Brownstein explains:

“Fever is there for a purpose. We were designed perfectly to survive viral illnesses, to live to old age and have a good brain function into old age. If we support the body, if we give it the basic nutrients it needs and the basic raw materials and support that it needs, it can do really cool things.

The problem is, in the toxic world we live in, enzymes are poisoned and receptors are blocked. We take all these drugs that poison enzymes and block receptors. Fever is your friend and the fever's there for a reason. Bacteria and viruses don't like a raised body temperature. That's why the body raises the temperature during an infection.

It's trying to make the environment inhospitable for a pathogen. So, the worst thing you can do in that situation, unless the fever is too high — a fever over 103 degrees Fahrenheit, maybe 103.5 104 F., can cause brain problems and seizures and you can die from a fever.

But most people don't get fevers up that high when they're sick. They get low grade fevers, 99.5 to maybe 101, 102 F. I tell patients, don't take anything for that. Just support the body and let it do its thing.

You can control your temperature much better than using antipyretics like Tylenol or ibuprofen by taking a tepid bath or sponge bathing with tepid water. A bath with Epsom salts was very helpful for my COVID patients, and it's been helpful for other viral illnesses over the years.”
Brownstein explains: “Fever is there for a purpose. We were designed perfectly to survive viral illnesses, to live to old age and have a good brain function into old age. If we support the body, if we give it the basic nutrients it needs and the basic raw materials and support that it needs, it can do really cool things. The problem is, in the toxic world we live in, enzymes are poisoned and receptors are blocked. We take all these drugs that poison enzymes and block receptors. Fever is your friend and the fever's there for a reason. Bacteria and viruses don't like a raised body temperature. That's why the body raises the temperature during an infection. It's trying to make the environment inhospitable for a pathogen. So, the worst thing you can do in that situation, unless the fever is too high — a fever over 103 degrees Fahrenheit, maybe 103.5 104 F., can cause brain problems and seizures and you can die from a fever. But most people don't get fevers up that high when they're sick. They get low grade fevers, 99.5 to maybe 101, 102 F. I tell patients, don't take anything for that. Just support the body and let it do its thing. You can control your temperature much better than using antipyretics like Tylenol or ibuprofen by taking a tepid bath or sponge bathing with tepid water. A bath with Epsom salts was very helpful for my COVID patients, and it's been helpful for other viral illnesses over the years.”
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