Din gura fetelor care traia cu frati Tate si care Politiaacuza fals ca ar fi complice.
Oameni la putere au platit ca sa îi bage în puscarie find ca vorbea prea mult si expunea sistemul de Nua Ordine Mondialá.
From the mouths of the girls who are acused of being together with the Tate brothers in the false alegation against them.
People in power payed to put them behind bars because they talked too much, exposing the New Wold Order system.
ROMANIAN: Din gura fetelor care traia cu frati Tate si care Politiaacuza fals ca ar fi complice. ASCULTATI Oameni la putere au platit ca sa îi bage în puscarie find ca vorbea prea mult si expunea sistemul de Nua Ordine Mondialá. . ENGLISH: From the mouths of the girls who are acused of being together with the Tate brothers in the false alegation against them. LISTEN (READ) People in power payed to put them behind bars because they talked too much, exposing the New Wold Order system.
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