• Fuel and physics can power your world...

    No matter what anyone tells you or says there’s an imminent threat to our lives.

    Modern civilization is a fueled civilization. You can’t get something from anything and energy is not obtained passively. Energy is stored in fuels such as coal, oil, flammable gas, and nuclear-grade fuels. This stored energy can be tapped into at any time.

    You can also tap into these fuels and for the most part, get a good deal of energy back. You don’t have to rely solely on fossil fuels. Oil in coal is the remnants of long-dead life. Natural gas however is being generated at all times from the deaths of trillions of organisms. You get natural gas from bacteria feeding on organic matter.

    In this way, it is endlessly renewable. nuclear energy believes it or not even the waist produces energy you can absorb. Aside from gas and nuclear fuel. No other form of energy is endlessly renewable. Intermittent sources of energy should never be primary sources of energy. They can supplement our read.

    A role that solar panels and wind farms do very well at. But his primary sources of energy will never make the grade. Hydropower is another very useful source of energy. It’s a gravity battery as long as the water is flowing and turning dynamo energy is produced.

    As long as a source of water doesn’t run out. Now one way to make windmills far more efficient or at least better providers of energy. Is to put them on tethers and fly them up into the jetstream.

    The jetstream is constantly blowing. At no point does it ever stop. Building them on mountainsides and flat desert plains. The winds can pick up and blow extremely hard destroying them or the wind doesn’t blow at all making them useless.

    A tethered windmill has been experimented with. Showing promising results and it can also provide wireless communications for the Internet. try getting that from a traditional windmill. However, don’t count batteries out. The technology for batteries has made great leaps. I would be a fool and so with you to ignore these improvements. But they do come in at environmental cost and human one.

    They are very limited mostly by the costs. You can actually lose energy efficiency as the battery ages just simply because you’re using the battery. Cathodes destroy themselves over time. You need the cathode and the anode in order for it to function properly. Also, electrolytes can cease to store energy after a particular length of time mostly. just think of how many times you’ve had to replace the battery in your phone. And you’ll understand just what I’m talking about.

    Even the humble farm and ranch have the potential to supply electricity to a large number of people. Vegetable and animal waste producers natural gas. It is a decaying matter after all. The gas it produces is methane. A lighter than air and flammable gas. It’s also the reason why mines or underground structures all over the world need to watch out for. Because it does have the potential to catch fire and explode. If that doesn’t kill you methane gas isn’t asphyxiant. But for energy purposes, it’s clean and endlessly renewable. Some countries and other operations in the US have set up biogas generation systems to provide electricity to rural areas. skyscrapers can double as gravity batteries if you build them right.

    Just make a good portion of the building a massive water tank and let it fall turning dynamos as it goes down. then you can use solar pumps and batteries to pull the water back into the reservoir. Then you just let the waterfall through pipes turning dynamos to get power out of it. You see hybridized technologies using both passive energy systems and active energy systems.

    You could also use thousands of robots that are nothing more than moving batteries and solar panels.

    They can collect energy to be used for emergency purposes or just a convenient method to charge your phone. We could be a stage one civilization by being smarter about how we use our energy. Allowing activists to set the terms is a stupid and moronic decision. If you want to have all the power you’ll ever need use your brain, not your emotions. And do not allow other people's emotions to interfere with your energy production.

    Take your power back and provide it to others. Redesign our way of providing energy and we will never have to worry about ever needing it ever again.

    Build yourself today a better future...


    #xephula #minds #inspiration #futurism #Technology #bytbf
    Fuel and physics can power your world... No matter what anyone tells you or says there’s an imminent threat to our lives. Modern civilization is a fueled civilization. You can’t get something from anything and energy is not obtained passively. Energy is stored in fuels such as coal, oil, flammable gas, and nuclear-grade fuels. This stored energy can be tapped into at any time. You can also tap into these fuels and for the most part, get a good deal of energy back. You don’t have to rely solely on fossil fuels. Oil in coal is the remnants of long-dead life. Natural gas however is being generated at all times from the deaths of trillions of organisms. You get natural gas from bacteria feeding on organic matter. In this way, it is endlessly renewable. nuclear energy believes it or not even the waist produces energy you can absorb. Aside from gas and nuclear fuel. No other form of energy is endlessly renewable. Intermittent sources of energy should never be primary sources of energy. They can supplement our read. A role that solar panels and wind farms do very well at. But his primary sources of energy will never make the grade. Hydropower is another very useful source of energy. It’s a gravity battery as long as the water is flowing and turning dynamo energy is produced. As long as a source of water doesn’t run out. Now one way to make windmills far more efficient or at least better providers of energy. Is to put them on tethers and fly them up into the jetstream. The jetstream is constantly blowing. At no point does it ever stop. Building them on mountainsides and flat desert plains. The winds can pick up and blow extremely hard destroying them or the wind doesn’t blow at all making them useless. A tethered windmill has been experimented with. Showing promising results and it can also provide wireless communications for the Internet. try getting that from a traditional windmill. However, don’t count batteries out. The technology for batteries has made great leaps. I would be a fool and so with you to ignore these improvements. But they do come in at environmental cost and human one. They are very limited mostly by the costs. You can actually lose energy efficiency as the battery ages just simply because you’re using the battery. Cathodes destroy themselves over time. You need the cathode and the anode in order for it to function properly. Also, electrolytes can cease to store energy after a particular length of time mostly. just think of how many times you’ve had to replace the battery in your phone. And you’ll understand just what I’m talking about. Even the humble farm and ranch have the potential to supply electricity to a large number of people. Vegetable and animal waste producers natural gas. It is a decaying matter after all. The gas it produces is methane. A lighter than air and flammable gas. It’s also the reason why mines or underground structures all over the world need to watch out for. Because it does have the potential to catch fire and explode. If that doesn’t kill you methane gas isn’t asphyxiant. But for energy purposes, it’s clean and endlessly renewable. Some countries and other operations in the US have set up biogas generation systems to provide electricity to rural areas. skyscrapers can double as gravity batteries if you build them right. Just make a good portion of the building a massive water tank and let it fall turning dynamos as it goes down. then you can use solar pumps and batteries to pull the water back into the reservoir. Then you just let the waterfall through pipes turning dynamos to get power out of it. You see hybridized technologies using both passive energy systems and active energy systems. You could also use thousands of robots that are nothing more than moving batteries and solar panels. They can collect energy to be used for emergency purposes or just a convenient method to charge your phone. We could be a stage one civilization by being smarter about how we use our energy. Allowing activists to set the terms is a stupid and moronic decision. If you want to have all the power you’ll ever need use your brain, not your emotions. And do not allow other people's emotions to interfere with your energy production. Take your power back and provide it to others. Redesign our way of providing energy and we will never have to worry about ever needing it ever again. Build yourself today a better future... https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1341479661909053444 #xephula #minds #inspiration #futurism #Technology #bytbf
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1662 Views
  • Augmentations won't make you a villain or a hero...

    Be it soft augmentations with wearable technology and small implants to control your robot cook. To artificial legs and arms that allow you to swim at a hundred knots or lift a 2-ton steel plate. Even getting genetically modified to see into the dark and have adaptive chromatophores hide in plain sight.

    These won't make you any better than humans. Nor will it make you or anyone else the first superhero or an evil overlord... Though both do sound cool. With the technology being here of us to finally augment humans into whatever we want to be. Like science used to be. It's not good, bad, or ugly. It's how we and why we use it that will make it one or the other. Just like any tool or weapon in the world.

    A wrench can tighten a bolt or fracture a man's skull.

    It won't stop idiots from hurting themselves or others either. These will also be different for each person. So, an individual would be responsible for their own actions no matter how these new abilities are used.

    But the time and the tech are already here. So, if you're going to look into these new paths trend carefully and share how best to use what you have learned with others interested in Human Augmentation. So, they can avoid anything to give a politician a campaign to get elect with.

    Build Yourself Today A Better Future...

    #xephula #minds #augmentations #technology #bytbf

    Augmentations won't make you a villain or a hero... Be it soft augmentations with wearable technology and small implants to control your robot cook. To artificial legs and arms that allow you to swim at a hundred knots or lift a 2-ton steel plate. Even getting genetically modified to see into the dark and have adaptive chromatophores hide in plain sight. These won't make you any better than humans. Nor will it make you or anyone else the first superhero or an evil overlord... Though both do sound cool. With the technology being here of us to finally augment humans into whatever we want to be. Like science used to be. It's not good, bad, or ugly. It's how we and why we use it that will make it one or the other. Just like any tool or weapon in the world. A wrench can tighten a bolt or fracture a man's skull. It won't stop idiots from hurting themselves or others either. These will also be different for each person. So, an individual would be responsible for their own actions no matter how these new abilities are used. But the time and the tech are already here. So, if you're going to look into these new paths trend carefully and share how best to use what you have learned with others interested in Human Augmentation. So, they can avoid anything to give a politician a campaign to get elect with. Build Yourself Today A Better Future... #xephula #minds #augmentations #technology #bytbf
    0 Comments 0 Shares 879 Views
  • What is The Sword of Damocles in your life?

    This isn't the future we wanted, nor is the hardships that have come with it. An ever-present fear and dread that plagues us every day in this inescapable present. If you want it to end you will have to push through it to build a better future for yourself and those you hold most dear.

    We live in an age that has made the legend "The Sword of Damocles," more relevant now than it ever has been. Though not in the way you may think. For it isn't those in power that feel this dread, the present ruling class won't dare let it happen... or so they let you think.

    "What is the Sword of Damocles you ask?" and "Why does it matter?"

    The Sword of Damocles was a moral parable written by the Roman philosopher Cicero in 45 B.C. In the story, the ever paranoid and tyrannical king Dionysius II of the Sicilian city of Syracuse had become annoyed with a pandering Damocles who showered him with complaints and praise" How wonderous your life must be my great king." Now bear in mind this king was so scared of being assassinated that he slept in a bed chamber surrounded by a deep moat and would only trust his daughters with shaving his beard. He also ruled his kingdom with an iron fist as a result.

    One day Dionysius had grown tired of it and asks Damocles " Since this life delights you," then with a smile, “Do you wish to taste it yourself and make a trial of my good fortune?” So a feast was held in Damocles's honor and Dionysius ordered his servants and slaves to serve him. He even let him sit on his throne. (Also I think this is where to term king for a day came from) For a time Damocles was enjoying being the king. Until the king commanded his guards to hang a razor-sharp sword over Damcles's head. Hung by a single horsehair. After what must have felt like an eternity Damocles was so terrified he begged to leave the throne no longer being able to enjoy a feast meant for a king.

    Resentment politics of today as well as this endless "Alamism or ims' in general," pushed on us daily, hell you could say hourly at this rate. Has in a way become a Sword being held over our heads. Not by a horsehair mind you but a politician and rabid media. Always demanding "You'll like it or else," and "You should ashamed of your privileges!!" It was bad enough when the priest did it with Christianity. Nowadays it's done by a cult of woke that has seen fit it destroy any part of life for you. With an elite class of Jackasses and Rhinos willing to make it happen.

    Half the time I'm not sure what the difference between an activist, socialist, politician, journalist, dictator, and business tycoon is. If you thought "Spelling," you're on the same page as I am.

    We all are really...

    It's not just them though a Sword of Damocles can be anything that is making your life hard to enjoy. A dying family member, your child finding new ways to get into trouble, going to court being accused of a crime you know you didn't do, trying to earn enough to pay your bills for the month, and facing surgery to save your life or that of your spouse, etc...

    Stress, hardship, loss, fear, and pain. That is your personal Sword of Damocles which you feel will fall on you at any second.

    The best way to deal with it is to accept it. It will fall and it may kill you or cause you more pain. Sadly this is life and there isn't anything you can do to stop it, avoid it, or ignore it. It is out of your control so accept it and more importantly push through and move on. Your willpower is all you need to outrun it. The Sword is worth all that is around you. Move forward and enjoy whatever you can in life and don't let it cut in too deep.

    You don't need faith, nerves, or anger to get you through it. Let it fall knowing that when it hits you won't be afraid of it anymore.

    You can pick up the pieces and move on.

    I have done this so many times yet, even I find myself scared of it still today. More because I have more than one life to care for. My wife and kids need me. But if I let this rule my life I'll miss the parts that matter. It's a shame so many including the Lefty Twittercrates have forgotten this lesson or maybe that is the point. I don't know and I no longer care.

    All you can do is push through this pain. You will survive it and those who love will always be there to help you.. and so will people like me. It will hurt, but it won't last forever.

    Through all our tears we will find our way forward, with the home waiting for us at the end.

    Build Yourself Today A Better Future...

    #minds #philosophy #bytbf #selfhelp #stoicism
    What is The Sword of Damocles in your life? This isn't the future we wanted, nor is the hardships that have come with it. An ever-present fear and dread that plagues us every day in this inescapable present. If you want it to end you will have to push through it to build a better future for yourself and those you hold most dear. We live in an age that has made the legend "The Sword of Damocles," more relevant now than it ever has been. Though not in the way you may think. For it isn't those in power that feel this dread, the present ruling class won't dare let it happen... or so they let you think. "What is the Sword of Damocles you ask?" and "Why does it matter?" The Sword of Damocles was a moral parable written by the Roman philosopher Cicero in 45 B.C. In the story, the ever paranoid and tyrannical king Dionysius II of the Sicilian city of Syracuse had become annoyed with a pandering Damocles who showered him with complaints and praise" How wonderous your life must be my great king." Now bear in mind this king was so scared of being assassinated that he slept in a bed chamber surrounded by a deep moat and would only trust his daughters with shaving his beard. He also ruled his kingdom with an iron fist as a result. One day Dionysius had grown tired of it and asks Damocles " Since this life delights you," then with a smile, “Do you wish to taste it yourself and make a trial of my good fortune?” So a feast was held in Damocles's honor and Dionysius ordered his servants and slaves to serve him. He even let him sit on his throne. (Also I think this is where to term king for a day came from) For a time Damocles was enjoying being the king. Until the king commanded his guards to hang a razor-sharp sword over Damcles's head. Hung by a single horsehair. After what must have felt like an eternity Damocles was so terrified he begged to leave the throne no longer being able to enjoy a feast meant for a king. Resentment politics of today as well as this endless "Alamism or ims' in general," pushed on us daily, hell you could say hourly at this rate. Has in a way become a Sword being held over our heads. Not by a horsehair mind you but a politician and rabid media. Always demanding "You'll like it or else," and "You should ashamed of your privileges!!" It was bad enough when the priest did it with Christianity. Nowadays it's done by a cult of woke that has seen fit it destroy any part of life for you. With an elite class of Jackasses and Rhinos willing to make it happen. Half the time I'm not sure what the difference between an activist, socialist, politician, journalist, dictator, and business tycoon is. If you thought "Spelling," you're on the same page as I am. We all are really... It's not just them though a Sword of Damocles can be anything that is making your life hard to enjoy. A dying family member, your child finding new ways to get into trouble, going to court being accused of a crime you know you didn't do, trying to earn enough to pay your bills for the month, and facing surgery to save your life or that of your spouse, etc... Stress, hardship, loss, fear, and pain. That is your personal Sword of Damocles which you feel will fall on you at any second. The best way to deal with it is to accept it. It will fall and it may kill you or cause you more pain. Sadly this is life and there isn't anything you can do to stop it, avoid it, or ignore it. It is out of your control so accept it and more importantly push through and move on. Your willpower is all you need to outrun it. The Sword is worth all that is around you. Move forward and enjoy whatever you can in life and don't let it cut in too deep. You don't need faith, nerves, or anger to get you through it. Let it fall knowing that when it hits you won't be afraid of it anymore. You can pick up the pieces and move on. I have done this so many times yet, even I find myself scared of it still today. More because I have more than one life to care for. My wife and kids need me. But if I let this rule my life I'll miss the parts that matter. It's a shame so many including the Lefty Twittercrates have forgotten this lesson or maybe that is the point. I don't know and I no longer care. All you can do is push through this pain. You will survive it and those who love will always be there to help you.. and so will people like me. It will hurt, but it won't last forever. Through all our tears we will find our way forward, with the home waiting for us at the end. Build Yourself Today A Better Future... #minds #philosophy #bytbf #selfhelp #stoicism
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1350 Views
  • When you've had enough make your own country...

    This isn't the future we wanted, nor voted for. With a longer battle going on in the present that we are stuck waiting in confusion. There are times when one feels like the nation has lost its way. Trapping us in an outcome most sane people didn't vote for. Leaving us to desiring a return to comfortable, peaceful times that are long gone.

    You can't get those days back...

    However, you can move forward.

    Difficult times or a corrupt few can't control you. So why let them? Believe it or not, you can make your own nation.

    Even legally.

    The "Chaze" that was made in Seattle is one example, like it or not. Though I'd advise you not to go that root unless you're ready to pay the consequences of doing so. One other way is to claim lands offshore or declare your property line as its own nation is another more advisable solution. Both can work, but most islands or usable land has already been claimed...

    But it can be bought.

    One way which took me a little by surprise is a "digital nation." They do exist. Most have passports and even vote for their leaders. Most have even claimed both digital and physical territory in the real world. Which counts I guess.

    To become a nation is very simple:

    1.) You must have land or something to live on with defined borders. There is no size limit for this. Even a land built on top of nets filled with plastic bottles or a physical structure out in the ocean counts. These structures do have to be twelve miles from another nation coastline though.

    2.) You have to have a human population living there. Once again there is no size limit. 5 people or a thousand it doesn't matter. They have to also identify themselves as citizens of your territory. Also digital land counts too apparently.

    3.) you need to have at least one nation to recognize your nation as a nation. Not hard to do either.

    Whatever method you use, it will come with a price. With our options so limited these days, I think it's a path worth taking in these frustrating times.

    You do have to build it, you can't get out of that part. Regardless of what method you use and be ready for a fight either way too. You can't do it alone you will need others to join you. As you have seen for rule number two up there. This too I don't see being much of a problem these days. People are sick of being at the mercy of the votes of idiots who won't look at anything outside of their little social bubbles.

    If you've had it with your life in your nation and want things to be better why not build your own?

    Tomorrowland is out there, you just haven't made it yet...

    Build Yourself Today A Better Future.

    #nationbuilding #futurism #bytbf #freedom
    When you've had enough make your own country... This isn't the future we wanted, nor voted for. With a longer battle going on in the present that we are stuck waiting in confusion. There are times when one feels like the nation has lost its way. Trapping us in an outcome most sane people didn't vote for. Leaving us to desiring a return to comfortable, peaceful times that are long gone. You can't get those days back... However, you can move forward. Difficult times or a corrupt few can't control you. So why let them? Believe it or not, you can make your own nation. Even legally. The "Chaze" that was made in Seattle is one example, like it or not. Though I'd advise you not to go that root unless you're ready to pay the consequences of doing so. One other way is to claim lands offshore or declare your property line as its own nation is another more advisable solution. Both can work, but most islands or usable land has already been claimed... But it can be bought. One way which took me a little by surprise is a "digital nation." They do exist. Most have passports and even vote for their leaders. Most have even claimed both digital and physical territory in the real world. Which counts I guess. To become a nation is very simple: 1.) You must have land or something to live on with defined borders. There is no size limit for this. Even a land built on top of nets filled with plastic bottles or a physical structure out in the ocean counts. These structures do have to be twelve miles from another nation coastline though. 2.) You have to have a human population living there. Once again there is no size limit. 5 people or a thousand it doesn't matter. They have to also identify themselves as citizens of your territory. Also digital land counts too apparently. 3.) you need to have at least one nation to recognize your nation as a nation. Not hard to do either. Whatever method you use, it will come with a price. With our options so limited these days, I think it's a path worth taking in these frustrating times. You do have to build it, you can't get out of that part. Regardless of what method you use and be ready for a fight either way too. You can't do it alone you will need others to join you. As you have seen for rule number two up there. This too I don't see being much of a problem these days. People are sick of being at the mercy of the votes of idiots who won't look at anything outside of their little social bubbles. If you've had it with your life in your nation and want things to be better why not build your own? Tomorrowland is out there, you just haven't made it yet... Build Yourself Today A Better Future. #nationbuilding #futurism #bytbf #freedom
    0 Comments 0 Shares 967 Views
  • Embrace the Gift of Prometheus

    While the gods in their divine wisdom

    Forged the first of mankind upon the fertile plains of land

    They perhaps overlooked

    Our need to crush and dominate our fellow man

    Yet, it was the titan Prometheus that gave us an advantage

    For which few have ever used

    The Divine Fire of creation itself

    So hear me, my brothers and sisters

    Tyrants have claimed all the lands

    However, none of them can rule the sea

    Or the stars beyond the skies embrace

    Fear not your lack of skills

    Fear not the crushing depths or airless void of stars

    Fear not your lack of funds

    For you have your hands

    Your mind

    Your desires

    And your fire

    Which no man, woman, or god can take from you

    That alone can allow you to build

    An empire beneath the fathoms below

    And a Republic in your own Olympus in the endless skies

    Fear not the tribes of man and false god

    For our true father gave us the fire to inspire and grow beyond

    Who you are now and what you will become

    For the choice has always been yours

    Reclaim the Fire of Prometheus

    And forge your own path beyond the Lands on Man...

    #BYTBF #poem #inspiration #prometheus #LandsofMan
    Embrace the Gift of Prometheus While the gods in their divine wisdom Forged the first of mankind upon the fertile plains of land They perhaps overlooked Our need to crush and dominate our fellow man Yet, it was the titan Prometheus that gave us an advantage For which few have ever used The Divine Fire of creation itself So hear me, my brothers and sisters Tyrants have claimed all the lands However, none of them can rule the sea Or the stars beyond the skies embrace Fear not your lack of skills Fear not the crushing depths or airless void of stars Fear not your lack of funds For you have your hands Your mind Your desires And your fire Which no man, woman, or god can take from you That alone can allow you to build An empire beneath the fathoms below And a Republic in your own Olympus in the endless skies Fear not the tribes of man and false god For our true father gave us the fire to inspire and grow beyond Who you are now and what you will become For the choice has always been yours Reclaim the Fire of Prometheus And forge your own path beyond the Lands on Man... #BYTBF #poem #inspiration #prometheus #LandsofMan
    0 Comments 0 Shares 1603 Views
  • Builders of Heaven have no equal, nor should they...

    This isn't the future we wanted nor do it have to be this way. Nor do you have to keep living the collectively and equal lie that's our present now.

    One shouldn't try to be like everyone else. You won't grow as a free being. You'll be just another number in a stock broad to be discarded when your value is no longer needed.

    The value of your wroth is what you leave behind and work to become. That should never come from the cost of your soul.

    You must strive to be the best you can in all you do. Working hard to build your future however you want to.

    You'll trip, stumble, fall, and even be crushed. But never stop pushing, reaching, and working to your goals and hopes. You can't do it alone though surround yourself with others like yourself each seeking the same thing. Together with the family you made and the friends you make.

    You all will rise to claim the heavens and reshape the tyrannous stars shaped by cowards wanting to make you just like them.

    Your world is broken and life looks bleak. You keep living like this letting others tell you how to be equal. However, all you'll do is feed the beast that's killing your hopes and dreams.

    Mankind is better than this and so are you.

    Build the bridge to your heaven on the bones of this broken world and claim what was always there.

    Have the courage to dreams and fight to clear the path that they hid from you. It will be hard work but you're halfway there.

    Keep going let nothing stop you.

    For only you can:

    Build Yourself Today A Better Future

    #BYTBF #minds #inspiration #freedom #futurism
    Builders of Heaven have no equal, nor should they... This isn't the future we wanted nor do it have to be this way. Nor do you have to keep living the collectively and equal lie that's our present now. One shouldn't try to be like everyone else. You won't grow as a free being. You'll be just another number in a stock broad to be discarded when your value is no longer needed. The value of your wroth is what you leave behind and work to become. That should never come from the cost of your soul. You must strive to be the best you can in all you do. Working hard to build your future however you want to. You'll trip, stumble, fall, and even be crushed. But never stop pushing, reaching, and working to your goals and hopes. You can't do it alone though surround yourself with others like yourself each seeking the same thing. Together with the family you made and the friends you make. You all will rise to claim the heavens and reshape the tyrannous stars shaped by cowards wanting to make you just like them. Your world is broken and life looks bleak. You keep living like this letting others tell you how to be equal. However, all you'll do is feed the beast that's killing your hopes and dreams. Mankind is better than this and so are you. Build the bridge to your heaven on the bones of this broken world and claim what was always there. Have the courage to dreams and fight to clear the path that they hid from you. It will be hard work but you're halfway there. Keep going let nothing stop you. For only you can: Build Yourself Today A Better Future #BYTBF #minds #inspiration #freedom #futurism
    0 Comments 0 Shares 606 Views
  • I have had enough of this dark vision of the 21st century.

    Open up your business, throw away the masks, and give the finger to the looters.

    Roll up your selves and get to work building a better future.

    Because we are all tired of the Leftist century...

    #BYTBF #inspiration #futurism #fightback
    I have had enough of this dark vision of the 21st century. Open up your business, throw away the masks, and give the finger to the looters. Roll up your selves and get to work building a better future. Because we are all tired of the Leftist century... #BYTBF #inspiration #futurism #fightback
    0 Comments 0 Shares 597 Views

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