The Political Pratfall of Indoctrinated Hate
By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots / Right Side Patriots Radio
...no people throughout both ancient and modern history have been more vilified and persecuted than the Jewish people...not black slaves nor the sum total of Christianity for neither has ever truly experienced or even come close to experiencing the true horror known as the “Holocaust.”...
Op-ed: The Political Pratfall of Indoctrinated Hate By: Diane Sori / The Patriot Factor / Right Side Patriots / Right Side Patriots Radio https://thepatriotfactor.blogspot.com/2024/05/op-ed-political-pratfall-of.html ...no people throughout both ancient and modern history have been more vilified and persecuted than the Jewish people...not black slaves nor the sum total of Christianity for neither has ever truly experienced or even come close to experiencing the true horror known as the “Holocaust.”...
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