You will NEVER see this!
And that is because it would reveal the lie!

FE's could be shut up forever.... But they won't do it,
because they CAN'T DO IT! They'd be exposed!

#Science "so called" would have you believe that Flat Earthers are an "Uneducated Bunch" who just don't understand....

But the #Truth is that FE's understand the BS #Globe THEORY very well, and that's precisely why they reject it!

ANYONE who will actually look into the subject could not both be honest, and come away believing this fairytale!

No man on Earth has any more authority over this Earth than I do!
Therefore, telling me that I cannot EXPLORE this Earth is a #Criminal act! But that don't stop the illegitimate "governments" of the world from doing it!

And the truly sad part about it, is that people just like YOU must help them do it, or it could not happen! People like YOU must bow to the illegitimate "Authority" of these criminals, and aid them in committing #CrimesAgainstHumanity or there is NO WAY that the hand full of "controllers" could accomplish it!

Joining the #Military which is run by these criminals, is
YOUR CONSENT to be their #Slave, and to commit crimes against your fellow man on their behalf!

Joining the #Police is the same thing!
You are not "upholding law" as a police officer!

You are protecting CRIMINALS from being prosecuted
As you loot and pillage and steal from your fellow man on their behalf! YOU are aiding and abetting criminals

And that is just the long and the short of it!
You can rationalize it any way you choose, but you can never change the immorality of what you are doing!

#Satan is the "God of this world"
And unfortunately... He has plenty of worshipers, useful idiots all

The TRUTH will set you free!
You will NEVER see this! And that is because it would reveal the lie! FE's could be shut up forever.... But they won't do it, because they CAN'T DO IT! They'd be exposed! #Science "so called" would have you believe that Flat Earthers are an "Uneducated Bunch" who just don't understand.... But the #Truth is that FE's understand the BS #Globe THEORY very well, and that's precisely why they reject it! ANYONE who will actually look into the subject could not both be honest, and come away believing this fairytale! No man on Earth has any more authority over this Earth than I do! Therefore, telling me that I cannot EXPLORE this Earth is a #Criminal act! But that don't stop the illegitimate "governments" of the world from doing it! And the truly sad part about it, is that people just like YOU must help them do it, or it could not happen! People like YOU must bow to the illegitimate "Authority" of these criminals, and aid them in committing #CrimesAgainstHumanity or there is NO WAY that the hand full of "controllers" could accomplish it! Joining the #Military which is run by these criminals, is YOUR CONSENT to be their #Slave, and to commit crimes against your fellow man on their behalf! Joining the #Police is the same thing! You are not "upholding law" as a police officer! You are protecting CRIMINALS from being prosecuted As you loot and pillage and steal from your fellow man on their behalf! YOU are aiding and abetting criminals And that is just the long and the short of it! You can rationalize it any way you choose, but you can never change the immorality of what you are doing! #Satan is the "God of this world" And unfortunately... He has plenty of worshipers, useful idiots all The TRUTH will set you free!
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