I wanted to share this one because it is the original creator "Grace's Dad"
Check it out

I had to make this comment because I heard him say to "not participate" in their system. But HOW can one do that today? well.... just read it

I'm in agreement with you 100%. But one thing that people really need to understand is HOW Satan controls the world! He does this through the "Maritime Admiralty Law" Slave system!
Admiralty law is the "law of the SEA" or the law of MONEY, contract law.

You can preach about "not participating in their system" all you want to..... and it won't help you when the IRS wants your money, the police want to rob you roadside, or if you get dragged into their courts (Banks)

The highest form of law is COMMON LAW, YHWH's law. Basically do no harm to others financially or physically. People MUST LEARN how to stand on common law, and stop being dragged into their courts, their laws, their systems, and paying them taxes!

It requires YOUR CONSENT. Which they forged when they created your "birth certificate" which is a LEGAL FICTION their schools convinced you is YOU! It's NOT! STOP representing the legal fiction and they have no control over you! PLEASE WATCH & SHARE THIS VIDEO!

But most of all.... Trust in your Father, He is watching, make Him proud!

While I KNOW we need a savior, I'm just not one to sit back as I'm under attack! When you step back into COMMON LAW their systems no longer control YOU or YOUR PROPERTY!

This is very helpful! Once you walking in the Father's statutes, and fully trusting in Him, then you are unbeatable! And I believe He showed me this truth! So I'm sharing it with you
THE MATRIX REVEALED: THE ILLUSION OF CHOICE PART 2A: PEELING BACK THE LAYERS – EXOTERIC DECEPTION I wanted to share this one because it is the original creator "Grace's Dad" Check it out I had to make this comment because I heard him say to "not participate" in their system. But HOW can one do that today? well.... just read it I'm in agreement with you 100%. But one thing that people really need to understand is HOW Satan controls the world! He does this through the "Maritime Admiralty Law" Slave system! Admiralty law is the "law of the SEA" or the law of MONEY, contract law. You can preach about "not participating in their system" all you want to..... and it won't help you when the IRS wants your money, the police want to rob you roadside, or if you get dragged into their courts (Banks) The highest form of law is COMMON LAW, YHWH's law. Basically do no harm to others financially or physically. People MUST LEARN how to stand on common law, and stop being dragged into their courts, their laws, their systems, and paying them taxes! It requires YOUR CONSENT. Which they forged when they created your "birth certificate" which is a LEGAL FICTION their schools convinced you is YOU! It's NOT! STOP representing the legal fiction and they have no control over you! PLEASE WATCH & SHARE THIS VIDEO! But most of all.... Trust in your Father, He is watching, make Him proud! While I KNOW we need a savior, I'm just not one to sit back as I'm under attack! When you step back into COMMON LAW their systems no longer control YOU or YOUR PROPERTY! This is very helpful! Once you walking in the Father's statutes, and fully trusting in Him, then you are unbeatable! And I believe He showed me this truth! So I'm sharing it with you
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