víosa Tuirc, iarratas ar líne ar víosa Tuirc, iarratas ar líne ar víosa Tuirc, iarratas ar víosa Tuirc ar líne, iarratas ar víosa Tuirc ar líne, evisa Tuirc, Tuirc evisa, Víosa gnó na Tuirce, víosa leighis na Tuirce, víosa turasóireachta na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce ar líne, víosa na Tuirce ar líne, víosa go dtí an Tuirc, víosa don Tuirc, evisa an Tuirc, evisa Tuirc, víosa gnó na Tuirce, víosa turasóireachta na Tuirce, an Tuirc leighis víosa, an Tuirc ionad iarratais ar víosa, an Tuirc víosa dúinn saoránaigh, Tuirc víosa ó Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá, Tuirc víosa do Meiriceánaigh. víosa práinneach Tuirc, éigeandála víosa Tuirc. Víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh SAM, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Tuirce, víosa na Tuirce do shaoránaigh na Séalainn nua, víosa na Tuirce don Afganastáin, an Ailgéir, an Bhanglaidéis, an Chambóid, Rinn Verde, an Éigipt, an Ghuine Mheánchriosach, an India, an Iaráic, an Libia, Neipeal, an Phacastáin, an Phalaistín, Na hOileáin Fhilipíneacha, an tSeineagáil, Oileáin Sholamón, Srí Lanca, Taiwan, Vanuatú, Vítneam, saoránaigh Éimin. Online Turkey visa, Online visa for Turkey, Online evisa Turkey, Turkey evisa,Turkey visa online,Turkey visa application, Turkey visa online application, Turkey visa online application, Turkey visaapplication online, Turkey visa application online, evisa Turkey, Turkey evisa, Turkey businessvisa, Turkey medical visa, Turkey tourist visa, Turkey visa, Turkey visa, Turkey visa online, Turkeyvisa online, visa to Turkey, visa for Turkey, Turkey evisa, evisa Turkey, Turkey business visa,Turkey tourist visa, Turkey medical visa, Turkey visa application centre, Turkey visa for uscitizens, Turkey visa from usa, Turkey visa for americans. urgent Turkey visa, Turkey visaemergency. 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  • CANADA Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online IRELAND AND UK CITIZENS - Iarratas Oifigiúil ar Líne Visa Inimirce Ceanada

    Ligeann an víosa leictreonach ar líne gur féidir le taistealaithe incháilithe a eVisa nó Víosa a fháil go héasca chun cuairt a thabhairt ar an tír chun críocha turasóireachta, gnó nó idirthurais chuig tír eile. Is é Iarratas Ar Líne Visa Cheanada an modh iontrála isteach i gCeanada atá molta ag an rialtas. Is meicníocht leictreonach é a ligeann duit dul isteach i gCeanada ar an mbealach is tapúla agus is éasca. Ní gá duit cuairt a thabhairt ar Ambasáid Cheanada nó Consalacht Cheanada nó do phas a chur isteach. Chomh maith leis sin ní gá duit stampa fisiceach ar an bpas. Is féidir leat an eVisa a fháil trí ríomhphost. Ní thógann sé ach 2 nóiméad an fhoirm a líonadh ar líne agus an Víosa leictreonach a fháil trí ríomhphost. Is meicníocht ar líne iontaofa, shlán, shábháilte, shimplí é seo a bhfuil muinín ann. Faigh Visa Cheanada trí ríomhphost seachas cuairt a thabhairt ar ambasáid Cheanada. Tá foirm iarratais ar líne víosa Cheanada ar fáil do gach saoránach SAM, an Eoraip, an Ríocht Aontaithe, an Astráil, an Nua-Shéalainn agus áitritheoirí Cheanada. Iarratas ar líne ar víosa Cheanada, iarratas ar líne ar víosa Cheanada, iarratas ar víosa Cheanada ar líne, iarratas ar víosa Cheanada ar líne, evisa Ceanada, Ceanada evisa, víosa gnó Cheanada, víosa leighis Ceanada, víosa turasóireachta Cheanada, víosa Cheanada, víosa Cheanada, víosa Cheanada ar líne, víosa Cheanada ar líne, víosa go Ceanada, víosa do Cheanada, evisa Cheanada, evisa Ceanada, víosa gnó Cheanada, víosa turasóireachta Cheanada, víosa leighis Cheanada, ionad iarratais ar víosa Ceanada, víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh na Cóiré, víosa Cheanada ón gCóiré. víosa práinneach Ceanada, éigeandáil víosa Ceanada. Víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh na Gearmáine, víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh dúinn, víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh Cheanada, víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh nua-Shéalainn, víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh na hAstráile. Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh Andóra, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh Anguilla, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh na hAstráile, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh na hOstaire, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh na Bahámaí, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh Barbadós, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh na Beilge, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh na Bahámaí Maighdean Is.

    The online electronic visa allows eligible travellers can easily obtain their eVisa or Visa to visit the country for tourism, business purposes, or transit to another country. Canadian Visa Online Application is the government recommended method of entry into Canada. It is an electronic mechanism which allows you to enter Canada in the quickest and easiest way. You do not need to visit Canadian Embassy or Canadian Consulate or submit your passport. Also you do not require a physical stamp on the passport. You can get the eVisa by email. It takes only 2 minutes to fill the form online and get the electronic Visa by email. This is reliable, secure, safe, simple and trusted online mechanism. Get Canadian Visa by email instead of visiting Canadian embassy. Canadian visa online application form is available for all usa citizens, european, uk, australia, new zealand and canadian residents. Canada visa online application, Canadian visa online application, Canada visa application online, Canadian visa application online, evisa Canada, Canada evisa, Canada business visa, Canada medical visa, Canada tourist visa, Canada visa, Canadian visa, Canada visa online, Canadian visa online, visa to Canada, visa for Canada, Canadian evisa, evisa Canada, Canadian business visa, Canadian tourist visa, Canadian medical visa, Canada visa application centre, Canadian visa for korean citizens, Canadian visa from korea. urgent Canada visa, Canada visa emergency. Canadian visa for german citizens, Canadian visa for us citizens, Canadian visa for canada citizens, Canadian visa for new zealand citizens, Canadian visa for australian citizens. Canadian Visa for Andorra Citizens , Canadian Visa for Anguilla Citizens , Canadian Visa for Australia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Austria Citizens , Canadian Visa for Bahamas Citizens , Canadian Visa for Barbados Citizens , Canadian Visa for Belgium Citizens , Canadian Visa for Br. Virgin Is. Citizens , Canadian Visa for Brunei Citizens , Canadian Visa for Bulgaria Citizens , Canadian Visa for Cayman Islands Citizens , Canadian Visa for Chile Citizens , Canadian Visa for Hong Kong Citizens , Canadian Visa for Croatia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Cyprus Citizens , Canadian Visa for Czech Republic Citizens , Canadian Visa for Denmark Citizens , Canadian Visa for Estonia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Finland Citizens , Canadian Visa for France Citizens , Canadian Visa for Germany Citizens , Canadian Visa for Greece Citizens , Canadian Visa for Hungary Citizens , Canadian Visa for Iceland Citizens , Canadian Visa for Ireland Citizens , Canadian Visa for Israel Citizens , Canadian Visa for Italy Citizens , Canadian Visa for Japan Citizens , Canadian Visa for South Korea Citizens , Canadian Visa for Latvia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Liechtenstein Citizens , Canadian Visa for Lithuania Citizens , Canadian Visa for Luxembourg Citizens , Canadian Visa for Malta Citizens , Canadian Visa for Mexico Citizens , Canadian Visa for Monaco Citizens , Canadian Visa for Montserrat Citizens , Canadian Visa for Netherlands Citizens , Canadian Visa for New Zealand Citizens , Canadian Visa for Norway Citizens , Canadian Visa for Papua New Guinea Citizens , Canadian Visa for Poland Citizens , Canadian Visa for Portugal Citizens , Canadian Visa for Romania Citizens , Canadian Visa for Samoa Citizens , Canadian Visa for San Marino Citizens , Canadian Visa for Singapore Citizens , Canadian Visa for Slovakia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Slovenia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Solomon Islands Citizens , Canadian Visa for Spain Citizens , Canadian Visa for Sweden Citizens , Canadian Visa for Switzerland Citizens , Canadian Visa for Taiwan Citizens , Canadian Visa for British overseas Citizens , Canadian Visa for United Kingdom Citizens , Canadian Visa for Vatican City State.

    Visit : https://www.canada-visa-online.org/ga/visa/

    CANADA Official Government Immigration Visa Application Online IRELAND AND UK CITIZENS - Iarratas Oifigiúil ar Líne Visa Inimirce Ceanada Ligeann an víosa leictreonach ar líne gur féidir le taistealaithe incháilithe a eVisa nó Víosa a fháil go héasca chun cuairt a thabhairt ar an tír chun críocha turasóireachta, gnó nó idirthurais chuig tír eile. Is é Iarratas Ar Líne Visa Cheanada an modh iontrála isteach i gCeanada atá molta ag an rialtas. Is meicníocht leictreonach é a ligeann duit dul isteach i gCeanada ar an mbealach is tapúla agus is éasca. Ní gá duit cuairt a thabhairt ar Ambasáid Cheanada nó Consalacht Cheanada nó do phas a chur isteach. Chomh maith leis sin ní gá duit stampa fisiceach ar an bpas. Is féidir leat an eVisa a fháil trí ríomhphost. Ní thógann sé ach 2 nóiméad an fhoirm a líonadh ar líne agus an Víosa leictreonach a fháil trí ríomhphost. Is meicníocht ar líne iontaofa, shlán, shábháilte, shimplí é seo a bhfuil muinín ann. Faigh Visa Cheanada trí ríomhphost seachas cuairt a thabhairt ar ambasáid Cheanada. Tá foirm iarratais ar líne víosa Cheanada ar fáil do gach saoránach SAM, an Eoraip, an Ríocht Aontaithe, an Astráil, an Nua-Shéalainn agus áitritheoirí Cheanada. Iarratas ar líne ar víosa Cheanada, iarratas ar líne ar víosa Cheanada, iarratas ar víosa Cheanada ar líne, iarratas ar víosa Cheanada ar líne, evisa Ceanada, Ceanada evisa, víosa gnó Cheanada, víosa leighis Ceanada, víosa turasóireachta Cheanada, víosa Cheanada, víosa Cheanada, víosa Cheanada ar líne, víosa Cheanada ar líne, víosa go Ceanada, víosa do Cheanada, evisa Cheanada, evisa Ceanada, víosa gnó Cheanada, víosa turasóireachta Cheanada, víosa leighis Cheanada, ionad iarratais ar víosa Ceanada, víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh na Cóiré, víosa Cheanada ón gCóiré. víosa práinneach Ceanada, éigeandáil víosa Ceanada. Víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh na Gearmáine, víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh dúinn, víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh Cheanada, víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh nua-Shéalainn, víosa Cheanada do shaoránaigh na hAstráile. Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh Andóra, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh Anguilla, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh na hAstráile, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh na hOstaire, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh na Bahámaí, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh Barbadós, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh na Beilge, Víosa Cheanada do Shaoránaigh na Bahámaí Maighdean Is. The online electronic visa allows eligible travellers can easily obtain their eVisa or Visa to visit the country for tourism, business purposes, or transit to another country. Canadian Visa Online Application is the government recommended method of entry into Canada. It is an electronic mechanism which allows you to enter Canada in the quickest and easiest way. You do not need to visit Canadian Embassy or Canadian Consulate or submit your passport. Also you do not require a physical stamp on the passport. You can get the eVisa by email. It takes only 2 minutes to fill the form online and get the electronic Visa by email. This is reliable, secure, safe, simple and trusted online mechanism. Get Canadian Visa by email instead of visiting Canadian embassy. Canadian visa online application form is available for all usa citizens, european, uk, australia, new zealand and canadian residents. 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Canadian Visa for Andorra Citizens , Canadian Visa for Anguilla Citizens , Canadian Visa for Australia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Austria Citizens , Canadian Visa for Bahamas Citizens , Canadian Visa for Barbados Citizens , Canadian Visa for Belgium Citizens , Canadian Visa for Br. Virgin Is. Citizens , Canadian Visa for Brunei Citizens , Canadian Visa for Bulgaria Citizens , Canadian Visa for Cayman Islands Citizens , Canadian Visa for Chile Citizens , Canadian Visa for Hong Kong Citizens , Canadian Visa for Croatia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Cyprus Citizens , Canadian Visa for Czech Republic Citizens , Canadian Visa for Denmark Citizens , Canadian Visa for Estonia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Finland Citizens , Canadian Visa for France Citizens , Canadian Visa for Germany Citizens , Canadian Visa for Greece Citizens , Canadian Visa for Hungary Citizens , Canadian Visa for Iceland Citizens , Canadian Visa for Ireland Citizens , Canadian Visa for Israel Citizens , Canadian Visa for Italy Citizens , Canadian Visa for Japan Citizens , Canadian Visa for South Korea Citizens , Canadian Visa for Latvia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Liechtenstein Citizens , Canadian Visa for Lithuania Citizens , Canadian Visa for Luxembourg Citizens , Canadian Visa for Malta Citizens , Canadian Visa for Mexico Citizens , Canadian Visa for Monaco Citizens , Canadian Visa for Montserrat Citizens , Canadian Visa for Netherlands Citizens , Canadian Visa for New Zealand Citizens , Canadian Visa for Norway Citizens , Canadian Visa for Papua New Guinea Citizens , Canadian Visa for Poland Citizens , Canadian Visa for Portugal Citizens , Canadian Visa for Romania Citizens , Canadian Visa for Samoa Citizens , Canadian Visa for San Marino Citizens , Canadian Visa for Singapore Citizens , Canadian Visa for Slovakia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Slovenia Citizens , Canadian Visa for Solomon Islands Citizens , Canadian Visa for Spain Citizens , Canadian Visa for Sweden Citizens , Canadian Visa for Switzerland Citizens , Canadian Visa for Taiwan Citizens , Canadian Visa for British overseas Citizens , Canadian Visa for United Kingdom Citizens , Canadian Visa for Vatican City State. Visit : https://www.canada-visa-online.org/ga/visa/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 4589 Просмотры

    I mirrored this video to a few other platforms, and while I was loading it up to #RoxyTube I noticed a feature that @RoxyTube has, that no other video platform offers.... YOU CAN MESSAGE CONTENT CREATORS! (And other users)

    I'm always getting "comments" from trolls on there claiming that you can "Work from home and make $500 per day" and other ridiculous BS...... But never MESSAGES!

    It is a useful feature if you have something you'd like to say to the creator!

    You can always "comment" on the video, but someone with 100k subscribers would have to hire a secretary to even READ all their comments!

    It's a nice feature! I like it!
    It would require a little work, but a "Channel Chat" would be a great idea!

    Kind of like a "Chat Room" for the channel or content creator.
    For the old folks in the feed, remember Mirc?

    In Mirc (Internet Relay Chat) you had a list of "Channels" you could join to chat in. ANYONE could create a channel providing it had a unique name. You could then REGISTER your channel name if you wanted to protect it to prevent someone from claiming your channel if you signed out etc....

    On Mirc you can not only chat, but you can also put up a "File Server" to share things like documents, movies, music etc.... ALL AUTOMATED!

    Say I'm a movie guy, who has a huge MP4 library of movies.
    I could make a "playlist" and share it in the channel and then users could go to my "File Server" and download anything on the list!

    I would not have to do anything but post the list and make the files available!

    The very same thing could be done with music, documents, photos, etc...

    It would REALLY BE NICE if some enterprising young programmer would create a VIDEO PLATFORM running on a Mirc type of platform!

    Mirc is unable to be #Censoredf!
    It is PEER TO PEER! No internet "Video platform" or "Search Engine" needed!

    No #Google or #CIA or #FBI need to be between us!

    It's highly likely the above mentioned scumbags are operating on Mirc though!
    Matter of fact I GUARANTEE THEY ARE!

    While it is a system where you must protect yourself, it's very do-able!

    And it's the ONLY WAY TO FLY since in the near future you won't even be able to log into the "internet" without having a digital #Slave passport!

    Mirc is a time tested and proven way to communicate PEER TO PEER!

    It is made possible by servers running Mirc hooked to the internet But you are NOT connected through a google or fascistbook.....

    You connect ONLY to those private servers! Which YOU could start a server!

    After that you connect to people that you CHOOSE to connect to through private chats, file shares etc..... OR through a chat channel

    But it's PEER TO PEER! My machine talks to your machine (Once connected)
    Using IP Addresses! It's what we ALL need to get back to using!

    Just thinking out loud folks!

    HELP WANTED I mirrored this video to a few other platforms, and while I was loading it up to #RoxyTube I noticed a feature that @RoxyTube has, that no other video platform offers.... YOU CAN MESSAGE CONTENT CREATORS! (And other users) I'm always getting "comments" from trolls on there claiming that you can "Work from home and make $500 per day" and other ridiculous BS...... But never MESSAGES! It is a useful feature if you have something you'd like to say to the creator! You can always "comment" on the video, but someone with 100k subscribers would have to hire a secretary to even READ all their comments! It's a nice feature! I like it! It would require a little work, but a "Channel Chat" would be a great idea! Kind of like a "Chat Room" for the channel or content creator. For the old folks in the feed, remember Mirc? In Mirc (Internet Relay Chat) you had a list of "Channels" you could join to chat in. ANYONE could create a channel providing it had a unique name. You could then REGISTER your channel name if you wanted to protect it to prevent someone from claiming your channel if you signed out etc.... On Mirc you can not only chat, but you can also put up a "File Server" to share things like documents, movies, music etc.... ALL AUTOMATED! Say I'm a movie guy, who has a huge MP4 library of movies. I could make a "playlist" and share it in the channel and then users could go to my "File Server" and download anything on the list! I would not have to do anything but post the list and make the files available! The very same thing could be done with music, documents, photos, etc... It would REALLY BE NICE if some enterprising young programmer would create a VIDEO PLATFORM running on a Mirc type of platform! Mirc is unable to be #Censoredf! It is PEER TO PEER! No internet "Video platform" or "Search Engine" needed! MY COMPUTER TALKS TO YOUR COMPUTER! No #Google or #CIA or #FBI need to be between us! It's highly likely the above mentioned scumbags are operating on Mirc though! Matter of fact I GUARANTEE THEY ARE! While it is a system where you must protect yourself, it's very do-able! And it's the ONLY WAY TO FLY since in the near future you won't even be able to log into the "internet" without having a digital #Slave passport! Mirc is a time tested and proven way to communicate PEER TO PEER! It is made possible by servers running Mirc hooked to the internet But you are NOT connected through a google or fascistbook..... You connect ONLY to those private servers! Which YOU could start a server! After that you connect to people that you CHOOSE to connect to through private chats, file shares etc..... OR through a chat channel But it's PEER TO PEER! My machine talks to your machine (Once connected) Using IP Addresses! It's what we ALL need to get back to using! Just thinking out loud folks! https://roxytube.com/watch/help-wanted_emtUeTgyuKqF9yX.html
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1333 Просмотры
  • Pfizer CEO Declares Alex Jones Enemy 1 - Learn Why

    I want YOU to listen to the DISINFORMATION MASTER
    ( a useless LYING sack of sh*t) actually claiming that it was "Everyone but him" lying! PATHETIC!

    A typical Satan worshiping scumbag whose mind has been lost to Evil

    These people are telling these LIES to try to justify MORE Censorship!
    I think we may have to invest in several "Sky-Writing Airplanes" in the future to communicate....... Or definitely have other options!

    #GAB is fantastic! It's HOME! I love it......
    But with these people having control over the DNS of the internet, or #ICANN they certainly COULD throw a big f*cking monkey wrench into the machine!!!

    Leaving YOU unable to reach your favorite websites without actually knowing every one of their IP Addresses!

    It's something our "Parallel economy" needs to create a way of dealing with this should it happen! THEY DO PLAN ON SILENCING DISSENT!!!

    You can count on that!

    Imagine that...... THIS DUDE TALKING ABOUT "#EVIL!"

    In about the year 2000 I used a service called #Mirc (Internet Relay Chat) which is a fully functional, channel based, OPERATOR CONTROLLED chat "Room" type set up!

    ANYONE can create a channel, and they have 100% control over that channel! WHO may enter, WHO must leave etc....

    And it also has amazing FILE SHARING capability! It's something to think about!

    I'm sure that Mirc still runs wonderfully, and is completely uncensored UNLESS they have started some type of BS there too.....

    But with the vile nature of most of Mirc.... (You don't HAVE TO LOOK AT IT)

    And you CAN block those on offensive channels! I just cannot imagine it ever being censored! CHECK IT OUT SOMETIME!!!

    It's truly one of the best "Chat" applications out there AND it's created in such a way that you could become a "Server" of information!

    And once you learn the ropes, it's NOT HARD to automate the process either! Unless you wanted to "Screen" who could get the information!

    It truly is an amazing platform!
    You CAN also create "Secret Channels" and channels with "Keys" to get in! INVISIBLE to nosy folks....

    But like anything, I'm sure #Government is somehow spying on it too!
    But they'd have to run a server to do it I'd think!

    Pfizer CEO Declares Alex Jones Enemy 1 - Learn Why I want YOU to listen to the DISINFORMATION MASTER ( a useless LYING sack of sh*t) actually claiming that it was "Everyone but him" lying! PATHETIC! A typical Satan worshiping scumbag whose mind has been lost to Evil These people are telling these LIES to try to justify MORE Censorship! I think we may have to invest in several "Sky-Writing Airplanes" in the future to communicate....... Or definitely have other options! #GAB is fantastic! It's HOME! I love it...... But with these people having control over the DNS of the internet, or #ICANN they certainly COULD throw a big f*cking monkey wrench into the machine!!! Leaving YOU unable to reach your favorite websites without actually knowing every one of their IP Addresses! It's something our "Parallel economy" needs to create a way of dealing with this should it happen! THEY DO PLAN ON SILENCING DISSENT!!! You can count on that! Imagine that...... THIS DUDE TALKING ABOUT "#EVIL!" WE MUST KEEP LINES OF COMMUNICATIONS OPEN!!! In about the year 2000 I used a service called #Mirc (Internet Relay Chat) which is a fully functional, channel based, OPERATOR CONTROLLED chat "Room" type set up! ANYONE can create a channel, and they have 100% control over that channel! WHO may enter, WHO must leave etc.... And it also has amazing FILE SHARING capability! It's something to think about! I'm sure that Mirc still runs wonderfully, and is completely uncensored UNLESS they have started some type of BS there too..... But with the vile nature of most of Mirc.... (You don't HAVE TO LOOK AT IT) And you CAN block those on offensive channels! I just cannot imagine it ever being censored! CHECK IT OUT SOMETIME!!! It's truly one of the best "Chat" applications out there AND it's created in such a way that you could become a "Server" of information! And once you learn the ropes, it's NOT HARD to automate the process either! Unless you wanted to "Screen" who could get the information! It truly is an amazing platform! You CAN also create "Secret Channels" and channels with "Keys" to get in! INVISIBLE to nosy folks.... But like anything, I'm sure #Government is somehow spying on it too! But they'd have to run a server to do it I'd think! https://odysee.com/@AlexJonesChannel:c/Pfizer-CEO-Declares-Alex-Jones-Enemy--1---Learn-Why:9
    Pfizer CEO Declares Alex Jones Enemy #1 - Learn Why
    Pfizer CEO Declares Alex Jones Enemy #1 - Learn Why
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 437 Просмотры
  • CORRUPT MEDIA AND BIG TECH COLLUSION: They Slander and Besmirch President Trump While Censoring Him Completely https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/corrupt-media-big-tech-collusion-slander-besmirch-president-trump-censoring-completely/
    CORRUPT MEDIA AND BIG TECH COLLUSION: They Slander and Besmirch President Trump While Censoring Him Completely https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/corrupt-media-big-tech-collusion-slander-besmirch-president-trump-censoring-completely/
    CORRUPT MEDIA AND BIG TECH COLLUSION: They Slander and Besmirch President Trump While Censoring Him Completely
    The US Media is corrupt, colluding, and dishonest.  It is a collective much more than media and it is getting worse.   We have never seen any man get the treatment from the media that President Trump receives.  They slander him, besmirch him, call him names, laugh at him, post questionable articles that damage him from…
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 242 Просмотры
  • There WILL BE another big "Purge" of dissenting voices on the internet... I just FEEL IT! These weirdos have control of at least 90% of the internet... They CAN essentially "make you disappear"

    And what will happen should the ISP's that serve platforms like #GAB and #Rumble and #Minds decide that they will PURGE these platforms from the internet??? It would REALLY be a good idea for someone who loves #FreeSpeech to build out an ISP just in case!

    When I first started "chatting" on the internet..... BEFORE Fascistbook, Twatter, and even before "MySpace" I used a program called #Mirc which is an
    "internet relay chat" program which functions PEER TO PEER!

    It has servers which operate the networks, enforce the rules, and connect you to the network.... But the rest of the file transfers, chats, etc.... function
    PEER to PEER! Meaning "YOUR COMPUTER to MY COMPUTER" with nobody in between!

    The place is kind of a cesspool... But you can create your own channel, enforce your own rules, and completely control who is allowed into it! You can transfer data and files, music and MP.4's etc....

    It would function GREAT as a place to communicate with a tight knit group. Or as a STATE meeting place... even a city meeting place!

    It's FREE to try and I think it's $20 for a lifetime license!
    It's really an amazing program that could do an end-run around #Censorship!
    Especially should you choose to operate a SERVER!

    Just thinking out loud here.... Because I KNOW they'll be trying to close us down again!

    I have not been on there in a LONG TIME! But it's a great platform
    (Despite a lot of weirdos being there) You DON'T have to interact with the weirdos unless you CHOOSE TO (Especially operating a channel)

    You can check it out at Mirc dot com
    There WILL BE another big "Purge" of dissenting voices on the internet... I just FEEL IT! These weirdos have control of at least 90% of the internet... They CAN essentially "make you disappear" And what will happen should the ISP's that serve platforms like #GAB and #Rumble and #Minds decide that they will PURGE these platforms from the internet??? It would REALLY be a good idea for someone who loves #FreeSpeech to build out an ISP just in case! When I first started "chatting" on the internet..... BEFORE Fascistbook, Twatter, and even before "MySpace" I used a program called #Mirc which is an "internet relay chat" program which functions PEER TO PEER! It has servers which operate the networks, enforce the rules, and connect you to the network.... But the rest of the file transfers, chats, etc.... function PEER to PEER! Meaning "YOUR COMPUTER to MY COMPUTER" with nobody in between! The place is kind of a cesspool... But you can create your own channel, enforce your own rules, and completely control who is allowed into it! You can transfer data and files, music and MP.4's etc.... It would function GREAT as a place to communicate with a tight knit group. Or as a STATE meeting place... even a city meeting place! It's FREE to try and I think it's $20 for a lifetime license! It's really an amazing program that could do an end-run around #Censorship! Especially should you choose to operate a SERVER! Just thinking out loud here.... Because I KNOW they'll be trying to close us down again! I have not been on there in a LONG TIME! But it's a great platform (Despite a lot of weirdos being there) You DON'T have to interact with the weirdos unless you CHOOSE TO (Especially operating a channel) You can check it out at Mirc dot com
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 466 Просмотры
  • #Twitter is markedly worse than other platforms about turning people into real scumbags. It's likely something to do with only having 140 characters to make your point!

    What many people STILL DON'T REALIZE
    (Especially #Corrupt Politicians & #Corporate scumbags)
    Is that social media platforms and their "users" are very easy to manipulate! Of course I don't believe that this influences politicians! they are influence by CORPORATE DONORS AND BANKS!

    If you run your business according to Twitter and Facebook opinions you'll be bankrupted, very Woke, very BROKE, and hated by EVERYONE

    People fail to realize in 2022 that "Bots" litter these platforms! My cousin is a Network Administrator, he makes a living making sure that corporate Networks function smoothly, and he builds new Networks.
    (He's always looking for work if you need his services)

    Well... Back in like 2006 he was also looking into getting himself and his customers listed high on the search engines. (Like Google) They have a formula they use to Rank listings... He figured out what it is!

    In 2006 His 2 person operation was actually listed ABOVE #Citrixon Google searches, Citrix is a giant corporation, and they were angry about it, had a lawyer call him whining! LOL

    Anyway... He did this by mentioning his company and Citrix (Which he sold) on multiple different websites that he had bought just for that purpose!

    Then he got some of social media tools like they offer on Gremlin and others, where he can make pre-written, random posts on Twitter & Facebook etc...

    Just by having a few websites mention his business AND having people (HIS BOTS) mentioning it on social media he actually got listed ABOVE THE CITRIX CORPORATION on Google search!

    I think they've taken steps these days, mainly to bump conservatives down the ranks.... But my point is that there are ALL KINDS OF BOTS POSTING TO SOCIAL MEDIA!!!

    So for instance, 1 guy could run 300 Bots or so, that he could program with #Marxist BS to spew at #Democrats and Corporate America all day! And once he had programmed their "posts" and what activates them, he could go drink beer!

    BOTS have been around for over 20 years!
    So the thought of ANYONE making decisions based off of social media is VERY STUPID!!!

    It's just too easy to manipulate!
    Anyone who has ever used Mirc should already know about BOTS!

    On Mirc they even moderate channels, welcome guests, kick users who are on unacceptable channels etc.... And that was 20 years ago!

    And besides all of that... Twitter is truly a cesspool of hatred and pornography with a little Communism thrown in! It's one of the worst platforms ever... And that was BEFORE they banned Conservatives and the #Censorship got out of control!

    #Twitter is markedly worse than other platforms about turning people into real scumbags. It's likely something to do with only having 140 characters to make your point! What many people STILL DON'T REALIZE (Especially #Corrupt Politicians & #Corporate scumbags) Is that social media platforms and their "users" are very easy to manipulate! Of course I don't believe that this influences politicians! they are influence by CORPORATE DONORS AND BANKS! If you run your business according to Twitter and Facebook opinions you'll be bankrupted, very Woke, very BROKE, and hated by EVERYONE People fail to realize in 2022 that "Bots" litter these platforms! My cousin is a Network Administrator, he makes a living making sure that corporate Networks function smoothly, and he builds new Networks. (He's always looking for work if you need his services) Well... Back in like 2006 he was also looking into getting himself and his customers listed high on the search engines. (Like Google) They have a formula they use to Rank listings... He figured out what it is! In 2006 His 2 person operation was actually listed ABOVE #Citrixon Google searches, Citrix is a giant corporation, and they were angry about it, had a lawyer call him whining! LOL Anyway... He did this by mentioning his company and Citrix (Which he sold) on multiple different websites that he had bought just for that purpose! Then he got some of social media tools like they offer on Gremlin and others, where he can make pre-written, random posts on Twitter & Facebook etc... Just by having a few websites mention his business AND having people (HIS BOTS) mentioning it on social media he actually got listed ABOVE THE CITRIX CORPORATION on Google search! I think they've taken steps these days, mainly to bump conservatives down the ranks.... But my point is that there are ALL KINDS OF BOTS POSTING TO SOCIAL MEDIA!!! So for instance, 1 guy could run 300 Bots or so, that he could program with #Marxist BS to spew at #Democrats and Corporate America all day! And once he had programmed their "posts" and what activates them, he could go drink beer! BOTS have been around for over 20 years! So the thought of ANYONE making decisions based off of social media is VERY STUPID!!! It's just too easy to manipulate! Anyone who has ever used Mirc should already know about BOTS! On Mirc they even moderate channels, welcome guests, kick users who are on unacceptable channels etc.... And that was 20 years ago! And besides all of that... Twitter is truly a cesspool of hatred and pornography with a little Communism thrown in! It's one of the worst platforms ever... And that was BEFORE they banned Conservatives and the #Censorship got out of control! https://www.smh.com.au/national/spare-us-the-twitter-zealots-and-their-pious-left-censorship-20200717-p55d3f.html
    Spare us the Twitter zealots and their pious left censorship
    Imagine a woke society perfectly liberated from aggravation. It’s a vision of a giant creche, in which literature becomes dogma and comedy prefers applause to laughter.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 307 Просмотры
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