Cops Goldman & Friends try to Intimidate; epic audit Funny Hilarious Constitutional Law Scholar

Chille DeCastro is a special kind of throwed off!
And that's EXACTLY why I like him

Your #Government views YOU as a peasant that they have Dominion over!
And it's time to let them know, in no uncertain terms, WHO THE BOSS IS!

If you don't KNOW YOUR RIGHTS then how can you exercise them?
What good is having rights when men with guns prevent you from using them?

#Police work for a Corporation which in turn works for YOU
It's a "For Profit Corporation" too BTW

Police ARE "The boots on the ground" every time our illegitimate government or Courts pass some unconstitutional legislation or exemption for itself for the "statutes" (NOT Laws) that it creates

The COURTS gave Police "Qualified Immunity" which is unconstitutional on it's face. It allows "Costume Wearing" citizens, Politicians, and of course Judges, to have IMMUNITY from being held accountable for their own actions!

Which makes it unconstitutional. It prevents EACH AMERICAN being held to the EXACT SAME STANDARD IN THE EYES OF THE LAW! For example, if YOU or I harm, kill, or maim another human being while we are at work WE ARE LIABLE!

NOT COPS, POLITICIANS, or JUDGES! Because they are "Above the Laws" the rest of us have to follow! And I'm NOT just talking about "Civil Liability" here!

Police are found guilty of committing heinous acts every day! Yet THEY are
"Above the Laws" we follow, and are treated entirely differently than
ANYONE ELSE IN COURT! People that wish to argue should head over and study up on the Johnny Wheatcroft case! (Glendale, Arizona. Man tasered 11 times)

Johnny was not only unlawfully detained by Police, from beginning to end, he was then put into a pain compliance hold while still in his seat-belt by Officer
Matt Schneider, who RETIRED with a full pension, just before being fired

Of course NONE OF THIS HAPPENED FOR OVER 2 YEARS! After the video surfaced and I personally took up the torch and started tweeting at Senators and Congressmen of Arizona calling them out on the injustice!

And naturally.... Up until then, I believe Johnny and his wife spent 2 months in the county jail for get this, "Assaulting a Police Officer" and various other charges! The Glendale, Arizona PD ended it's investigation and gave Matt Schneider 3 PAID DAYS OF VACATION for the incident.

The trial of Matt Schneider concluded recently, where the judges wiped his little tears away and said "he'd suffered enough over this" and ordered him to pay 115 dollar fine. This was AFTER his 3 FELONY AGGRAVATED ASSAULT CASES were thrown out in a "Plea Deal" by the PROSECUTOR, and lowered to "disorderly conduct."

I've known a lot of felons in my day, and neither them or me, have EVER SEEN 3 Aggravated Assault cases lowered to a disorderly conduct! I'd just like to note also that Matt Schneider SHOULD HAVE BEEN charged with "agg. sexual assault" since he pulled the man's clothing down and tasered him in the genitals

But Police are "Above the Law" like I told you! The Prosecutor, Judge, AND Matt Schneider should ALL BE IN PRISON!

When ANY AMERICAN gets preferential treatment over ALL AMERICANS it's unconstitutional!

“No State shall . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” CLAIMS THE 14th Amendment. But WHY IS IT that YOU or I DO NOT get treated EXACTLY THE SAME AS Matt Schneider was was Prosecutors, Judges, and Police???

I'll tell you why. Because your government views YOU and I as "Peasants" who should be treated "differently" than they treat GOVERNMENT!

Just like "Animal Farm" by George Orwell says
"All animals are equal but some are more equal than others"

EXCEPT ONE THING..... I actually AGREE with this statement!
Because WE AS AMERICANS have more rights than do Government employees!

Because they CHOSE to forfeit some of their rights the day they became government employees! Besides WE ARE THE BOSSES! And should have more rights than government does!

But through Deception, Fraud, Lies, and Corporate shenanigans we have ALL been taught that we need to "Sign Contracts" to get things like "Driver's License" or a Birth Certificate even... ALL OF THESE THINGS that you "Consent" to sign are CONTRACTS! Just like when you declare yourself a "Citizen" of the US does!

A "Citizen" is someone who "Consented" to forfeit their Inalienable human rights as outlined in the Constitution, in return for being a Slave, who is supposedly under the protection of said corporation!

A smart American would go RIGHT NOW and watch a couple of videos that will EDUCATE YOU on how this works!!! If you've not yet watched "The Occult Art of Law" and "David Straight Live From Texas" (A series) I'd head that way!

BOTH are on YouTube and likely elsewhere! "Income Tax" is ONLY PAID by people who are SLAVES and considered "Citizens" of the US! "Statutes" are the same!
Cops Goldman & Friends try to Intimidate; epic audit Funny Hilarious Constitutional Law Scholar Chille DeCastro is a special kind of throwed off! And that's EXACTLY why I like him Your #Government views YOU as a peasant that they have Dominion over! And it's time to let them know, in no uncertain terms, WHO THE BOSS IS! If you don't KNOW YOUR RIGHTS then how can you exercise them? What good is having rights when men with guns prevent you from using them? #Police work for a Corporation which in turn works for YOU It's a "For Profit Corporation" too BTW Police ARE "The boots on the ground" every time our illegitimate government or Courts pass some unconstitutional legislation or exemption for itself for the "statutes" (NOT Laws) that it creates The COURTS gave Police "Qualified Immunity" which is unconstitutional on it's face. It allows "Costume Wearing" citizens, Politicians, and of course Judges, to have IMMUNITY from being held accountable for their own actions! Which makes it unconstitutional. It prevents EACH AMERICAN being held to the EXACT SAME STANDARD IN THE EYES OF THE LAW! For example, if YOU or I harm, kill, or maim another human being while we are at work WE ARE LIABLE! NOT COPS, POLITICIANS, or JUDGES! Because they are "Above the Laws" the rest of us have to follow! And I'm NOT just talking about "Civil Liability" here! Police are found guilty of committing heinous acts every day! Yet THEY are "Above the Laws" we follow, and are treated entirely differently than ANYONE ELSE IN COURT! People that wish to argue should head over and study up on the Johnny Wheatcroft case! (Glendale, Arizona. Man tasered 11 times) Johnny was not only unlawfully detained by Police, from beginning to end, he was then put into a pain compliance hold while still in his seat-belt by Officer Matt Schneider, who RETIRED with a full pension, just before being fired Of course NONE OF THIS HAPPENED FOR OVER 2 YEARS! After the video surfaced and I personally took up the torch and started tweeting at Senators and Congressmen of Arizona calling them out on the injustice! And naturally.... Up until then, I believe Johnny and his wife spent 2 months in the county jail for get this, "Assaulting a Police Officer" and various other charges! The Glendale, Arizona PD ended it's investigation and gave Matt Schneider 3 PAID DAYS OF VACATION for the incident. The trial of Matt Schneider concluded recently, where the judges wiped his little tears away and said "he'd suffered enough over this" and ordered him to pay 115 dollar fine. This was AFTER his 3 FELONY AGGRAVATED ASSAULT CASES were thrown out in a "Plea Deal" by the PROSECUTOR, and lowered to "disorderly conduct." I've known a lot of felons in my day, and neither them or me, have EVER SEEN 3 Aggravated Assault cases lowered to a disorderly conduct! I'd just like to note also that Matt Schneider SHOULD HAVE BEEN charged with "agg. sexual assault" since he pulled the man's clothing down and tasered him in the genitals But Police are "Above the Law" like I told you! The Prosecutor, Judge, AND Matt Schneider should ALL BE IN PRISON! When ANY AMERICAN gets preferential treatment over ALL AMERICANS it's unconstitutional! “No State shall . . deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” CLAIMS THE 14th Amendment. But WHY IS IT that YOU or I DO NOT get treated EXACTLY THE SAME AS Matt Schneider was was Prosecutors, Judges, and Police??? I'll tell you why. Because your government views YOU and I as "Peasants" who should be treated "differently" than they treat GOVERNMENT! Just like "Animal Farm" by George Orwell says "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others" EXCEPT ONE THING..... I actually AGREE with this statement! Because WE AS AMERICANS have more rights than do Government employees! Because they CHOSE to forfeit some of their rights the day they became government employees! Besides WE ARE THE BOSSES! And should have more rights than government does! But through Deception, Fraud, Lies, and Corporate shenanigans we have ALL been taught that we need to "Sign Contracts" to get things like "Driver's License" or a Birth Certificate even... ALL OF THESE THINGS that you "Consent" to sign are CONTRACTS! Just like when you declare yourself a "Citizen" of the US does! A "Citizen" is someone who "Consented" to forfeit their Inalienable human rights as outlined in the Constitution, in return for being a Slave, who is supposedly under the protection of said corporation! A smart American would go RIGHT NOW and watch a couple of videos that will EDUCATE YOU on how this works!!! If you've not yet watched "The Occult Art of Law" and "David Straight Live From Texas" (A series) I'd head that way! BOTH are on YouTube and likely elsewhere! "Income Tax" is ONLY PAID by people who are SLAVES and considered "Citizens" of the US! "Statutes" are the same!
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