• Herd of horses

    Herd of horses ➖ 🎬 https://files.catbox.moe/c3pysy.mp4
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 85 Visualizações 1
  • https://holisticpetcare.science/ Your best friends (pets, whether four legged dogs, cats, horses, pigs or rabbits or feathered friends) are family and deserve all the love and support you can give them. Chemical medicines and grain based foods cause them harm and lead to a shorter life. Give your loving pets the food and natural health remedies they deserve. Give them natural or grain-free pet food made for their needs and safe and effective toxin and chemical free holistic pet care products help them stay healthy, and active for the long-term. #animals #petcare #pets #dogs #cats
    https://holisticpetcare.science/ Your best friends (pets, whether four legged dogs, cats, horses, pigs or rabbits or feathered friends) are family and deserve all the love and support you can give them. Chemical medicines and grain based foods cause them harm and lead to a shorter life. Give your loving pets the food and natural health remedies they deserve. Give them natural or grain-free pet food made for their needs and safe and effective toxin and chemical free holistic pet care products help them stay healthy, and active for the long-term. #animals #petcare #pets #dogs #cats
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1028 Visualizações
  • Shockingly pathetic video, bad acting, and subliminal messaging

    Trying to sell you #Heliocentric horsesh*t!
    hold on.... I'm going to tear up

    Shockingly pathetic video, bad acting, and subliminal messaging Trying to sell you #Heliocentric horsesh*t! hold on.... I'm going to tear up ROFLMAO https://www.bitchute.com/video/2uQNDU1yn2LH/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 433 Visualizações
  • Shithole Cities of the Century: New York City & Chitcago
    #NewYorkCity & #Chitcago: Historical #Shitholes
    It seems they haven't changed much in the past 100+ years.

    Winners of the 2024 #Shithole Cities Award

    The Horse Manure Problem of 1894
    The 15 to 30 pounds of manure produced daily by each beast multiplied by the 150,000+ horses in New York city resulted in more than three million pounds of horse manure per day that somehow needed to be disposed of. That’s not to mention the daily 40,000 gallons of horse urine.

    In other words, cities reeked. As Morris says, the “stench was omnipresent.” Here are some fun bits from his article:
    Urban streets were minefields that needed to be navigated with the greatest care. “Crossing sweepers” stood on street corners; for a fee they would clear a path through the mire for pedestrians. Wet weather turned the streets into swamps and rivers of muck, but dry weather brought little improvement; the manure turned to dust, which was then whipped up by the wind, choking pedestrians and coating buildings.

    Even when it had been removed from the streets the manure piled up faster than it could be disposed of . . . early in the century farmers were happy to pay good money for the manure, by the end of the 1800s stable owners had to pay to have it carted off. As a result of this glut . . . vacant lots in cities across America became piled high with manure; in New York these sometimes rose to forty and even sixty feet.

    We need to remind ourselves that horse manure is an ideal breeding ground for flies, which spread disease. Morris reports that deadly outbreaks of typhoid and “infant diarrheal diseases can be traced to spikes in the fly population.”

    Comparing fatalities associated with horse-related accidents in 1916 Chicago versus automobile accidents in 1997, he concludes that people were killed nearly seven times more often back in the good old days. The reasons for this are straightforward:

    . . . horse-drawn vehicles have an engine with a mind of its own. The skittishness of horses added a dangerous level of unpredictability to nineteenth-century transportation. This was particularly true in a bustling urban environment, full of surprises that could shock and spook the animals. Horses often stampeded, but a more common danger came from horses kicking, biting, or trampling bystanders. Children were particularly at risk.

    Falls, injuries, and maltreatment also took a toll on the horses themselves. Data cited by Morris indicates that, in 1880, more than 3 dozen dead horses were cleared from New York streets each day (nearly 15,000 a year).
    Shithole Cities of the Century: New York City & Chitcago #NewYorkCity & #Chitcago: Historical #Shitholes It seems they haven't changed much in the past 100+ years. Winners of the 2024 #Shithole Cities Award https://imgflip.com/i/8kxotk The Horse Manure Problem of 1894 The 15 to 30 pounds of manure produced daily by each beast multiplied by the 150,000+ horses in New York city resulted in more than three million pounds of horse manure per day that somehow needed to be disposed of. That’s not to mention the daily 40,000 gallons of horse urine. In other words, cities reeked. As Morris says, the “stench was omnipresent.” Here are some fun bits from his article: Urban streets were minefields that needed to be navigated with the greatest care. “Crossing sweepers” stood on street corners; for a fee they would clear a path through the mire for pedestrians. Wet weather turned the streets into swamps and rivers of muck, but dry weather brought little improvement; the manure turned to dust, which was then whipped up by the wind, choking pedestrians and coating buildings. Even when it had been removed from the streets the manure piled up faster than it could be disposed of . . . early in the century farmers were happy to pay good money for the manure, by the end of the 1800s stable owners had to pay to have it carted off. As a result of this glut . . . vacant lots in cities across America became piled high with manure; in New York these sometimes rose to forty and even sixty feet. We need to remind ourselves that horse manure is an ideal breeding ground for flies, which spread disease. Morris reports that deadly outbreaks of typhoid and “infant diarrheal diseases can be traced to spikes in the fly population.” Comparing fatalities associated with horse-related accidents in 1916 Chicago versus automobile accidents in 1997, he concludes that people were killed nearly seven times more often back in the good old days. The reasons for this are straightforward: . . . horse-drawn vehicles have an engine with a mind of its own. The skittishness of horses added a dangerous level of unpredictability to nineteenth-century transportation. This was particularly true in a bustling urban environment, full of surprises that could shock and spook the animals. Horses often stampeded, but a more common danger came from horses kicking, biting, or trampling bystanders. Children were particularly at risk. Falls, injuries, and maltreatment also took a toll on the horses themselves. Data cited by Morris indicates that, in 1880, more than 3 dozen dead horses were cleared from New York streets each day (nearly 15,000 a year). https://imgflip.com/i/8kxotk
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2532 Visualizações
  • Spanish Mustang Herd at Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary
    Join The Herd!

    Make a Mustang Friend. Donate directly to the care of your special mustang friend. Your support will provide horse cake, hay, salt, mineral and veterinary care.

    100% of the Sanctuary's funding comes from the friends of the wild horses. Your gift goes directly to the care of the mustangs.
    Spanish Mustang Herd at Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary Join The Herd! Make a Mustang Friend. Donate directly to the care of your special mustang friend. Your support will provide horse cake, hay, salt, mineral and veterinary care. 100% of the Sanctuary's funding comes from the friends of the wild horses. Your gift goes directly to the care of the mustangs. https://www.wildmustangs.com/sponsor
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 586 Visualizações 1
  • Thousands of Trucks Form ‘Take Our Border Back’ Convoy to Texas

    CV NEWS FEED // Hundreds of thousands of trucks and other vehicles are currently headed to the southern border in several convoys to protest the Biden administration’s immigration policies.

    The Daily Signal reported that the first “Take Our Border Back” convoy “kicked off on Monday” with a group heading from Virginia Beach, VA, to the key border city of Eagle Pass, TX.

    A second group began to head from Texas to the Arizona border town Yuma on Thursday, while a third will leave southern California for Yuma on Saturday.

    “To the naysayers: We’re just ordinary citizens, farmers, ranchers, retired police officers,” emphasized Kim Yeater, a radio show host who is organizing the protest.

    “Not crazy conspiracy theorists,” she added in a statement to The New York Post.

    Yeater said the event “will be a peaceful assembly of Americans of all political classes and all ethnicities.”

    “We’ve got Canadian truckers, moms and dads. We’ve got motorcycles. If people could bring horses they’d bring horses,” she said. “I know the numbers we are looking at are 700,000. I think it’ll possibly be b
    Thousands of Trucks Form ‘Take Our Border Back’ Convoy to Texas https://catholicvote.org/thousands-of-trucks-form-take-our-border-back-convoy-to-texas/ CV NEWS FEED // Hundreds of thousands of trucks and other vehicles are currently headed to the southern border in several convoys to protest the Biden administration’s immigration policies. The Daily Signal reported that the first “Take Our Border Back” convoy “kicked off on Monday” with a group heading from Virginia Beach, VA, to the key border city of Eagle Pass, TX. A second group began to head from Texas to the Arizona border town Yuma on Thursday, while a third will leave southern California for Yuma on Saturday. “To the naysayers: We’re just ordinary citizens, farmers, ranchers, retired police officers,” emphasized Kim Yeater, a radio show host who is organizing the protest. “Not crazy conspiracy theorists,” she added in a statement to The New York Post. Yeater said the event “will be a peaceful assembly of Americans of all political classes and all ethnicities.” “We’ve got Canadian truckers, moms and dads. We’ve got motorcycles. If people could bring horses they’d bring horses,” she said. “I know the numbers we are looking at are 700,000. I think it’ll possibly be b
    Thousands of Trucks Form 'Take Our Border Back' Convoy to Texas
    CV NEWS FEED // Hundreds of thousands of trucks and other vehicles are currently headed to the southern border in several convoys to protest the Biden
    0 Comentários 1 Compartilhamentos 1937 Visualizações
  • Who doesn't seeing horses running wild and free?
    Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary 1-25-2024

    "Not all our horses will let you near them. Some, like the group in this video-- run away from us as soon as they hear us-- no matter how many times they've seen us. Aren't they amazing though? Video taken by staff member, Nick. Nick's a man of many talents-- from fencing to truck repairs to videos of our wild horses!"

    Non-profit organization in Fall River County, South Dakota
    12165 Highland Rd, Hot Springs, SD 57747
    Who doesn't ❤️ seeing horses running wild and free? Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary 1-25-2024 "Not all our horses will let you near them. Some, like the group in this video-- run away from us as soon as they hear us-- no matter how many times they've seen us. Aren't they amazing though? Video taken by staff member, Nick. Nick's a man of many talents-- from fencing to truck repairs to videos of our wild horses!" Non-profit organization in Fall River County, South Dakota 12165 Highland Rd, Hot Springs, SD 57747 https://www.wildmustangs.com/
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 616 Visualizações 0
  • https://holisticpetcare.science/ Your best friends (pets, whether four legged dogs, cats, horses, pigs or rabbits or feathered friends) are family and deserve all the love and support you can give them. Chemical medicines and grain based foods cause them harm and lead to a shorter life. Give your loving pets the food and natural health remedies they deserve. Give them natural or grain-free pet food made for their needs and safe and effective toxin and chemical free holistic pet care products help them stay healthy, and active for the long-term. #animals #petcare #pets #dogs #cats
    https://holisticpetcare.science/ Your best friends (pets, whether four legged dogs, cats, horses, pigs or rabbits or feathered friends) are family and deserve all the love and support you can give them. Chemical medicines and grain based foods cause them harm and lead to a shorter life. Give your loving pets the food and natural health remedies they deserve. Give them natural or grain-free pet food made for their needs and safe and effective toxin and chemical free holistic pet care products help them stay healthy, and active for the long-term. #animals #petcare #pets #dogs #cats
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 3315 Visualizações
  • If I were the enemy, and the US border was wide open, could I sneak some Trojan horses in who are loyal to the CCP waiting for the right moment to cause as much chaos as possible when the time comes, (power grid, water, infrastructure, food etc.) just before an outside attack?
    Almost None of these men have families with them. What does that tell you?
    If I were the enemy, and the US border was wide open, could I sneak some Trojan horses in who are loyal to the CCP waiting for the right moment to cause as much chaos as possible when the time comes, (power grid, water, infrastructure, food etc.) just before an outside attack? Almost None of these men have families with them. What does that tell you? https://rumble.com/v3zldu7-groups-of-mostly-chinese-men-crossing-illegally-into-the-united-states-at-t.html
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 1843 Visualizações
  • Prophecy against Gog

    Ezekiel 38:
    1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,
    2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him,
    3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:
    4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:
    5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet:
    6 Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.
    Yes it's Turkey... NOT Russia. I'm not worried in the least about Russia, It's Turkey, Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, and Libya i'm watching.

    Prophecy against Gog Ezekiel 38: 1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2 Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him, 3 And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: 4 And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: 5 Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: 6 Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee. ----- Yes it's Turkey... NOT Russia. I'm not worried in the least about Russia, It's Turkey, Persia (Iran), Ethiopia, and Libya i'm watching.
    0 Comentários 0 Compartilhamentos 2463 Visualizações
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