• White liberal women care more about potential racism than they do about pedophilia. Awful. You can hear it in her voice.

    The Karen accent is absolutely unbearable!!

    White liberal women care more about potential racism than they do about pedophilia. Awful. You can hear it in her voice. The Karen accent is absolutely unbearable!! https://redstatenation.com/video-predator-foiled-in-portland-a-bizarre-twist-when-a-woke-woman-intervenes/
    Video: Predator Foiled in Portland - A Bizarre Twist When a 'Woke' Woman Intervenes - Red State Nation
    Below we have a video of a Predator who got busted by a pedo-hunter…but wait until you hear the woman check up on the situation because she wanted to “make sure the brown person was safe.” The Predator got busted trying to meet a 14-year-old girl in Portland, Oregon. As he’s getting interrogated, a woke […]
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 311 Vue

    Mike does it RIGHT!
    If you are not subscribed to #KultNews then you are missing some seriously good videos of a man educating his community and the #Cult of "government"

    There is a percentage of the American People that are JUST AS BAD AS #POLICE!!!
    You see... these are the Karen's, the snitches, the weasels who believe that Police exist solely to kiss their a** (Which isn't 100% wrong BTW)

    These people believe that if they don't like what you are doing, legal or not, that the Police should be called on you, so you can possibly get shot or unlawfully caged....

    These people are WORSE THAN the Police!
    At least the Police get PAID to be anti-American a**holes!
    These people do it for FREE!

    Like this pathetic twit, in this video!
    So what dipstick, you work for a #Criminal organization known as a #Bank, that steals real world assets from people using fictional "money" they don't even have!

    Just like they BUY real world assets with their worthless monopoly money, that they print as much of as they want.

    It only has value because YOU AGREE that it does!
    But in reality it's worthless!

    It's part of a system that made YOU into a #Slave who can barely survive!

    WHEN you get too much of it, they print more, so that YOURS IS WORTH LESS!

    See how that works?

    UTAH MAN LOSES HIS MIND OVER A CAMERA - First Amendment Audit Mike does it RIGHT! If you are not subscribed to #KultNews then you are missing some seriously good videos of a man educating his community and the #Cult of "government" There is a percentage of the American People that are JUST AS BAD AS #POLICE!!! You see... these are the Karen's, the snitches, the weasels who believe that Police exist solely to kiss their a** (Which isn't 100% wrong BTW) These people believe that if they don't like what you are doing, legal or not, that the Police should be called on you, so you can possibly get shot or unlawfully caged.... BECAUSE OF THEIR SENSITIVE FEELINGS! These people are WORSE THAN the Police! At least the Police get PAID to be anti-American a**holes! These people do it for FREE! Like this pathetic twit, in this video! So what dipstick, you work for a #Criminal organization known as a #Bank, that steals real world assets from people using fictional "money" they don't even have! Just like they BUY real world assets with their worthless monopoly money, that they print as much of as they want. It only has value because YOU AGREE that it does! But in reality it's worthless! It's part of a system that made YOU into a #Slave who can barely survive! WHEN you get too much of it, they print more, so that YOURS IS WORTH LESS! See how that works? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLvw8LJQ3VQ
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 461 Vue
  • Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston

    In a stunning new CV19 vax lawsuit filed this week by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, there is new hope to finally bring down the CV19 bioweapon vax industry. AG Kobach filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, the biggest maker of the CV19 so-called “vaccine” with more than 60% of the market globally. Kobach is alleging “unlawful misrepresentation” of the efficacy of the injections and “censoring public discussion” of the disastrous effects of the injections. On top of that, it is reported by Kobach that four other states are going to join the Kansas AG’s lawsuit. This is big, and biotech analyst Karen Kingston, who has warned from the beginning of the murderous and disabling effects of the CV19 injections, explains why, “I am overjoyed to share this. Again, AG Kobach is suing Pfizer for ‘fraud and unconscionable acts.’ Ten counts have been brought against Pfizer, including conspiring with Health and Human Services (HHS), the (legacy) media, social media, other agencies and even the lobbying group ‘Bio.’ Even bigger than that, Kobach announced four other states will be joining this lawsuit and potentially even more. . .”

    Why were other vax makers not sued? Kingston said, “It was because of the contract Pfizer had. They were not under the supervision of the U.S. government and did not participate with the Warp Speed program. Under that program, the U.S. government controlled the products that were being manufactured. . . . What it comes down to is because of the contract that Pfizer signed with the U.S. government, and it looks like Trump had his fingerprints all over it, the art of the deal, Trump broke Pfizer’s liability shield that the contract would be a weapon, so that state prosecutors and Americans could sue Pfizer if they did anything wrong. They tried to defraud us, and they harmed and manipulated us.”

    Just in Kansas alone, Pfizer could be liable for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for killing and harming people. Kingston goes on to say, “In all of these counts that are being brought by Kansas and the four additional states, the 10th count is the most important because so much for saying the Covid-19 injections are not safe and effective and they do cause harm, disease, disability, infertility, Myocarditis, Pericarditis and death. It is no longer a conspiracy theory. It is a fact with count number 10, it is a civil conspiracy.”

    Many groups are alleged to have conspired to keep information about the dangers of these CV19 injections from the public. Some of the groups are the US government’s Health and Human Services (HHS), Stanford University and ‘BIO’ (Biotechnology Innovation Organization), the world’s largest bio lobbying group. Kingston adds, “BIO was the group that worked behind the scenes to shut down the BIOSECURE Act on behalf of China. . . . Even though these other groups are named as co-conspirators in this lawsuit, they are not going after those co-conspirators. You let Pfizer bring them in and explain what happened.” Kingston adds all co-conspirators can be sued for their role in hiding the truth about the CV19 injections from the public at a later time.

    Kingston also points out, “When the BIOSECURE Act was brought up earlier this year, all the CEOs of Pfizer, GSK, AstraZeneca, they all flew to China and said you’ve got our backs, right? You are going to protect us, right? . . . . I think these Attorneys General are starting to wake up and say, wait a second, this mRNA technology from our U.S. pharma companies was actually used as a weapon against the American people. If they don’t stop it, there will be no future for our country. There will be no posterity. I think they are realizing that, but I also think they want to avoid World War III.”

    In closing, Kingston says the Pfizer data proves, “If you get the injection, you get the (CV19) infection. It is the exact opposite of what we would call a vaccine. On top of that, they (Pfizer) knew about all the disease, disability, infertility and death that it would cause. . . . Their actual labeling is criminal. . . .Forcing the CV19 vaccine was about breaking American values and breaking our belief that individuals have human rights. That’s what it was about. . . . This is also about editing human beings, and not just human beings, but all biological lifeforms. The synthetic bio industry wants to do this to the world, and they want the laws to go away. They think they are the good guys.”
    Kansas AG Pfizer Lawsuit Will Stop CV19 Bioweapon Vax Industry – Karen Kingston https://rumble.com/v52f0dg-kansas-ag-pfizer-lawsuit-will-stop-cv19-bioweapon-vax-industry-karen-kingst.html In a stunning new CV19 vax lawsuit filed this week by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach, there is new hope to finally bring down the CV19 bioweapon vax industry. AG Kobach filed a lawsuit against Pfizer, the biggest maker of the CV19 so-called “vaccine” with more than 60% of the market globally. Kobach is alleging “unlawful misrepresentation” of the efficacy of the injections and “censoring public discussion” of the disastrous effects of the injections. On top of that, it is reported by Kobach that four other states are going to join the Kansas AG’s lawsuit. This is big, and biotech analyst Karen Kingston, who has warned from the beginning of the murderous and disabling effects of the CV19 injections, explains why, “I am overjoyed to share this. Again, AG Kobach is suing Pfizer for ‘fraud and unconscionable acts.’ Ten counts have been brought against Pfizer, including conspiring with Health and Human Services (HHS), the (legacy) media, social media, other agencies and even the lobbying group ‘Bio.’ Even bigger than that, Kobach announced four other states will be joining this lawsuit and potentially even more. . .” Why were other vax makers not sued? Kingston said, “It was because of the contract Pfizer had. They were not under the supervision of the U.S. government and did not participate with the Warp Speed program. Under that program, the U.S. government controlled the products that were being manufactured. . . . What it comes down to is because of the contract that Pfizer signed with the U.S. government, and it looks like Trump had his fingerprints all over it, the art of the deal, Trump broke Pfizer’s liability shield that the contract would be a weapon, so that state prosecutors and Americans could sue Pfizer if they did anything wrong. They tried to defraud us, and they harmed and manipulated us.” Just in Kansas alone, Pfizer could be liable for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages for killing and harming people. Kingston goes on to say, “In all of these counts that are being brought by Kansas and the four additional states, the 10th count is the most important because so much for saying the Covid-19 injections are not safe and effective and they do cause harm, disease, disability, infertility, Myocarditis, Pericarditis and death. It is no longer a conspiracy theory. It is a fact with count number 10, it is a civil conspiracy.” Many groups are alleged to have conspired to keep information about the dangers of these CV19 injections from the public. Some of the groups are the US government’s Health and Human Services (HHS), Stanford University and ‘BIO’ (Biotechnology Innovation Organization), the world’s largest bio lobbying group. Kingston adds, “BIO was the group that worked behind the scenes to shut down the BIOSECURE Act on behalf of China. . . . Even though these other groups are named as co-conspirators in this lawsuit, they are not going after those co-conspirators. You let Pfizer bring them in and explain what happened.” Kingston adds all co-conspirators can be sued for their role in hiding the truth about the CV19 injections from the public at a later time. Kingston also points out, “When the BIOSECURE Act was brought up earlier this year, all the CEOs of Pfizer, GSK, AstraZeneca, they all flew to China and said you’ve got our backs, right? You are going to protect us, right? . . . . I think these Attorneys General are starting to wake up and say, wait a second, this mRNA technology from our U.S. pharma companies was actually used as a weapon against the American people. If they don’t stop it, there will be no future for our country. There will be no posterity. I think they are realizing that, but I also think they want to avoid World War III.” In closing, Kingston says the Pfizer data proves, “If you get the injection, you get the (CV19) infection. It is the exact opposite of what we would call a vaccine. On top of that, they (Pfizer) knew about all the disease, disability, infertility and death that it would cause. . . . Their actual labeling is criminal. . . .Forcing the CV19 vaccine was about breaking American values and breaking our belief that individuals have human rights. That’s what it was about. . . . This is also about editing human beings, and not just human beings, but all biological lifeforms. The synthetic bio industry wants to do this to the world, and they want the laws to go away. They think they are the good guys.”
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 952 Vue
  • Maybe all the women that wanted to be out in the woods with the bears should converge in Idaho's Selkirk Mountains?

    Just tell them not to do it when they're on their period. It attracts bears; but especially grizzlies. Kind of like chumming the waters for sharks. Just sayin.'
    Maybe all the women that wanted to be out in the woods with the bears should converge in Idaho's Selkirk Mountains? Just tell them not to do it when they're on their period. It attracts bears; but especially grizzlies. Kind of like chumming the waters for sharks. Just sayin.' https://rumble.com/v4wlhdk-karens-bonding-in-the-woods.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 345 Vue
  • https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/democrat-mayor-los-angeles-karen-bass-wants-wealthy/
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 451 Vue
  • You Don’t Have to be a Scientist to Cure Cancer | Karen Holman | TEDxSalem

    You Don’t Have to be a Scientist to Cure Cancer | Karen Holman | TEDxSalem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ9s5ZEucwM&list=TLPQMTQwNDIwMjQfvRcN_aGxlw&index=17
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 385 Vue
  • Stop All Nanoparticle CV19 Vax Injections Now – Karen Kingston

    Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle vax. Kingston proved the CV19 vax was a bioweapon from the very beginning and is now on a team pushing to stop using it in Florida. Kingston says, “We know the mRNA injections never provided any benefit, and because of that, they actually meet the definition of a biological weapon under 18 U.S. Code 175. It’s also a weapon of mass destruction under Florida law 790.166. The statement of facts that was submitted (to the Florida Supreme Court) goes through all the evidence. . . . There was 1.5 million adverse events. The definition of a weapon is any biological agent or device that doesn’t prevent against infection, doesn’t prevent any kind of disease . . . and was not done under bona fide research. We know that research that was done with the Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials, the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) that was given to Americans and the FDA approved product, none of that was legitimate. There was no informed consent. That is criminal biological human experimentation. That, by definition, is biowarfare. There is no benefit . . . . It actually harms people. If you look at Pfizer’s documents, Moderna’s documents and the government’s documents, they knew all along that harms outweighed the benefits of this product in any population.”

    Dr. Joe Sansone in Florida has been the driving force to get these CV19 mRNA nanoparticle shots banned in that state. A recent post on Kingston’s Substack says, “Dr. Sansone is seeking for the Florida Supreme Court to issue an order to Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Moody to uphold their duties of enforcing federal and Florida laws by prohibiting the unlawful and criminal distribution, promotion and administration of the engineered mRNA nanoparticle injections on Floridians and to protect Floridians by seizing the injections.”

    (Read the entire “Order to Prohibit the Use Of and Seize the mRNA Injections” here.)

    Dr. Sansone is not the only one who thinks these CV19 injections should be “banned.” Kingston says, “The Florida Surgeon General and the Florida Department of Health have said these mRNA (CV19) injections should be used in NO human beings. They said these are gene editing technologies that can disrupt the human genome and make permanent changes. . . . According to the DOD, our own government and national security agencies say if you change the genome of any species, including human beings, that is the extermination of that species. This makes it a weapon of mass destruction. . . . The evidence is put together in such a damning way you cannot argue to keep the (CV19 mRNA nanoparticle) shots.”

    In closing, Kingston reminds us, “States have the right to block any drug or medical device even if the FDA approves it.” In the not-so-distant future, let’s hope many states follow Florida’s lead and ban the CV19 bioweapon shots.
    Stop All Nanoparticle CV19 Vax Injections Now – Karen Kingston https://rumble.com/v4jit9h-stop-all-nanoparticle-cv19-vax-injections-now-karen-kingston.html Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has been reporting on the nightmare of the CV19 mRNA nanoparticle vax. Kingston proved the CV19 vax was a bioweapon from the very beginning and is now on a team pushing to stop using it in Florida. Kingston says, “We know the mRNA injections never provided any benefit, and because of that, they actually meet the definition of a biological weapon under 18 U.S. Code 175. It’s also a weapon of mass destruction under Florida law 790.166. The statement of facts that was submitted (to the Florida Supreme Court) goes through all the evidence. . . . There was 1.5 million adverse events. The definition of a weapon is any biological agent or device that doesn’t prevent against infection, doesn’t prevent any kind of disease . . . and was not done under bona fide research. We know that research that was done with the Phase 1, 2 and 3 trials, the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) that was given to Americans and the FDA approved product, none of that was legitimate. There was no informed consent. That is criminal biological human experimentation. That, by definition, is biowarfare. There is no benefit . . . . It actually harms people. If you look at Pfizer’s documents, Moderna’s documents and the government’s documents, they knew all along that harms outweighed the benefits of this product in any population.” Dr. Joe Sansone in Florida has been the driving force to get these CV19 mRNA nanoparticle shots banned in that state. A recent post on Kingston’s Substack says, “Dr. Sansone is seeking for the Florida Supreme Court to issue an order to Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Moody to uphold their duties of enforcing federal and Florida laws by prohibiting the unlawful and criminal distribution, promotion and administration of the engineered mRNA nanoparticle injections on Floridians and to protect Floridians by seizing the injections.” (Read the entire “Order to Prohibit the Use Of and Seize the mRNA Injections” here.) Dr. Sansone is not the only one who thinks these CV19 injections should be “banned.” Kingston says, “The Florida Surgeon General and the Florida Department of Health have said these mRNA (CV19) injections should be used in NO human beings. They said these are gene editing technologies that can disrupt the human genome and make permanent changes. . . . According to the DOD, our own government and national security agencies say if you change the genome of any species, including human beings, that is the extermination of that species. This makes it a weapon of mass destruction. . . . The evidence is put together in such a damning way you cannot argue to keep the (CV19 mRNA nanoparticle) shots.” In closing, Kingston reminds us, “States have the right to block any drug or medical device even if the FDA approves it.” In the not-so-distant future, let’s hope many states follow Florida’s lead and ban the CV19 bioweapon shots.
    1 Commentaires 0 Parts 3393 Vue
  • https://rumble.com/v4jit9h-stop-all-nanoparticle-cv19-vax-injections-now-karen-kingston.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 455 Vue
  • https://rumble.com/v4jit9h-stop-all-nanoparticle-cv19-vax-injections-now-karen-kingston.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 468 Vue
  • ...."SPOT THE "LIBTARD"!!!!!!!!...
    ...."SPOT THE "LIBTARD"!!!!!!!!... https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2024/03/insanity-reigns-as-democrat-senator-karen-berg-makes-case-for-giving-pedophiles-child-sex-dolls-video/?utm_source=daily-email&utm_medium=email
    Insanity Reigns as Democrat Senator Karen Berg Makes Case for Giving Pedophiles CHILD Sex Dolls [VIDEO]
    Real News: https://redvoicemedia.com Never Miss A Story, Get Our Best Videos Delivered Daily https://redvoicemedia.net/video FREE DOWNLOAD: Learn all
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