• OSHA Changes Rule to Cover Up Vaccine Injuries

    Dr. Joseph Mercola posted yesterday (11/3/21) on how the U.S. government – which used to work for WE THE PEOPLE – is constantly changing rules to hide mRNA jab injuries and to prevent WE THE PEOPLE from having legal recourse when the now voluminous mRNA jab injuries occur. The article focus is fraudulently elected Biden EO to force private businesses with 100+ employees to be mandated to jab with OSHA providing a pass to jab injuries.

    Yet fascinatingly, Dr. Mercola leads off with a roughly 10-minute video of Kim Iverson covering the massive peoples protesting Jab Mandates in Europe and Australia even with BRUTAL police enforcement trying to disperse protestors. Iverson sadly points to the lack of Jab Mandate protests in the USA surmising Americans have become more accustomed to AUTHORITARIAN RULE with an accommodating SHEEPLE CLASS. I found the report VERY sad and disturbing for America’s future as the Land of Liberty: https://bit.ly/3k5SKCL
    #MandatesAndOSHA #AmericanSheeple
    OSHA Changes Rule to Cover Up Vaccine Injuries Dr. Joseph Mercola posted yesterday (11/3/21) on how the U.S. government – which used to work for WE THE PEOPLE – is constantly changing rules to hide mRNA jab injuries and to prevent WE THE PEOPLE from having legal recourse when the now voluminous mRNA jab injuries occur. The article focus is fraudulently elected Biden EO to force private businesses with 100+ employees to be mandated to jab with OSHA providing a pass to jab injuries. Yet fascinatingly, Dr. Mercola leads off with a roughly 10-minute video of Kim Iverson covering the massive peoples protesting Jab Mandates in Europe and Australia even with BRUTAL police enforcement trying to disperse protestors. Iverson sadly points to the lack of Jab Mandate protests in the USA surmising Americans have become more accustomed to AUTHORITARIAN RULE with an accommodating SHEEPLE CLASS. I found the report VERY sad and disturbing for America’s future as the Land of Liberty: https://bit.ly/3k5SKCL #MandatesAndOSHA #AmericanSheeple
    OSHA Changes Rule to Cover Up Vaccine Injuries
      Dr. Joseph Mercola posted yesterday (11/3/21) on how the U.S. government – which used to work for WE THE PEOPLE – is constantly changing ...
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