• RT - China unveils first domestic open-source operating system:


    #OpenKylin #Kylin #OpenSource #OperatingSystem #Sanctions #ComputerScience #SoftwareEngineering #Engineering
    RT - China unveils first domestic open-source operating system: https://www.rt.com/news/579327-china-first-os-breakthrough/ #OpenKylin #Kylin #OpenSource #OperatingSystem #Sanctions #ComputerScience #SoftwareEngineering #Engineering
    China unveils first domestic open-source operating system
    China has unveiled OpenKylin software, its first domestically developed open-source operating system
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  • This is a photo of the #Chicago skyline from 35 miles away, across the lake!
    The PROBLEM with this is that this skyline should be missing 816.92 feet....

    If the Earth was REALLY A GLOBE there's NO WAY that this photo could be taken!

    That is NOT "Flat Earth Math"
    That is #NASA's own claims!

    It's a question of trigonometry folks!
    Without "curvature" THERE CAN BE NO GLOBE EARTH!!!
    And "Curvature" simply does NOT EXIST!

    Here's a photo of the "Earth Curvature Calculator" showing you how I arrived at 816.92 feet
    This is a photo of the #Chicago skyline from 35 miles away, across the lake! The PROBLEM with this is that this skyline should be missing 816.92 feet.... If the Earth was REALLY A GLOBE there's NO WAY that this photo could be taken! PERIOD!!! That is NOT "Flat Earth Math" That is #NASA's own claims! It's a question of trigonometry folks! Without "curvature" THERE CAN BE NO GLOBE EARTH!!! And "Curvature" simply does NOT EXIST! Here's a photo of the "Earth Curvature Calculator" showing you how I arrived at 816.92 feet
    0 Comments 0 Shares 336 Views
  • ightssunsetcitycityscapenightarchitectureurbanbuildingskyskylineskyscrapertowerpanoramaUSAduskbird's eye view1920metropolis2013resolutionNevadaTwilighticon1200lightdowntownbluehourviewamericausskyscrapers720vegasstriplasvegasnvthestripcosmopolitanvantagepointwallpaperhdcbdlandmarkhighresolutionunitedstatesurbanitynightshotnorthamerica1600vantageiconicwallpapersurban area tourist attraction computer wallpaper

    ightssunsetcitycityscapenightarchitectureurbanbuildingskyskylineskyscrapertowerpanoramaUSAduskbird's eye view1920metropolis2013resolutionNevadaTwilighticon1200lightdowntownbluehourviewamericausskyscrapers720vegasstriplasvegasnvthestripcosmopolitanvantagepointwallpaperhdcbdlandmarkhighresolutionunitedstatesurbanitynightshotnorthamerica1600vantageiconicwallpapersurban area tourist attraction computer wallpaper https://c.wallhere.com/photos/4d/a4/city_vegas_light_sunset_wallpaper_urban_panorama_usa-864664.jpg!d
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1815 Views
  • Eric Dubay: Daylight Debunks the Globe

    You know.... In the past two years I've woken a LOT of people up to the #Evil which is #Government, #Freemasonry, and Big #Pharma!

    But people are too f*cking BRAINWASHED by schools and #Media to even

    Folks.... I tried yesterday AGAIN to just just ASK A QUESTION of my cousin, FAMILY... About how exactly can a man take a photograph of the Chicago skyline from over 40 miles away WHEN IT SHOULD BE HIDDEN BY THE "CURVATURE" OF THE EARTH???

    His reaction??? He got mad.... went into a fit of rage without even allowing the completion of my question!!! Then he blasts me with "I don't CARE!"

    That's a strange position to take.... You live on a FLAT and stationary plane, you know like it says in over 240 places in the bible.....


    I #Hate a liar and a thief.... And these liars are BOTH!
    They have paid to school you (Indoctrinate you) into a world that don't exist....

    Their brainwashing is VERY EFFECTIVE! Even on people who THINK they are awake!

    At this point in time there is SO MUCH EVIDENCE you gotta be

    WAKE UP and go look at the f*cking EVIDENCE!!!

    They credit Einstein with this quote, but it's #Truth is clear no matter who said it

    Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. – Albert Einstein

    Eric Dubay: Daylight Debunks the Globe You know.... In the past two years I've woken a LOT of people up to the #Evil which is #Government, #Freemasonry, and Big #Pharma! But people are too f*cking BRAINWASHED by schools and #Media to even LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE ABOUT THE BIGGEST LIE OF THEM ALL!!! Folks.... I tried yesterday AGAIN to just just ASK A QUESTION of my cousin, FAMILY... About how exactly can a man take a photograph of the Chicago skyline from over 40 miles away WHEN IT SHOULD BE HIDDEN BY THE "CURVATURE" OF THE EARTH??? His reaction??? He got mad.... went into a fit of rage without even allowing the completion of my question!!! Then he blasts me with "I don't CARE!" That's a strange position to take.... You live on a FLAT and stationary plane, you know like it says in over 240 places in the bible..... AND YOU DON'T CARE THAT YOU'VE BEEN LIED TO???? I #Hate a liar and a thief.... And these liars are BOTH! They have paid to school you (Indoctrinate you) into a world that don't exist.... AND YOU ARE OKAY WITH THAT???? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Their brainwashing is VERY EFFECTIVE! Even on people who THINK they are awake! At this point in time there is SO MUCH EVIDENCE you gotta be WILLFULLY IGNORANT TO BELIEVE THAT YOU LIVE ON A BULLSHIT SPINNING BALL! WAKE UP and go look at the f*cking EVIDENCE!!! They credit Einstein with this quote, but it's #Truth is clear no matter who said it Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance. – Albert Einstein https://rumble.com/v1ap2ae-eric-dubay-daylight-debunks-the-globe.html
    Eric Dubay: Daylight Debunks the Globe
    Eric Dubay: Daylight Debunks the Globe #FlatEarth #Firmament
    4 Comments 0 Shares 357 Views
  • Joshua Nowicki - The Chicago Skyline

    I had a couple of friends who tried to show me about Flat Earth for about 2 years but I was very dismissive of their claims! I THOUGHT I knew all about this stuff!

    I thought both of them had let their cheese slide off their cracker!
    Then one day I actually did a little research!

    Watched a 4 hour video named "240 Flat Earth bible verses" trying to debunk it
    When I couldn't I watched some Eric Dubay and then read "Zetetic Astronomy"

    The more convincing evidence I saw.... The more I kept telling myself
    "There's no way that mankind could be THAT DECEIVED!

    I finally accepted that YES, we ARE that deceived!
    At that moment I cannot explain how I felt!

    To WAKE UP from living in a worldwide illusion...
    It's very humbling!

    But most of all.... it taught me to NEVER believe what those in #Government tell you! A lie THAT BIG.... It's just staggering to think they pulled it off!

    If I'd have been busy at work.... I'd have never had the time to do all the research! The more research I did that confirmed the flat earth...
    The more I felt I needed to do!

    I mean IT COULD'NT BE!
    But it is!

    You read your bible with new eyes once you know the earth is flat and stable
    (Like the bible says it is)

    It's probably a big part of what makes "The Great Deception"

    Joshua Nowicki - The Chicago Skyline I had a couple of friends who tried to show me about Flat Earth for about 2 years but I was very dismissive of their claims! I THOUGHT I knew all about this stuff! I thought both of them had let their cheese slide off their cracker! Then one day I actually did a little research! Watched a 4 hour video named "240 Flat Earth bible verses" trying to debunk it When I couldn't I watched some Eric Dubay and then read "Zetetic Astronomy" The more convincing evidence I saw.... The more I kept telling myself "There's no way that mankind could be THAT DECEIVED! I finally accepted that YES, we ARE that deceived! At that moment I cannot explain how I felt! To WAKE UP from living in a worldwide illusion... It's very humbling! But most of all.... it taught me to NEVER believe what those in #Government tell you! A lie THAT BIG.... It's just staggering to think they pulled it off! If I'd have been busy at work.... I'd have never had the time to do all the research! The more research I did that confirmed the flat earth... The more I felt I needed to do! I mean IT COULD'NT BE! But it is! You read your bible with new eyes once you know the earth is flat and stable (Like the bible says it is) It's probably a big part of what makes "The Great Deception" https://rumble.com/v14uvpj-joshua-nowicki-the-chicago-skyline.html
    Joshua Nowicki - The Chicago Skyline
    God's Flat Earth 2 - Youtube Backup Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/tom7634 For Videos Free Of Censorship God's Flat Earth - Rumble https://rumble.com/vc1bt6-the-flat-earth-theory-a-short-introdu
    0 Comments 0 Shares 366 Views
  • I'm A Physicist and Flat Earther (Skit)

    People try to paint "Flat Earth truthers" as uneducated morons
    When the opposite is true!

    Most people who attack flat earth guys are doing so from a VERY uneducated point of view! They are repeating "talking points" from school or movies!

    Whereas the flat earth guy is pointing to ACTUAL EVIDENCE!

    I can speak to this with confidence because I've done BOTH!!!
    I used to dismiss the flat earth guys as "nuts, dopers, crazy, idiots etc..."

    The biggest mistake I ever made was trying to DISPROVE THEIR CLAIMS!
    A guy that I really had a lot of respect for became a flat earth guy!
    I was like "He's one of those guys?"

    So I set out to disprove EVERY ITEM IN A 4 HOUR VIDEO!!!
    Not only could I NOT disprove every item... I couldn't disprove even 1 item!

    When I say that "I've done a lot of research" on the subject.... I'm talking about THOUSANDS OF HOURS!!! I'm not talking about spending an afternoon... I'm talking about spending a straight YEAR spending 4 to 12 hours a day researching! (I'm a bit compulsive sometimes)

    And THAT is what irritates me! People DISMISS WHAT YOU SAY OUT OF HAND!
    Then, having never done the first 5 minutes of research into what you are telling them.... want to tell you why you are wrong! It's irritating!

    What I did disprove was the LIE that #NASA went to the moon!
    I did disprove that the earth has "curvature"

    The first step to take in a this journey is to read Rowbotham's Zetetic Astronomy and perform the 20 or so experiments contained in the book YOURSELF!!!

    You see.... "scientists" and NASA uses 4 foot long equations that they KNOW very few people understand! And even those who do understand them are too lazy to do that much math!!!

    WHY do we need to do all that math??? YOUR EYES will tell you the earth is flat!
    A Nikon P-900 Camera can look across lake Michigan from Indiana, and see the entire skyline of Chicago, Illinois when it SHOULD be hidden by the "curvature of the earth"

    The same goes for hundreds of locations where you can see across large bodies of water! Lighthouses that are visible from 50 or 75 miles PROVE that the earth is not round! At a distance of 50 miles the "Earth's Curvature" should be around 1/3 of a mile!!! Or 0.31575 miles = 1667.17 feet

    So how in the world could you see a 150 foot tall lighthouse from 50 miles away??? It should be hidden by over 1500 feet of "curvature"

    It cannot be disputed!!! Arguing with this FACT is like arguing that #CNN tells the #Truth! It just shows Cognitive dissonance.... It demonstrates that you cannot reconcile this FACT with the things you've been taught!!!

    Because you were taught LIES!!!

    I'm A Physicist and Flat Earther (Skit) People try to paint "Flat Earth truthers" as uneducated morons When the opposite is true! Most people who attack flat earth guys are doing so from a VERY uneducated point of view! They are repeating "talking points" from school or movies! Whereas the flat earth guy is pointing to ACTUAL EVIDENCE! I can speak to this with confidence because I've done BOTH!!! I used to dismiss the flat earth guys as "nuts, dopers, crazy, idiots etc..." The biggest mistake I ever made was trying to DISPROVE THEIR CLAIMS! A guy that I really had a lot of respect for became a flat earth guy! I was like "He's one of those guys?" So I set out to disprove EVERY ITEM IN A 4 HOUR VIDEO!!! Not only could I NOT disprove every item... I couldn't disprove even 1 item! When I say that "I've done a lot of research" on the subject.... I'm talking about THOUSANDS OF HOURS!!! I'm not talking about spending an afternoon... I'm talking about spending a straight YEAR spending 4 to 12 hours a day researching! (I'm a bit compulsive sometimes) And THAT is what irritates me! People DISMISS WHAT YOU SAY OUT OF HAND! Then, having never done the first 5 minutes of research into what you are telling them.... want to tell you why you are wrong! It's irritating! What I did disprove was the LIE that #NASA went to the moon! I did disprove that the earth has "curvature" The first step to take in a this journey is to read Rowbotham's Zetetic Astronomy and perform the 20 or so experiments contained in the book YOURSELF!!! You see.... "scientists" and NASA uses 4 foot long equations that they KNOW very few people understand! And even those who do understand them are too lazy to do that much math!!! WHY do we need to do all that math??? YOUR EYES will tell you the earth is flat! A Nikon P-900 Camera can look across lake Michigan from Indiana, and see the entire skyline of Chicago, Illinois when it SHOULD be hidden by the "curvature of the earth" The same goes for hundreds of locations where you can see across large bodies of water! Lighthouses that are visible from 50 or 75 miles PROVE that the earth is not round! At a distance of 50 miles the "Earth's Curvature" should be around 1/3 of a mile!!! Or 0.31575 miles = 1667.17 feet So how in the world could you see a 150 foot tall lighthouse from 50 miles away??? It should be hidden by over 1500 feet of "curvature" THIS IS PROOF FOLKS!!! It cannot be disputed!!! Arguing with this FACT is like arguing that #CNN tells the #Truth! It just shows Cognitive dissonance.... It demonstrates that you cannot reconcile this FACT with the things you've been taught!!! Because you were taught LIES!!! https://youtu.be/X8f--Ljgrh4
    0 Comments 0 Shares 978 Views
  • "Conspiracy Theorist" = Someone telling you the #Truth
    Until you understand this simple concept... You WON'T get it!

    Even the "Truthers" rarely know the extent of the lies we've been told!
    I mean they date back over 500 years!

    Even NOW, after all we've seen, they just cannot accept they have been lied to "About that"

    And yes, I'm talking about #NASA
    The "Globe Earth" is a prison created for YOUR MIND!

    You have been "Blinded by Science"
    And many still cannot accept that despite the #Satanic scumbags making a song about it to mock us all

    When you trust the words of LIARS over your own EYES you are in a prison! When you accept CGI images as "Real" you are in a prison!

    When you accept an internet "Supposedly coming from Satellites" which is actually GROUND BASED TECHNOLOGY you are in prison!

    When you believe that "Thousands of Satellites are whizzing through space" yet "Google Loon" launched hundreds of BALLOONS to give internet access to poor countries, you are in prison!

    When you believe that "Satellites" transmit the internet to Europe, instead of having the knowledge that it's done with UNDERSEA CABLES you are in prison!

    When you believe that your "Satellite television" comes from a Satellite in space, instead of from a broadcast tower on EARTH, you are in prison!

    When you believe that photos from Michigan across Lake Michigan showing Chicago's skyline in full, despite the fact that they should be hidden by 0.11367 miles = 600.19 feet of "Curvature" so you believe they are "Mirages" or "refraction" then you are in prison!

    If you are a Christian and you believe you live on a spinning ball then you DON'T BELIEVE The Word of God! There are at least 11 verses telling us THE EARTH IS FIXED AND WILL NOT MOVE!
    So you now trust "Science " more than your bible??????

    The bible tells us that
    Psalm 104:5

    He established the earth upon its foundations,
    So that it will not totter forever and ever.

    1 Chronicles 16:30

    Tremble before Him, all the earth;
    Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved.
    "Conspiracy Theorist" = Someone telling you the #Truth Until you understand this simple concept... You WON'T get it! Even the "Truthers" rarely know the extent of the lies we've been told! I mean they date back over 500 years! Even NOW, after all we've seen, they just cannot accept they have been lied to "About that" And yes, I'm talking about #NASA The "Globe Earth" is a prison created for YOUR MIND! You have been "Blinded by Science" And many still cannot accept that despite the #Satanic scumbags making a song about it to mock us all When you trust the words of LIARS over your own EYES you are in a prison! When you accept CGI images as "Real" you are in a prison! When you accept an internet "Supposedly coming from Satellites" which is actually GROUND BASED TECHNOLOGY you are in prison! When you believe that "Thousands of Satellites are whizzing through space" yet "Google Loon" launched hundreds of BALLOONS to give internet access to poor countries, you are in prison! When you believe that "Satellites" transmit the internet to Europe, instead of having the knowledge that it's done with UNDERSEA CABLES you are in prison! When you believe that your "Satellite television" comes from a Satellite in space, instead of from a broadcast tower on EARTH, you are in prison! When you believe that photos from Michigan across Lake Michigan showing Chicago's skyline in full, despite the fact that they should be hidden by 0.11367 miles = 600.19 feet of "Curvature" so you believe they are "Mirages" or "refraction" then you are in prison! If you are a Christian and you believe you live on a spinning ball then you DON'T BELIEVE The Word of God! There are at least 11 verses telling us THE EARTH IS FIXED AND WILL NOT MOVE! So you now trust "Science " more than your bible?????? The bible tells us that Psalm 104:5 He established the earth upon its foundations, So that it will not totter forever and ever. 1 Chronicles 16:30 Tremble before Him, all the earth; Indeed, the world is firmly established, it will not be moved.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 574 Views
  • The NASA Hoax - Eric Dubay

    The #Truth fears no examination.....
    SO WHY IS IT THAT #NASA AND Neil Degrasse Tyson ARE SO SCARED TO DEBATE Eric Dubay???

    Now I'm no Eric Dubay "groupie" or anything.....
    But he has asked some pretty damn good questions that NASA cannot answer....... And none of their "Phd flunkies" can answer either!!!

    Neil DeGrasse Tyson claimed he was going to "have his way" with Eric, and humiliate him..... BUT HE CHICKENED OUT!!!

    Hmmmmmmm Sounds like a sagging diaper full to me!
    And then there is the OBSERVABLE #Truths that ALL OF US can see! You know like

    "How is it that I can zoom in across a 60 mile stretch of water and clearly see the skyline there when it SHOULD be hidden by 1/3 mile of "Earth Curvature"???????

    You don't need NASA to PROVE the Earth is FLAT!!!

    Look up the Zetetic Astronomy PDF and then READ IT!!!

    Once you have figured out that YOU have been lied to since BIRTH you may look differently at "their #Evil world" which has been pulled over YOUR EYES!

    It's a shame that NASA (52 MILLION A DAY) is SCARED TO DEBATE
    Eric Dubay! PATHETIC actually!

    The NASA Hoax - Eric Dubay The #Truth fears no examination..... SO WHY IS IT THAT #NASA AND Neil Degrasse Tyson ARE SO SCARED TO DEBATE Eric Dubay??? Now I'm no Eric Dubay "groupie" or anything..... But he has asked some pretty damn good questions that NASA cannot answer....... And none of their "Phd flunkies" can answer either!!! Neil DeGrasse Tyson claimed he was going to "have his way" with Eric, and humiliate him..... BUT HE CHICKENED OUT!!! Hmmmmmmm Sounds like a sagging diaper full to me! And then there is the OBSERVABLE #Truths that ALL OF US can see! You know like "How is it that I can zoom in across a 60 mile stretch of water and clearly see the skyline there when it SHOULD be hidden by 1/3 mile of "Earth Curvature"??????? NO LIE IS TOO BIG FOR THESE PEOPLE! You don't need NASA to PROVE the Earth is FLAT!!! Look up the Zetetic Astronomy PDF and then READ IT!!! Once you have figured out that YOU have been lied to since BIRTH you may look differently at "their #Evil world" which has been pulled over YOUR EYES! It's a shame that NASA (52 MILLION A DAY) is SCARED TO DEBATE Eric Dubay! PATHETIC actually! https://youtu.be/loIh1kz6_LE
    0 Comments 0 Shares 360 Views

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