watchmanscry | Trump Tower 666: Temple of Baal

Maybe folks should give it a listen!
I don't care much for the "Globe Earth" #Symbolism at the beginning.....
But the rest is pretty spot on!

As far as the #FlatEarth goes.......
PRAY and ask for forgiveness, REPENT, ask for discernment and ask Jesus (Yahushua) to show you the #Truth!

Matthew 24:24
“For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

I have ALWAYS been a believer!
But I was "Of the World" until I was 53 years old!

#Satan was well within the driver's seat, I was semi-suicidal. My life was a real mess. And I realized that what I needed was to ADMIT I needed help from Yahuwah!

So I hit my bad knees and sincerely asked for Jesus (Yahushua) to forgive me of my many sins.... But I went further because of the LIES floating around about #Covid19, so I asked "To be shown the TRUTH!

I did NOT realize what I was asking for at the time! Seriously!
Well..... The Bible tells us that Jesus told us :

13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

And also in Mathew 21:22 it says :
“And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”

And He done EXACTLY what He said Her'd do!

The TRUTH poured all over me like maple syrup over the next two weeks!
I was literally DIZZY for about 10 days!

It's a difficult thing to learn that EVERYTHING that you THOUGHT YOU KNEW was a LIE! It was the most unique experience of my entire life!

And at that moment.... Right then and there.... I KNEW Yahuwah had heard me!
And it changed everything about my life! I was led to so much TRUTH over the next two weeks that it was hard to save it all!

One of the first things I found was

And THEN came the Flat Earth PROOFS that I could NOT argue with!
For ywears I had calld the "Fl;at Earth Guys" CRAZY!!!

Just seek TRUTH in everything you do!
And DON'T be deceived any longer!
watchmanscry | Trump Tower 666: Temple of Baal Maybe folks should give it a listen! I don't care much for the "Globe Earth" #Symbolism at the beginning..... But the rest is pretty spot on! As far as the #FlatEarth goes....... PRAY and ask for forgiveness, REPENT, ask for discernment and ask Jesus (Yahushua) to show you the #Truth! Matthew 24:24 “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.” I have ALWAYS been a believer! But I was "Of the World" until I was 53 years old! #Satan was well within the driver's seat, I was semi-suicidal. My life was a real mess. And I realized that what I needed was to ADMIT I needed help from Yahuwah! So I hit my bad knees and sincerely asked for Jesus (Yahushua) to forgive me of my many sins.... But I went further because of the LIES floating around about #Covid19, so I asked "To be shown the TRUTH! I did NOT realize what I was asking for at the time! Seriously! Well..... The Bible tells us that Jesus told us : 13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. And also in Mathew 21:22 it says : “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.” LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING RIGHT NOW.... Jesus has NEVER LIED! And He done EXACTLY what He said Her'd do! The TRUTH poured all over me like maple syrup over the next two weeks! I was literally DIZZY for about 10 days! It's a difficult thing to learn that EVERYTHING that you THOUGHT YOU KNEW was a LIE! It was the most unique experience of my entire life! And at that moment.... Right then and there.... I KNEW Yahuwah had heard me! And it changed everything about my life! I was led to so much TRUTH over the next two weeks that it was hard to save it all! One of the first things I found was 2010 AUSTRALIAN X FACTOR WINNER ALTIYAN CHILDS EXPOSES FREEMASONRY And THEN came the Flat Earth PROOFS that I could NOT argue with! For ywears I had calld the "Fl;at Earth Guys" CRAZY!!! Just seek TRUTH in everything you do! And DON'T be deceived any longer!
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