If you want to red pill your frens and family on Ukraine simply show them this clip.

George Soros set up a NGO in Ukraine right before a color revolution took place which usurped the political order and favored the globalists.

This is not a conspiracy theory.
And it's the exact same playbook they've used around the world.

As far as I'm concerned "Ukraine Under Fire" should be required viewing for any anon.
If you haven't seen it I suggest everyone take the time to watch the entire movie:

If you want to red pill your frens and family on Ukraine simply show them this clip. George Soros set up a NGO in Ukraine right before a color revolution took place which usurped the political order and favored the globalists. This is not a conspiracy theory. And it's the exact same playbook they've used around the world. As far as I'm concerned "Ukraine Under Fire" should be required viewing for any anon. If you haven't seen it I suggest everyone take the time to watch the entire movie: https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/103/494/396/original/075775b54b1801da.mp4
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