Communism In America, Part 5 By Pastor Roger Anghis

There has been talk about the nationalization of all our industries. That is what Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela when he took power. All industry under government control. The USSR operated that way up until the USSR fell in 1989. What most people do not realize is that JFK set in motion the plan to do just that, in the case of a ‘national’ emergency. That was Executive Order 11000, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Labor.[1] This gives the Secretary of Labor the right to take over every and all industries, food production, and manufacturing if it is determined that the emergency calls for that type of action. I assure you that if that ever happens, we will never see free enterprise again.

These provisions have been put in place over long periods of time from Truman to Biden. All are designed to remove rights and freedoms a little at a time. I believe it was Rahm Emanuel under Obama that stated “Never let a crisis go to waste”. Nixon issued Executive Order 11647[2] to allow the government to take over agriculture and food dispersion and dividing America into ten different regions and to coordinate all manufacturing and agriculture ‘for the benefit of all.’ That is 100% communism.

Then we have Executive Order 11731[3] which incorporates Medicare in the federal government. Keep in mind the Constitution does not give the government the right to be involved in any of these areas. They simply said they can take control if they feel the need to do so. Also, keep in mind that they can cause the ‘crisis’ that will give them the right. What they did during COVID with the jabs and the lockdowns was just a sample run to see if they could get away with it.

Now the Democrats are calling for free college for everyone. There is no way government can pay for this but that has never stopped them before. Free college is a communist provision that we should reject like the plague. Some states are giving illegal free college so they can get their votes. I do not know of a red state that is doing this only blue states. We have had ‘free’ K-12 for many years but we are taxed for that however, but they are no longer places of education but indoctrination centers into the Marxist/communist ideology.

We can see what they have do
Communism In America, Part 5 By Pastor Roger Anghis There has been talk about the nationalization of all our industries. That is what Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela when he took power. All industry under government control. The USSR operated that way up until the USSR fell in 1989. What most people do not realize is that JFK set in motion the plan to do just that, in the case of a ‘national’ emergency. That was Executive Order 11000, Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of Labor.[1] This gives the Secretary of Labor the right to take over every and all industries, food production, and manufacturing if it is determined that the emergency calls for that type of action. I assure you that if that ever happens, we will never see free enterprise again. These provisions have been put in place over long periods of time from Truman to Biden. All are designed to remove rights and freedoms a little at a time. I believe it was Rahm Emanuel under Obama that stated “Never let a crisis go to waste”. Nixon issued Executive Order 11647[2] to allow the government to take over agriculture and food dispersion and dividing America into ten different regions and to coordinate all manufacturing and agriculture ‘for the benefit of all.’ That is 100% communism. Then we have Executive Order 11731[3] which incorporates Medicare in the federal government. Keep in mind the Constitution does not give the government the right to be involved in any of these areas. They simply said they can take control if they feel the need to do so. Also, keep in mind that they can cause the ‘crisis’ that will give them the right. What they did during COVID with the jabs and the lockdowns was just a sample run to see if they could get away with it. Now the Democrats are calling for free college for everyone. There is no way government can pay for this but that has never stopped them before. Free college is a communist provision that we should reject like the plague. Some states are giving illegal free college so they can get their votes. I do not know of a red state that is doing this only blue states. We have had ‘free’ K-12 for many years but we are taxed for that however, but they are no longer places of education but indoctrination centers into the Marxist/communist ideology. We can see what they have do
Communism In America, Part 5
There has been talk about the nationalization of all our industries. That is what Hugo Chavez did in Venezuela when he took power. All industry under government control. The USSR operated that way up until the USSR fell in 1989. What most people do not realize is that JFK set in motion the plan to d
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