• Trump Wins 2024 -- Chaos to Follow with Martin Armstrong
    In this exclusive interview, Martin Armstrong delves into the current economic and political landscape. Armstrong expresses concerns about the elites' potential actions to prevent Trump from winning the upcoming election and the desire for war as a political tool. He forecasts a decline in the economy until 2028, citing consumer distrust and election uncertainties as key factors. Armstrong critiques Amazon's diversity initiatives, linking them to unionization efforts, and questions the effectiveness of such policies. He draws comparisons between the potential recession's impact on global stock markets and the stagflation of the 1970s, noting the current administration's low approval ratings and the diminishing public trust in government. The conversation also explores the influence of unelected officials in Washington, the vetting of presidential candidates, and the IMF's digital currency as a potential threat to the US dollar's dominance. Armstrong underscores the importance of a stock market rebound and suggests that war could be used as an excuse for economic default. The discussion offers a candid view of the challenges facing central banks in maintaining economic stability.

    Trump Wins 2024 -- Chaos to Follow with Martin Armstrong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4K1OXvZeHfE&t=3s In this exclusive interview, Martin Armstrong delves into the current economic and political landscape. Armstrong expresses concerns about the elites' potential actions to prevent Trump from winning the upcoming election and the desire for war as a political tool. He forecasts a decline in the economy until 2028, citing consumer distrust and election uncertainties as key factors. Armstrong critiques Amazon's diversity initiatives, linking them to unionization efforts, and questions the effectiveness of such policies. He draws comparisons between the potential recession's impact on global stock markets and the stagflation of the 1970s, noting the current administration's low approval ratings and the diminishing public trust in government. The conversation also explores the influence of unelected officials in Washington, the vetting of presidential candidates, and the IMF's digital currency as a potential threat to the US dollar's dominance. Armstrong underscores the importance of a stock market rebound and suggests that war could be used as an excuse for economic default. The discussion offers a candid view of the challenges facing central banks in maintaining economic stability.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 519 Views

    It's NOT a black thing, it's NOT a white thing....

    You THINK that you are free, YOU ARE NOT!
    As far as the #Corporation you call "government" is concerned THEY OWN YOU!

    YOU have been deceived into supposedly "consenting" to being RULED under
    Maritime Admiralty Law, or the "Law of the SEA" which is based 100% in #Fraud!

    YOU live on the land! YOU are a MAN or a WOMAN, you are NOT a "Legal Fiction"
    but the corporation claims that YOU ARE WILLINGLY "CONSENTING" TO REPRESENT A LEGAL FICTION.... which is just a smelly crock of feces!

    Folks..... #Criminals are currently in control of this country!
    And you can either be a Slave and like it, and hope they allow you to live (As a slave)
    Or you can get off your ass and put an end to the OCCUPATION OF AMERICA by this foreign military on US Soil

    This includes the Courts, the #Police, and Congress....

    WAKE UP!!

    THIS VIDEO SHOWS WHY 30% OF BLACK DRIVERS GET SEARCHED BY THE SAN DIEGO PD! It's NOT a black thing, it's NOT a white thing.... It's an AUTHORITARIAN THING! You THINK that you are free, YOU ARE NOT! As far as the #Corporation you call "government" is concerned THEY OWN YOU! YOU have been deceived into supposedly "consenting" to being RULED under Maritime Admiralty Law, or the "Law of the SEA" which is based 100% in #Fraud! YOU live on the land! YOU are a MAN or a WOMAN, you are NOT a "Legal Fiction" but the corporation claims that YOU ARE WILLINGLY "CONSENTING" TO REPRESENT A LEGAL FICTION.... which is just a smelly crock of feces! Folks..... #Criminals are currently in control of this country! And you can either be a Slave and like it, and hope they allow you to live (As a slave) Or you can get off your ass and put an end to the OCCUPATION OF AMERICA by this foreign military on US Soil This includes the Courts, the #Police, and Congress.... ALL CRIMINAL EMPLOYEES OF A CORPORATION WAKE UP!! https://www.bitchute.com/video/6nz11MSVfY0/
    This Video Shows Why 30% of Black Drivers Get Searched by the San Diego PD!
    Visit hensonshaving.com/civilrightslawyer or use code: civilrightslawyer to get 100 free blades with the purchase of a razor. That's 2-4 years worth of shaves. Just make sure both products are in your cart for the code to take effect. Video to submi…
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 528 Views
  • https://medforth.biz/uk-concerns-grow-over-labours-future-policy-on-transgender-issues/
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 161 Views
  • Protected from the negatives of sitting for six or more hours a day.
    The World Health Organization on Thursday issued warnings on falsified diabetes and weight-loss drugs highlights significant concerns about the safety and efficacy of these medications products detected in Brazil, the U.K. and the United States.
    Protected from the negatives of sitting for six or more hours a day. The World Health Organization on Thursday issued warnings on falsified diabetes and weight-loss drugs highlights significant concerns about the safety and efficacy of these medications products detected in Brazil, the U.K. and the United States.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 254 Views
  • How the 1993 Movie “Demolition Man”
    Perfectly Predicted (and Ridiculed) Today’s Society

    I used to be a "movie buff" and really enjoyed kicking back and watching a movie

    There's no telling how many hours and days that I spent doing just that...
    But NOT these days!

    Once your eyes are opened, and you are led by the spirit, you can easily discern the fact that these "movies" (and television shows too) are really nothing more than a rather large coven of witches (and warlocks) gathered together in a place

    On the surface, these people are mildly "entertaining" (entertain=to bind or hold)
    And as the patented technology of "flicker rate manipulation" puts your brain to sleep... These witches and warlocks are literally casting spells on YOU!

    The minions of #Satan & their spells have NO AUTHORITY over a Christian!

    But once that Christian "consents" to sitting in front of a screen filled with witches and warlocks, his armor gets a chink in it.... and suddenly he loses his immunity to their spells! His brain is put to sleep permanently as his soul is attacked.

    You do not want to be "ignorant of his devices" but at the same time, we do not want our brains to be put to sleep and spells cast on us either!


    Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

    Leviticus 19:31 - Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.

    Leviticus 20:6 - And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people.

    Leviticus 20:27 - A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.

    Revelation 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

    ANYONE who believes that he can become a "god" is delusional...
    and has most likely been deceived thoroughly by dark forces!

    YOU are a MAN (or a WOMAN)
    You are NOT a god!

    You will not ever be a god, so just give it up!

    How the 1993 Movie “Demolition Man” Perfectly Predicted (and Ridiculed) Today’s Society I used to be a "movie buff" and really enjoyed kicking back and watching a movie There's no telling how many hours and days that I spent doing just that... But NOT these days! Once your eyes are opened, and you are led by the spirit, you can easily discern the fact that these "movies" (and television shows too) are really nothing more than a rather large coven of witches (and warlocks) gathered together in a place NAMED AFTER THE WOOD USED BY DRUIDS TO MAKE "MAGIC WANDS" On the surface, these people are mildly "entertaining" (entertain=to bind or hold) And as the patented technology of "flicker rate manipulation" puts your brain to sleep... These witches and warlocks are literally casting spells on YOU! The minions of #Satan & their spells have NO AUTHORITY over a Christian! But once that Christian "consents" to sitting in front of a screen filled with witches and warlocks, his armor gets a chink in it.... and suddenly he loses his immunity to their spells! His brain is put to sleep permanently as his soul is attacked. You do not want to be "ignorant of his devices" but at the same time, we do not want our brains to be put to sleep and spells cast on us either! WHY DO YOU THINK THAT THE BIBLE TELLS YOU.... Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Leviticus 19:31 - Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God. Leviticus 20:6 - And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people. Leviticus 20:27 - A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them. Revelation 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. ANYONE who believes that he can become a "god" is delusional... and has most likely been deceived thoroughly by dark forces! YOU are a MAN (or a WOMAN) You are NOT a god! You will not ever be a god, so just give it up! https://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/how-the-1993-movie-demolition-man-accurately-predicted-what-is-happening-now/
    How the 1993 Movie “Demolition Man” Perfectly Predicted (and Ridiculed) Today’s Society
    The movie Demolition Man takes place in 2032, in an oppressive society managed by a tyrannical doctor who rose to power after an epidemic and social unrest. Watching this movie today is an eerie experience as the
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 632 Views
  • Around 27.9% of respondents believe inflation and the overall economy is the biggest issue facing America. Americans are struggling to survive with personal debt rising to historic highs across all demographics and social classes. Black and Hispanic voters, who the Democrats believe must vote blue, notably stated that economic issues will be their top priority this November.
    Climate change (5.9%), gun control (5.8%), and abortion (4.1%) are the main blue speaking points but Americans are growing less concerned about these issues. We are five months away from the election. The Democrats do not have a strong platform. They do not have a strong candidate. They simply cannot win this election fairly.
    Around 27.9% of respondents believe inflation and the overall economy is the biggest issue facing America. Americans are struggling to survive with personal debt rising to historic highs across all demographics and social classes. Black and Hispanic voters, who the Democrats believe must vote blue, notably stated that economic issues will be their top priority this November. Climate change (5.9%), gun control (5.8%), and abortion (4.1%) are the main blue speaking points but Americans are growing less concerned about these issues. We are five months away from the election. The Democrats do not have a strong platform. They do not have a strong candidate. They simply cannot win this election fairly. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/americans-not-concerned-about-abortion/
    Americans Not Concerned About Abortion
    Bad news for the Democrats ??? their only single-voter issue seems to be the lowest priority among voters. The Democrats have long used the Roe v Wade battle as
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 435 Views
  • THINGS GET UGLY IN SAVANNAH - First Amendment Audit

    You know.....
    I often call the #Police #Criminals, generally because of their criminal actions...

    But you know what?
    People who CALL POLICE on people who have broken no laws are guilty of a #Crime in my book too! You could literally be responsible for ending an innocent American's life by calling the Police on them!

    YOU become the criminal when you call MEN WITH GUNS on another American who has not HARMED SOMEONE!

    If the guy/gal has not physically or financially HARMED someone.....


    Want an example???
    I could rattle off about 250 of them REAL QUICK.....

    But since I cannot type that fast, I'll give you ONE, that everyone has heard about!

    Atatiana Jefferson was INSIDE OF HER OWN HOME playing video games with her nephew when a "concerned neighbor" called a "non-emergency" Police line to report that her front door was open... basically requesting a "Welfare Check"

    Well boys and girls.... Officer Aaron Dean showed up to Atatiana's home and never announced himself, spoke to the caller, or even knocked on the open door!!!

    Instead he chose to unlawfully enter Atatiana's BACK YARD which is #Trespassing, and is NOT LAWFUL for Police or anyone else.....

    Well... Atatiana heard the PROWLER in her back yard, so she retrieved her firearm in preparation to defend herself, her nephew, and her home against the intruder.....

    About that time some lunatic starts screaming at her from HER BACK YARD (Gated)
    less than a second later that lunatic, Aaron Dean, shot and killed Atatiana Jefferson inside of her own her own home, where she LAWFULLY ARMED HERSELF against the CRIMINAL who UNLAWFULLY ENTERED HER BACK YARD!

    This is how about 50% of "Welfare Checks" end!

    There was another case where a moron with a badge shot and killed a woman in another "welfare check" because as the cop approached her a small dog ran in his general direction.... NEVER GETTING WITHIN 20 FEET OF HIM, still, he tried to shoot the innocent animal, using 30-year-old Margarita Brooks as BACKSTOP!!!

    She died

    This is what happens when you call COWARDS with a badge!
    If you are concerned for someone's welfare.... YOU CHECK ON THEM!!!

    Or just do nothing... and maybe they'll live!

    THINGS GET UGLY IN SAVANNAH - First Amendment Audit You know..... I often call the #Police #Criminals, generally because of their criminal actions... But you know what? People who CALL POLICE on people who have broken no laws are guilty of a #Crime in my book too! You could literally be responsible for ending an innocent American's life by calling the Police on them! YOU become the criminal when you call MEN WITH GUNS on another American who has not HARMED SOMEONE! If the guy/gal has not physically or financially HARMED someone..... WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU CALL ASSASSINS ON THEM??? Want an example??? I could rattle off about 250 of them REAL QUICK..... But since I cannot type that fast, I'll give you ONE, that everyone has heard about! Atatiana Jefferson was INSIDE OF HER OWN HOME playing video games with her nephew when a "concerned neighbor" called a "non-emergency" Police line to report that her front door was open... basically requesting a "Welfare Check" Well boys and girls.... Officer Aaron Dean showed up to Atatiana's home and never announced himself, spoke to the caller, or even knocked on the open door!!! Instead he chose to unlawfully enter Atatiana's BACK YARD which is #Trespassing, and is NOT LAWFUL for Police or anyone else..... Well... Atatiana heard the PROWLER in her back yard, so she retrieved her firearm in preparation to defend herself, her nephew, and her home against the intruder..... About that time some lunatic starts screaming at her from HER BACK YARD (Gated) less than a second later that lunatic, Aaron Dean, shot and killed Atatiana Jefferson inside of her own her own home, where she LAWFULLY ARMED HERSELF against the CRIMINAL who UNLAWFULLY ENTERED HER BACK YARD! This is how about 50% of "Welfare Checks" end! There was another case where a moron with a badge shot and killed a woman in another "welfare check" because as the cop approached her a small dog ran in his general direction.... NEVER GETTING WITHIN 20 FEET OF HIM, still, he tried to shoot the innocent animal, using 30-year-old Margarita Brooks as BACKSTOP!!! She died This is what happens when you call COWARDS with a badge! If you are concerned for someone's welfare.... YOU CHECK ON THEM!!! Or just do nothing... and maybe they'll live! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pR2fg5S14bw
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 503 Views
  • So why has FEMA, which is part of DHS, diverted $641 million to cover illegal immigration caused by Biden's open border policies? From the federal government’s own numbers:
    For Fiscal Year 2024, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will provide $640.9 million of available funds to enable non-federal entities to off-set allowable costs incurred for services associated with noncitizen migrant arrivals in their communities.
    From where do they get all the money for illegal immigrants? Why don’t we see budget requests? We see requests for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan—but not the funds for illegals? Why?
    The answer is that the Biden administration needs the money to be hidden from the public, so they just steal funds from other sources.
    So why has FEMA, which is part of DHS, diverted $641 million to cover illegal immigration caused by Biden's open border policies? From the federal government’s own numbers: For Fiscal Year 2024, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will provide $640.9 million of available funds to enable non-federal entities to off-set allowable costs incurred for services associated with noncitizen migrant arrivals in their communities. From where do they get all the money for illegal immigrants? Why don’t we see budget requests? We see requests for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan—but not the funds for illegals? Why? The answer is that the Biden administration needs the money to be hidden from the public, so they just steal funds from other sources. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2024/06/if_joe_biden_is_so_concerned_about_massive_storms_caused_by_climate_change_then_why_is_he_diverting_funds_from_fema_for_open_border_policies.html
    If Joe Biden is so concerned about massive storms caused by climate change, then why is he diverting funds from FEMA for open border policies?
    Joe Biden continues to say that climate change is the biggest existential threat to the world. It seems that every year we are told that warming waters will bring a disastrous Atlantic hurricane season and this year is no exception—which is why...
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 515 Views
  • Every day, in every way, YOU are being led to destruction!

    If you are "getting along" in this world, it's because this world has blinded your eyes, deafened your ears, and jaded your heart

    I'm NOT preaching, I'm speaking from EXPERIENCE!

    Less than 4 years ago I was blinded by the world!

    I believed in the fairy tales, actually thought that "government" was real, and my eyes could not discern the #Truth which was right in front of them!

    I've always been a "Believer" in the word of Yah...
    But I never realized how relevant it was in my life every day...

    One day I realized that I needed some help
    And I got on my knees and asked for forgiveness of my sins,
    and I put my full Faith and Trust in the Most High...

    The following day my eyes were opened
    And I'm not talking about my eyesight improving!

    I'm talking about becoming able to actually SEE with my eyes
    and to actually HEAR with my ears... And I suddenly realized that EVERY WORD spoken in the bible about #Satan being the "god of this world" were demonstrably true and correct

    Before that point in time I THOUGHT that I had a pretty good handle on "reality" and the world around me, boy was I wrong!

    Once your eyes are truly opened you will be able to SEE that Satan literally controls every aspect of this realm, and has deceived EVERYONE who has not been saved, and the mark of their Creator placed on them for protection!

    Freemasons, Jesuits, Jews, the Vatican, Knights of Malta, #Hollywood, the Music Industry, every "secret society" that exists
    ALL WORK FOR SATAN and help him to DECEIVE YOU!

    You have been thoroughly BRAINWASHED, and you have literally had "Spells cast upon you" by these people! I KNOW that I was!

    And I don't believe that I'd have ever opened my eyes, or even would have had the ability to discern ANY OF THESE THINGS without the Most High's help!

    Having 20'20 spiritual vision is such a blessing!
    I don't have the vocabulary to truly express how it has changed me, and changed my life.

    Luke 10:23 And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see:

    24 For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

    Praise the Most High!
    Put your faith and trust in Him, and EVERYTHING CHANGES
    Every day, in every way, YOU are being led to destruction! If you are "getting along" in this world, it's because this world has blinded your eyes, deafened your ears, and jaded your heart I'm NOT preaching, I'm speaking from EXPERIENCE! Less than 4 years ago I was blinded by the world! I believed in the fairy tales, actually thought that "government" was real, and my eyes could not discern the #Truth which was right in front of them! I've always been a "Believer" in the word of Yah... But I never realized how relevant it was in my life every day... One day I realized that I needed some help And I got on my knees and asked for forgiveness of my sins, and I put my full Faith and Trust in the Most High... The following day my eyes were opened And I'm not talking about my eyesight improving! I'm talking about becoming able to actually SEE with my eyes and to actually HEAR with my ears... And I suddenly realized that EVERY WORD spoken in the bible about #Satan being the "god of this world" were demonstrably true and correct Before that point in time I THOUGHT that I had a pretty good handle on "reality" and the world around me, boy was I wrong! Once your eyes are truly opened you will be able to SEE that Satan literally controls every aspect of this realm, and has deceived EVERYONE who has not been saved, and the mark of their Creator placed on them for protection! Freemasons, Jesuits, Jews, the Vatican, Knights of Malta, #Hollywood, the Music Industry, every "secret society" that exists ALL WORK FOR SATAN and help him to DECEIVE YOU! You have been thoroughly BRAINWASHED, and you have literally had "Spells cast upon you" by these people! I KNOW that I was! And I don't believe that I'd have ever opened my eyes, or even would have had the ability to discern ANY OF THESE THINGS without the Most High's help! Having 20'20 spiritual vision is such a blessing! I don't have the vocabulary to truly express how it has changed me, and changed my life. Luke 10:23 And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: 24 For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them. Praise the Most High! Put your faith and trust in Him, and EVERYTHING CHANGES
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 725 Views
  • #MerrickGarland Targets “Conspiracy Theories” After Launching “Election Threats Task Force” with #FBI, Sparking #Censorship Concerns https://reclaimthenet.org/ag-garland-election-threats-task-force-censorship-concerns
    #MerrickGarland Targets “Conspiracy Theories” After Launching “Election Threats Task Force” with #FBI, Sparking #Censorship Concerns https://reclaimthenet.org/ag-garland-election-threats-task-force-censorship-concerns
    Attorney General Garland Targets "Conspiracy Theories" After Launching "Election Threats Task Force" with FBI, Sparking Censorship Concerns
    Critics argue Garland's op-ed is an indirect attempt to sway public opinion ahead of the November election.
    0 Σχόλια 0 Μοιράστηκε 286 Views
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