#killshot #vaxAIDS #genocide #CrimesAgainstHumanity
#killshot #vaxAIDS #genocide #CrimesAgainstHumanity https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/breaking-via-alex-berenson-new-chinese-study-shows-four-covid-jabs-produced-near-complete-collapse-immune-system-mice/
BREAKING via ALEX BERENSON: New Chinese Study Shows that More than Four COVID Jabs Produced Near Complete Collapse of Immune System in Mice
China researchers in Wuhan testing their viruses on mice. Alex Berenson warned earlier today that he had information on a new study that would end ALL BOOSTER SHOTS immediately. There’s a new paper. It’s bad. How bad? I’ve shown it to two physicians so far. One said he “had a seizure” reading it. The other…
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