360 Degree Protection (with 5G Blocking EMF canopy.) Completely Block 5G EMF radiation, Microwave and Dirty Electricity from yourself and loved ones. Block and Shields harmful EMF waves that damage your DNA, brain, nervous system and immune system. 5G makes you more susceptible to Corona and Flu. Protect your family and loved ones easily. #EMF #5g #wifi #emfprotection #health 360 Degree Protection (with 5G Blocking EMF canopy.) Completely Block 5G EMF radiation, Microwave and Dirty Electricity from yourself and loved ones. Block and Shields harmful EMF waves that damage your DNA, brain, nervous system and immune system. 5G makes you more susceptible to Corona and Flu. Protect your family and loved ones easily. #EMF #5g #wifi #emfprotection #health