So technically this is an "Anti-Gravity machine?"
No.... gravity don't exist!
"Ions" my a**!
(charging the air around it with positive or negative energy)
to make it "weightless" and to propel the craft!
Like Dave of DITRH and others have been telling us!
#Gravity is THEORETICAL and unproven!
The proven LAWS of #Buoyancy, #Density, and #ElectrostaticCharge explain why things float or fall. "Science so-called" is telling you this is "Gravity." It's NOT "Gravity" folks!
These so called scientists have usurped the known laws of buoyancy, density, and electrostatic charge, and then claimed that some fictional force called "gravity" explains all of the things CLEARLY EXPLAINED IN KNOWN LAWS ALREADY!
Like everything they do, they have reverse engineered stuff and created a model that SEEMS TO EXPLAIN these phenomena, when in reality, they have already been explained by actual #Science!
They deceive you with terms like "ion drive."
While it's technically true they are charging the "ions" within the air to make this drone fly, this would NOT be possible in a vacuum. There's no air to charge!
(In my opinion anyway, never done any research into this)
So don't believe their BS stories about a fictional place called "space" where ion drives will propel humans around, because space is fake, just like space travel!
I don't have a lot of knowledge about static charge in a vacuum, but I'll bet you that this drone would not fly in a vacuum because there is no air to electrostatically charge
So I could be wrong about that, but I doubt it, and space is fake anyway!
The same holds true for the #Heliocentric THEORY!
Which did nothing but COPY THE #GEOCENTRIC THEORY, insert some fictional theory of "gravity" (reverse engineered to look plausible) and tricked us all into believing it!
We have been DECEIVED folks!
Don't believe me... Research these things for yourself!
If you do you'll find what I'm telling you is true!
If you don't... You are free to believe whatever you like, it just may not be TRUE!
I like TRUTH! So I try to stand in TRUTH all of the time, every day, all day long!
It's a really good feeling too!
Because the TRUTH is like a lion,you don't need to defend it,
You simply let it loose and it'll defend itself!
No.... gravity don't exist!
"Ions" my a**!
(charging the air around it with positive or negative energy)
to make it "weightless" and to propel the craft!
Like Dave of DITRH and others have been telling us!
#Gravity is THEORETICAL and unproven!
The proven LAWS of #Buoyancy, #Density, and #ElectrostaticCharge explain why things float or fall. "Science so-called" is telling you this is "Gravity." It's NOT "Gravity" folks!
These so called scientists have usurped the known laws of buoyancy, density, and electrostatic charge, and then claimed that some fictional force called "gravity" explains all of the things CLEARLY EXPLAINED IN KNOWN LAWS ALREADY!
Like everything they do, they have reverse engineered stuff and created a model that SEEMS TO EXPLAIN these phenomena, when in reality, they have already been explained by actual #Science!
They deceive you with terms like "ion drive."
While it's technically true they are charging the "ions" within the air to make this drone fly, this would NOT be possible in a vacuum. There's no air to charge!
(In my opinion anyway, never done any research into this)
So don't believe their BS stories about a fictional place called "space" where ion drives will propel humans around, because space is fake, just like space travel!
I don't have a lot of knowledge about static charge in a vacuum, but I'll bet you that this drone would not fly in a vacuum because there is no air to electrostatically charge
So I could be wrong about that, but I doubt it, and space is fake anyway!
The same holds true for the #Heliocentric THEORY!
Which did nothing but COPY THE #GEOCENTRIC THEORY, insert some fictional theory of "gravity" (reverse engineered to look plausible) and tricked us all into believing it!
We have been DECEIVED folks!
Don't believe me... Research these things for yourself!
If you do you'll find what I'm telling you is true!
If you don't... You are free to believe whatever you like, it just may not be TRUE!
I like TRUTH! So I try to stand in TRUTH all of the time, every day, all day long!
It's a really good feeling too!
Because the TRUTH is like a lion,you don't need to defend it,
You simply let it loose and it'll defend itself!
So technically this is an "Anti-Gravity machine?"
No.... gravity don't exist!
"Ions" my a**!
(charging the air around it with positive or negative energy)
to make it "weightless" and to propel the craft!
Like Dave of DITRH and others have been telling us!
#Gravity is THEORETICAL and unproven!
The proven LAWS of #Buoyancy, #Density, and #ElectrostaticCharge explain why things float or fall. "Science so-called" is telling you this is "Gravity." It's NOT "Gravity" folks!
These so called scientists have usurped the known laws of buoyancy, density, and electrostatic charge, and then claimed that some fictional force called "gravity" explains all of the things CLEARLY EXPLAINED IN KNOWN LAWS ALREADY!
Like everything they do, they have reverse engineered stuff and created a model that SEEMS TO EXPLAIN these phenomena, when in reality, they have already been explained by actual #Science!
They deceive you with terms like "ion drive."
While it's technically true they are charging the "ions" within the air to make this drone fly, this would NOT be possible in a vacuum. There's no air to charge!
(In my opinion anyway, never done any research into this)
So don't believe their BS stories about a fictional place called "space" where ion drives will propel humans around, because space is fake, just like space travel!
I don't have a lot of knowledge about static charge in a vacuum, but I'll bet you that this drone would not fly in a vacuum because there is no air to electrostatically charge
So I could be wrong about that, but I doubt it, and space is fake anyway!
The same holds true for the #Heliocentric THEORY!
Which did nothing but COPY THE #GEOCENTRIC THEORY, insert some fictional theory of "gravity" (reverse engineered to look plausible) and tricked us all into believing it!
We have been DECEIVED folks!
Don't believe me... Research these things for yourself!
If you do you'll find what I'm telling you is true!
If you don't... You are free to believe whatever you like, it just may not be TRUE!
I like TRUTH! So I try to stand in TRUTH all of the time, every day, all day long!
It's a really good feeling too!
Because the TRUTH is like a lion,you don't need to defend it,
You simply let it loose and it'll defend itself!

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