• The summer solstice is an astronomical event that marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Here are some key points about the summer solstice:

    Timing: It typically occurs around June 20-22 in the Northern Hemisphere.
    Longest day: The day with the most daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere.
    Sun position: The sun reaches its highest and northernmost point in the sky at local noon.
    Tilt: It happens when the Earth's North Pole is tilted most directly towards the sun.
    Cultural significance: Many cultures celebrate the solstice with various traditions and festivals.
    Opposite in the Southern Hemisphere: While it's the summer solstice in the North, it's simultaneously the winter solstice in the South.

    The summer solstice is an astronomical event that marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Here are some key points about the summer solstice: Timing: It typically occurs around June 20-22 in the Northern Hemisphere. Longest day: The day with the most daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere. Sun position: The sun reaches its highest and northernmost point in the sky at local noon. Tilt: It happens when the Earth's North Pole is tilted most directly towards the sun. Cultural significance: Many cultures celebrate the solstice with various traditions and festivals. Opposite in the Southern Hemisphere: While it's the summer solstice in the North, it's simultaneously the winter solstice in the South.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 357 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/for-the-islamic-festival-of-eid-more-than-20-sheep-stolen-from-german-pasture/
    0 Comments 0 Shares 91 Views
  • https://barenakedislam.com/2024/06/16/happy-eid-al-adha-the-barbaric-muslim-festival-of-sacrifice-where-fully-conscious-animals-have-their-throats-cut-leaving-them-to-slowly-bleed-out-in-agonizing-pain-until-death/
    HAPPY Eid al-Adha, the barbaric Muslim Festival of Sacrifice, where fully-conscious animals have their throats cut, leaving them to slowly bleed out in agonizing pain until death
    TODAY BEGINS Eid al-Adha, the Islamic Festival of Sacrifice and the happiest time of the year for Muslims because of all the throat-cutting that is involved. It’s called “Qurbani,&#8221…
    0 Comments 0 Shares 180 Views
  • https://www.shareapuzzle.com/play/18358/ComingAGlobalFestivalAndMADEINUSAAmericanTesticleSpectacle_TheSRNEWSProject6-16-2024.htm
    read this clear, without fathers you would not be here, you'll not be one because you're queer
    https://www.shareapuzzle.com/play/18358/ComingAGlobalFestivalAndMADEINUSAAmericanTesticleSpectacle_TheSRNEWSProject6-16-2024.htm read this clear, without fathers you would not be here, you'll not be one because you're queer
    0 Comments 0 Shares 292 Views
  • Some cold, hard facts about the heaven and hell doctrine of modern churches and how neither of these ideas,about going to either place is actually supported in your Bible.

    Nobody has ever gone to heaven...

    John 3:13 (NIV)
    "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man."

    The dead sleep in the dust of the earth, in their graves until the resurrection when Jesus returns...

    Daniel 12:2 (NIV)
    Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.

    The dead are in their graves when Jesus returns...

    John 5:28-29 (NIV)
    "Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned."

    The dead will be raised back to life at the last trump (which is at the end of the tribulation when Jesus returns)...

    1 Corinthians 15:52 (NIV)
    in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, THE DEAD will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.

    The dead have no thoughts, they know nothing...

    Ecclesiastes 9:5 (NIV)
    For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing;

    Jesus rules out of Jerusalem. Not in heaven...

    Zechariah 14:16 (NIV)
    Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the festival of tabernacles.

    We rule over the nations on Earth with Him...

    Revelation 2:26 (NIV)
    To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations

    As for the wicked, they will be destroyed (PERISH) by fire, they don't get eternal life, so it kills them and this time, they are reduced to ashes and stay dead, never to live again.

    Malachi 4:1-3 (NIV)
    "Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire," says the Lord Almighty. "Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Then you will trample on the wicked; THEY WILL BE ASHES under the soles of your feet on the day when i act," says the Lord Almighty.

    The lake of fire is THE SECOND DEATH... death is death, it is not eternal life...

    Revelation 21:8 (NIV)
    "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. THIS IS THE SECOND DEATH."

    It is extremely blasphemous to claim that God would horribly torture someone on fire for all eternity. And it is obviously proven false when scripture clearly states that ONLY THE RIGHTEOUS get eternal life. Not the wicked!

    John 3:16 (NIV)
    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

    Now look up the word PERISH online, it means to be utterly destroyed, not live forever. Death is death, it is not eternal life on fire or otherwise.
    Some cold, hard facts about the heaven and hell doctrine of modern churches and how neither of these ideas,about going to either place is actually supported in your Bible. Nobody has ever gone to heaven... John 3:13 (NIV) "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven—the Son of Man." The dead sleep in the dust of the earth, in their graves until the resurrection when Jesus returns... Daniel 12:2 (NIV) Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. The dead are in their graves when Jesus returns... John 5:28-29 (NIV) "Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned." The dead will be raised back to life at the last trump (which is at the end of the tribulation when Jesus returns)... 1 Corinthians 15:52 (NIV) in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, THE DEAD will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. The dead have no thoughts, they know nothing... Ecclesiastes 9:5 (NIV) For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; Jesus rules out of Jerusalem. Not in heaven... Zechariah 14:16 (NIV) Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the festival of tabernacles. We rule over the nations on Earth with Him... Revelation 2:26 (NIV) To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations As for the wicked, they will be destroyed (PERISH) by fire, they don't get eternal life, so it kills them and this time, they are reduced to ashes and stay dead, never to live again. Malachi 4:1-3 (NIV) "Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire," says the Lord Almighty. "Not a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Then you will trample on the wicked; THEY WILL BE ASHES under the soles of your feet on the day when i act," says the Lord Almighty. The lake of fire is THE SECOND DEATH... death is death, it is not eternal life... Revelation 21:8 (NIV) "But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. THIS IS THE SECOND DEATH." It is extremely blasphemous to claim that God would horribly torture someone on fire for all eternity. And it is obviously proven false when scripture clearly states that ONLY THE RIGHTEOUS get eternal life. Not the wicked! John 3:16 (NIV) For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Now look up the word PERISH online, it means to be utterly destroyed, not live forever. Death is death, it is not eternal life on fire or otherwise.
    1 Comments 1 Shares 2166 Views
  • Watch: Actress Scolds Security Guards Trying to Hide Jesus Face on Her Dress at Cannes Film Festival https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-actress-scolds-security-guards-trying-to-hide-jesus-face-on-her-dress-at-cannes-film-festival/
    Watch: Actress Scolds Security Guards Trying to Hide Jesus Face on Her Dress at Cannes Film Festival https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-actress-scolds-security-guards-trying-to-hide-jesus-face-on-her-dress-at-cannes-film-festival/
    Watch: Actress Scolds Security Guards Trying to Hide Jesus Face on Her Dress at Cannes Film Festival
    Users on social media chalk the incident up to demonic Hollywood elites hostile to Christianity.
    0 Comments 1 Shares 256 Views
  • "Young lives coming together at a Nova festival which is for peace—it was disrupted by evil violence," says π—žπ—²π—Ήπ—Ήπ˜† π—ͺπ—Ώπ—Άπ—΄π—΅π˜, who traveled to Israel to speak to survivors and family members of hostages.

    "And that's what people here do not want you to forget."
    "Young lives coming together at a Nova festival which is for peace—it was disrupted by evil violence," says π—žπ—²π—Ήπ—Ήπ˜† π—ͺπ—Ώπ—Άπ—΄π—΅π˜, who traveled to Israel to speak to survivors and family members of hostages. "And that's what people here do not want you to forget."
    0 Comments 0 Shares 402 Views 0
  • Darkmoon75 Plays Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster - 01 - Darkmoon75

    #darkmoon75 #finalfantasy #festival #pixelart #remastered #gaming #retrogaming #corder #getoncorder #alttech

    Darkmoon75 Plays Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster - 01 - Darkmoon75 #darkmoon75 #finalfantasy #festival #pixelart #remastered #gaming #retrogaming #corder #getoncorder #alttech https://corder.tv/video/.7Wm-
    0 Comments 0 Shares 619 Views
  • Mark your calendars! Round the Bend Testicle Festival
    31st Annual 2024 Testicle Festival
    June 15 11am-10pm
    30801 E Park Hwy, Ashland, NE, United States, Nebraska
    (402) 944-9974
    Mark your calendars! Round the Bend Testicle Festival 31st Annual 2024 Testicle Festival June 15 11am-10pm 30801 E Park Hwy, Ashland, NE, United States, Nebraska (402) 944-9974 https://www.roundthebendsteakhouse.com/festival
    0 Comments 0 Shares 304 Views
  • God will send a horrible plague on the nations that attacked Israel...

    Zechariah 14:12 (NIV)
    This is the plague with which the Lord will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths.

    One of the first things Jesus does when He returns is to put the nations on trial for attacking Israel...

    Joel 3:2 (NIV)
    I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel

    The nations that attacked will ultimately end up worshiping a Jew, Jesus, in Jerusalem...

    Zechariah 14:16 (NIV)
    Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles.

    Blessings for those who pray for peace...

    Psalm 122:6-7 (NIV)
    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.”
    God will send a horrible plague on the nations that attacked Israel... Zechariah 14:12 (NIV) This is the plague with which the Lord will strike all the nations that fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh will rot while they are still standing on their feet, their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongues will rot in their mouths. One of the first things Jesus does when He returns is to put the nations on trial for attacking Israel... Joel 3:2 (NIV) I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will put them on trial for what they did to my inheritance, my people Israel The nations that attacked will ultimately end up worshiping a Jew, Jesus, in Jerusalem... Zechariah 14:16 (NIV) Then the survivors from all the nations that have attacked Jerusalem will go up year after year to worship the King, the Lord Almighty, and to celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles. Blessings for those who pray for peace... Psalm 122:6-7 (NIV) Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.”
    0 Comments 1 Shares 1099 Views
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