• https://newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/jorge-bonilla/2024/06/25/abc-news-dares-not-speak-ethnicity-would-be-central-park-rapist
    ABC News Dares Not Speak The Ethnicity of Would-Be Central Park Rapist
    What is it with ABC News personnel not being able to offer ethnic descriptors of suspected sexual predators on the loose? Once again, critical details are left out of a story- this time, as an attempted rapist is loose in New York???s Central Park. Watch the full report as aired on ABC World News Tonight: ?? ?? ABC WORLD NEWS TONIGHT
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 254 Vue
  • Make Distinction When Defending People Regardless Of #Religion, #Ethnicity Or #Race (Video) https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/make-distinction-when-defending-people-regardless-of-religion-ethnicity-or-race-video/
    Make Distinction When Defending People Regardless Of #Religion, #Ethnicity Or #Race (Video) https://sonsoflibertymedia.com/make-distinction-when-defending-people-regardless-of-religion-ethnicity-or-race-video/
    Make Distinction When Defending People Regardless Of Religion, Ethnicity Or Race (Video) » Sons of Liberty Media
    “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie.” -Revelation 3:9 If there is one thing that gets me indignant, it is when I see those who claim to be Christians that do not the things that Christ commands them to do (1 …
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 174 Vue

    Some people don't understand that a country is inhabited by people belonging to the same ethnicity/race, who speak the same language, share the same culture, history and past, who eat the same typical, traditional, regional, national food and have the same customs, traditions and beliefs (today the ethnic peoples of #Europe are disappearing due to mass and uncontrolled #migration, #miscegenation, crossbreeding, #multiculturalism, racial and sexual #diversity, #homosexuality, the destruction of values and principles, forced #inclusion, same-sex unions —endorsed by the state and the Catholic church—, homoparental adoptions, substitution and replacement of the traditional family, #abortion —consensual murder of unborn human beings—, etc.).

    What the hell do foreign invaders (migrants, #refugees, asylum seekers, expats, exiles, etc.) expect to see/find in countries where the majority of the population is homogeneous, has the same origin, the same idiosyncrasy and believes in the same "god"? People of the same race as them? Mosques, synagogues, Buddhist temples, Shinto temples, Hindu temples? People who speak the same language as them? The same laws as in their home countries? Customs, traditions, beliefs and typical food of their home countries? They're NOT in their fucking shithole countries, they're in THE COUNTRY OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE!

    They should know that if they come to #Germany, they'll be surrounded by millions of Germans who OBVIOUSLY speak #German, who eat pork (pork-chops), potatoes and sausages, who drink beer, who love football, German cars and German women, who have similar physical features (due to our race) as well as similar or the same behaviors/attitudes/characteristics/traits typical of our nationality and culture.

    If you hate Germans so much, why the hell are you living in Germany? Stay in your home country so you don't miss your language, cuisine, laws, customs and traditions or move to a country that is similar to yours. Germany was NOT founded and developed by my ancestors for a horde of anti-German racists from the third world to come and tell us that we're "nosy", that we're "terrible drivers", that our food "sucks", that our language is the "worst sounding language in the world", that older German women shouldn't dye their hair (I remind you that older women in your countries dye their hair blonde, wear blue contact lenses and lighten their skin to "look" like older German/European women), that our rules, policies and laws are "ridiculous" and that we're "racist".

    Would you say the same if your country was invaded every single day by thousands of Africans, Middle Easterners and South Americans? If your culture, customs, traditions and beliefs were replaced with the "culture", customs, traditions and beliefs of people who hate your country and it population? If you had to deal on a daily basis with foreigners who insult you, beat you up and/or attack you just because you have a different skin colour? It's very easy to give your opinion and call us "racist" when you're not facing a population replacement ( #TheGreatReplacement ) and a planned genocide ( #WhiteGenocide ).

    On the other hand, I also think that the best Germans were killed in #WWI and #WWII, however, there are still Germans (descendants of those great men and women who died in both wars) who inherited not only their blood (lineage) but their character, willpower, mentality, courage, strength, dignity and pride and that we keep fighting despite having everything against us.

    I hope this Germanophobe has left Germany for good and never come back. We Germans don't need anything from invaders like him or any other.
    —GERMANOPHOBIA/ANTIGERMANISM: EXPOSING ANTI-GERMAN RACISTS. COMMENTS MADE BY GERMANOPHOBES AND TEUTOPHOBES (PART 1)— Some people don't understand that a country is inhabited by people belonging to the same ethnicity/race, who speak the same language, share the same culture, history and past, who eat the same typical, traditional, regional, national food and have the same customs, traditions and beliefs (today the ethnic peoples of #Europe are disappearing due to mass and uncontrolled #migration, #miscegenation, crossbreeding, #multiculturalism, racial and sexual #diversity, #homosexuality, the destruction of values and principles, forced #inclusion, same-sex unions —endorsed by the state and the Catholic church—, homoparental adoptions, substitution and replacement of the traditional family, #abortion —consensual murder of unborn human beings—, etc.). What the hell do foreign invaders (migrants, #refugees, asylum seekers, expats, exiles, etc.) expect to see/find in countries where the majority of the population is homogeneous, has the same origin, the same idiosyncrasy and believes in the same "god"? People of the same race as them? Mosques, synagogues, Buddhist temples, Shinto temples, Hindu temples? People who speak the same language as them? The same laws as in their home countries? Customs, traditions, beliefs and typical food of their home countries? They're NOT in their fucking shithole countries, they're in THE COUNTRY OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE! They should know that if they come to #Germany, they'll be surrounded by millions of Germans who OBVIOUSLY speak #German, who eat pork (pork-chops), potatoes and sausages, who drink beer, who love football, German cars and German women, who have similar physical features (due to our race) as well as similar or the same behaviors/attitudes/characteristics/traits typical of our nationality and culture. If you hate Germans so much, why the hell are you living in Germany? Stay in your home country so you don't miss your language, cuisine, laws, customs and traditions or move to a country that is similar to yours. Germany was NOT founded and developed by my ancestors for a horde of anti-German racists from the third world to come and tell us that we're "nosy", that we're "terrible drivers", that our food "sucks", that our language is the "worst sounding language in the world", that older German women shouldn't dye their hair (I remind you that older women in your countries dye their hair blonde, wear blue contact lenses and lighten their skin to "look" like older German/European women), that our rules, policies and laws are "ridiculous" and that we're "racist". Would you say the same if your country was invaded every single day by thousands of Africans, Middle Easterners and South Americans? If your culture, customs, traditions and beliefs were replaced with the "culture", customs, traditions and beliefs of people who hate your country and it population? If you had to deal on a daily basis with foreigners who insult you, beat you up and/or attack you just because you have a different skin colour? It's very easy to give your opinion and call us "racist" when you're not facing a population replacement ( #TheGreatReplacement ) and a planned genocide ( #WhiteGenocide ). On the other hand, I also think that the best Germans were killed in #WWI and #WWII, however, there are still Germans (descendants of those great men and women who died in both wars) who inherited not only their blood (lineage) but their character, willpower, mentality, courage, strength, dignity and pride and that we keep fighting despite having everything against us. I hope this Germanophobe has left Germany for good and never come back. We Germans don't need anything from invaders like him or any other.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 4740 Vue
    Slavery is on our kids regardless of color or ethnicity. This is on us to unite and fight human trafficking. Let’s move forward and fight the greater enemy together.
    WHY IS OUR GOVERNMENT STEALING CHILDREN FROM OTHER COUNTRIES? Slavery is on our kids regardless of color or ethnicity. This is on us to unite and fight human trafficking. Let’s move forward and fight the greater enemy together.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 1203 Vue 1
  • Imagine Communism: John Lennon-Alex Jones Parody
    Big Brother is coming to a communist regime near you thanks to SJWs! The Globalists are triggering poor Alex Jones by turning the friggin' frogs gay! Gamers and GamerGaters just want to be left alone. Islam isn't an ethnicity (nor pro feminist / nor a religion of peace). And John's utopian worldview turns out to just be some bleak socialist nightmare. Your tinfoil hat won't save you! =[ Hit the "Bell" to join the Notification Squad if you've subbed, since I vow to read/reply to every "notification squad" member when a new vid goes up! Sung by my frawg "Frog Rock". The first time that "Free Press of Kekistan" has added to the music also, by performing Piano for this one.
    Imagine Communism: John Lennon-Alex Jones Parody Big Brother is coming to a communist regime near you thanks to SJWs! The Globalists are triggering poor Alex Jones by turning the friggin' frogs gay! Gamers and GamerGaters just want to be left alone. Islam isn't an ethnicity (nor pro feminist / nor a religion of peace). And John's utopian worldview turns out to just be some bleak socialist nightmare. Your tinfoil hat won't save you! =[ Hit the "Bell" to join the Notification Squad if you've subbed, since I vow to read/reply to every "notification squad" member when a new vid goes up! Sung by my frawg "Frog Rock". The first time that "Free Press of Kekistan" has added to the music also, by performing Piano for this one. https://youtu.be/_rH13rWIEN4
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 2612 Vue
  • Slavery is on our kids regardless of color or ethnicity. This is on us to unite and fight human trafficking. Let’s move forward and fight the greater enemy together.
    Slavery is on our kids regardless of color or ethnicity. This is on us to unite and fight human trafficking. Let’s move forward and fight the greater enemy together.
    0 Commentaires 0 Parts 698 Vue 0

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