I have neglected posting on the Gold Standard Post blog for some time as you can see from previous posting dates….

I have been very active on Social Media during the Election cycle, trying to understand what is happening and possibly having some impact on what was going on…. Apparently, I and many others have failed to have any kind of impact whatsoever….. The lines are drawn – there is no turning the train from this wreck.

Abraham Lincoln saw this coming – He warned us with his famous “House Divided Speech” in June of 1858. He saw the decay and rot that could come with people having too much, for too long – to the point of thinking it was something that would last forever, without effort, fore thought, hard work and shed of blood.

This is where we are right now….

The 2008 election was an indicator of the train coming off the rails. Eight years of race bating, anti- Law Enforcement vitriol and failure to uphold the Rule of Law took it’s toll. The same eight years of public school Indoctrination, Fear Mongering and Main Stream Media propaganda primed American Citizens, willing to look the other way, for the 2016 elections.

The 2016 election between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton showed basically a 50/50 split in America…. And, once again, the 2020 election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden showed a solid 50/50 split in America.

What exactly does that mean? – 50 percent of the people living in America right now DO NOT believe in the Constitution as written by our Founding Fathers, they think they are smarter than the very people that created this country they walk around in every day and bitch about. They think the Rule of Law should only apply to their political opponents – Not Them…. They run around with their feeling perpetually hurt and constantly looking for something to be offended about. They live in fear of fear itself to one degree or another every day of their lives… They have no coping skills, no data gathering skills, no Common Sense to chase them from the little cell phone screen that have become their entire life, their entire source of information parroted to them at the touch of a button.

50% of the people who enjoy citizenship by birth, just handed to them, find the Freedom of Movement, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Self Determination and Unlimited Liberty a burden in their small self centered world. They MUST have someone to tell them what to do, what to think, how to react, when to be upset – but they NEVER understand how to take control of their own lives, take charge and responsibility for their own destiny.

Will a confirmation of Donald Trump in 2020, as President, resolve this crisis – NO, it will only delay the continued spiral into total decay of the United States. A confirmation of Joe Biden will only hasten the inevitable.

Want to prove me wrong, please do, I would love to be wrong, But – …. Ask your children, grand children, neighbors, co-workers, church brethren this question: If America comes under attack, within it’s own shores, would you take up arms to protect your country and it’s people? Good luck getting anything close to 50% that say they would stand up for their Liberties… They will wait for someone else to stand up… After that, you will not even dare ask them to stand up for America on foreign shores like we did in WWII, they will let EVERYONE else stand alone, no matter how bad the threat to their lives and Freedoms. These people are the bottom feeders living off millions of Americans who sacrificed to give them the ability to enjoy their Liberty without participation.

Where Do We Go From Here? …

First and the hardest is to get past the denial of what is staring us in the face… Then we have to evaluate the chances of things changing, in spite of our best efforts. Let’s see – 20 years of decline, back to Bill Clinton, and that is really being conservative. In any ones book, that establishes a small Trend out of the 245 plus years this country has existed.

So, the next question is – What could honestly change the direction America is headed to preserve this nation?

Sadly, I see nothing changing to fix it. The old days of going to War to bolster political blunders have past. America could not put enough youth together for any kind of Wartime action at this time… If the draft was implemented, the Canadian border would be over run with deserters. American parents continue to succumb to turning their children over to the public indoctrination camps referred to as schools. The indoctrination is now K thru 12 in addition to the Colloges. The Teachers have bought into Socialism as common practice, altering everything from Math to History. Americans have proven to vote for the same incapable politicians to represent them year after year, all the while complaining about being disenfranchised. Americans are no longer required to serve their country in the advancement of their Liberties. Americans have given up their Constitutional Rights with not so much as a whimper during the current government declared epidemic, by not questioning loss of Freedom of Movement, Restrictions to Gathering and even limitation imposed during Voting for their next ‘leader’.

At the current rate Americans are voluntarily giving up their Rights and Freedoms, there is no stopping the Train Wreck.. So, that being said –

What Now? –

Well, if a Hurricane is roaring toward you, you can Stay or Evacuate – Which are you prepared to do?

If a Tornado it on your front door step, you can Stand Up or Take Cover – Which would you do?

If you get word that a catastrophic event is eminent, you can do nothing or prepare – What would you do?

Stay, Take Cover & Prepare….. sounds good to me. Buckle Up, It is going to be a rough ride…… and 50% have no idea how wrong they are and what it is going to cost them.

At my age, I will thankfully never see the total damage to come, but I have enough time left that I will see many shocked looks on the Freeloaders faces when it starts to come to pass.

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