• Shocking footage shows a doctor being kicked out of a hospital board meeting after testifying to the effectiveness of #Ivermectin in treating Covid-19.

    https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-doctor-kicked-out-of-hospital-board-meeting-after-testifying-to-effectiveness-of-ivermectin-to-treat-covid/ #CovidTreatment #Censorship #Healthcare
    Shocking footage shows a doctor being kicked out of a hospital board meeting after testifying to the effectiveness of #Ivermectin in treating Covid-19. https://www.infowars.com/posts/video-doctor-kicked-out-of-hospital-board-meeting-after-testifying-to-effectiveness-of-ivermectin-to-treat-covid/ #CovidTreatment #Censorship #Healthcare
    Video: Doctor KICKED OUT of Hospital Board Meeting After Testifying to Effectiveness of Ivermectin to Treat Covid
    Doctors employed by hospitals are afraid to deviate from the prescribed establishment COVID narrative for "fear of retribution," says Dr. John Littell.
    0 Comments 0 Shares 457 Views
  • Part 2 of the Bryan Ardis and Mike Adams Interview on the Connections of the mRNA Vaccines with Snake Venom

    Covered in this part are the many correlations between snake venom and COVID treatment. Connections demonstrated through studies and headlines demonstrating the clear connection. https://bit.ly/3Efnkm7


    - Unexpected connection between nicotine and the shot recovery.
    - Also the zinc and hydroxychloroquine treatment connection.
    - The connection of gene therapy funded by NIH on mRNA gene therapy beginning in 2009 on.
    - How mRNA instructions are actually instructions to manufacture snake venom
    - How the PCR was used in research of snake venom to amplify the venom's genome.
    -Correlations of the symptomatic effects of snake venom and the COVID shot impacts.
    - Correlation of the medical restrictions with that which inhibits the impact of snake venom and COVID impacts. Everything that works, they forbid.

    And more surprises!

    Eye opening information that will change your understanding of this shamdemic forever. Plus...

    These revelations also open up treatments that will work against this vaccine. Must watch if this issue is of concern to you.

    #covid19 #covidvaccine #pandemic #covid19vaccines #bryanardis #mikeadams #covidtreatment
    Part 2 of the Bryan Ardis and Mike Adams Interview on the Connections of the mRNA Vaccines with Snake Venom Covered in this part are the many correlations between snake venom and COVID treatment. Connections demonstrated through studies and headlines demonstrating the clear connection. https://bit.ly/3Efnkm7 Also: - Unexpected connection between nicotine and the shot recovery. - Also the zinc and hydroxychloroquine treatment connection. - The connection of gene therapy funded by NIH on mRNA gene therapy beginning in 2009 on. - How mRNA instructions are actually instructions to manufacture snake venom - How the PCR was used in research of snake venom to amplify the venom's genome. -Correlations of the symptomatic effects of snake venom and the COVID shot impacts. - Correlation of the medical restrictions with that which inhibits the impact of snake venom and COVID impacts. Everything that works, they forbid. And more surprises! Eye opening information that will change your understanding of this shamdemic forever. Plus... These revelations also open up treatments that will work against this vaccine. Must watch if this issue is of concern to you. #covid19 #covidvaccine #pandemic #covid19vaccines #bryanardis #mikeadams #covidtreatment
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1888 Views
  • Intro to ‘Ivermectin’

    Big Pharma in combination with Crony Capitalist medical and scientist Globalists have been covering up the efficacy of the inexpensive combined treatment HCQ, Azithromycin and Zinc to combat COVID-19 with lies and twisted information to justify waiting for the development of more expensive drugs and vaccines.

    NOW there is another INEXPENSIVE drug that you probably NEVER hear about proven successful against COVID that like HCQ has been around for decades. HCQ was designed originally as an anti-malarial drug and has proven effective for other ailments such Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and now COVID. THE OTHER INEXPENSIVE drug alone or in similar to HCQ combinations is Ivermectin originally designed as an anti-parasitic drug. I ran into this discovery of Ivermectin from a Self-Reliance Central email I am cross posting HERE: https://bit.ly/2E7n51j
    #COVIDTreatments #IvermectinCombinations #HCQCombinations

    Intro to ‘Ivermectin’ Big Pharma in combination with Crony Capitalist medical and scientist Globalists have been covering up the efficacy of the inexpensive combined treatment HCQ, Azithromycin and Zinc to combat COVID-19 with lies and twisted information to justify waiting for the development of more expensive drugs and vaccines. NOW there is another INEXPENSIVE drug that you probably NEVER hear about proven successful against COVID that like HCQ has been around for decades. HCQ was designed originally as an anti-malarial drug and has proven effective for other ailments such Lupus and rheumatoid arthritis and now COVID. THE OTHER INEXPENSIVE drug alone or in similar to HCQ combinations is Ivermectin originally designed as an anti-parasitic drug. I ran into this discovery of Ivermectin from a Self-Reliance Central email I am cross posting HERE: https://bit.ly/2E7n51j #COVIDTreatments #IvermectinCombinations #HCQCombinations
    Intro to ‘Ivermectin’
    John R. Houk, Blog Editor © August 14, 2020 Big Pharma in combination with Crony Capitalist medical and scientist Globalists have ...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1452 Views
  • For COVID Pandemic: Forget Double-Blind Pipedreams & Examine Global HCQ Results

    Dr. Fauci and his cohort of Globalist Scientists insist on Double-Blind-Placebo trials before endorsing HCQ. I look at Double-Blinds. Facts show Double-Blinds are NOT needed for HCQ efficacy against COVID. Why Fauci/Globalist insistence? ANSWER: Dem-Marxist control & Big Pharma Greed! READ ABOUT IT: https://bit.ly/2CaXGn3
    #BigPharmaGreed #HCQfacts #COVIDtreatment #ActualScience
    For COVID Pandemic: Forget Double-Blind Pipedreams & Examine Global HCQ Results Dr. Fauci and his cohort of Globalist Scientists insist on Double-Blind-Placebo trials before endorsing HCQ. I look at Double-Blinds. Facts show Double-Blinds are NOT needed for HCQ efficacy against COVID. Why Fauci/Globalist insistence? ANSWER: Dem-Marxist control & Big Pharma Greed! READ ABOUT IT: https://bit.ly/2CaXGn3 #BigPharmaGreed #HCQfacts #COVIDtreatment #ActualScience
    For COVID Pandemic: Forget Double-Blind Pipedreams & Examine Global HCQ Results
    John R. Houk © August 8, 2020 Dr. Fauci and his cohort of Globalist Scientists demand random double-blind placebo trials to measur...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1085 Views
  • FIRE FAUCI: Early Hydroxychloroquine Use Had 79% LOWER MORTALITY RATE, Massive New Study

    Pamela Geller cross posts a Jim Hoft expose from The Gateway Pundit Dr. Ramin Oskoui of Johns Hopkins Medicine shares date on HCQ lowering the mortality rate in foreign nations. MEANING the powers behind American medicine has been lying to Americans! MEANING tens of thousands lives and perhaps hundreds of thousands lives could have been saved by HCQ treatment in relation to COVID-19: https://bit.ly/31oItqQ
    #HCQcovidTreatment #FauciLies #ActualScience
    FIRE FAUCI: Early Hydroxychloroquine Use Had 79% LOWER MORTALITY RATE, Massive New Study Pamela Geller cross posts a Jim Hoft expose from The Gateway Pundit Dr. Ramin Oskoui of Johns Hopkins Medicine shares date on HCQ lowering the mortality rate in foreign nations. MEANING the powers behind American medicine has been lying to Americans! MEANING tens of thousands lives and perhaps hundreds of thousands lives could have been saved by HCQ treatment in relation to COVID-19: https://bit.ly/31oItqQ #HCQcovidTreatment #FauciLies #ActualScience
    FIRE FAUCI: Early Hydroxychloroquine Use Had 79% LOWER MORTALITY RATE, Massive New Study
    Dr. Ramin Oskoui (Johns Hopkins photo) Pamela Geller cross posts a Jim Hoft expose from The Gateway Pundit Dr. Ramin Oskoui of John...
    0 Comments 1 Shares 1107 Views
  • EXCLUSIVE: Hidden FDA Doc Explains Why “Liar” Fauci Opposes Hydroxychloroquine, Top Doctors Explain

    A once hidden (and probably destined to be hidden again) document from the FDA justifying the safe usage of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as an effective treatment against COVID-19 is exposed by the journalists at The National Pulse. What is more heinously shocking is the reason the FDA buried HCQ good news! After reading the FDA/HCQ expose, I’m providing a list of source substantiating HCQ usage science to co-opt HCQ liars at the end of The National Post article: https://bit.ly/31kaiRq
    #HCQCOVIDTreatment #FDAdeception #BigPharmaGreed #FauciLies
    EXCLUSIVE: Hidden FDA Doc Explains Why “Liar” Fauci Opposes Hydroxychloroquine, Top Doctors Explain A once hidden (and probably destined to be hidden again) document from the FDA justifying the safe usage of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as an effective treatment against COVID-19 is exposed by the journalists at The National Pulse. What is more heinously shocking is the reason the FDA buried HCQ good news! After reading the FDA/HCQ expose, I’m providing a list of source substantiating HCQ usage science to co-opt HCQ liars at the end of The National Post article: https://bit.ly/31kaiRq #HCQCOVIDTreatment #FDAdeception #BigPharmaGreed #FauciLies
    EXCLUSIVE: Hidden FDA Doc Explains Why “Liar” Fauci Opposes Hydroxychloroquine, Top Doctors Explain
    A once hidden (and probably destined to be hidden again) document from the FDA justifying the safe usage of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as ...
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1107 Views

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