“The problem isn’t just that Biden is old. The problem is he’s insane. Only a madman would not consider a nuclear holocaust/war an existential threat, saying “the ONLY existential threat to humanity is climate change.” And this insane person has the power to launch a nuclear weapon. How could we even consider it would be safe to reelect this man?”
(2 min 41 seconds)
For those who are new to the Internet sleuthing on nuclear weapons that has been going on for over a decade now, here are two important discoveries:
1. The “one bomb destroys one city” myth has long ago been debunked. There is no evidence for it. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed like 100 other Japanese cities. The “one bomb / one city” is not the weapon they have and it never was.
2. The weapon they do have is about as powerful as the detonation in the Beirut port about three years ago coupled with dangerous and deadly nuclear debris that sprays everywhere upon detonation.
Another class of nuclear weapons are depleted uranium munitions. These munitions, when deployed, contaminate the battlefield with radioactive depleted uranium. These weapons have been used in Bosnia and Iraq.
“The problem isn’t just that Biden is old. The problem is he’s insane. Only a madman would not consider a nuclear holocaust/war an existential threat, saying “the ONLY existential threat to humanity is climate change.” And this insane person has the power to launch a nuclear weapon. How could we even consider it would be safe to reelect this man?” (2 min 41 seconds) For those who are new to the Internet sleuthing on nuclear weapons that has been going on for over a decade now, here are two important discoveries: 1. The “one bomb destroys one city” myth has long ago been debunked. There is no evidence for it. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed like 100 other Japanese cities. The “one bomb / one city” is not the weapon they have and it never was. 2. The weapon they do have is about as powerful as the detonation in the Beirut port about three years ago coupled with dangerous and deadly nuclear debris that sprays everywhere upon detonation. Another class of nuclear weapons are depleted uranium munitions. These munitions, when deployed, contaminate the battlefield with radioactive depleted uranium. These weapons have been used in Bosnia and Iraq. https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/132466
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