Released BEFORE the phony moon landing HOAX!
A "Revelation of the Method" production

The NEWS BENDERS was a 1968 "fiction-screenplay" produced and aired by the BBC.

This is an absolute MUST-WATCH for anyone wishing to understand the deceitful world we live in - and how the mainstream media has always operated
(at least since the advent of radio and TV) as a scare-mongering machine, fooling the masses to buy into entirely fictitious constructs such as atomic bombs, ICBM missiles, man-made satellites and space travel in general (in more recent times, the news industry has been producing and programming countless fake terror attacks / staged school shootings and phony virus "pandemics"). More background info about the NEWS BENDERS and its authors can be found here:
The NEWS-BENDERS Released BEFORE the phony moon landing HOAX! A "Revelation of the Method" production The NEWS BENDERS was a 1968 "fiction-screenplay" produced and aired by the BBC. This is an absolute MUST-WATCH for anyone wishing to understand the deceitful world we live in - and how the mainstream media has always operated (at least since the advent of radio and TV) as a scare-mongering machine, fooling the masses to buy into entirely fictitious constructs such as atomic bombs, ICBM missiles, man-made satellites and space travel in general (in more recent times, the news industry has been producing and programming countless fake terror attacks / staged school shootings and phony virus "pandemics"). More background info about the NEWS BENDERS and its authors can be found here:
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