Drag Queens Desecrate Church—Who Let Them?
A funeral for a transgender-identifying man has been in the news recently, because the indecent event was held in a Catholic Church. The deceased male was well-known transgender activist, Cecilia Gentili, a self-professed atheist. He had never been Catholic.
The funeral was attended by around 1,000 people, and as could have been predicted, it was more of a pride parade than anything solemn or holy. The deceased man’s picture was shown near the altar, with a halo around him, surrounded by the Spanish words for “transvestite,” “whore,” “blessed” and “mother” above the text of Psalm 25. He had worked as a prostitute and had fought for the decriminalization and legalization of prostitution.
A funeral for a transgender-identifying man has been in the news recently, because the indecent event was held in a Catholic Church. The deceased male was well-known transgender activist, Cecilia Gentili, a self-professed atheist. He had never been Catholic.
The funeral was attended by around 1,000 people, and as could have been predicted, it was more of a pride parade than anything solemn or holy. The deceased man’s picture was shown near the altar, with a halo around him, surrounded by the Spanish words for “transvestite,” “whore,” “blessed” and “mother” above the text of Psalm 25. He had worked as a prostitute and had fought for the decriminalization and legalization of prostitution.
Drag Queens Desecrate Church—Who Let Them?
A funeral for a transgender-identifying man has been in the news recently, because the indecent event was held in a Catholic Church. The deceased male was well-known transgender activist, Cecilia Gentili, a self-professed atheist. He had never been Catholic.
The funeral was attended by around 1,000 people, and as could have been predicted, it was more of a pride parade than anything solemn or holy. The deceased man’s picture was shown near the altar, with a halo around him, surrounded by the Spanish words for “transvestite,” “whore,” “blessed” and “mother” above the text of Psalm 25. He had worked as a prostitute and had fought for the decriminalization and legalization of prostitution.