• One has to wonder: what on earth possessed the Democrats to maneuver Kamala Harris into this race? Everyone in the party and the blob must know she doesn’t have an agile mind — beyond some ability for reciting parboiled slogans — nor much acquaintance with the workings of the world besides her dwindled wiles in political amour, and that she may actually have a drinking problem. She is left, finally, with no one to cheerlead for her but the harpies on The View and the degenerates on CNN and The New York Times who all know the score but are too invested in years of their own mendacity to even attempt to come clean.
    Chatter arises that the awaited “October surprise” will involve “Joe Biden” resigning from office to make way for Kamala to become the First Woman President just before election day, affording her, supposedly, a magisterial prestige in the final leg of the race. Don’t bet on that. When he resigns, “JB” loses his power of the pardon. If he exercises it on the eve of resignation and lets son Hunter, brothers James, Frank, and other family members (including himself) off the hook for their global money-grubbing exploits, it will only besmirch Ms. Harris by association. He has to hang in office until after Nov 6, no matter how the election turns, and then he can pardon what’s left of his brains out.
    Before we even get to that point, all you have to worry about are unaccountable government factotums doing something over in Russia that will make Mr. Putin want to turn the USA into an ashtray.
    Trump has become a national father figure, a titanic offense to a party run by women with daddy issues and to their Marxist allies dogmatically bent on destroying the family (along with every other institution). As it happens, countries need fathers, both actual and symbolic. What a surprise!
    One has to wonder: what on earth possessed the Democrats to maneuver Kamala Harris into this race? Everyone in the party and the blob must know she doesn’t have an agile mind — beyond some ability for reciting parboiled slogans — nor much acquaintance with the workings of the world besides her dwindled wiles in political amour, and that she may actually have a drinking problem. She is left, finally, with no one to cheerlead for her but the harpies on The View and the degenerates on CNN and The New York Times who all know the score but are too invested in years of their own mendacity to even attempt to come clean. Chatter arises that the awaited “October surprise” will involve “Joe Biden” resigning from office to make way for Kamala to become the First Woman President just before election day, affording her, supposedly, a magisterial prestige in the final leg of the race. Don’t bet on that. When he resigns, “JB” loses his power of the pardon. If he exercises it on the eve of resignation and lets son Hunter, brothers James, Frank, and other family members (including himself) off the hook for their global money-grubbing exploits, it will only besmirch Ms. Harris by association. He has to hang in office until after Nov 6, no matter how the election turns, and then he can pardon what’s left of his brains out. Before we even get to that point, all you have to worry about are unaccountable government factotums doing something over in Russia that will make Mr. Putin want to turn the USA into an ashtray. Trump has become a national father figure, a titanic offense to a party run by women with daddy issues and to their Marxist allies dogmatically bent on destroying the family (along with every other institution). As it happens, countries need fathers, both actual and symbolic. What a surprise!
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 127 Vue
  • 7 Truths To Lower Blood Pressure With Breathing Exercises (Holistic Doctor Explains) // Dr Ekberg

    7 Truths To Lower Blood Pressure With Breathing Exercises (Holistic Doctor Explains) // Dr Ekberg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ8-Ixuh0bk&list=TLPQMTgwODIwMjQtJq8j-rPWdQ&index=19
    - YouTube
    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
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  • 22 Ab Exercises Ranked (Worst to Best!)

    22 Ab Exercises Ranked (Worst to Best!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMgWyTivrTI
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 261 Vue

    Sure they do, they are REQUIRED to do it before they can become a #Police officer.

    The problem is they've never READ the #Constitution,
    so how are they supposed to "Protect and Defend" it???
    I'm serious here.

    This is a good read
    And for once, it's not just me saying it! LOL

    While the Constitutional framework addresses the exercises of power permitted under it, it has been assuming more powers that are not constitutionally-based in response to public demands for “action” to specific instances. Without the adaptation of spelled out amendments, these requested powers may not be legitimate and serve purposes that were never intended by the original legislation, based in part on the mechanisms of court outcomes that may be biased. As an officer of the law, any order received that is contrary to the Constitution of the U.S. or of your State is illegal. Compliance with such an order is not required, but may be and probably is illegal, and the issuance of such an order may be a crime, which obligates a law enforcement officer to make an arrest of the person issuing it.

    DO POLICE SWEAR AN OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION? Sure they do, they are REQUIRED to do it before they can become a #Police officer. The problem is they've never READ the #Constitution, so how are they supposed to "Protect and Defend" it??? I'm serious here. This is a good read And for once, it's not just me saying it! LOL Excerpt While the Constitutional framework addresses the exercises of power permitted under it, it has been assuming more powers that are not constitutionally-based in response to public demands for “action” to specific instances. Without the adaptation of spelled out amendments, these requested powers may not be legitimate and serve purposes that were never intended by the original legislation, based in part on the mechanisms of court outcomes that may be biased. As an officer of the law, any order received that is contrary to the Constitution of the U.S. or of your State is illegal. Compliance with such an order is not required, but may be and probably is illegal, and the issuance of such an order may be a crime, which obligates a law enforcement officer to make an arrest of the person issuing it. https://police-brutality.usattorneys.com/do-police-swear-an-oath-to-the-constitution/#:~:text=State%20and%20local%20police%20generally%20swear%20an%20oath,office%20on%20which%20I%20am%20about%20to%20enter.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1157 Vue
  • The #Truth is the TRUTH whether you like it or not!

    #Police have only ONE real job!
    And that is to "Protect and defend the Constitution and the PEOPLE of the United States and their property!


    Nobody said shit about "Officer Safety"
    Their JOB and sworn duty, that they swear an #Oath to do is to...
    "Protect and defend the Constitution"

    Which includes "Protecting and Defending the
    Inalienable Human Rights of EVERY AMERICAN"

    You know.... protect those pesky Americans that Police keep shooting 47 times in the back for "Officer Safety" reasons

    "Officer Safety" is a code for "Be a tyrant and a coward"

    Police take a dangerous job.....
    They are SUPPOSED to know this going into it!

    Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should an American who has NOT been convicted of a crime be shot by Police for ANY REASON short of them AIMING A FIREARM AT THAT COP!

    Filling Americans full of holes for pulling up their pants is unacceptable! As is claiming "I saw him reaching for something"

    they have ZERO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY to even draw their weapon.

    Their JOB is to PROTECT the Americans
    they continue MURDERING in the name of "Officer Safety"

    You panty waist little PUNKS!
    You have BODY ARMOR on, a gun, a taser, and YHWH only knows what else! WHY in Heaven's name are scared like a little bitch?

    MAYBE it's because YOU KNOW how #Evil your behavior is!
    MAYBE it's because you spend your days trying to CAGE the people you swore an oath to protect!

    MAYBE you are scared because you know that you DESERVE to be put down like the rabid, tyrant dog you are.....

    Or MAYBE it's because the #Luciferians who run the CORPORATION you work for have trained you to be an ENEMY of all of mankind....

    And somewhere deep down you KNOW
    that is exactly what you have become!

    I have a suggestion for you ALL
    before you were allowed to become a Police Officer

    Read every word of it!
    If you cannot recite the Constitution,

    State and local police generally swear an oath to the United States Constitution, as civil service or uniformed service officers, stating: “I, officer name, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.

    Language may include “… to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States [and of your state] against all enemies, foreign or domestic” so that state agencies are specifically named. This oath may be tested in an officer’s personal and professional life as evidenced by the increases in police brutality claims nationwide.

    Constitutional framework.
    While the Constitutional framework addresses the exercises of power permitted under it, it has been assuming more powers that are not constitutionally-based in response to public demands for “action” to specific instances. Without the adaptation of spelled out amendments, these requested powers may not be legitimate and serve purposes that were never intended by the original legislation, based in part on the mechanisms of court outcomes that may be biased. As an officer of the law, any order received that is contrary to the Constitution of the U.S. or of your State is illegal. Compliance with such an order is not required, but may be and probably is illegal, and the issuance of such an order may be a crime, which obligates a law enforcement officer to make an arrest of the person issuing it.

    Federal law.
    Under federal law, 18 USC 242, it is illegal for anyone under the color of law to deprive any person of the rights, privileges or immunities secured by the U.S. Constitution, and under 18 USC 241 it is illegal to conspire to violate such rights. It is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. This could be applied to local, state, or federal law enforcement or military personnel who abuse the rights of citizens. Every state has a similar law.

    If officers were to act in accordance with the oath they take when being sworn into civil service positions, the incidence of police misconduct and brutality might be decreased, in consideration of criminal prosecution for violations of U.S. Constitutional law that include police action against a citizen’s:

    4thAmendment right to be free from unreasonable government searches and seizures;
    8thAmendment right for inmates to live free from cruel and unusual punishments;
    14thAmendment right to live free from excessive force while detained by the police.
    Police brutality attorneys are well-versed in constitutional law and are often a good resource when citizens feel that a law officer has acted with brutality or in a way that constitutes misconduct against the oath they swore to uphold as police
    The #Truth is the TRUTH whether you like it or not! #Police have only ONE real job! And that is to "Protect and defend the Constitution and the PEOPLE of the United States and their property! PERIOD! Nobody said shit about "Officer Safety" Their JOB and sworn duty, that they swear an #Oath to do is to... "Protect and defend the Constitution" Which includes "Protecting and Defending the Inalienable Human Rights of EVERY AMERICAN" You know.... protect those pesky Americans that Police keep shooting 47 times in the back for "Officer Safety" reasons "Officer Safety" is a code for "Be a tyrant and a coward" NOBODY'S LIFE MATTERS BUT YOUR OWN! Police take a dangerous job..... They are SUPPOSED to know this going into it! Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should an American who has NOT been convicted of a crime be shot by Police for ANY REASON short of them AIMING A FIREARM AT THAT COP! Filling Americans full of holes for pulling up their pants is unacceptable! As is claiming "I saw him reaching for something" UNLESS SHOTS HAVE BEEN FIRED AT POLICE they have ZERO LEGITIMATE AUTHORITY to even draw their weapon. Their JOB is to PROTECT the Americans they continue MURDERING in the name of "Officer Safety" You panty waist little PUNKS! You have BODY ARMOR on, a gun, a taser, and YHWH only knows what else! WHY in Heaven's name are scared like a little bitch? MAYBE it's because YOU KNOW how #Evil your behavior is! MAYBE it's because you spend your days trying to CAGE the people you swore an oath to protect! MAYBE you are scared because you know that you DESERVE to be put down like the rabid, tyrant dog you are..... Or MAYBE it's because the #Luciferians who run the CORPORATION you work for have trained you to be an ENEMY of all of mankind.... And somewhere deep down you KNOW that is exactly what you have become! I have a suggestion for you ALL GO READ THE SOLEMN OATH YOU SWORE TO UPHOLD before you were allowed to become a Police Officer Read every word of it! If you cannot recite the Constitution, HOW CAN YOU PROTECT AND DEFEND IT? Oath. State and local police generally swear an oath to the United States Constitution, as civil service or uniformed service officers, stating: “I, officer name, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law. Language may include “… to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States [and of your state] against all enemies, foreign or domestic” so that state agencies are specifically named. This oath may be tested in an officer’s personal and professional life as evidenced by the increases in police brutality claims nationwide. Constitutional framework. While the Constitutional framework addresses the exercises of power permitted under it, it has been assuming more powers that are not constitutionally-based in response to public demands for “action” to specific instances. Without the adaptation of spelled out amendments, these requested powers may not be legitimate and serve purposes that were never intended by the original legislation, based in part on the mechanisms of court outcomes that may be biased. As an officer of the law, any order received that is contrary to the Constitution of the U.S. or of your State is illegal. Compliance with such an order is not required, but may be and probably is illegal, and the issuance of such an order may be a crime, which obligates a law enforcement officer to make an arrest of the person issuing it. Federal law. Under federal law, 18 USC 242, it is illegal for anyone under the color of law to deprive any person of the rights, privileges or immunities secured by the U.S. Constitution, and under 18 USC 241 it is illegal to conspire to violate such rights. It is a felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison. This could be applied to local, state, or federal law enforcement or military personnel who abuse the rights of citizens. Every state has a similar law. If officers were to act in accordance with the oath they take when being sworn into civil service positions, the incidence of police misconduct and brutality might be decreased, in consideration of criminal prosecution for violations of U.S. Constitutional law that include police action against a citizen’s: 4thAmendment right to be free from unreasonable government searches and seizures; 8thAmendment right for inmates to live free from cruel and unusual punishments; 14thAmendment right to live free from excessive force while detained by the police. Police brutality attorneys are well-versed in constitutional law and are often a good resource when citizens feel that a law officer has acted with brutality or in a way that constitutes misconduct against the oath they swore to uphold as police
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2330 Vue
  • State of Emergency for Eclipse, National Guard and Eclipseville? Be the Light!

    #Eclipse2024, #StateOfEmergency, #NationalGuard, #63rdCST, #OklahomaNationalGuard, #Hopkinsville, #Kentucky, #Eclipseville, #MilitaryExercises, #ThomasGirardi, #AllisonMack, #NEXIVM, #RichardBranson, #NeckerIsland, #KeithRaniere

    State of Emergency for Eclipse, National Guard and Eclipseville? Be the Light! #Eclipse2024, #StateOfEmergency, #NationalGuard, #63rdCST, #OklahomaNationalGuard, #Hopkinsville, #Kentucky, #Eclipseville, #MilitaryExercises, #ThomasGirardi, #AllisonMack, #NEXIVM, #RichardBranson, #NeckerIsland, #KeithRaniere https://rumble.com/v4nbknb-state-of-emergency-for-eclipse-national-guard-and-eclipseville-be-the-light.html
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 3382 Vue
  • WEF Insider Admits 'Disease X' Will Be Final Solution To Depopulate 6 Billion Souls

    The World Economic Forum starts this week in Davos where Klaus Schwab and his unelected bureaucrats will give center stage to a virus that the elite are warning will kill twenty times more people than Covid.

    The WEF and the Bill Gates funded World Health Organization are joining forces to prime “Disease X” in their final push for the Pandemic Treaty which will strip the nations of the world of their sovereignty and officially sign then up to the New World Order’s global government.

    For those who have been paying attention, the emergence of Disease X closely mirrors the shadowy origins of the Covid plandemic, with Bill Gates and the WHO holding tabletop exercises, the mainstream media disseminating fake news, and Klaus Schwab pontificating about casualties.

    The similarities are so uncanny that we have to stop and ask, is Disease X the “pandemic that will get everyone’s attention” that Bill Gates and his ex-wife gleefully warned us about?
    WEF Insider Admits 'Disease X' Will Be Final Solution To Depopulate 6 Billion Souls https://rumble.com/v47inw0-wef-insider-admits-disease-x-will-be-final-solution-to-depopulate-6-billion.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&ep=2 The World Economic Forum starts this week in Davos where Klaus Schwab and his unelected bureaucrats will give center stage to a virus that the elite are warning will kill twenty times more people than Covid. The WEF and the Bill Gates funded World Health Organization are joining forces to prime “Disease X” in their final push for the Pandemic Treaty which will strip the nations of the world of their sovereignty and officially sign then up to the New World Order’s global government. For those who have been paying attention, the emergence of Disease X closely mirrors the shadowy origins of the Covid plandemic, with Bill Gates and the WHO holding tabletop exercises, the mainstream media disseminating fake news, and Klaus Schwab pontificating about casualties. The similarities are so uncanny that we have to stop and ask, is Disease X the “pandemic that will get everyone’s attention” that Bill Gates and his ex-wife gleefully warned us about?
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 3263 Vue
  • "FRET SCIENCE" ( @ gumroad. com)
    Memorize the fretboard: 3 reasons why, 3 mental models, and 4 effective exercises
    "FRET SCIENCE" ( @ gumroad. com) Memorize the fretboard: 3 reasons why, 3 mental models, and 4 effective exercises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHa2DklOeTI&list=TLPQMDEwMTIwMjQERC_vxb17Fw&index=5
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1107 Vue
  • https://holistichealth.one/supplements-for-eye-health/ Save Your Eyesight and improve visual clarity! Using specific herbs, vitamins, minerals and co-factors can unclog your eyes, improve blood and lymph flow to and from your eyes so they can see clearly without obstructions or floaters. Discover how to improve and protect your eyesight from permanent blindness, macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma using natural vitamins, herbs, minerals and exercises. #eyesight #vision #maculardegeneration #glaucoma #eyes
    https://holistichealth.one/supplements-for-eye-health/ Save Your Eyesight and improve visual clarity! Using specific herbs, vitamins, minerals and co-factors can unclog your eyes, improve blood and lymph flow to and from your eyes so they can see clearly without obstructions or floaters. Discover how to improve and protect your eyesight from permanent blindness, macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma using natural vitamins, herbs, minerals and exercises. #eyesight #vision #maculardegeneration #glaucoma #eyes
    Supplements for Eye Health
    Supplements for Eye Health If you've ever wondered if it is possible to improve your eyesight and ha
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