Biden's Transhumanist Executive Order 14081 Tells Us Who is Really Running the Show in DC - The WEC Globalist Technocracy-Transhumanist NWO Ilk
Look, the dude is damaged goods. That's clear to all who have a smidgin of common sense left (a dying breed btw).
Do you really think this dementia patient came up with this new executive order on his own? Come on, man!
The executive order 14081 calls for biotechnology that can:
- “predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers,” a transhumanist practice, in service of human “health.”
The order goes on to say:
- while “the power of” biotechnology “is most vivid at the moment in the context of human health,” it “can also be used to achieve our climate and energy goals, improve food security and sustainability, secure our supply chains, and grow the economy.”
This crap is straight out of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset strategy using technocracy and transhumanism to usher in global control over humanity after they crush the current models to powder.
While eliminating a few billion or so along the way.
Biden is a sock puppet of the New World Order tyrannists acting as their spokesperson and completely under their thumb and orders.
The dude was put into place through criminality and needs gone yesterday!
Before many of us are instead.
#biden #nwo #wef #globalists #transhuman #technocracy
Biden's Transhumanist Executive Order 14081 Tells Us Who is Really Running the Show in DC - The WEC Globalist Technocracy-Transhumanist NWO Ilk
Look, the dude is damaged goods. That's clear to all who have a smidgin of common sense left (a dying breed btw).
Do you really think this dementia patient came up with this new executive order on his own? Come on, man!
The executive order 14081 calls for biotechnology that can:
- “predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers,” a transhumanist practice, in service of human “health.”
The order goes on to say:
- while “the power of” biotechnology “is most vivid at the moment in the context of human health,” it “can also be used to achieve our climate and energy goals, improve food security and sustainability, secure our supply chains, and grow the economy.”
This crap is straight out of the World Economic Forum's Great Reset strategy using technocracy and transhumanism to usher in global control over humanity after they crush the current models to powder.
While eliminating a few billion or so along the way.
Biden is a sock puppet of the New World Order tyrannists acting as their spokesperson and completely under their thumb and orders.
The dude was put into place through criminality and needs gone yesterday!
Before many of us are instead.
#biden #nwo #wef #globalists #transhuman #technocracy