The hair of the dude from Australia is grey now, since his notable "wikileaks" years ago. I would like to have some grey hair on top of my head ... since then, I would have some there.
#JusticeIsComing #TheGreatAwakening #PowerBackToThePeople #NothingCanStopWhatisComing #TheBestIsYetToCome
#JusticeIsComing #TheGreatAwakening #PowerBackToThePeople #NothingCanStopWhatisComing #TheBestIsYetToCome
The hair of the dude from Australia is grey now, since his notable "wikileaks" years ago. I would like to have some grey hair on top of my head ... since then, I would have some there. 😂
#JusticeIsComing #TheGreatAwakening #PowerBackToThePeople #NothingCanStopWhatisComing #TheBestIsYetToCome