NYT Climate Prediction FAIL: Climate ‘Experts’ In 1995 Article Warned ‘Most Beaches On East Coast Could Be Gone In 25 Years’

NYT Climate Prediction FAIL: Climate ‘Experts’ In 1995 Article Warned ‘Most Beaches On East Coast Could Be Gone In 25 Years’ https://www.infowars.com/posts/nyt-climate-prediction-fail-climate-experts-in-1995-article-warned-most-beaches-on-east-coast-could-be-gone-in-25-years/
NYT Climate Prediction FAIL: Climate ‘Experts’ In 1995 Article Warned ‘Most Beaches On East Coast Could Be Gone In 25 Years’
Failed prediction emblematic of climate alarmists’ subversive efforts to scare public into supporting meaningless climate change initiatives.
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