• by Sean Carter June 6, 2021 - of Bahia, Coastal Ecuador S.A.-
    'Rand Paul: Fauci Emails Offer a ‘Disturbing Picture’-

    "A collection of videos helps explain who, why, when, and what caused this global economic meltdown we are in and will be in for the seeable future. In less than 3 hours, you will have a complete understanding of what happened.

    “Conspiracy Theorist” A person that researches a subject and then uses logic and critical thinking skills to form an educated opinion instead of just blindly believing whatever they see on T.V./Internet

    I’m amazed that people blindly and fully trust mainstream media, big tech, big pharma, and government. It’s such a blind trust that they do not question them at all. But, on the other hand, I question everything, even myself, well most of all myself…" - https://hownottogiveafuck.com/2021/06/06/origin/
    by Sean Carter June 6, 2021 - of Bahia, Coastal Ecuador S.A.- 'Rand Paul: Fauci Emails Offer a ‘Disturbing Picture’- "A collection of videos helps explain who, why, when, and what caused this global economic meltdown we are in and will be in for the seeable future. In less than 3 hours, you will have a complete understanding of what happened. “Conspiracy Theorist” A person that researches a subject and then uses logic and critical thinking skills to form an educated opinion instead of just blindly believing whatever they see on T.V./Internet I’m amazed that people blindly and fully trust mainstream media, big tech, big pharma, and government. It’s such a blind trust that they do not question them at all. But, on the other hand, I question everything, even myself, well most of all myself…" - https://hownottogiveafuck.com/2021/06/06/origin/
    0 Commentarii 0 Distribuiri 389 Views
  • Just a few years ago, doctors were promoting and recommending cigarettes while citing science and scientific research. If fact-checkers existed back then and you published anything warning the public that cigarettes are harmful, they'd shut you down or put this banner under your post "experts agree that smoking has no harm effects."

    And, of course, the brainwashed sheeple of the time would attack you and shame for trying to expose the truth about cigarettes.

    And if the for-profit doctors were mostly in agreement that cigarettes are not harmful, what makes you think that they're not wrong again about vaccines or COVID19?

    The science on cigarettes back in the day was funded by Big Tobacco, and today, the science regarding vaccines and COVID19 is funded by Big Pharma.

    Listen up, sheeple, your blind trust in doctors is as naive as your blind trust in the thugs and terrorists that you call politicians. It's just as easy to buy a doctor or a scientist as it is to buy a politician. And just how you should NEVER trust a politician under no circumstances, you should NEVER trust a doctor.

    The vast majority of doctors are sellouts and puppets of Big Pharma. They learned somewhere along their journey of being indoctrinated at a Big Pharma university that a patient cured is a customer lost. Doctors exist to profit from people's misery.

    There's no healthcare system but a disease management system. There's no profit in healthy people for the medical mafia.

    These lowlife Big Pharma doctors spend more years than anyone else in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) receiving instructions from the Rockefellers' Big Pharma on keeping sick people hooked on drugs because a patient cured is a customer lost. They profit from people's misery by selling drugs that treat only the symptoms while keeping the illness. They're drug dealers who sell long-term drugs that are guaranteed to have side-effects that will cripple you in hundreds of ways.

    "Medical school should be renamed pharma school. Doctors only learn to treat symptoms with drugs while ignoring the cause. Real health won't be found inside a doctor's office." ~ Brandy Vaughan, the former pharma insider who mysteriously died last month.

    #TheNewDarkAges #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #ScientificTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans
    Just a few years ago, doctors were promoting and recommending cigarettes while citing science and scientific research. If fact-checkers existed back then and you published anything warning the public that cigarettes are harmful, they'd shut you down or put this banner under your post "experts agree that smoking has no harm effects." And, of course, the brainwashed sheeple of the time would attack you and shame for trying to expose the truth about cigarettes. And if the for-profit doctors were mostly in agreement that cigarettes are not harmful, what makes you think that they're not wrong again about vaccines or COVID19? The science on cigarettes back in the day was funded by Big Tobacco, and today, the science regarding vaccines and COVID19 is funded by Big Pharma. Listen up, sheeple, your blind trust in doctors is as naive as your blind trust in the thugs and terrorists that you call politicians. It's just as easy to buy a doctor or a scientist as it is to buy a politician. And just how you should NEVER trust a politician under no circumstances, you should NEVER trust a doctor. The vast majority of doctors are sellouts and puppets of Big Pharma. They learned somewhere along their journey of being indoctrinated at a Big Pharma university that a patient cured is a customer lost. Doctors exist to profit from people's misery. There's no healthcare system but a disease management system. There's no profit in healthy people for the medical mafia. These lowlife Big Pharma doctors spend more years than anyone else in indoctrination centers (schools in doublespeak) receiving instructions from the Rockefellers' Big Pharma on keeping sick people hooked on drugs because a patient cured is a customer lost. They profit from people's misery by selling drugs that treat only the symptoms while keeping the illness. They're drug dealers who sell long-term drugs that are guaranteed to have side-effects that will cripple you in hundreds of ways. "Medical school should be renamed pharma school. Doctors only learn to treat symptoms with drugs while ignoring the cause. Real health won't be found inside a doctor's office." ~ Brandy Vaughan, the former pharma insider who mysteriously died last month. #TheNewDarkAges #TheFourthIndustrialRevolution #Scamdemic #Scamdemic2020 #COVID19Scamdemic #BuildBackBetter #TheGreatReset #IWillNotTakeTheVaccine #OperationWarpSpeed #StateOfEmergency #COVID19FalseFlag #NoJabNoPay #Luciferase #Lockstep #Lockstep2010 #AmericanMedicalMafia #MedicalMafia #MedicalTyranny #ScientificTyranny #HelpLimitTheSpread #IDoNotConsent #GMOvaccines #FlattenTheCurve #DontBeAKaren #DoYourPartStayApart #StayingHomeSavesLives #PutAMaskOn #PutOnAMask #MaskUp #WeAreInThisTogether #WeAreNotInThisTogether #FaceDiaper #FaceMuzzle #N95Masks #N95Mask #MaskOfShame #MasksAreForPussies #NoMaskNoService #NoVaccineNoService #COVIDIOTS #ThisIsForYourSafety #ItsForYourSafety #ItsForYourOwnSafety #ForYourSafety #BeSafe #StaySafe #OrderOutOfChaos #ProblemReactionSolution #ShockDoctrine #TheShockDoctrine #Pandemic #PlannedPandemic #Plandemic #ID2020 #TrustTheHealthExperts #TrustTheExperts #HealthPolitician #HealthPoliticians #MedicalMartialLaw #MedicalMartialLaw2020 #Event201 #NWO #UNICEF #CEPI #Gavi #GlobalFinancingFacility #TheGlobalFund #TheCenterForGlobalDevelopment #GatesFoundation #NewWorldOrder #OneWorldGovernment #OWG #HouseArrest #HouseArrestForEveryone #COVID19 #COVID #Coronavirus #COVID19Lockdown #PopulationControl #FamilyPlanning #CrowdControl #MassFear #DividedWeFall #SelfIsolation #NewNorm #NewNormal #Transhumanism #GeneticallyModifiedHumans #TheyNeverNeededYourConsent #GMOhuman #GMOhumans
    0 Commentarii 2 Distribuiri 389 Views

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