• I thought most liberals were realists although plenty of liberals are probably idealists too. I don't get why liberals are solely in the idealist camp?? If anything shouldn't it be a big mix? Like with Marxists I thought they'd be in both the idealist and realist camps? Is this based on current trends or recent history? For example, I could foresee people in a big Liberal/Marxist state acting in the idealist manner and a smaller state acting in a more realist manner. Ideological diversity within a country may be a significant factor in figuring whether a country has either a realist or idealist mindset for foreign policy; however, I think whether a state is a Marxist or Liberal shouldn't be a part of the foreign policy spectrum thingo [Aren't there more ideologies out there -- anywho]. I think ideology is one of many variables along with things like location, information, events, etcetera. I don't think liberalism should be equated with idealism. Nor do I think that Marxism/Liberalism should be the major variable in figuring out foreign policy. Wouldn't Liberalism/Marxism be more of an ancillary variable? One might find a correlation between liberalism and idealism because the USA became a unipolar power recently and was formerly one of the bipolar powers. Yet I think the major variables out of what is discussed in this video are just realism versus idealism & it shouldn't include liberalism and marxism. In conclusion, I think the bigger the country the more likely the country has an idealist foreign policy. For instance, I think if a country is a unipolar/bipolar power the country is far more likely to intervene in somebody else's affairs.
    P.S. Could other ideologies be considered economic determinists in a different sense. Maybe libertarians could be economic determinists if you meddle with the definition as in poor economic policy causes poverty which causes social strife??

    #HistoriaCivilis [See: Historia Civilis] #ForeignPolicy

    I thought most liberals were realists although plenty of liberals are probably idealists too. I don't get why liberals are solely in the idealist camp?? If anything shouldn't it be a big mix? Like with Marxists I thought they'd be in both the idealist and realist camps? Is this based on current trends or recent history? For example, I could foresee people in a big Liberal/Marxist state acting in the idealist manner and a smaller state acting in a more realist manner. Ideological diversity within a country may be a significant factor in figuring whether a country has either a realist or idealist mindset for foreign policy; however, I think whether a state is a Marxist or Liberal shouldn't be a part of the foreign policy spectrum thingo [Aren't there more ideologies out there -- anywho]. I think ideology is one of many variables along with things like location, information, events, etcetera. I don't think liberalism should be equated with idealism. Nor do I think that Marxism/Liberalism should be the major variable in figuring out foreign policy. Wouldn't Liberalism/Marxism be more of an ancillary variable? One might find a correlation between liberalism and idealism because the USA became a unipolar power recently and was formerly one of the bipolar powers. Yet I think the major variables out of what is discussed in this video are just realism versus idealism & it shouldn't include liberalism and marxism. In conclusion, I think the bigger the country the more likely the country has an idealist foreign policy. For instance, I think if a country is a unipolar/bipolar power the country is far more likely to intervene in somebody else's affairs. P.S. Could other ideologies be considered economic determinists in a different sense. Maybe libertarians could be economic determinists if you meddle with the definition as in poor economic policy causes poverty which causes social strife?? #HistoriaCivilis [See: Historia Civilis] #ForeignPolicy https://youtu.be/CH1oYhTigyA
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