The News-Benders (1968)

"Revelation of the Method" is a real thing!
And it has been going on a long time!

Found in: THIRTY MINUTE THEATRE (TV series, English, 1968)

This video was broadcast in 1968, the year I was born
And EVERYTHING within it has been accepted "as the News"

They are telling you, right out in the open, that these things are FAKE! A fiction, a fairytale, made up wizardry....

Yet almost everyone on Earth accepts this stuff as "REALITY"
That is scary to me!

EVERYTHING this video talks about is a REAL THING, that has been broadcast to the people of the world to deceive them!

And despite those people being shown they have been deceived, they will call you a "conspiracy theorist" for attempting to open their eyes to the truth! They may even mock and ridicule YOU for trying to pull them out of the Matrix!

That's gratitude for you!
I'll be honest.... I never really believed in Witchcraft & Magic most of my life.... But I've gotta tell you, after seeing how the entire race seems to be under a "spell" and unable to accept the truth, while they will defend the lie with their LIFE.... I BELIEVE IN IT NOW!

I guess at the end of the day, the bible predicted this day long ago!

2 Thessalonians 2:11
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

And I'll tell you something else... I was also under this delusion myself! So I know that it's real!

But the very day I admitted to myself that I needed to be saved...
and I prayed and asked for forgiveness, and because I talk too much, I also asked "To be shown the Truth"....

That very day the veil was lifted from my eyes, and I could see all of the things about this world that I could never see before!

So YES, the delusion is real, I was under it, and now I'm not!
Having "Eyes than see and Ears that hear" is a wonderful thing!

Except for the part where you try to share what you now see, and you cannot get anyone still under the delusion to see it also!

So you just keep trying, and hope that one day you'll break through!
The News-Benders (1968) "Revelation of the Method" is a real thing! And it has been going on a long time! Found in: THIRTY MINUTE THEATRE (TV series, English, 1968) This video was broadcast in 1968, the year I was born And EVERYTHING within it has been accepted "as the News" They are telling you, right out in the open, that these things are FAKE! A fiction, a fairytale, made up wizardry.... Yet almost everyone on Earth accepts this stuff as "REALITY" That is scary to me! EVERYTHING this video talks about is a REAL THING, that has been broadcast to the people of the world to deceive them! And despite those people being shown they have been deceived, they will call you a "conspiracy theorist" for attempting to open their eyes to the truth! They may even mock and ridicule YOU for trying to pull them out of the Matrix! That's gratitude for you! I'll be honest.... I never really believed in Witchcraft & Magic most of my life.... But I've gotta tell you, after seeing how the entire race seems to be under a "spell" and unable to accept the truth, while they will defend the lie with their LIFE.... I BELIEVE IN IT NOW! I guess at the end of the day, the bible predicted this day long ago! 2 Thessalonians 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: And I'll tell you something else... I was also under this delusion myself! So I know that it's real! But the very day I admitted to myself that I needed to be saved... and I prayed and asked for forgiveness, and because I talk too much, I also asked "To be shown the Truth".... That very day the veil was lifted from my eyes, and I could see all of the things about this world that I could never see before! So YES, the delusion is real, I was under it, and now I'm not! Having "Eyes than see and Ears that hear" is a wonderful thing! Except for the part where you try to share what you now see, and you cannot get anyone still under the delusion to see it also! So you just keep trying, and hope that one day you'll break through!
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