As a long-time Newtown resident and mother , I am starting a “Newtown Demands Action” movement petitioning state and federal authorities to investigate the apparent gross negligence and questionable actions surrounding the Dec. 14, 2012 traumatic event that terrorized Newtown where my children attend public school. There still remain many unanswered questions about Sandy Hook. The children witnesses interviewed by police did not describe Adam Lanza at all, but rather said the shooter wore a brown coat and looked the age of a dad. A man fitting this description was apprehended in the school parking lot that morning and could not explain why he was there. Not one child witness described Adam Lanza in any unredacted section, as exemplified in Officer Heibeck’s statement document (CSP File #00040345) and Officer Signore’s statement document (CSP File ##00040428). ~>Will we ever get a straight answer on what actually took place there other than a false flag?<~
As a long-time Newtown resident and mother , I am starting a “Newtown Demands Action” movement petitioning state and federal authorities to investigate the apparent gross negligence and questionable actions surrounding the Dec. 14, 2012 traumatic event that terrorized Newtown where my children attend public school. There still remain many unanswered questions about Sandy Hook. The children witnesses interviewed by police did not describe Adam Lanza at all, but rather said the shooter wore a brown coat and looked the age of a dad. A man fitting this description was apprehended in the school parking lot that morning and could not explain why he was there. Not one child witness described Adam Lanza in any unredacted section, as exemplified in Officer Heibeck’s statement document (CSP File #00040345) and Officer Signore’s statement document (CSP File ##00040428). ~>Will we ever get a straight answer on what actually took place there other than a false flag?<~