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    Bricks Resources – Home
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  • UT Austin: Demonstrators Equipped With ‘Guns, Rocks, Bricks, Steel-Enforced Wood Planks, Mallets & Chains’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/ut-austin-demonstrators-equipped-with-guns-rocks-bricks-steel-enforced-wood-planks-mallets-chains/
    UT Austin: Demonstrators Equipped With ‘Guns, Rocks, Bricks, Steel-Enforced Wood Planks, Mallets & Chains’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/ut-austin-demonstrators-equipped-with-guns-rocks-bricks-steel-enforced-wood-planks-mallets-chains/
    UT Austin: Demonstrators Equipped With ‘Guns, Rocks, Bricks, Steel-Enforced Wood Planks, Mallets & Chains’
    Campus statement suggests leftist groups orchestrating demonstrations at colleges around the country
    0 Комментарии 1 Поделились 613 Просмотры
  • Roly-Poly Bugs Remind me a LOT of Liberals.
    This is called the Oniscidae. You may find them under a brick or a damp object. You may have felt disgusted and wondered why they exist in nature; which should help you understand why they remind me of liberals, which are at the bottom of the food chain. You can't get much lower than these bottom dwellers unless you're already in hell.

    Well, let me tell you, the oniscdae, better known as cochineal, is a subgroup of isopod crustaceans whose function is to remove harmful heavy metals from the earth such as mercury, cadmium and lead. They contribute to the cleansing of soil and groundwater to reaffirm the wisdom of nature. Do not damage them or spray pesticides! They've already consumed enough drugs and other putrid things such as their own vomit and their mutual bodily fluids to float a boat. (Kinda like Bon Scott.), who is already in hell.
    Read More: https://carnegiemnh.org/the-great-roly-poly/
    Roly-Poly Bugs Remind me a LOT of Liberals. This is called the Oniscidae. You may find them under a brick or a damp object. You may have felt disgusted and wondered why they exist in nature; which should help you understand why they remind me of liberals, which are at the bottom of the food chain. You can't get much lower than these bottom dwellers unless you're already in hell. https://imgflip.com/i/8ny9vy Well, let me tell you, the oniscdae, better known as cochineal, is a subgroup of isopod crustaceans whose function is to remove harmful heavy metals from the earth such as mercury, cadmium and lead. They contribute to the cleansing of soil and groundwater to reaffirm the wisdom of nature. Do not damage them or spray pesticides! They've already consumed enough drugs and other putrid things such as their own vomit and their mutual bodily fluids to float a boat. (Kinda like Bon Scott.), who is already in hell. Read More: https://carnegiemnh.org/the-great-roly-poly/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1286 Просмотры
  • Pedestrian Safety: Be seen.
    Carrying a .45 like this brick might help, too!
    Pedestrian Safety: Be seen. Carrying a .45 like this brick might help, too!
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 163 Просмотры 0
  • Remembering Stanley Kubrick and 2001 A Space Odyssey
    Remembering Stanley Kubrick and 2001 A Space Odyssey source: https://twitter.com/PapiTrumpo/status/1777166868056318147
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  • In an unconventional move, pedestrians at a crosswalk entrance to Granville Island in Vancouver are encouraged to grab foam bricks to enhance their visibility to drivers.
    In an unconventional move, pedestrians at a crosswalk entrance to Granville Island in Vancouver are encouraged to grab foam bricks to enhance their visibility to drivers.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 692 Просмотры 1

    In this week's video, I showcase another half hour of footage that I have collected over the past few years while traveling across various towns and cities in America. -- GEOMANSEE

    In this week's video, I showcase another half hour of footage that I have collected over the past few years while traveling across various towns and cities in America. (THUMBNAIL: Charleston, SC at 26:52 mark, Philadelphia, PA at 0:40 mark and Princeton, NJ at 8:48 mark)). Thank you all for helping me continue grow, learn, and share! I look forward to uncovering more of our hidden yet magnificent past and hope you stay tuned.

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 0:09
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 3:19
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 4:49
    Audubon, Pennsylvania 5:25
    Durham, North Carolina 6:43
    Princeton, New Jersey 8:48
    Niagara Falls, New York 10:01
    Buffalo, New York 11:16
    Washington DC 15:09
    Cincinnati, Ohio 19:29
    Savannah, Georgia 24:13
    Charleston, South Carolina 26:52

    Savannah 27:40
    Charleston 28:10
    Philadelphia 28:49

    In typical fashion, this video features all of the Reset architectural standards that can be seen worldwide with the same lousy back stories: Numerous churches and cathode-rals, reset mansions, half-buried buildings, a county courthouse, a state capitol, several obelisks (male) and domes (female, 1 green) often opposite an obelisk, spires and related antiquitech, more underground ancient infrastructure, parks, museums, a demolished star fort, a waterfall, disused water infrastructure, and George Washington again in many places. Personally, my growth and understanding of resets and our hidden past has been exponentially sped up since seeing places in person. While watching videos like mine or others may be great, I highly recommend you get out and explore your area both near and far. Only then will the pieces of the puzzle truly connect in a meaningful way! When exploring, I tend to ask simple questions and draw few conclusions. How were the majority of the buildings in this video constructed in the 1800s? That was the bloodiest century on earth. Where did the labor and resources come from? The transportation infrastructure? Who are the makers of all the brick and cutters of stone? Most importantly, did the populations of these places warrant a need for such buildings at the time? Most are hardly used to capacity today.

    Everything you have ever been taught is a lie by design!

    The root breakdown of the word GOVERNMENT is GOVERN (TO CONTROL) and MENT (THE MIND). Governments are MIND CONTROL ORGANIZATIONS, put in place to keep the Unconscious Sheeple (aka Citizens) DUMBED DOWN, DIVIDED, and CONQUERED.

    Science is FAKE, Science is a RELIGION, Science is SCIENCE FICTION. DON'T BE BLINDED BY SCIENCE!!!

    The JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL have plans to bring forth their New World Order agenda, UN Agenda 21, and UN Agenda 2030. The ATF, FBI, CIA, CAA, NSA, DEA, DOD, DHS, DOJ, NATO, FEMA (and often State Police in Blue states) are all Globalist Terrorist Organizations, they are not agencies/organizations protecting us from foreign & domestic enemies or following the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, but rather THEY ARE THE ENEMY, THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS, THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS, THEY ARE THE ONES COMMITTING THE FALSE FLAG "HOAX" EVENTS. The Democrats, RINOs, & NeoCons are ALL GLOBALISTS. They are using the WEF, UN, EU, & other organizations to turn the Free Range Slaves into 15 minute city & FEMA Prison Camp Slaves.

    AMERICA IS THE OLD WORLD: RESET OBSERVATIONS & EXPLORATIONS PT. II In this week's video, I showcase another half hour of footage that I have collected over the past few years while traveling across various towns and cities in America. -- GEOMANSEE In this week's video, I showcase another half hour of footage that I have collected over the past few years while traveling across various towns and cities in America. (THUMBNAIL: Charleston, SC at 26:52 mark, Philadelphia, PA at 0:40 mark and Princeton, NJ at 8:48 mark)). Thank you all for helping me continue grow, learn, and share! I look forward to uncovering more of our hidden yet magnificent past and hope you stay tuned. ----------------- Timestamps: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 0:09 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 3:19 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 4:49 Audubon, Pennsylvania 5:25 Durham, North Carolina 6:43 Princeton, New Jersey 8:48 Niagara Falls, New York 10:01 Buffalo, New York 11:16 Washington DC 15:09 Cincinnati, Ohio 19:29 Savannah, Georgia 24:13 Charleston, South Carolina 26:52 Cemeteries: Savannah 27:40 Charleston 28:10 Philadelphia 28:49 ------------------ In typical fashion, this video features all of the Reset architectural standards that can be seen worldwide with the same lousy back stories: Numerous churches and cathode-rals, reset mansions, half-buried buildings, a county courthouse, a state capitol, several obelisks (male) and domes (female, 1 green) often opposite an obelisk, spires and related antiquitech, more underground ancient infrastructure, parks, museums, a demolished star fort, a waterfall, disused water infrastructure, and George Washington again in many places. Personally, my growth and understanding of resets and our hidden past has been exponentially sped up since seeing places in person. While watching videos like mine or others may be great, I highly recommend you get out and explore your area both near and far. Only then will the pieces of the puzzle truly connect in a meaningful way! When exploring, I tend to ask simple questions and draw few conclusions. How were the majority of the buildings in this video constructed in the 1800s? That was the bloodiest century on earth. Where did the labor and resources come from? The transportation infrastructure? Who are the makers of all the brick and cutters of stone? Most importantly, did the populations of these places warrant a need for such buildings at the time? Most are hardly used to capacity today. Everything you have ever been taught is a lie by design! The root breakdown of the word GOVERNMENT is GOVERN (TO CONTROL) and MENT (THE MIND). Governments are MIND CONTROL ORGANIZATIONS, put in place to keep the Unconscious Sheeple (aka Citizens) DUMBED DOWN, DIVIDED, and CONQUERED. Science is FAKE, Science is a RELIGION, Science is SCIENCE FICTION. DON'T BE BLINDED BY SCIENCE!!! The JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL have plans to bring forth their New World Order agenda, UN Agenda 21, and UN Agenda 2030. The ATF, FBI, CIA, CAA, NSA, DEA, DOD, DHS, DOJ, NATO, FEMA (and often State Police in Blue states) are all Globalist Terrorist Organizations, they are not agencies/organizations protecting us from foreign & domestic enemies or following the US Constitution & Bill of Rights, but rather THEY ARE THE ENEMY, THEY ARE THE CRIMINALS, THEY ARE THE TERRORISTS, THEY ARE THE ONES COMMITTING THE FALSE FLAG "HOAX" EVENTS. The Democrats, RINOs, & NeoCons are ALL GLOBALISTS. They are using the WEF, UN, EU, & other organizations to turn the Free Range Slaves into 15 minute city & FEMA Prison Camp Slaves. https://www.bitchute.com/video/v2RQaO9lcAot/
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 4635 Просмотры
  • Southern Poverty Law Center Has Long History of Carrying Water for Antifa Extremists

    The Georgia Bureau of Investigation charged a staff attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center with domestic terrorism for his involvement Sunday in a violent attack on police officers at the construction site for a police training facility near Atlanta.

    Although the SPLC claimed the attorney was a legal observer, the agitators were dressed in Antifa-style black bloc for the attack on the facility they call Cop City, and the SPLC has a long history of carrying water for Antifa rioters.

    The SPLC claimed that the lawyer’s arrest “is not evidence of any crime, but of heavy-handed law enforcement intervention against protesters.”

    The Atlanta Police Department reported that agitators threw “rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police,” destroying multiple pieces of construction equipment and threatening bodily harm. But the SPLC’s statement didn’t condemn the violence, instead directing criticism at “a months-long escalation of policing tactics against protesters and observers.”

    The National Lawyers Guild, which released a joint statement with the SPLC and identified the SPLC attorney and alleged terrorist as one of the guild’s legal observers, called all 23 arrests Sunday, out of 34 detained, “part of ongoing state repression and violence against environmental justice protesters.”

    Police released video showing more than 100 rioters advancing on the future site of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center.

    The National Lawyers Guild stated that it “remains in solidarity with the movement to Stop Cop City,” and the SPLC urged the “de-escalation of violence and police use of force against Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities,” without mentioning the violence against police office
    Southern Poverty Law Center Has Long History of Carrying Water for Antifa Extremists https://www.dailysignal.com/2023/03/07/southern-poverty-law-center-has-long-history-carrying-water-antifa/ The Georgia Bureau of Investigation charged a staff attorney at the Southern Poverty Law Center with domestic terrorism for his involvement Sunday in a violent attack on police officers at the construction site for a police training facility near Atlanta. Although the SPLC claimed the attorney was a legal observer, the agitators were dressed in Antifa-style black bloc for the attack on the facility they call Cop City, and the SPLC has a long history of carrying water for Antifa rioters. The SPLC claimed that the lawyer’s arrest “is not evidence of any crime, but of heavy-handed law enforcement intervention against protesters.” The Atlanta Police Department reported that agitators threw “rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police,” destroying multiple pieces of construction equipment and threatening bodily harm. But the SPLC’s statement didn’t condemn the violence, instead directing criticism at “a months-long escalation of policing tactics against protesters and observers.” The National Lawyers Guild, which released a joint statement with the SPLC and identified the SPLC attorney and alleged terrorist as one of the guild’s legal observers, called all 23 arrests Sunday, out of 34 detained, “part of ongoing state repression and violence against environmental justice protesters.” Police released video showing more than 100 rioters advancing on the future site of the Atlanta Public Safety Training Center. The National Lawyers Guild stated that it “remains in solidarity with the movement to Stop Cop City,” and the SPLC urged the “de-escalation of violence and police use of force against Black, Brown, and Indigenous communities,” without mentioning the violence against police office
    The SPLC Has a Long History Carrying Water for Antifa
    The SPLC long has carried water for Antifa, refusing to brand it a "hate group" and downplaying its acts of violence.
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 3325 Просмотры
  • Primitive Technology: Wood Ash Cement & Fired Brick Hut

    I've always gotten a kick out of watching these guys!
    I guess that it reminds me of my youth

    Because 45 years ago or so...
    I'd be in the woods somewhere, doing the exact same thing!

    Although I didn't go all in like these guys, I've built many a hut!
    That was back before "Helicopter parenting" was a thing

    I'd leave the house around 9am, and my mother would not see me again until dinner time, around 6 o'clock. We didn't have cell phones or beepers, if someone wanted to speak to you, they just had to wait until you got home!

    And you know what?
    The world did not come to an end!

    And my days were much more peaceful!
    I'd really like to disappear into the wilderness TODAY!

    Problem is that there are #Bankers, #Police, and an illegitimate #Government that claims to "Own every square inch of the Earth" so you cannot do that

    At least not until you rid the world of those scumbags

    Primitive Technology: Wood Ash Cement & Fired Brick Hut I've always gotten a kick out of watching these guys! I guess that it reminds me of my youth Because 45 years ago or so... I'd be in the woods somewhere, doing the exact same thing! Although I didn't go all in like these guys, I've built many a hut! That was back before "Helicopter parenting" was a thing I'd leave the house around 9am, and my mother would not see me again until dinner time, around 6 o'clock. We didn't have cell phones or beepers, if someone wanted to speak to you, they just had to wait until you got home! And you know what? The world did not come to an end! And my days were much more peaceful! I'd really like to disappear into the wilderness TODAY! Problem is that there are #Bankers, #Police, and an illegitimate #Government that claims to "Own every square inch of the Earth" so you cannot do that At least not until you rid the world of those scumbags https://youtu.be/eesj3pJF3lA
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 1444 Просмотры

    I'm curious.... How much narcissistic retard bashing can you take?
    Admittedly... "Professor DUMB Dave" is a very soft target!
    But let the bashing commence anyway! LOL

    I generally don't endorse bashing the mentally deficient,
    but in "Professor DUMB Dave's" case, I'll make an exception

    I never knew that the #CIA hired retards though....
    But apparently they do

    This is the first, in an entire playlist, of bashing a retarded a**hole who is the self-proclaimed "Professor" dumb Dave, the dullest tool in the shed!

    He's a few bricks shy of a load!
    His lights are on, but nobody is home!
    His elevator don't quite reach the top!

    Hey dumb Dave... I just thought that I'd mention the fact that MY 30 year old KID has a Masters Degree in Chemistry, and his wife has one in Chemistry and biology!

    In other words Dave, my child is smarter than your dumb a**!
    And Dave.... My kid actually PASSED his test, and graduated summa cum laude to boot!

    Of course now I must try to erase the brainwashing from his mind......

    But he did it, and he at least can TALK, unlike YOU, who are a dummy, and a dropout!

    HOURS of dumb Dave bashing!
    The "Dumb Dave Playlist" EPISODE 1

    DEBUNKING PROFESSOR DUMBdave (Episode 1) I'm curious.... How much narcissistic retard bashing can you take? Admittedly... "Professor DUMB Dave" is a very soft target! But let the bashing commence anyway! LOL I generally don't endorse bashing the mentally deficient, but in "Professor DUMB Dave's" case, I'll make an exception I never knew that the #CIA hired retards though.... But apparently they do This is the first, in an entire playlist, of bashing a retarded a**hole who is the self-proclaimed "Professor" dumb Dave, the dullest tool in the shed! He's a few bricks shy of a load! His lights are on, but nobody is home! His elevator don't quite reach the top! Hey dumb Dave... I just thought that I'd mention the fact that MY 30 year old KID has a Masters Degree in Chemistry, and his wife has one in Chemistry and biology! In other words Dave, my child is smarter than your dumb a**! And Dave.... My kid actually PASSED his test, and graduated summa cum laude to boot! Of course now I must try to erase the brainwashing from his mind...... But he did it, and he at least can TALK, unlike YOU, who are a dummy, and a dropout! HOURS of dumb Dave bashing! The "Dumb Dave Playlist" EPISODE 1 https://youtu.be/Wb0p0KFWGTA?list=PLrnXSLD0WkC2CVGJs8i3P86slfplA5S6e
    0 Комментарии 0 Поделились 2214 Просмотры
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