Live Action: “BOMBSHELL: Planned Parenthood Officials Admit Under Oath To Selling Aborted Body Parts” (May 26, 2020) NOTE: Be sure to watch the video (14:52) provided on the website. Pro-Choice has absolutely NOTHING to do with a “Woman's Right”. It’s about the “Almighty Dollar” and sacrifices of the unborn. Planned Parenthood has been a HUGE donor to the DNC. In exchange, the DemonRats pass pro-abortion laws (And protect & fund PP via YOUR tax dollars). Have you ever wondered WHY the DemonRats push late term abortion right up to birth, or why they don’t push birth control?? Because the older the baby the more valuable they are, on the black market. They are worth more, than a baby aborted in the early stages. They deceive (Claim a woman’s right to choose) the public regarding their motives, because they can’t be honest with the American people. If the public knew the truth, they wouldn’t support it. The DemonRats push abortion instead of birth control, because there is no profit in preventative measures. It’s all about the MONEY and the sacrifices of innocent lives to Moloch (Satan), whom they worship. Liberal men on the left, who defend a “Woman’s Right” to choose, have WILLINGLY given up any rights they have to a child they have helped create. “It takes two to Tango”. The woman didn’t get pregnant, on her own! FATHERS HAVE RIGHTS!! These men need to WAKE UP, BE A MAN and FIGHT for THEIR child’s God given right to life!!
Live Action: “BOMBSHELL: Planned Parenthood Officials Admit Under Oath To Selling Aborted Body Parts” (May 26, 2020) NOTE: Be sure to watch the video (14:52) provided on the website. Pro-Choice has absolutely NOTHING to do with a “Woman's Right”. It’s about the “Almighty Dollar” and sacrifices of the unborn. Planned Parenthood has been a HUGE donor to the DNC. In exchange, the DemonRats pass pro-abortion laws (And protect & fund PP via YOUR tax dollars). Have you ever wondered WHY the DemonRats push late term abortion right up to birth, or why they don’t push birth control?? Because the older the baby the more valuable they are, on the black market. They are worth more, than a baby aborted in the early stages. They deceive (Claim a woman’s right to choose) the public regarding their motives, because they can’t be honest with the American people. If the public knew the truth, they wouldn’t support it. The DemonRats push abortion instead of birth control, because there is no profit in preventative measures. It’s all about the MONEY and the sacrifices of innocent lives to Moloch (Satan), whom they worship. Liberal men on the left, who defend a “Woman’s Right” to choose, have WILLINGLY given up any rights they have to a child they have helped create. “It takes two to Tango”. The woman didn’t get pregnant, on her own! FATHERS HAVE RIGHTS!! These men need to WAKE UP, BE A MAN and FIGHT for THEIR child’s God given right to life!!
BOMBSHELL: Planned Parenthood officials admit under oath to selling aborted body parts
A new Center for Medical Progress video shows the under-oath testimony of multiple Planned Parenthood officials admitting to selling body parts.
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