Behold an indoctrination center for brainwashed idiots who allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by Big Brother. The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless heartless animals with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces professional killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their heads. After an idiot joins the army, he's not a human being anymore. He's just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around and be tossed into battlefields to murder poor people like himself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations. The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. "You will do what you're told to do when you're told to do it and WITHOUT question. Do you understand?" said the indoctrinator in this video to the fresh supply of meat that'll be tomorrow's hired guns. "Yes, sir," promptly replied the indoctrinated and soon-to-be licensed murderers in Uncle Sam's Military-Industrial Complex. But maybe these idiots will discover later on in their future jobs of murdering innocent populations in the Middle East that war is a racket. Maybe they'll remain brainwashed killers and come back to punish and enslave citizens at home by joining the police force to be a stick in the hands of politicians. The greatest crimes in the world are committed by people following orders. It's order-followers who drop bombs and massacre villages.
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #UnitedStates #WarForProfit #WarIsMassMurder #MilitaryIntervention #AmericanArmy #Military #MilitaryTraining #BootCamp #ContractKillers #HiredGun #Soldiers #Veterans #UniformedKillers #AmericanWarNation #BusinessOfWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #UnitedStates #WarForProfit #WarIsMassMurder #MilitaryIntervention #AmericanArmy #Military #MilitaryTraining #BootCamp #ContractKillers #HiredGun #Soldiers #Veterans #UniformedKillers #AmericanWarNation #BusinessOfWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror
Behold an indoctrination center for brainwashed idiots who allow themselves to be humiliated, abused, insulted, and kicked around like garbage by Big Brother. The military takes 17-year-old kids and crushes their spirit and character turning them into mindless heartless animals with one purpose and one purpose only: to kill on command. The military produces professional killers who simply follow orders and don't have a single original thought in the few cubic centimeters of brain cells inside their heads. After an idiot joins the army, he's not a human being anymore. He's just a boot, which is always ready to be kicked around and be tossed into battlefields to murder poor people like himself in impoverished countries for the benefit of America's corporations. The military of ANY country is a monstrosity that creates monstrosities. "You will do what you're told to do when you're told to do it and WITHOUT question. Do you understand?" said the indoctrinator in this video to the fresh supply of meat that'll be tomorrow's hired guns. "Yes, sir," promptly replied the indoctrinated and soon-to-be licensed murderers in Uncle Sam's Military-Industrial Complex. But maybe these idiots will discover later on in their future jobs of murdering innocent populations in the Middle East that war is a racket. Maybe they'll remain brainwashed killers and come back to punish and enslave citizens at home by joining the police force to be a stick in the hands of politicians. The greatest crimes in the world are committed by people following orders. It's order-followers who drop bombs and massacre villages.
#MilitaryIndustrialComplex #WarIsARacket #UnitedStates #WarForProfit #WarIsMassMurder #MilitaryIntervention #AmericanArmy #Military #MilitaryTraining #BootCamp #ContractKillers #HiredGun #Soldiers #Veterans #UniformedKillers #AmericanWarNation #BusinessOfWar #WarOfTerror #WarOnTerror