Col. Douglas MacGregor - The UN indicates between 50K - 60K Ukrainian children have gone missing.
Now we know what this means.
We know that the sick disease of Pedophilia that is widespread in the West and the United States.
We have open borders, and 2.5 million people have invaded this country. Some of them have come in with Criminal Intentions.
We also know that large numbers of women and children have disappeared in this process.
PRAY FOR THE CHILDREN... Col. Douglas MacGregor - The UN indicates between 50K - 60K Ukrainian children have gone missing. Now we know what this means. We know that the sick disease of Pedophilia that is widespread in the West and the United States. We have open borders, and 2.5 million people have invaded this country. Some of them have come in with Criminal Intentions. We also know that large numbers of women and children have disappeared in this process.
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