Daily Surge
Steve Pauwels/Managing Editor

-- Of Concern … Biden Admin Member Wants to Replace Non-Affirming Parents of 'Trans' Kids

"Richard Levine's proposal that more-affirming, gay-friendly adults take over the parental role is the Sexual State at work. No normal person would accept the idea that a minor child should be allowed to try to change the sex of his or her body. So, the Sexual State steps in and replaces the parents with someone more friendly to the State's truly radical Sexual Revolutionary agenda."

-- National Christian Leaders Gather to Identify, Tackle Hot Topics Facing Nation in 2023

-- ‘Bout Time! Hoosiers Moving to Finally Pull Plug on Institute Named After Pervert

-- So What Do YOU Think? Believers Need to Make Respectful Decision About Asbury Revival

-- Gross Irony: Constitution Under Attack … by the Very People Whom It Protects

-- Secular State v. Liberty: When Serpents and Giants Are in Control …

-- Wasted Whales, Killed Critters, Diminished Development …True Environmental Impact of ‘Saving the Planet’

-- As Biden’s Bungling Continues … Yoo-hoo! Any Competent Leadership Out There?

-- 10-Year Constitutional Fight of Courageous Baker: Jack Phillips and Masterpiece Cakeshop

Click on over and check us out!

Daily Surge Steve Pauwels/Managing Editor 3-1-23 dailysurge.com -- Of Concern … Biden Admin Member Wants to Replace Non-Affirming Parents of 'Trans' Kids https://dailysurge.com/2023/03/of-concern-biden-admin-member-wants-to-replace-non-affirming-parents-of-trans-kids/ "Richard Levine's proposal that more-affirming, gay-friendly adults take over the parental role is the Sexual State at work. No normal person would accept the idea that a minor child should be allowed to try to change the sex of his or her body. So, the Sexual State steps in and replaces the parents with someone more friendly to the State's truly radical Sexual Revolutionary agenda." -- National Christian Leaders Gather to Identify, Tackle Hot Topics Facing Nation in 2023 https://dailysurge.com/2023/03/national-christian-leaders-gather-to-identify-tackle-hot-topics-facing-nation-in-2023/ -- ‘Bout Time! Hoosiers Moving to Finally Pull Plug on Institute Named After Pervert https://dailysurge.com/2023/02/bout-time-hoosiers-moving-to-finally-pull-plug-on-institute-named-after-pervert/ -- So What Do YOU Think? Believers Need to Make Respectful Decision About Asbury Revival https://dailysurge.com/2023/02/so-what-do-you-think-believers-need-to-make-respectful-decision-about-asbury-revival/ -- Gross Irony: Constitution Under Attack … by the Very People Whom It Protects https://dailysurge.com/2023/02/gross-irony-constitution-under-attack-by-the-very-people-whom-it-protects/ -- Secular State v. Liberty: When Serpents and Giants Are in Control … https://dailysurge.com/2023/02/secular-state-v-liberty-when-serpents-and-giants-are-in-control/ -- Wasted Whales, Killed Critters, Diminished Development …True Environmental Impact of ‘Saving the Planet’ https://dailysurge.com/2023/02/wasted-whales-killed-critters-diminished-development-true-environmental-impact-of-saving-the-planet/ -- As Biden’s Bungling Continues … Yoo-hoo! Any Competent Leadership Out There? https://dailysurge.com/2023/02/as-bidens-bungling-continues-yoo-hoo-any-competent-leadership-out-there/ -- 10-Year Constitutional Fight of Courageous Baker: Jack Phillips and Masterpiece Cakeshop https://dailysurge.com/2023/02/10-year-constitutional-fight-of-courageous-baker-jack-phillips-and-masterpiece-cakeshop/ Click on over and check us out! dailysurge.com
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