• As usual, the right is being stampeded by the left, saying that the anti-Trump rhetoric is responsible for the assassination attempts, implying that the left's speech should somehow be criminalized. Of course, any new criminalization of speech will be redirected to us, but we never seem to learn. Stop criminalizing speech. Let them speak.
    Read Bandenburg v Ohio to learn what is actually illegal speech.
    As usual, the right is being stampeded by the left, saying that the anti-Trump rhetoric is responsible for the assassination attempts, implying that the left's speech should somehow be criminalized. Of course, any new criminalization of speech will be redirected to us, but we never seem to learn. Stop criminalizing speech. Let them speak. Read Bandenburg v Ohio to learn what is actually illegal speech.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 32 Views
  • UK: Former ‘race and equality officer’ wears Hamas-style headband at pro-jihad rallies
    UK: Former ‘race and equality officer’ wears Hamas-style headband at pro-jihad rallies https://jihadwatch.org/2024/09/uk-former-race-and-equality-officer-wears-hamas-style-headband-at-pro-jihad-rallies
    UK: Former ‘race and equality officer’ wears Hamas-style headband at pro-jihad rallies
    Hussain is playing games. He insists that the headband simply states the Islamic profession of faith, and that's true. But so does the ISIS flag, yet the distinctive style of that flag is instantly recognizable as an expression of support for the Islamic State. And so it is with this headband. Hamas jihadis wore headbands...
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 33 Views
  • Al-Qaeda calls for ‘Third 9/11,’ calls on Muslims in US to abandon protests and begin jihad attacks

    Al-Qaeda calls for ‘Third 9/11,’ calls on Muslims in US to abandon protests and begin jihad attacks https://jihadwatch.org/2024/09/al-qaeda-calls-for-third-9-11-calls-on-muslims-in-us-to-abandon-protests-and-begin-jihad-attacks
    Al-Qaeda calls for ‘Third 9/11,’ calls on Muslims in US to abandon protests and begin jihad attacks
    This call will likely be heeded eventually. "23 Years Later, Al-Qaeda Threatens 'Third 9/11' After October 7, Exhorts Pro-Palestinian Protesters In U.S. To Take The Next Step And Carry Out Attacks," by Steven Stalinsky, MEMRI, September 11, 2024: ...Another poster encouraged further incitement against the backdrop of images of President Biden's support for Israel and...
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 42 Views
  • Commie And The Bandit
    Commie And The Bandit Source: https://www.tiktok.com/@look_its_b_rabbit/video/7413950685663808799
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 37 Views 0
  • God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called.

    That doesn't mean God is a Republican, and especially not a Democrat. When you look at the evil, ungodly actions prevalent over the past 5+ decades; perpetrated by democrats, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand which party God favors, does it? That is of course, unless you are completely devoid of critical thinking. King David committed adultery with a woman named Bathsheba who consequently became pregnant. Upon learning of Bathsheba's condition, David tried to cover his sin and eventually arranged for Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, to be killed in battle, but God still used him for His Glory.

    Saul led a violent persecution of the young Christian church in Jerusalem. (Acts 8:1-3) He goes from house to house, dragging men and women off to prison. When believers are found guilty of what is considered to be 'blasphemy', Saul calls for them to be stoned to death (see Acts 26:10). God called him and he became a believer. The conversion of Saul, also known as the conversion of Paul the Apostle, is a well-known story in the Bible that describes how Saul was transformed from a persecutor of Christians to a follower of Jesus. On the road to Damascus, Saul was suddenly blinded by a light from heaven and heard a voice say, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" The voice identified itself as Jesus, who instructed Saul to go to Damascus and be told what to do. Saul repented and changed his name to Paul; and became one of the leading apostles of Christ.

    Then there was Peter. He denied knowing Jesus Christ. Not only once, but 3 times, trying to save his own skin. Jesus forgave him and if you know the rest of the story, you begin to understand where I'm going with this.

    Donald J. Trump is no angel. He committed many sins, just like all of humanity. But the fine line is the truth of the fact he repented and God forgave him. The problem with humans and especially "Never Trumpers" is that they still hold Trump's early life against him. They have set themselves as higher in authority than their Creator, which is blasphemy. When God forgives, he casts His memory of your sins into the "sea of forgetfulness" to be remembered no more. The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible verse that mentions the sea of forgetfulness is Micah 7:19, which says, "He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea".

    Romans 5:1 states, "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ".

    Some say that this verse is fundamental to Christianity and that it's important to understand that one is justified by God based on the merits of Jesus Christ.

    Justification in our Creator's eyes means "Just as if I had never sinned."

    Matthew 6:14-15 reads,
    "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

    But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

    ANYONE, Republican or Demoncrat who refuses to heed God's warning will not receive the gift of eternal life; but will be cast into the Lake of Fire; prepared for the devil and his angels for all eternity. If you're in this category, you need to repent. They don't serve breakfast in hell.

    God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called. https://imgflip.com/i/93jt3r That doesn't mean God is a Republican, and especially not a Democrat. When you look at the evil, ungodly actions prevalent over the past 5+ decades; perpetrated by democrats, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand which party God favors, does it? That is of course, unless you are completely devoid of critical thinking. King David committed adultery with a woman named Bathsheba who consequently became pregnant. Upon learning of Bathsheba's condition, David tried to cover his sin and eventually arranged for Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, to be killed in battle, but God still used him for His Glory. Saul led a violent persecution of the young Christian church in Jerusalem. (Acts 8:1-3) He goes from house to house, dragging men and women off to prison. When believers are found guilty of what is considered to be 'blasphemy', Saul calls for them to be stoned to death (see Acts 26:10). God called him and he became a believer. The conversion of Saul, also known as the conversion of Paul the Apostle, is a well-known story in the Bible that describes how Saul was transformed from a persecutor of Christians to a follower of Jesus. On the road to Damascus, Saul was suddenly blinded by a light from heaven and heard a voice say, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" The voice identified itself as Jesus, who instructed Saul to go to Damascus and be told what to do. Saul repented and changed his name to Paul; and became one of the leading apostles of Christ. Then there was Peter. He denied knowing Jesus Christ. Not only once, but 3 times, trying to save his own skin. Jesus forgave him and if you know the rest of the story, you begin to understand where I'm going with this. Donald J. Trump is no angel. He committed many sins, just like all of humanity. But the fine line is the truth of the fact he repented and God forgave him. The problem with humans and especially "Never Trumpers" is that they still hold Trump's early life against him. They have set themselves as higher in authority than their Creator, which is blasphemy. When God forgives, he casts His memory of your sins into the "sea of forgetfulness" to be remembered no more. The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible verse that mentions the sea of forgetfulness is Micah 7:19, which says, "He will turn again, he will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities; and thou wilt cast all their sins into the depths of the sea". Romans 5:1 states, "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ". Some say that this verse is fundamental to Christianity and that it's important to understand that one is justified by God based on the merits of Jesus Christ. Justification in our Creator's eyes means "Just as if I had never sinned." Matthew 6:14-15 reads, "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." ANYONE, Republican or Demoncrat who refuses to heed God's warning will not receive the gift of eternal life; but will be cast into the Lake of Fire; prepared for the devil and his angels for all eternity. If you're in this category, you need to repent. They don't serve breakfast in hell.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 215 Views
  • Tone Deaf Comics - Marching Band Bingo:


    #MarchingBand #Band #Bingo #Music #Humor
    Tone Deaf Comics - Marching Band Bingo: https://www.tonedeafcomics.com/blogs/comics/marching-band-bingo #MarchingBand #Band #Bingo #Music #Humor
    Marching Band Bingo
    Tone Deaf has funny music posters for your band, orchestra, or choir room.
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 81 Views
  • What a sick freak.

    Don Lemon is the biggest douchebag in the universe!!

    Freaking Loser!!

    A normal person would never react this way!

    What a sick freak. Don Lemon is the biggest douchebag in the universe!! Freaking Loser!! A normal person would never react this way! https://redstatenation.com/melania-trump-describes-her-distress-over-the-attempted-assassination-of-her-husband-watch-don-lemons-disgusting-reaction-in-now-deleted-video/
    Melania Trump Describes Her Distress Over the Attempted Assassination of Her Husband—Watch Don Lemon’s Disgusting Reaction in Now-Deleted Video - Red State Nation
    Don Lemon just can’t help himself. The former CNN anchor has once again shown his true colors, reacting with utter disdain and mockery to Melania Trump’s heartfelt message about the attempted assassination of her husband, former President Donald Trump. In a video released by Melania Trump, she emotionally described the horror and distress she felt […]
    0 Commenti 1 condivisioni 134 Views
  • Melania Trump, speaking about the assassination attempt on her husband, Donald Trump, said, "There’s certainly more to this story, and we must uncover the truth."
    Melania Trump, speaking about the assassination attempt on her husband, Donald Trump, said, "There’s certainly more to this story, and we must uncover the truth."
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 84 Views 5
  • U.K. competition watchdog probing use of 'dynamic pricing' in Oasis ticket debacle
    The band says they had no idea that 'dynamic pricing' would be used during the Aug. 31 ticket sale
    U.K. competition watchdog probing use of 'dynamic pricing' in Oasis ticket debacle The band says they had no idea that 'dynamic pricing' would be used during the Aug. 31 ticket sale https://friendevu.com/posts/197603
    U.K. competition watchdog probing use of 'dynamic...
    U.K. competition watchdog probing use of 'dynamic pricing' in Oasis ticket debacle The band says they had no idea that 'dynamic pricing' would be used during the Aug. 31 ticket sale https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/oasis-uk-watchdog-1.7314047
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 99 Views
  • Phew, you put it so succinctly. Spreading this info is so important. As someone working through avoidant issues in myself it is extra disheartening to see how dismissive a lot of people are of people with avoidant tendencies. Anxious attachment folks never seem to get the same amount of vitriol, instead a lot of it is super compassionate. And that only reinforces what we already feel about ourselves, that people aren’t loving, if I’m not perfect people will turn on you and abandon you and the coping mechanism that works for us is to retreat and self soothe. No one should have to cater and suffer or stick around through our healing journey. No one is saying that. All we ask is for patience and grace while we work through it
    Phew, you put it so succinctly. Spreading this info is so important. As someone working through avoidant issues in myself it is extra disheartening to see how dismissive a lot of people are of people with avoidant tendencies. Anxious attachment folks never seem to get the same amount of vitriol, instead a lot of it is super compassionate. And that only reinforces what we already feel about ourselves, that people aren’t loving, if I’m not perfect people will turn on you and abandon you and the coping mechanism that works for us is to retreat and self soothe. No one should have to cater and suffer or stick around through our healing journey. No one is saying that. All we ask is for patience and grace while we work through it https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NYY5UhCB3no?feature=share
    0 Commenti 0 condivisioni 191 Views
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